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Saturday, May 10, 2008
Monitoring observation on Eritrea
All times UTC // parallel freqs
5100 Radio Bana, Asmara (tent), *0400-0430 fade out, Apr 25, 27 and 29, vernacular talk and Horn of Africa style songs, utility QRM, 21331. It was not \\ 7175. (Anker Petersen-DEN and Roland Schulze-D, dswci DXW Apr 30)
5100.00 Probably Ethiopian jammer, 1630-1702*, Apr 27, broadcasting in Vernacular with talks about Eritrea and Horn of Africa songs, closing announcement and fanfare, (not \\ any other heard Ethiopian frequencies), occasional utility QRM, 34333. But a more faint station below continued till 1802* with improved strength, probably Radio Bana in Tigrinya (?) with phone in- program and short interludes of Horn of Africa music, mentioned Eritrea at least twice, 1800 National hymn by choir, 25222 - 35333. (Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci DXW Apr 30)
Eritrean station probably was the Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea, Asmara, also heard 1746-1803*, Apr 22, vernacular talks, music; \\ to 7999.4, 12441, QRM from Ethiopian jamming signal with normal programs. (Carlos Goncalves-POR via Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci DXW Apr 30)
I suppose the conclusion is that Eritrea tries to avoid Ethiopian jamming with their Amharic transmissions or when Ethiopia relay clandestine programs by using different frequencies like 5100, 8000, 6170 and earlier 7800 and 7900. (Mauno Ritola-FIN, dswci DXW, Apr 27)
7175.00, Voice of the Broad Masses, Asmara (pres), 0400-0410, Apr 27 and 29, Arabic news, music from Horn of Africa, QRM from co-channel Radio Liberty, Lampertheim in Russian, 33433. Also heard 1625-1635, Apr 27, two stations heard, one talking in an East African language and the other playing Horm of Africa music, 34333. Eritrea on 7100 was not on the air. (Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci DXW Apr 30)
7999.42, Voice of the Broad Masses, Asmara, jammed from Ethiopia by digital QRM on 8000 until 1700*, Apr 22 and 27, or on Apr 23 at 1640- 1703*, by vernacular talks and songs, 35433. But afterwards a faint signal faded in and was heard at 1750-1803*, Vernacular talks \\ 5100, 14121. (Anker Petersen-DEN, dswci DXW Apr 30)
(Source: WWDXC Top News, BC-DX #859 via wb, Germany)