
All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on / sign-off*
15344.17, Radio Nacional, 2300-2320. Futbol game with the usual exaggerated "g-o-a-ls". Spanish announcements,promos. “Radio Nacional” IDs. Fair. // 6060 - poor with co-channel interference from Brazil‘s Super Radio Deus é Amor. (Alexander, PA)
15344.20, Radio Nacional, 0204-0227.* Excellent program of Bossa Nova songs. Signal mostly fair till suddenly off in mid-song. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
11710.8 RAE, *0158-0223. Interval signal followed by time pips at top of the hour. Opening music and multilingual station IDs. Opening of English program at 0202 with Argentine vocal selections. Poor to fair. (Rich D’Angelo, PA/NASWA Flashsheet )
3310 Radio Mosoj Chaski, 0904. Quechua. Announcer with distinctive indigenous music. Poor with fair peaks. (Taylor, WI/NASWA Flashsheet)
3310, Radio Moso Chaski, 0945-1000. Steady threshold signal. Observed steady music between noise crashes. Female's comments in Spanish after each song.(Chuck Bolland, FL).
4700, Radio San Miguel (presumed), 0231-0302. Spanish with Latin American pop songs. Signal too weak to ID. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
4716.698, Radio Yura (presumed), Aillu Yura, 0030-0212.* Threshold audio strengthening by 0100. Long Andean vocals, occasional talk by man. Poor signal with occasional voice USB interference. (Brandon Jordan, TN)
4795.89, Radio Lipez (tentative), Uyuni, *0858-1034.* Threshold audio, perhaps abbreviated schedule for Sunday morning. (Brandon Jordan, TN) Subsequent monitoring *0848-1100 threshold audio, briefly peaking between 1030-1040 with monologue by male speaker, perhaps inspirational.
4795.84, Radio Mallku (Radio Lipez),(tentative), 0950-1000. Regretably there's some confusion here by me. EIBI says Lipez as the name of this station and AOKI says it's Mallku. At this time there's so much noise from the atmosphere that it's difficult even to hear the signal let alone any details or names. Noted a female in Spanish comments between music selections.(Chuck Bolland, FL)
5952.44, Emisoras Pio XII, 1044-1105. Announcers' Spanish comments between musical selections. At 1046 a female comments briefly, 1049 noted canned aDs or promos presented. Signal was fair but not very clear due to splatter and noise.(Chuck Bolland, FL).
5952.43, Emisoras Pio XII, 1030-1045. Noted weak signal with a religious preaching mode until 1031, followed by additional Spanish comments. Signal was weak and poor with plenty of noise. (Chuck Bolland,FL).
6134.77, Radio Santa Cruz, 1030-1045. Male/female announcers' comments and teaching something. Signal is a fair level for the time being. (Chuck Bolland, FL)
6134.82, Radio Santa Cruz, 0900-0950. Noted a brief program of religious service. This was followed with a flute type interval signal. At 0901 opening canned ID "... Radio Santa Cruz ...". Music follows with a tune about Radio Santa Cruz. Another canned ID, then more music. Finally at 0908, a male in live Spanish comments opens the programming. This all was the same format heard on Saturday morning at 0900. Usually, the signal is buried in the noise, but the last couple of days it's been a different story. The quality of the signal has been good at least for the first 20 minutes after 0900 UTC.(Chuck Bolland, FL)
6134.84, Radio Santa Cruz, 0902-0915. Noted an interval signal followed by full canned
ID as ".. Radio Santa Cruz ..." At 0906 local type music presented which turned out to be a song about Radio Santa Cruz with flutes and singing. After the music another canned ID. At 0910 a live female and male comment in Spanish. Signal is starting to deteriorate from a good to a poor. (Chuck Bolland,FL)
6134.81 Radio Santa Cruz 0948-1005. Announcer's comments in Spanish. Programming seemed to be community and church news. Nice Bolivian music at 0950, programming followed by more announcements. Time checks for UTC-4. Pretty good signal at tune-in but dropped quickly by 1000 UTC. ID noted at 1005(John Wilkins, CO/Cumbre DX)
6155.36, Radio Fides, 1025-1035. Female announcer in live Spanish comments. She is joined by a male who comments briefly. At 1030 comments continue. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, FL) 6155.36, Radio Fides, 1036-1045. Spanish comments to 1037, followed by female comments. Format possibly news or commentary type program. Signal was beginning to drop into the noise by 1040. (Chuck Bolland,FL)
6155.31, Radio Fides (presumed), 0156-0203.* Spanish with traditional flute music and singing till off in mid-song. First time I have heard them this high in frequency. Signal best reception in a while, as I usually just have a carrier with no audio. A good evening for Bolivian reception! (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
4865, Radio Alvadora, Londrina (presumed), 0602-0610> Portugués comentario religioso. SINPO 14321. (Manuel Méndez/Cumbre DX)
4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, 0557-0620. Programa "Clube da Madrugada", canciones brasileñas, identificación: "Onda Tropical, 4885 kHz, Radio Clube do Pará, Pará, Clube da Madrugada" SINPO 25432. (Manuel Méndez/Cumbre DX)
4914.963, Rádio Difusora, Macapá AC, 0030-0616.* Signal fading up to almost fair level by 0100, pop and ballads, "Rádio Difusora de Macapá" ID by man, slight echo efx. No sign of the other Brazilians tonight, and Macapá transmitter cut-off at 0616 leaving channel empty. (Brandon Jordan-TN) Subsequent monitoring 4914.978v, *0758, back on but threshold signal and slowly drifting downward, 4914.968 by 0900. (Brandon Jordan, TN)
4915, Radiodifsuora Macapá, Macapá, 0505-0540. Locutor comentarios, canciones brasileñas, portugués. SINPO 34433. (Manuel Méndez/Cumbre DX)
4915, Radiodifusora Macapá, Macapá, 0550-0557. Canciones brasileñas, identificación, locutor: "Radiodifusora Macapá, Macapá", anuncios comerciales. SINPO 25432. (Manuel Méndez/Cumbre DX)
4915.028v, Rádio Daqui AM, Goiânia GO, *0900. Station sign-on with full canned ID by man mentioning multiple frequencies, greetings by announcer directly into latin ballad. Dominant over co-channel Rádio Difusora de Macapá causing a low rumble, strong CODAR. Drifting down to 4915.022 by 1000 UT. (Brandon Jordan, TN).
4964.960, Rádio Alvorada (presumed), Parintins AM, *0846-1010. Signal poor, low-key religious talk, inspirational music. Very slight peak around 0953 UT Parintins sunrise. (Brandon Jordan, TN)
4985, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0458-0510. Canciones brasileñas, locutor,comentarios, portugués. SINPO 24322. (Manuel Méndez/Cumbre DX)
4985.003, Rádio Brasil Central, Goiânia GO, 0030-0200. Female DJ spinning pop Brazilian vocals, canned ID 0101 by man mentioning multiple frequencies then "Rádio Brasil Central, Goiânia, Goiânia". Initially poor but rapidly improving to excellent by 0100. Started fading after 0200 and remained at threshold level the rest of the night. (Brandon Jordan, TN)
5044.984, Rádio Cultura, Belém PA, 0430-1000. Overnight music programs: Madrugada Cultura until 0600 then seamlessly morphing into Geração MPB (Música Popular Brasileira). Same laid back male announcer, variety Brazilian music, full "Cultura FM, Belém, Pará, Amazônia" ID at 0611, occasional "Cultura F-M" or program IDs between ever two or three
songs. Huge signal all night despite RHC on 5040, not fading until just before 1000 UT. (Brandon Jordan, TN)
5055, Radio Difusora, Cáceres, 0958-1010. Male announcer "compromisso com a verdade, Difusora!..", seems news program. Deep fades, SINPO 24222 (Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Brazil/Cumbre DX)
5055, Radio Difusora Caceres, 0142-0204. Portuguese. Easy-listening style music to pops, ballads and occasional announcer between selections. Station ID announcement and jingle at 0201. Couple of ads then back to music. Fair signal quality. (Scott Barbour, NH)
5940, Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, 2107-2135. Portugués locutor, comentario religioso. SINPO 24322. (Manuel Méndez/Cumbre DX)
6185, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 0510-0750. Canciones brasileñas, identificación: Radio Nacional da Amazonia", comentarios. Señal fuerte, eclipsando completamente a Radio Educación de México, cuando lo normal es que a esa hora se escucha a la emisora mexicana. SINPO 44444. (Manuel Méndez/Cumbre DX)
9587.32, Super Radio Deus é Amor, 0510-0530.+ Portuguese preacher. Weak but readable. // 9564.56, 11765. (Brian Alexander, PA)
9665, Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, 0543-0555. Locutor en portugués, comentario religioso. En paralelo con 5940. SINPO 24322. (Manuel Méndez/Cumbre DX)
11780, Radio Nacional do Amazonia, 0325-0345.* Local pop music. Portuguese talk. Abrupt sign off. Good signal. (Brian Alexander, PA)
12175, 11355, Super Radio Deus é Amor, 0515-0530.+ Weak, unstable, distorted spurs from 11765 with Portuguese preacher. Spurs +/- 410 kHz away from 11765. Best in AM mode.
// 9564.56, 9587.32, 11765. (Brian Alexander, PA)
5910, Marfil Estereo, Lomalinda, 0511-0710. Canciones latinoamericanas, locutor, identificación: "La hora en Marfil Estereo,es la 1 con 56 minutos". SINPO 23322. (Manuel Méndez/Cumbre DX)
6035.01, LV del Guaviare, 0959-1030.+ Station ID to Spanish religious talk. Religious recitations. Poor. Weak with adjacent channel splatter. (Brian Alexander, PA)
6050, HCJB, Pichincha, *0827-0834. Inicio transmisión con himno, a las 0830 señales horarias, comentarios en quechua por locutor y locutora. SINPO 14321. (Manuel Méndez/Cumbre DX)
3290, Voice of Guyana, 0940-1000. Radio program of religious music with a female in English comments. Signal was poor and mixing with another station which could have been Radio Central, Papua New Guinea.(Chuck Bolland, FL).
4774.95, Radio Tarma, 1010-1015. Noted steady Peruvian huaynos music at tune in. Actual signal noted as only threshold at this time. (Chuck Bolland, FL).
4789.55v, Radio Visión, Chiclayo, 0350-1115. Generally poor overnight but much improved from 0800z onward. Typical La Voz del la Salvación content, male preaching in what sounds to be a large, echoey auditorium. Appears to be local programming after 0800 with Andean vocals, Radio Visión ID at 0857. Back to La Voz del la Salvación at 0930. (Brandon Jordan, TN)Subsequent monitoring 4789.56v, 0115-0730, much better overnight but signal
fading by 0730 and remaining generally threshold the rest of the morning. (Brandon Jordan, TN)
4790, Radio Vision (Chiclayo)(presumed) 0159. Spanish. Waling and speaking in tongues segment through 0200. (Taylor, WI/NASWA Flashsheet)
4790, Radio Visión, Chiclayo, 0516-0540. Locutor en comentario religioso, español. SINPO 14321. (Manuel Méndez/Cumbre DX)
4974.8, Radio del Pacífico, Lima, 0533-0606. Locutor en español, comentario religioso, canciones, locutora anunciando "apartado de correos...". SINPO 14321. (Manuel Méndez/Cumbre DX)
4824.46v, La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos, *1048-1110. Lively vocal at sign-on, greetings by low key male announcer at 1052 mentioning Iquitos and FM, into a monologue. Fair signal but poor modulation, fading rapidly. (Brandon Jordan, TN)
4826.26, Radio Sicuani, 0955-1015. Noted a male in comments followed with Peruvian huaynos
type music. On the hour noted a lot of chatter from the male. Signal was poor, but by 1015 the signal was improved to a fair level. Still hearing Spanish comments.(Chuck Bolland, FL)
3329.60, Radio Ondas Del Huallaga, 1002-1008. Noted a carrier under CHU's signal. Some
tuning, heard a very threshold signal of music possibly? (Chuck Bolland, FL)
4746.93, Radio Huanta Dos Mil, 1007-1015. At tune in, noted a male and female in Spanish with comments to Peruvian huaynos music at 010 Huaynos music presented. Signal was fair.
(Chuck Bolland, FL)
4974.73, Radio Del Pacifico, 1018-1030. Seemed to be an audio portion to this with music, but the noise and late time made it very difficult to hear.(Chuck Bolland, FL)
4850.28, Radio Genesis (tentative), Huanta, 0030-1130. Overnight signal, threshold audio from 0100-0200 and then again at 1119 UT, just after Huanta sunrise, barely able to make out vocal. They appear to been off Aug 1 to 3, this is the first sign of them I have seen. (Brandon Jordan, TN)
4950.062, Radio Madre de Dios (tentative), Pt Maldonado, *1032-1110. Only threshold audio noted and quickly fading from 1100 UT. (Brandon Jordan, TN)
5486.63, La Reina De La Selva, 1025. Noted a suspicious carrier here, but no audio heard.
(Chuck Bolland, FL)
5921.30, Radio Bethel,(presumed) 1032-1045. At tune-in, noted religious type music presented. The music continues without any comments. Stayed with this until the hour, but never heard any comments. Signal was fair to begin with, but fade into the noise by the hour.(Chuck Bolland, FL)
6019.26, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0559-0900. In the clear after Sackville QRT at 0559 until Australia 0900 sign-on preaching until 0601, La Voz de la Liberación ID, Beethoven theme and Radio Victoria ID at 0602. Long La Voz de la Liberación promo, children speaking. Good
strength signal except for occasional slop from massive Cuba 6010. (Brandon Jordan, TN).
4990, Radio Apintie, Paramaribo. 0716-0721. English romantic music selections. Interference from co-channel 4985, SINPO 33232 (Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Brazil/Cumbre DX)
4989.984, Radio Apintie, Paramaribo, 0600-1000. Occasional peaks with pop music, talk my man, woman. Minor but steady peak just after 0936 UT sunrise in Paramaribo with monologue by man in likely Dutch, religious vocals. Occasional interference from Spanish chatter,
perhaps Pescadores, on 4991.4 USB. (Brandon Jordan, TN)
15344.17, Radio Nacional, 2300-2320. Futbol game with the usual exaggerated "g-o-a-ls". Spanish announcements,promos. “Radio Nacional” IDs. Fair. // 6060 - poor with co-channel interference from Brazil‘s Super Radio Deus é Amor. (Alexander, PA)
15344.20, Radio Nacional, 0204-0227.* Excellent program of Bossa Nova songs. Signal mostly fair till suddenly off in mid-song. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
11710.8 RAE, *0158-0223. Interval signal followed by time pips at top of the hour. Opening music and multilingual station IDs. Opening of English program at 0202 with Argentine vocal selections. Poor to fair. (Rich D’Angelo, PA/NASWA Flashsheet )
3310 Radio Mosoj Chaski, 0904. Quechua. Announcer with distinctive indigenous music. Poor with fair peaks. (Taylor, WI/NASWA Flashsheet)
3310, Radio Moso Chaski, 0945-1000. Steady threshold signal. Observed steady music between noise crashes. Female's comments in Spanish after each song.(Chuck Bolland, FL).
4700, Radio San Miguel (presumed), 0231-0302. Spanish with Latin American pop songs. Signal too weak to ID. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
4716.698, Radio Yura (presumed), Aillu Yura, 0030-0212.* Threshold audio strengthening by 0100. Long Andean vocals, occasional talk by man. Poor signal with occasional voice USB interference. (Brandon Jordan, TN)
4795.89, Radio Lipez (tentative), Uyuni, *0858-1034.* Threshold audio, perhaps abbreviated schedule for Sunday morning. (Brandon Jordan, TN) Subsequent monitoring *0848-1100 threshold audio, briefly peaking between 1030-1040 with monologue by male speaker, perhaps inspirational.
4795.84, Radio Mallku (Radio Lipez),(tentative), 0950-1000. Regretably there's some confusion here by me. EIBI says Lipez as the name of this station and AOKI says it's Mallku. At this time there's so much noise from the atmosphere that it's difficult even to hear the signal let alone any details or names. Noted a female in Spanish comments between music selections.(Chuck Bolland, FL)
5952.44, Emisoras Pio XII, 1044-1105. Announcers' Spanish comments between musical selections. At 1046 a female comments briefly, 1049 noted canned aDs or promos presented. Signal was fair but not very clear due to splatter and noise.(Chuck Bolland, FL).
5952.43, Emisoras Pio XII, 1030-1045. Noted weak signal with a religious preaching mode until 1031, followed by additional Spanish comments. Signal was weak and poor with plenty of noise. (Chuck Bolland,FL).
6134.77, Radio Santa Cruz, 1030-1045. Male/female announcers' comments and teaching something. Signal is a fair level for the time being. (Chuck Bolland, FL)
6134.82, Radio Santa Cruz, 0900-0950. Noted a brief program of religious service. This was followed with a flute type interval signal. At 0901 opening canned ID "... Radio Santa Cruz ...". Music follows with a tune about Radio Santa Cruz. Another canned ID, then more music. Finally at 0908, a male in live Spanish comments opens the programming. This all was the same format heard on Saturday morning at 0900. Usually, the signal is buried in the noise, but the last couple of days it's been a different story. The quality of the signal has been good at least for the first 20 minutes after 0900 UTC.(Chuck Bolland, FL)
6134.84, Radio Santa Cruz, 0902-0915. Noted an interval signal followed by full canned
ID as ".. Radio Santa Cruz ..." At 0906 local type music presented which turned out to be a song about Radio Santa Cruz with flutes and singing. After the music another canned ID. At 0910 a live female and male comment in Spanish. Signal is starting to deteriorate from a good to a poor. (Chuck Bolland,FL)
6134.81 Radio Santa Cruz 0948-1005. Announcer's comments in Spanish. Programming seemed to be community and church news. Nice Bolivian music at 0950, programming followed by more announcements. Time checks for UTC-4. Pretty good signal at tune-in but dropped quickly by 1000 UTC. ID noted at 1005(John Wilkins, CO/Cumbre DX)
6155.36, Radio Fides, 1025-1035. Female announcer in live Spanish comments. She is joined by a male who comments briefly. At 1030 comments continue. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, FL) 6155.36, Radio Fides, 1036-1045. Spanish comments to 1037, followed by female comments. Format possibly news or commentary type program. Signal was beginning to drop into the noise by 1040. (Chuck Bolland,FL)
6155.31, Radio Fides (presumed), 0156-0203.* Spanish with traditional flute music and singing till off in mid-song. First time I have heard them this high in frequency. Signal best reception in a while, as I usually just have a carrier with no audio. A good evening for Bolivian reception! (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
4865, Radio Alvadora, Londrina (presumed), 0602-0610> Portugués comentario religioso. SINPO 14321. (Manuel Méndez/Cumbre DX)
4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, 0557-0620. Programa "Clube da Madrugada", canciones brasileñas, identificación: "Onda Tropical, 4885 kHz, Radio Clube do Pará, Pará, Clube da Madrugada" SINPO 25432. (Manuel Méndez/Cumbre DX)
4914.963, Rádio Difusora, Macapá AC, 0030-0616.* Signal fading up to almost fair level by 0100, pop and ballads, "Rádio Difusora de Macapá" ID by man, slight echo efx. No sign of the other Brazilians tonight, and Macapá transmitter cut-off at 0616 leaving channel empty. (Brandon Jordan-TN) Subsequent monitoring 4914.978v, *0758, back on but threshold signal and slowly drifting downward, 4914.968 by 0900. (Brandon Jordan, TN)
4915, Radiodifsuora Macapá, Macapá, 0505-0540. Locutor comentarios, canciones brasileñas, portugués. SINPO 34433. (Manuel Méndez/Cumbre DX)
4915, Radiodifusora Macapá, Macapá, 0550-0557. Canciones brasileñas, identificación, locutor: "Radiodifusora Macapá, Macapá", anuncios comerciales. SINPO 25432. (Manuel Méndez/Cumbre DX)
4915.028v, Rádio Daqui AM, Goiânia GO, *0900. Station sign-on with full canned ID by man mentioning multiple frequencies, greetings by announcer directly into latin ballad. Dominant over co-channel Rádio Difusora de Macapá causing a low rumble, strong CODAR. Drifting down to 4915.022 by 1000 UT. (Brandon Jordan, TN).
4964.960, Rádio Alvorada (presumed), Parintins AM, *0846-1010. Signal poor, low-key religious talk, inspirational music. Very slight peak around 0953 UT Parintins sunrise. (Brandon Jordan, TN)
4985, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0458-0510. Canciones brasileñas, locutor,comentarios, portugués. SINPO 24322. (Manuel Méndez/Cumbre DX)
4985.003, Rádio Brasil Central, Goiânia GO, 0030-0200. Female DJ spinning pop Brazilian vocals, canned ID 0101 by man mentioning multiple frequencies then "Rádio Brasil Central, Goiânia, Goiânia". Initially poor but rapidly improving to excellent by 0100. Started fading after 0200 and remained at threshold level the rest of the night. (Brandon Jordan, TN)
5044.984, Rádio Cultura, Belém PA, 0430-1000. Overnight music programs: Madrugada Cultura until 0600 then seamlessly morphing into Geração MPB (Música Popular Brasileira). Same laid back male announcer, variety Brazilian music, full "Cultura FM, Belém, Pará, Amazônia" ID at 0611, occasional "Cultura F-M" or program IDs between ever two or three
songs. Huge signal all night despite RHC on 5040, not fading until just before 1000 UT. (Brandon Jordan, TN)
5055, Radio Difusora, Cáceres, 0958-1010. Male announcer "compromisso com a verdade, Difusora!..", seems news program. Deep fades, SINPO 24222 (Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Brazil/Cumbre DX)
5055, Radio Difusora Caceres, 0142-0204. Portuguese. Easy-listening style music to pops, ballads and occasional announcer between selections. Station ID announcement and jingle at 0201. Couple of ads then back to music. Fair signal quality. (Scott Barbour, NH)
5940, Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, 2107-2135. Portugués locutor, comentario religioso. SINPO 24322. (Manuel Méndez/Cumbre DX)
6185, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 0510-0750. Canciones brasileñas, identificación: Radio Nacional da Amazonia", comentarios. Señal fuerte, eclipsando completamente a Radio Educación de México, cuando lo normal es que a esa hora se escucha a la emisora mexicana. SINPO 44444. (Manuel Méndez/Cumbre DX)
9587.32, Super Radio Deus é Amor, 0510-0530.+ Portuguese preacher. Weak but readable. // 9564.56, 11765. (Brian Alexander, PA)
9665, Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, 0543-0555. Locutor en portugués, comentario religioso. En paralelo con 5940. SINPO 24322. (Manuel Méndez/Cumbre DX)
11780, Radio Nacional do Amazonia, 0325-0345.* Local pop music. Portuguese talk. Abrupt sign off. Good signal. (Brian Alexander, PA)
12175, 11355, Super Radio Deus é Amor, 0515-0530.+ Weak, unstable, distorted spurs from 11765 with Portuguese preacher. Spurs +/- 410 kHz away from 11765. Best in AM mode.
// 9564.56, 9587.32, 11765. (Brian Alexander, PA)
5910, Marfil Estereo, Lomalinda, 0511-0710. Canciones latinoamericanas, locutor, identificación: "La hora en Marfil Estereo,es la 1 con 56 minutos". SINPO 23322. (Manuel Méndez/Cumbre DX)
6035.01, LV del Guaviare, 0959-1030.+ Station ID to Spanish religious talk. Religious recitations. Poor. Weak with adjacent channel splatter. (Brian Alexander, PA)
6050, HCJB, Pichincha, *0827-0834. Inicio transmisión con himno, a las 0830 señales horarias, comentarios en quechua por locutor y locutora. SINPO 14321. (Manuel Méndez/Cumbre DX)
3290, Voice of Guyana, 0940-1000. Radio program of religious music with a female in English comments. Signal was poor and mixing with another station which could have been Radio Central, Papua New Guinea.(Chuck Bolland, FL).
4774.95, Radio Tarma, 1010-1015. Noted steady Peruvian huaynos music at tune in. Actual signal noted as only threshold at this time. (Chuck Bolland, FL).
4789.55v, Radio Visión, Chiclayo, 0350-1115. Generally poor overnight but much improved from 0800z onward. Typical La Voz del la Salvación content, male preaching in what sounds to be a large, echoey auditorium. Appears to be local programming after 0800 with Andean vocals, Radio Visión ID at 0857. Back to La Voz del la Salvación at 0930. (Brandon Jordan, TN)Subsequent monitoring 4789.56v, 0115-0730, much better overnight but signal
fading by 0730 and remaining generally threshold the rest of the morning. (Brandon Jordan, TN)
4790, Radio Vision (Chiclayo)(presumed) 0159. Spanish. Waling and speaking in tongues segment through 0200. (Taylor, WI/NASWA Flashsheet)
4790, Radio Visión, Chiclayo, 0516-0540. Locutor en comentario religioso, español. SINPO 14321. (Manuel Méndez/Cumbre DX)
4974.8, Radio del Pacífico, Lima, 0533-0606. Locutor en español, comentario religioso, canciones, locutora anunciando "apartado de correos...". SINPO 14321. (Manuel Méndez/Cumbre DX)
4824.46v, La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos, *1048-1110. Lively vocal at sign-on, greetings by low key male announcer at 1052 mentioning Iquitos and FM, into a monologue. Fair signal but poor modulation, fading rapidly. (Brandon Jordan, TN)
4826.26, Radio Sicuani, 0955-1015. Noted a male in comments followed with Peruvian huaynos
type music. On the hour noted a lot of chatter from the male. Signal was poor, but by 1015 the signal was improved to a fair level. Still hearing Spanish comments.(Chuck Bolland, FL)
3329.60, Radio Ondas Del Huallaga, 1002-1008. Noted a carrier under CHU's signal. Some
tuning, heard a very threshold signal of music possibly? (Chuck Bolland, FL)
4746.93, Radio Huanta Dos Mil, 1007-1015. At tune in, noted a male and female in Spanish with comments to Peruvian huaynos music at 010 Huaynos music presented. Signal was fair.
(Chuck Bolland, FL)
4974.73, Radio Del Pacifico, 1018-1030. Seemed to be an audio portion to this with music, but the noise and late time made it very difficult to hear.(Chuck Bolland, FL)
4850.28, Radio Genesis (tentative), Huanta, 0030-1130. Overnight signal, threshold audio from 0100-0200 and then again at 1119 UT, just after Huanta sunrise, barely able to make out vocal. They appear to been off Aug 1 to 3, this is the first sign of them I have seen. (Brandon Jordan, TN)
4950.062, Radio Madre de Dios (tentative), Pt Maldonado, *1032-1110. Only threshold audio noted and quickly fading from 1100 UT. (Brandon Jordan, TN)
5486.63, La Reina De La Selva, 1025. Noted a suspicious carrier here, but no audio heard.
(Chuck Bolland, FL)
5921.30, Radio Bethel,(presumed) 1032-1045. At tune-in, noted religious type music presented. The music continues without any comments. Stayed with this until the hour, but never heard any comments. Signal was fair to begin with, but fade into the noise by the hour.(Chuck Bolland, FL)
6019.26, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0559-0900. In the clear after Sackville QRT at 0559 until Australia 0900 sign-on preaching until 0601, La Voz de la Liberación ID, Beethoven theme and Radio Victoria ID at 0602. Long La Voz de la Liberación promo, children speaking. Good
strength signal except for occasional slop from massive Cuba 6010. (Brandon Jordan, TN).
4990, Radio Apintie, Paramaribo. 0716-0721. English romantic music selections. Interference from co-channel 4985, SINPO 33232 (Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Brazil/Cumbre DX)
4989.984, Radio Apintie, Paramaribo, 0600-1000. Occasional peaks with pop music, talk my man, woman. Minor but steady peak just after 0936 UT sunrise in Paramaribo with monologue by man in likely Dutch, religious vocals. Occasional interference from Spanish chatter,
perhaps Pescadores, on 4991.4 USB. (Brandon Jordan, TN)