This current Radio Free Asia summer schedule, supersedes all other RFA
schedules that have recently been published in hobby newsletters, email news groups and blogs, as part of the
IBB/BBG frequency adjustments from July 1, 2014.
This version, directly from the station’s frequency manager, is effective
July 12. It does not separate the various language services, by broadcast days,
or “frequency hopping.” Instead, it reflects what Radio Free Asia is currently broadcasting at what time and frequency. Any
adjustments to this schedule will be posted as those occur.
Gayle Van Horn W4GVH
All times UTC
Programming is targeted to Asia
0030-0130 9940 12115 15700
1230-1330 7390 9335 13870
1330-1400 7390 9335 12140
1400-1430 7390 9335
1630-1730 9940
1400-1500 *FNP
2200-2300 *FNP
1230-1330 12140
2230-2330 13740
1500-1700 1188 5820 7210 7455
1700-1900 1188 5820 9975
2100-2200 7460 9610 11945
0000-0100 15690
1100-1200 15120
0300-0400 13710 17495 17615 17855
0400-0500 13790 15615 17855 21505
0500-0600 13790 15615 17855 21690
0600-0700 13790 15615 17790 17810
1500-1600 9455 13675 15205 15430
1600-1630 9455 11685 13675 15560
1630-1700 9695 11685 13675 15560
1700-1800 5890 7395 9355 9745
1800-1900 5890 9355 9745 11555
1900-2000 1098 5890 7260 9355 9745
2000-2100 1098 5890 6140 7260 7435 9355 9745
2100-2200 1098 5890 7435 9335 9690
2300-2400 9440 11785 15570
0100-0200 9680 9885 11695 17730 *FNP
0200-0300 9885 11695 11745 17730 *FNP
0600-0700 17510 21550 21690 *FNP
1000-1100 13680 15620 *FNP
1100-1200 7470 13830 15195 *FNP
1200-1400 7470 11605 13830 15195 *FNP
1500-1600 9370 11795 *FNP
2200-2300 7505 9370 *FNP
2300-2400 6075 9805 9815 9875
0100-0200 9350 9400 9780 11640 11945
1600-1700 9370 9555 9975 11560
1400-1430 1503
2300-2400 1503
*FNP – Frequency Not Promoted
(Harry Scott & A.J. Janitschek-RFA)