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Monday, September 25, 2006
The following logging contributions are additional selections not included in my Monitoring Times SWBC Loggings column, due to space constraints. Looks like the DX season is off to a good start. Have you sent your logs in yet ? Contributions are always welcome, and may be directed to my email address posted at the Monitoring Times website at
http://www.monitoringtimes.com/. If contributing logs to this blog, please label your email BLOG LOGS.
Thanks very much.
All times UTC/ kHz // parallel station. English unless otherwise stated.* sign-on sign-off*
Argentina: R. Continental 15820 LSB, 2101-2113. Announcer's coverage of soccer game. (M. Mendez, Spain/Cumbre DX)
Australia: VL8A Alice Springs 4835, 0805. C&W music //4910 VL8T Tennant Creek.9/24/06 (D. Valko, PA/Cumbre DX) VL8T 4910, 0824-0830*. (D'Angelo, PA/NASWA Flash Sheet)
Bolivia: R. San Jose 5580.31, 2235-2245. Spanish. Romantic music ballads w/very strong signal. SINPO 35433. (A. Slaen, Argentina) R. Santa Cruz 6134.83, 0940-0950 Spanish. ID with poor signal w/ co-channel signal splatter. Emisoras Pio XII, 5952.43, 0120-0130 Spanish. Ads or promos w/poor signal. (C. Bolland, FL/Cumbre DX) R. Eco 4409.8, 2243-2252. Bolivian music to ads and ID. R. Estambul 4498.1, 2317-2325; R. Santa Ana 4650, 2311-2317. (M. Mendez, Spain/Cumbre DX) R. Reyes 4409.7, 2326+. Local ads w/ SINPO 25332; R. Virgen de Remedios 4545.3, 2103+ w/ program on family & society SINPO 35333; R. Cruz de Sur 4876, 2320+ w/religious programming; R. San Jose 5580.2, 2115+ melodic music w/ SINPO 25332.(A. Slaen, Argentina)
Brazil: R. Rio Mar, Manaus 9695, 1000-1025.Portuguese. Political news roundup. (M. Mendez, Spain/Cumbred DX) R. Transmundial 9530, 2210-2225 News & Braz pops to ID. Radio Aparecida 9630, 2150-2200; R. Marumby 9665, 2230-2245; R. Cancao Nova 9675, 2230-2250; R. Guaiba 11785, 2140-2145.R. Globo 11805, 1920-1935. (T.Banks, TX)
Bulgaria: R. Varna 9300, 0037-0048.Bulgarian/English. Pop ballads to brief "Radio Varna" ID at 0043. Fair signal. (S. Barbour, NH)
Canada: CFRX. 6070, 1610-1710. Newscast to call-in program and 'News Talk' promo. (T. Banks, TX)
Clandestines: R. Zamaneh via Armavir, Russia 6245, 2050-2100. Farsi. Talk by male to news and station announcements. Music at 2100. SINPO 24432. R. Republic Arab Saharui 7425, 223-2230 Arabic. (A.Slaen, Argentina) China-Sound of Hope 7310, 1258-1400* (J. Wilkins, CO)
Colombia: R. Lider, Bogota 6139.9, 0520-0600. Spanish. Several IDs with AM/SW freq quote. news promos and network promo. (M. Mendez, Spain/Cumbre DX) 1013-1027. (S. Barbour, NH) Marfil Estereo 5910, 0635-0710. SINPO 34333. (M. Mendez, Spaiin/Cumbre DX)
Cuba: R. Rebelde 9505, 1103-1109. Spanish. Haciendo Radio program to news of Cuba and ID. (M.Mendez, Spain/Cumbre DX)
Cuba: R. Habana 12000, 1110-1123. Spanish. "Despertar con Cuba" feature to news as "noticias de America Latina. (M. Mendez, Spain/Cumbre DX)
Cuba: R. Nacional de Venezuela-Canal Internacional via R. Habana Cuba.6180, 1022-1030 Spanish. Music by "Tambor Urbano". Station ID w/SINPO 44444. (A. Slaen, Argentina)
Cyprus: BBC relay 7120, 0425 w/sports news to ID. (D. Hadley, TN)
Egypt: R. Cairo 11950, 2310-2335 Qu'ran recitations to time tips, anthem and newscast. Arabic vocals to feature on Egypt. (H. Frodge, MI)
Equatorial Guinea: R. Nacinal de Guinea, Bata 5005, 2210-2215 Spanish. Talk about social security. R. East Africa, Malabo 15190, 1010-1020. (A. Slaen, Argentina)
Germany: Deutsche Welle. 15705, 1610-1625 Historical feature on Germany to ID. (T. Banks, TX)
Guatemala: R. Cultura Coatan 4780.1, 1034-1046. Spanish. Music, talk and ID. Fair w/ static. (S. Barbour, NH)
Indonesia: RRI Ternate 3345.02, 1159-1203. Indonesian. Interval signl to Jakarta program relay. Fair/poor signal. (C. Wilkins, CO)
Japan: R. Nikkei 9595, 1301-1330*. English language lessons to closing ID w/info to 1330*. (C. Wilkins, CO)
Kuwait: R. Kuwait 11990, 1605-1620. Arabic. Call to Prayers into recitations. Station ID to regional music. (F. Hillton, SC)
Malaysia: Asyik FM/RTM 6049.64, 1131-1140. Arabic. Program noted w/Qu'ran recitations. (J. Wilkins, CO)
Oman: BBC relay 15180, 0410-0440. Station IDs to interviews and sports roundup report. (D. Hadley, TN)
Papua New Guinea: NBC 4890, 1230-1245. Pidgin/English. Multi languages for pop news and items from NBC network. Radio Central 3290, 1215-1220 Very week w/ezl music and news. R. East New Britain 3385, 1210-1220 (D. Hadley, TN)
Pirate: WBNY-R. Bunny 6925USB 2331-2336. Several IDs for WBNY & R. Bunny w/ parody tunes. Station mail drop address w/ fair signal. (J. Woods, TN)
Russia: R. Rossii 5920,0859-0910. Canned ID at 0859 as "Radio Rossii" ID to time signal tips. Russian newscast. 9/25/06 (C.Bolland, FL/Cumbre DX) 7201, 1034-1049 //7345. (S. Barbour, NH)
Singapore: R. Singapore Int'l 7235, 1041-1103. Vernacular. OM/YL announcers to music. ID at 1100 into presumed news. Poor signal. (S. Barbour, NH)
Spain: China R. Int'l relay 9690, 0325-0340. CRI news items to station fetures. (F. Hillton, SC)
Taiwan: R. Taiwan Int'l. 6150, 0950-1000. (Tentative) Mandarin comments w/China Firedrake signal in background. 9/25/06. (C. Bolland, FL/Cumbre DX)
Tajikistan: R. Dushanbe 4635, 2057+. Local music to ID and announcements. (A. Slaen, Argentina)
USA: Armed Forces Radio-Hawaii.6350, 0933-0945. Baseball scores to CNN news promo. "You are listeing to Sports Overnight America. Fair signal. 9/25/06 (C. Bolland, FL/Cumbre DX)