Still wasting your time listening to all the rest .... when you could be listening to the best ? DX media programs have given shortwave DXers an extra edge on their listening and monitoring with news on propagation, reviews, new frequencies, trends and more. Today's DX Program updates reflect what is currently available, and clearly the Best of the Best !
Gayle Van Horn
All times UTC / Days adjusted to DST
0000 Allan Weiner Worldwide WBCQ 5110,7415
0235 DX Programme Radio Bulgaria 9700,11700
0245 DXers Special Supplement R.A.E. 11710
0730 Wavescan WRMI 9955
1210 World Wide Friendship KBS World Radio 9650
1245 DX Corner Voice of Turkey 15450 bi-weekly
1430 Wavescan WRMI 9955
1600 Australian DX Report WWCR 12160
1615 Ask WWCR WWCR 12160
1630 Wavescan WWCR 121601800 QSO WTWW 9479
2100 Wavescan WRMI 9955
2215 DX Corner Voice of Turkey 9830 bi-weekly
0020 Radio Waves Radio Exterior de España 6055
0145 Ask WWCR WWCR 4840
0315 DX Corner Voice of Turkey 9515 bi-weekly
0400 DXing With Cumbre WHRI 9825
0500 Wavescan WRMI 9955
0730 DXing With Cumbre WHRI 11565
0945 Ask WWCR WWCR 4840
1430 Int'l Radio Report CKUT Montreal
1430 Wavescan WRMI 9955
1915v DXers Unlimited Radio Habana Cuba 11760
2315v DXers Unlimited Radio Habana Cuba 5040
0115v DXers Unlimited Radio Habana Cuba 6000, 6050
0215v DXers Unlimited Radio Habana Cuba 6000, 6050
0315v DXers Unlimited Radio Habana Cuba 6000, 6050
0330 International Radio Report WBCQ 5110
0415v DXers Unlimited Radio Habana Cuba 6000, 6050
0515v DXers Unlimited Radio Habana Cuba 6000,6010,6050,6060,6150
0615v DXers Unlimited Radio Habana Cuba 6000,6010,6050,6060,6150
0730 Mailbox RNZI 6170 bi-weekly
1130 Mailbox RNZI 9655 bi-weekly
1145 Australian DX Report WWCR 15825
1245 Ask WWCR WWCR 15825
1330 Mailbox RNZI 6170 bi-weekly
1500 Wavescan WRMI 9955
1630 Mailbox RNZI 7440 bi-weekly
2100 Wavescan WRMI 9955
0025 Radio Waves Radio Exterior de España 5970
0330 Mailbox RNZI 15720 bi-weekly
1935v DXers Unlimited Radio Habana Cuba 11760
2335v DXers Unlimited Radio Habana Cuba 5040
0135v DXers Unlimited Radio Habana Cuba 6000,6050
0235v DXers Unlimited Radio Habana Cuba 6000,6050
0335v DXers Unlimited Radio Habana Cuba 6000,6050
0435v DXers Unlimited Radio Habana Cuba 6000,6050
0535v DXers Unlimited Radio Habana Cuba 6000,6010,6050,6060,6150
0635v DXers Unlimited Radio Habana Cuba 6000,6010,6050,6060,6150
1725 Multitouch Polish Radio 9770
0245 DXers Special Supplement R.A.E. 11710
0300 Wavescan WRMI 9955
1225 Multitouch Polish Radio 11675
1430 Wavescan WRMI 9955
1530 Wavescan WRMI 9955
1725 Multitouch Polish Radio 9770
2030 Mailbox RNZI 11725 bi-weekly
2135 DX Programme Radio Bulgaria 5900,7400
2335 DX Programme Radio Bulgaria 9700,11700
(ODXA/Aug 2011)
Welcome to Teak Publishing's Shortwave Central blog. This blog covers shortwave frequency updates, loggings, free radio, international mediumwave, DX tips, clandestine radio, and late-breaking radio news. Visit my YouTube and Twitter links. Content on Shortwave Central is copyright © 2006-2026 by Teak Publishing, which is solely responsible for the content. All rights reserved. Redistribution of these pages in any format without permission is strictly prohibited.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Blog Logs
All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on / sign-off*
Logs edired for clarity
4716.731, Radio Yura, 0124-0135. So far - a fair signal with a program of music being heard. Music of typical Bolivian style with plenty of flutes. Signal peaked at a fair level periodically. (Chuck Bolland, FL).
5921.281, Radio San Miguel, 0120-0130. Very weak signal with no audio heard. This can used as a reference since only the preesentation was available. (Chuck Bolland, FL).
5952.49, Radio Pio Doce Veinte, 0113-0135. Spanish with lots of male/female announcer banter. A bit of music, five time pips at 0130. Signal poor-fair in ECCS-LSB with 5950silent. Also heard 0043-0102 on subsequent logging with live events during poor signal quality. (Scott Barbour, NH). Heard on 5952.45, 0000-0117 in Spanish. (Brian Alexander, PA). Heard this frequency at 0137-0203 in Spanish. (John Wilkins, CO/Cumbre DX)
6134.82, Radio Santa Cruz, *0857-0925. Station sign-on with choral music and Spanish talk. Flute interveal signal at 0858, followed by opening Spanish ID announcements at 0859. Santa Cruz song at 0900 into ads, jingles and Bolivian music for fair signal. (Brian Alexander, PA) Heard 0005-0020 on 6134.837 kHz. (Chuck Bolland, FL).
4915.03, Radio Daqui, 0925-0935. Portuguese religious music to announcements. Heard on // 6080.02. Both freqs weak. (Brian Alexander, PA).
6010.02, Radio Inconfidencia, 0045-0105. Portuguese talk during poor signal quality's channel splatter. Very weak identified station on 6009.85, perhaps Colombia's Conciencia // 15189.99. (Brian Alexander, PA).
6165, RNT, 2215-2231.* French talk to Afro-pop music, including a remake of a Michael Jackson tune. Sign-off with national anthem at 2230. Signal poor. (Brian Alexander, PA).
7270, Nei Menggu PBS, 1205-1240.+ Presumed with odd Mongol-sounding vocals. Female announcer continued past 1230. Not heard on 9750 which used to be parallel. (John Wilkins, CO/Cumbre DX)
9730, Voice of the Broad Masses, *0258-0315. Sign-on with intervanl signal and veernacular talk at 0300. Horn of Africa music during poor signal quality with adjacent channel splatter. Stronger on // 7174.99. (Brian Alexander, PA).
4055, Radio Verdad, 1125. Preacher in English ending with mentions about Guatemala. Female's Spanish announcement to hymns through 1130. Good signal. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).
5939.85, Radio Voz Missionaria, 0530-0545. Portuguese religious programming to music. Poor signal with adajacent channel splatter // 9665.10 weak but readable. (Brian Alexander, PA).
7125, Rdiff Nationale, 2210-2257.* French talk and wide variety of Afro-pop, high-life, and rustic tribal music. Abrupt sign-off for fair signal. (Brian Alexander, PA) Heard on 7125, 0653-0700 in French. (Jim Evans, TN).
9425, AIR-Bengaluru/National Channel, *1318. AIR interval signal to female announcers mention of "Vande Mataram," followed by same tune. Fair signal. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX).
3345, RRI-Ternate, 1145. Islamic sounding music and woman's mention of Islam. Continued Islamic music for poor signal quality. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada). 3344.97, 1107-1130 with local programming and lite pop music. (John Wilkins, CO/Cumbre DX).
9235, Galei Tzahal, 0055-0125. New frequency as reported, ex 6977 kHz. Signal weak and poor quality in noisy conditions, heard // on 15850 kHz poor - to fair. (Brian Alexander, PA)
11960, Radio Jordan (Al Kharana) (presmued) 0446-0449. Arabic service including Middle East pop music with female's announcements. Signal poor but steady. (Jim Evans, TN).
15540, Radio Kuwait, 1856-1901. English service of rock music and station ID at 1900. program discussing the achievements of women in Kuwait. Very strong signal. (Jim Evans, TN).
15215, Voice of Africa (Sabrata) 1847-1850. Hausa talk to brief burst of music. Good signal with fading. (Jim Evans, TN).
9835, RTV Malaysia/Sarawak FM, 1045-1100. Malaysian talk to pop music. Announcements at 1048 and Islamic sounding music. Qu'ran recitations at 1054, followed by dramatic text over music. Time pips at 1100 and additional announcements.(Jim Evans, TN).
7245, ORTM, *0557-0605. Abrupt sign-on with Qu'ran recitations. Good signal strength. (Brian Alexander, PA). Noted on 7245, 0617-0620 in Arabic. (Jim Evans, TN).
7220, Trans World Radio, 0540-0546. Polish service. Interval signal to music at 0544. Opening announcements at 0545, followed by talk. Weak signal noted with fading and amateur radio interference. (Jim Evans, TN).
9704.99, LV du Sahel, 2210-2259.* Vernacular talk to Afro pop tunes. Rustic tribal music to Qu'ran at 2254. Short flute interval signal at 2257 to national anthem. (Brian Alexander, PA).
Northern Marianas
9670, Radio Nederland (Tinian), 1110-1112. Dutch service of male/female's chat. Good signal strtength with a bit of fading. (Jim Evans, TN).
Papua New Guinea
3385, Radio East New Britain, 1151. Announcer's in Tok Pisin language to local songs, and news at 1200. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada). Heard on 3385, 1142-1210.+ in Tok Pisin, worsening after 1200. (John Wilkins, CO/Cumbre DX)
5921.293, Radio Bethel, 0025-0035. Can't hear musch with the stronger signal from WHRI, but noted a presentation from Betel periodically. (Charles Bolland, FL).
6172.897, Radio Tawantinsuyo (tentative), 0110-0120. Found a weak signal here, with possible female's comments. Strong signal on 6175 kHz is sucking the audio out of the carrier on 6172.897 kHz. (Chuck Bolland, FL).
15285, Radio Pilipinas/VOP. Randomly from 0203 to 0330.* Sunday's they have a completely different format than any other day. English songs from Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr., to two female's chatting about religion. Station off with national anthem - started as poor signal and came up to almost fair. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX).
Sri Lanka
12130, Radio Mashaal (presumed), 1117-1126. Pashto service and talk from male/female duo. Weak signal with fading, above the noise level about 50% of the time. (Jim Evans, TN).
15745.01, SLBC, *0125-0140. Sign-on with local drums. National anthem at 0126, followed by more local drums and local music. Opening English ID and preview of upcoming programs. Lite instrumental music at 0131. Signal poor-fair. (Brian Alexander, PA).
6220, WYFR relay, 1122-1131. Burmese religious sermon by slow-talking male preacher. Moderate signal streength with a fit of signal flutter. (Jim Evans, TN).
7260, Radio Thailand via Udon Thani, 1108-1117. Vietnamese service with talk and traditiobal music at 1112. Station ID and noted schedule in English at 1114. Chimes at 1115 into English and presumed Cambodian IDs and possible Cambodian program. (Jim Evans, TN).
7575, Voice of America relay, 1206. English service discussing Mumbai bombing. Fair signal, heard on // 12150 Philippines. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).
15275, Radio Thailand, 0039-0102. English business news to sports report. Take on Thailand tourism promo to Weather Flash. Many station IDs, time pips, and chimes. Announcement as, "the time is now eight am in the Kingdom of Thailand." Choral national anthem into Thai. Signal poor-fair. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX).
3945, Radio Vanuatu, 1214. Woman's announcement in presumed Bislamic, followed by orchestral anthem and silence at 1216. Fair signal with occasional amateur radio interference. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).
9780.14, Rep. of Yemen Radio, 0306-0355.+ Irregular, on the air earlier than usual with Arabic talk. Traditional Arabic music for good signal quality. (Brian Alexander, PA)
Logs edired for clarity
4716.731, Radio Yura, 0124-0135. So far - a fair signal with a program of music being heard. Music of typical Bolivian style with plenty of flutes. Signal peaked at a fair level periodically. (Chuck Bolland, FL).
5921.281, Radio San Miguel, 0120-0130. Very weak signal with no audio heard. This can used as a reference since only the preesentation was available. (Chuck Bolland, FL).
5952.49, Radio Pio Doce Veinte, 0113-0135. Spanish with lots of male/female announcer banter. A bit of music, five time pips at 0130. Signal poor-fair in ECCS-LSB with 5950silent. Also heard 0043-0102 on subsequent logging with live events during poor signal quality. (Scott Barbour, NH). Heard on 5952.45, 0000-0117 in Spanish. (Brian Alexander, PA). Heard this frequency at 0137-0203 in Spanish. (John Wilkins, CO/Cumbre DX)
6134.82, Radio Santa Cruz, *0857-0925. Station sign-on with choral music and Spanish talk. Flute interveal signal at 0858, followed by opening Spanish ID announcements at 0859. Santa Cruz song at 0900 into ads, jingles and Bolivian music for fair signal. (Brian Alexander, PA) Heard 0005-0020 on 6134.837 kHz. (Chuck Bolland, FL).
4915.03, Radio Daqui, 0925-0935. Portuguese religious music to announcements. Heard on // 6080.02. Both freqs weak. (Brian Alexander, PA).
6010.02, Radio Inconfidencia, 0045-0105. Portuguese talk during poor signal quality's channel splatter. Very weak identified station on 6009.85, perhaps Colombia's Conciencia // 15189.99. (Brian Alexander, PA).
6165, RNT, 2215-2231.* French talk to Afro-pop music, including a remake of a Michael Jackson tune. Sign-off with national anthem at 2230. Signal poor. (Brian Alexander, PA).
7270, Nei Menggu PBS, 1205-1240.+ Presumed with odd Mongol-sounding vocals. Female announcer continued past 1230. Not heard on 9750 which used to be parallel. (John Wilkins, CO/Cumbre DX)
9730, Voice of the Broad Masses, *0258-0315. Sign-on with intervanl signal and veernacular talk at 0300. Horn of Africa music during poor signal quality with adjacent channel splatter. Stronger on // 7174.99. (Brian Alexander, PA).
4055, Radio Verdad, 1125. Preacher in English ending with mentions about Guatemala. Female's Spanish announcement to hymns through 1130. Good signal. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).
5939.85, Radio Voz Missionaria, 0530-0545. Portuguese religious programming to music. Poor signal with adajacent channel splatter // 9665.10 weak but readable. (Brian Alexander, PA).
7125, Rdiff Nationale, 2210-2257.* French talk and wide variety of Afro-pop, high-life, and rustic tribal music. Abrupt sign-off for fair signal. (Brian Alexander, PA) Heard on 7125, 0653-0700 in French. (Jim Evans, TN).
9425, AIR-Bengaluru/National Channel, *1318. AIR interval signal to female announcers mention of "Vande Mataram," followed by same tune. Fair signal. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX).
3345, RRI-Ternate, 1145. Islamic sounding music and woman's mention of Islam. Continued Islamic music for poor signal quality. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada). 3344.97, 1107-1130 with local programming and lite pop music. (John Wilkins, CO/Cumbre DX).
9235, Galei Tzahal, 0055-0125. New frequency as reported, ex 6977 kHz. Signal weak and poor quality in noisy conditions, heard // on 15850 kHz poor - to fair. (Brian Alexander, PA)
11960, Radio Jordan (Al Kharana) (presmued) 0446-0449. Arabic service including Middle East pop music with female's announcements. Signal poor but steady. (Jim Evans, TN).
15540, Radio Kuwait, 1856-1901. English service of rock music and station ID at 1900. program discussing the achievements of women in Kuwait. Very strong signal. (Jim Evans, TN).
15215, Voice of Africa (Sabrata) 1847-1850. Hausa talk to brief burst of music. Good signal with fading. (Jim Evans, TN).
9835, RTV Malaysia/Sarawak FM, 1045-1100. Malaysian talk to pop music. Announcements at 1048 and Islamic sounding music. Qu'ran recitations at 1054, followed by dramatic text over music. Time pips at 1100 and additional announcements.(Jim Evans, TN).
7245, ORTM, *0557-0605. Abrupt sign-on with Qu'ran recitations. Good signal strength. (Brian Alexander, PA). Noted on 7245, 0617-0620 in Arabic. (Jim Evans, TN).
7220, Trans World Radio, 0540-0546. Polish service. Interval signal to music at 0544. Opening announcements at 0545, followed by talk. Weak signal noted with fading and amateur radio interference. (Jim Evans, TN).
9704.99, LV du Sahel, 2210-2259.* Vernacular talk to Afro pop tunes. Rustic tribal music to Qu'ran at 2254. Short flute interval signal at 2257 to national anthem. (Brian Alexander, PA).
Northern Marianas
9670, Radio Nederland (Tinian), 1110-1112. Dutch service of male/female's chat. Good signal strtength with a bit of fading. (Jim Evans, TN).
Papua New Guinea
3385, Radio East New Britain, 1151. Announcer's in Tok Pisin language to local songs, and news at 1200. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada). Heard on 3385, 1142-1210.+ in Tok Pisin, worsening after 1200. (John Wilkins, CO/Cumbre DX)
5921.293, Radio Bethel, 0025-0035. Can't hear musch with the stronger signal from WHRI, but noted a presentation from Betel periodically. (Charles Bolland, FL).
6172.897, Radio Tawantinsuyo (tentative), 0110-0120. Found a weak signal here, with possible female's comments. Strong signal on 6175 kHz is sucking the audio out of the carrier on 6172.897 kHz. (Chuck Bolland, FL).
15285, Radio Pilipinas/VOP. Randomly from 0203 to 0330.* Sunday's they have a completely different format than any other day. English songs from Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr., to two female's chatting about religion. Station off with national anthem - started as poor signal and came up to almost fair. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX).
Sri Lanka
12130, Radio Mashaal (presumed), 1117-1126. Pashto service and talk from male/female duo. Weak signal with fading, above the noise level about 50% of the time. (Jim Evans, TN).
15745.01, SLBC, *0125-0140. Sign-on with local drums. National anthem at 0126, followed by more local drums and local music. Opening English ID and preview of upcoming programs. Lite instrumental music at 0131. Signal poor-fair. (Brian Alexander, PA).
6220, WYFR relay, 1122-1131. Burmese religious sermon by slow-talking male preacher. Moderate signal streength with a fit of signal flutter. (Jim Evans, TN).
7260, Radio Thailand via Udon Thani, 1108-1117. Vietnamese service with talk and traditiobal music at 1112. Station ID and noted schedule in English at 1114. Chimes at 1115 into English and presumed Cambodian IDs and possible Cambodian program. (Jim Evans, TN).
7575, Voice of America relay, 1206. English service discussing Mumbai bombing. Fair signal, heard on // 12150 Philippines. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).
15275, Radio Thailand, 0039-0102. English business news to sports report. Take on Thailand tourism promo to Weather Flash. Many station IDs, time pips, and chimes. Announcement as, "the time is now eight am in the Kingdom of Thailand." Choral national anthem into Thai. Signal poor-fair. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX).
3945, Radio Vanuatu, 1214. Woman's announcement in presumed Bislamic, followed by orchestral anthem and silence at 1216. Fair signal with occasional amateur radio interference. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).
9780.14, Rep. of Yemen Radio, 0306-0355.+ Irregular, on the air earlier than usual with Arabic talk. Traditional Arabic music for good signal quality. (Brian Alexander, PA)
Weekly Propagation Forecast Bulletins
Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
:Issued: 2011 Jul 26 1731 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact
# Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 18 - 24 July 2011
Solar activity was at very low to low levels during the period. The summary period began at low levels, when Region 1254 (S24, L=136, class/area Cso/110 on 20 July) produced the largest event of the period, a C1/Sf flare at 1028 UTC. On 19 July, solar activity decreased to very low levels and remained at these levels for the rest of the summary period. Even though numerous regions were numbered and tracked during the summary period, all regions either remained stable and quiet, producing low level B-class events, or diminished to spotless plage.
No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at normal to moderate levels from 18-19 July. High levels were observed for the remainder of the period, 20-24 July, in response to a oronal hole high speed stream (CH HSS).
Geomagnetic activity ranged during the period between quiet to minor storm levels, with a few isolated major storms occuring at high latitudes due to coronal hole high-speed stream effects. Early on 18 July, quiet to unsettled levels were observed due to a solar sector boundary crossing (SSBC), as the Earth moved from a positive to a negative polarity region of the IMF. On 19 July, measurements from the ACE spacecraft indicated the onset of another CH HSS while geomagnetic levels also increased to mostly active coniditions at mid latitudes. On 20 July, quiet to active levels were again bserved with an isolated major storm period occuring at high atitudes between 0900-1200Z. Conditions on 21 and 22 July were also bserved at quiet to unsettled levels on both days. On 22 July, onditions included a major storm period observed at high latitudes. return to quiet to unsettled levels was observed on 23-24 July, as ffects of the CH HSS finally deminished.
Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 17 July - 22 August 2011
Solar activity is expected to be at very low to low levels during he forecast period. However, there is a chance that new, rapidly emerging flux regions could increase activity to moderate levels at any time during the outlook period.
No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to start the period at moderate to normal levels on 27 - 30 July, before increasing to high flux levels on 31 July - 02 August, as the result of elevated solar winds from a CH HSS. Moderate to normal levels are expected from 03-06 August after solar winds subside. A return to moderate to high levels is expected 07-13 August and once again from 16- 22 August as the result of two solar wind speed increases from two more coronal holes.
Geomagnetic activity is expected to be at quiet levels on 25 July. Quiet to unsettled levels are expected from 26 - 27 July as another CH HSS becomes geoeffective. A return to mostly quiet conditions is expected on 28 July. Quiet to unsettled levels are forecast on 29-31 July as a northern polar CH HSS extension moves into a geoeffective position. Afterwards, quiet levels are expected to prevail between 01 and 04 August. Conditions are expected to increase again, ranging from quiet to active levels 04-11 August as another recurrent CH HSS is expected. Mostly quiet conditions should return 12-14 August before the next CH HSS is expected 15-19 August, when unsettled to active conditions return. A brief retreat to mostly quiet levels is expected on 20 August before the period finally ending with mostly unsettled to active conditions as yet another recurrent CH HSS becoming geoeffective 21-22 August.
Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2011 Jul 26 1731 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact
# 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
# Issued 2011-07-26
# UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
# Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2011 Jul 27 90 5 2
2011 Jul 28 90 12 3
2011 Jul 29 90 10 3
2011 Jul 30 90 10 3
2011 Jul 31 90 8 3
2011 Aug 01 90 5 2
2011 Aug 02 90 5 2
2011 Aug 03 95 5 2
2011 Aug 04 95 8 3
2011 Aug 05 95 12 3
2011 Aug 06 95 12 4
2011 Aug 07 95 12 3
2011 Aug 08 98 8 3
2011 Aug 09 100 8 3
2011 Aug 10 100 8 3
2011 Aug 11 100 8 3
2011 Aug 12 100 5 2
2011 Aug 13 100 5 2
2011 Aug 14 100 8 3
2011 Aug 15 100 10 3
2011 Aug 16 100 15 4
2011 Aug 17 98 12 4
2011 Aug 18 95 10 3
2011 Aug 19 92 8 3
2011 Aug 20 88 5 2
2011 Aug 21 88 12 3
2011 Aug 22 88 10 3
:Issued: 2011 Jul 26 1731 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact
# Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 18 - 24 July 2011
Solar activity was at very low to low levels during the period. The summary period began at low levels, when Region 1254 (S24, L=136, class/area Cso/110 on 20 July) produced the largest event of the period, a C1/Sf flare at 1028 UTC. On 19 July, solar activity decreased to very low levels and remained at these levels for the rest of the summary period. Even though numerous regions were numbered and tracked during the summary period, all regions either remained stable and quiet, producing low level B-class events, or diminished to spotless plage.
No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at normal to moderate levels from 18-19 July. High levels were observed for the remainder of the period, 20-24 July, in response to a oronal hole high speed stream (CH HSS).
Geomagnetic activity ranged during the period between quiet to minor storm levels, with a few isolated major storms occuring at high latitudes due to coronal hole high-speed stream effects. Early on 18 July, quiet to unsettled levels were observed due to a solar sector boundary crossing (SSBC), as the Earth moved from a positive to a negative polarity region of the IMF. On 19 July, measurements from the ACE spacecraft indicated the onset of another CH HSS while geomagnetic levels also increased to mostly active coniditions at mid latitudes. On 20 July, quiet to active levels were again bserved with an isolated major storm period occuring at high atitudes between 0900-1200Z. Conditions on 21 and 22 July were also bserved at quiet to unsettled levels on both days. On 22 July, onditions included a major storm period observed at high latitudes. return to quiet to unsettled levels was observed on 23-24 July, as ffects of the CH HSS finally deminished.
Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 17 July - 22 August 2011
Solar activity is expected to be at very low to low levels during he forecast period. However, there is a chance that new, rapidly emerging flux regions could increase activity to moderate levels at any time during the outlook period.
No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to start the period at moderate to normal levels on 27 - 30 July, before increasing to high flux levels on 31 July - 02 August, as the result of elevated solar winds from a CH HSS. Moderate to normal levels are expected from 03-06 August after solar winds subside. A return to moderate to high levels is expected 07-13 August and once again from 16- 22 August as the result of two solar wind speed increases from two more coronal holes.
Geomagnetic activity is expected to be at quiet levels on 25 July. Quiet to unsettled levels are expected from 26 - 27 July as another CH HSS becomes geoeffective. A return to mostly quiet conditions is expected on 28 July. Quiet to unsettled levels are forecast on 29-31 July as a northern polar CH HSS extension moves into a geoeffective position. Afterwards, quiet levels are expected to prevail between 01 and 04 August. Conditions are expected to increase again, ranging from quiet to active levels 04-11 August as another recurrent CH HSS is expected. Mostly quiet conditions should return 12-14 August before the next CH HSS is expected 15-19 August, when unsettled to active conditions return. A brief retreat to mostly quiet levels is expected on 20 August before the period finally ending with mostly unsettled to active conditions as yet another recurrent CH HSS becoming geoeffective 21-22 August.
Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2011 Jul 26 1731 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact
# 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
# Issued 2011-07-26
# UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
# Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2011 Jul 27 90 5 2
2011 Jul 28 90 12 3
2011 Jul 29 90 10 3
2011 Jul 30 90 10 3
2011 Jul 31 90 8 3
2011 Aug 01 90 5 2
2011 Aug 02 90 5 2
2011 Aug 03 95 5 2
2011 Aug 04 95 8 3
2011 Aug 05 95 12 3
2011 Aug 06 95 12 4
2011 Aug 07 95 12 3
2011 Aug 08 98 8 3
2011 Aug 09 100 8 3
2011 Aug 10 100 8 3
2011 Aug 11 100 8 3
2011 Aug 12 100 5 2
2011 Aug 13 100 5 2
2011 Aug 14 100 8 3
2011 Aug 15 100 10 3
2011 Aug 16 100 15 4
2011 Aug 17 98 12 4
2011 Aug 18 95 10 3
2011 Aug 19 92 8 3
2011 Aug 20 88 5 2
2011 Aug 21 88 12 3
2011 Aug 22 88 10 3
PCJ Media launches communications magazine on WRN
PCJ Media has announced that its weekly communications magazine is coming to the World Radio Network from 30 July. The program will be broadcast at the following times at
Saturday to Africa & Asia at 1000-1030 UTC
Saturday to Europe at 1300-1330 UTC
Saturday to North America at 2100-2130 UTC
Below is the satellite tuning information for each region:
North America
Galaxy 19 at 97º West
Transponder 27, 12.177 GHz
Vertical polarisation
Symbol Rate 23,000 Msym/s
FEC 3/4
DVB MPEG2, Choose Audio Channel: WRN1 (English), Service-ID: 13.
WRN is also available on channel 120 on both Sirius and XM. For further information on subscribing to Sirius Satellite Radio in the USA, please visit the website:
Sky Digital, Channel 0122 (Eurobird 1, 28.5º East)
Transponder C2, 11.224 GHz
Vertical polarisation
Symbol Rate 27.500 Mbaud
FEC 2/3
MPEG2 DVB audio stream. Select WRN Europe from audio menu.
Eutelsat Hot Bird 6, 13º East
Transponder 94
12.597 GHz, Vertical
Symbol Rate 27.500 Mbaud
FEC 3/4
MPEG2 DVB audio stream. Select WRN English from audio menu.
Intelsat 10 at 68.5 degrees east
Transponder: 14 (C band), downlink frequency: 3808 MHz
Vertical polarization
Symbol rate: 10.340 Msym/sec
FEC: 3/4.
Intelsat 10 at 68.5 degrees east
Transponder: 14 (C band), downlink frequency: 3805.5 MHz
Vertical polarization
Symbol rate: 6.670 Msym/sec
FEC: 3/4.
You can also receive WRN via DStv. For details contact DSTV on +27 11 289 2222, Fax +27 11 577 4901, E-mail: or visit the DSTV website at
(Source: PCJ Media/WRN/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)
Saturday to Africa & Asia at 1000-1030 UTC
Saturday to Europe at 1300-1330 UTC
Saturday to North America at 2100-2130 UTC
Below is the satellite tuning information for each region:
North America
Galaxy 19 at 97º West
Transponder 27, 12.177 GHz
Vertical polarisation
Symbol Rate 23,000 Msym/s
FEC 3/4
DVB MPEG2, Choose Audio Channel: WRN1 (English), Service-ID: 13.
WRN is also available on channel 120 on both Sirius and XM. For further information on subscribing to Sirius Satellite Radio in the USA, please visit the website:
Sky Digital, Channel 0122 (Eurobird 1, 28.5º East)
Transponder C2, 11.224 GHz
Vertical polarisation
Symbol Rate 27.500 Mbaud
FEC 2/3
MPEG2 DVB audio stream. Select WRN Europe from audio menu.
Eutelsat Hot Bird 6, 13º East
Transponder 94
12.597 GHz, Vertical
Symbol Rate 27.500 Mbaud
FEC 3/4
MPEG2 DVB audio stream. Select WRN English from audio menu.
Intelsat 10 at 68.5 degrees east
Transponder: 14 (C band), downlink frequency: 3808 MHz
Vertical polarization
Symbol rate: 10.340 Msym/sec
FEC: 3/4.
Intelsat 10 at 68.5 degrees east
Transponder: 14 (C band), downlink frequency: 3805.5 MHz
Vertical polarization
Symbol rate: 6.670 Msym/sec
FEC: 3/4.
You can also receive WRN via DStv. For details contact DSTV on +27 11 289 2222, Fax +27 11 577 4901, E-mail: or visit the DSTV website at
(Source: PCJ Media/WRN/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Back on Track (I think )
Thanks to all the blog readers for your patience during my recent vacation break. Taking time off always helps one to unwind, rethink and refresh. My blog post will resume very shortly, as presently I am wading through mounds of email. Kind regards to all, and keep checking ! :)
Gayle Van Horn
Gayle Van Horn
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Amateur Radio Special Events Calender
Here are a few of the special events, occurring from July 21-Aug 8, and are a sampling of events that will be present on amateur radio frequencies. Events are open to shortwave radio listeners and amateur radio operators. Operating times are listed in UTC, frequencies and QSL or Certificate info are included.
July 21-24, 2011
Anniversary of the Battle of First Manassas (First Battle of Bull Run)
1300-0100 UTC. W4C/W3U, Manassas National Battlefield, VA. AMRAD and Olde Virginia Hams. QRP CW PSK-31 SSB. QSL. W3U/W4C, PO Box 6148, McLean, VA 22106.
July 23, 2011
Gus Grissom Day - 50th Anniversary of Mercury 7 Sub Orbital Flight
1000-1700 UTC, K9G, Mitchell, IN. Hoosier Hills Ham Club. 21.270 14.200 7.170 146.730 50.200. Certificate. Hoosier Hills Ham Club, PO Box 891, Bedford, IN 47421.
July 23-31, 2011
Brickyard 400
1500-2200UTC, W9IMS, Indianapolis, IN. Indianapolis Motor Speedway Amateur Radio Club. 21.340 14.240 7.240 3.840. Certificate & QSL. W9IMS, PO Box 30954, Indianapolis, IN 46230. SASE for QSL. $4 for certificate. Must work all three races in one year for certificate.
July 23-24, 2011
Packard Auto Show Special Event
1200-2100UTC, W8P, Warren, OH. Warren Amateur Radio Association. 14.325 7.235. Certificate. Jacqueline Clay, KD8DNE, PO Box 809, Warren, OH 44482.
July 23, 2011
50th Anniversary of the Flight of the Liberty Bell 7 by Virgil "Gus" Grissom
1000-1600 UTC, W9GUS, Mitchell, IN. Hoosier Hills Ham Club. 40 20 m possible 6 m. QSL. Hoosier Hills Ham Club, PO Box 891, Bedford, IN 47421. From Spring Mill State Park's Grissom Memorial
July 27- Aug 8, 2011
22nd World Scout Jamboree
0200Z-0200 UTC, SJ22S, Rinkaby, Sweden. Boy Scouts. 80 40 20 15 10 6 m local VHF/EchoLink (434.750) SSB CW FM SSTV and PSK31. QSL. Jim Rooney, N4JJR, 10138 Granite Hill Dr, Parker, CO 80134. and
July 30-31, 2011
The 221st Birthday of the US Coast Guard
1400-2200 UTC, K4CG, Alexandria, VA. Mount Vernon Amateur Radio Club. 14.250 10.110 7.270. QSL. US Coast Guard TISCOM, 7323 Telegraph Rd, Alexandria, VA 22315. or
July 21-24, 2011
Anniversary of the Battle of First Manassas (First Battle of Bull Run)
1300-0100 UTC. W4C/W3U, Manassas National Battlefield, VA. AMRAD and Olde Virginia Hams. QRP CW PSK-31 SSB. QSL. W3U/W4C, PO Box 6148, McLean, VA 22106.
July 23, 2011
Gus Grissom Day - 50th Anniversary of Mercury 7 Sub Orbital Flight
1000-1700 UTC, K9G, Mitchell, IN. Hoosier Hills Ham Club. 21.270 14.200 7.170 146.730 50.200. Certificate. Hoosier Hills Ham Club, PO Box 891, Bedford, IN 47421.
July 23-31, 2011
Brickyard 400
1500-2200UTC, W9IMS, Indianapolis, IN. Indianapolis Motor Speedway Amateur Radio Club. 21.340 14.240 7.240 3.840. Certificate & QSL. W9IMS, PO Box 30954, Indianapolis, IN 46230. SASE for QSL. $4 for certificate. Must work all three races in one year for certificate.
July 23-24, 2011
Packard Auto Show Special Event
1200-2100UTC, W8P, Warren, OH. Warren Amateur Radio Association. 14.325 7.235. Certificate. Jacqueline Clay, KD8DNE, PO Box 809, Warren, OH 44482.
July 23, 2011
50th Anniversary of the Flight of the Liberty Bell 7 by Virgil "Gus" Grissom
1000-1600 UTC, W9GUS, Mitchell, IN. Hoosier Hills Ham Club. 40 20 m possible 6 m. QSL. Hoosier Hills Ham Club, PO Box 891, Bedford, IN 47421. From Spring Mill State Park's Grissom Memorial
July 27- Aug 8, 2011
22nd World Scout Jamboree
0200Z-0200 UTC, SJ22S, Rinkaby, Sweden. Boy Scouts. 80 40 20 15 10 6 m local VHF/EchoLink (434.750) SSB CW FM SSTV and PSK31. QSL. Jim Rooney, N4JJR, 10138 Granite Hill Dr, Parker, CO 80134. and
July 30-31, 2011
The 221st Birthday of the US Coast Guard
1400-2200 UTC, K4CG, Alexandria, VA. Mount Vernon Amateur Radio Club. 14.250 10.110 7.270. QSL. US Coast Guard TISCOM, 7323 Telegraph Rd, Alexandria, VA 22315. or
Monday, July 18, 2011
New multi-media Papua New Guinea radio feature
A new multi-media feature about Papua New Guinea Radio in 2011 has been released by the Radio Heritage Foundation at .
The new feature includes reviews of major Papua New Guinea radio websites, updates on the new radio licensing laws, how increased cell-phone coverage is opening up a rapidly growing youth market and some little known facts about contemporary broadcasting in this South West Pacific nation.
Based on a recent documentary broadcast on Radio New Zealand International, this new feature includes original research, photos of broadcasters, shortwave and FM studios and facilities, a downloadable audio version of the documentary, and a YouTube presentation combining audio, text and images.
Few readers comprehend that Port Moresby, the national capital, now has a population approaching 350,000 people, a freeway system, a booming construction of high rise office and residential buildings, and that local radio listeners have some 15 separate radio brands to choose from along the FM dial....and even sponsored drivetime radio shows with local radio personalities.
Commercial radio brands such as FM100, Nau FM, Yumi FM and new arrivals, are expanding rapidly across the mountainous country, using the cell-phone infrastructure networks that are exploding on the back of a major natural gas, oil and mineral resources boom. Radio station profits grew by 30% in 2010 and a new national media framework is bringing modern communications and FM radio to the most remote villages.
The Kundu network with its dated shortwave radio stations, competing religious radio stations tangling the airwaves, new commercial stations, and a large base of local record studios churning out local popular music that feeds the playlists of Radio Morobe, Wantok Radio, Tribe FM and a growing number of other stations...this is just part of todays radio story.
Use the fully up to date guides to contemporary AM and shortwave radio stations in Papua New Guinea - free access to our PAL Radio Guides is always available at
Use our Google Search to find more features about broadcasting in Papua New Guinea, including the AFRS Jungle Network, the Australian AAAS stations and much more.
(Radio Heritage/NZ)
The new feature includes reviews of major Papua New Guinea radio websites, updates on the new radio licensing laws, how increased cell-phone coverage is opening up a rapidly growing youth market and some little known facts about contemporary broadcasting in this South West Pacific nation.
Based on a recent documentary broadcast on Radio New Zealand International, this new feature includes original research, photos of broadcasters, shortwave and FM studios and facilities, a downloadable audio version of the documentary, and a YouTube presentation combining audio, text and images.
Few readers comprehend that Port Moresby, the national capital, now has a population approaching 350,000 people, a freeway system, a booming construction of high rise office and residential buildings, and that local radio listeners have some 15 separate radio brands to choose from along the FM dial....and even sponsored drivetime radio shows with local radio personalities.
Commercial radio brands such as FM100, Nau FM, Yumi FM and new arrivals, are expanding rapidly across the mountainous country, using the cell-phone infrastructure networks that are exploding on the back of a major natural gas, oil and mineral resources boom. Radio station profits grew by 30% in 2010 and a new national media framework is bringing modern communications and FM radio to the most remote villages.
The Kundu network with its dated shortwave radio stations, competing religious radio stations tangling the airwaves, new commercial stations, and a large base of local record studios churning out local popular music that feeds the playlists of Radio Morobe, Wantok Radio, Tribe FM and a growing number of other stations...this is just part of todays radio story.
Use the fully up to date guides to contemporary AM and shortwave radio stations in Papua New Guinea - free access to our PAL Radio Guides is always available at
Use our Google Search to find more features about broadcasting in Papua New Guinea, including the AFRS Jungle Network, the Australian AAAS stations and much more.
(Radio Heritage/NZ)
Radio Free Afghanistan schedule update
All times UTC
RFE/R Liberty/Radio Free Afghanistan
0300-0330 999 1296 15680 17670 17685
0430-0530 999 1296 15680 17670 17685
0630-0730 999 1296 15680 17670 17685
0830-0930 999 1296 15090 15680 17685
1030-1130 999 1296 15090 15680 17685
1230-1330 999 1296 11550 15090 15680
1400-1430 999 1296 11550 15090
Pashto0230-0300 999 1296 15680 17670 17685
0330-0430 999 1296 15680 17670 17685
0530-0630 999 1296 15680 17670 17685
0730-0830 999 1296 15680 17670 17685
0930-1030 999 1296 15090 15680 17685
1130-1230 999 1296 15090 15680 17685
1330-1400 999 1296 11550 15090
(DX Mix News 686 via Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria & Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany)
RFE/R Liberty/Radio Free Afghanistan
0300-0330 999 1296 15680 17670 17685
0430-0530 999 1296 15680 17670 17685
0630-0730 999 1296 15680 17670 17685
0830-0930 999 1296 15090 15680 17685
1030-1130 999 1296 15090 15680 17685
1230-1330 999 1296 11550 15090 15680
1400-1430 999 1296 11550 15090
Pashto0230-0300 999 1296 15680 17670 17685
0330-0430 999 1296 15680 17670 17685
0530-0630 999 1296 15680 17670 17685
0730-0830 999 1296 15680 17670 17685
0930-1030 999 1296 15090 15680 17685
1130-1230 999 1296 15090 15680 17685
1330-1400 999 1296 11550 15090
(DX Mix News 686 via Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria & Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany)
Radio Free Asia schedule update
All times UTC
0030-0130 on 13820 15625 17835
1230-1330 on 7390 9335 13675
1330-1400 on 7390 9335 12140
1400-1430 on 7390 9335
1630-1730 on 9945
1400-1500 on 6025 7365
2200-2300 on 9720 11785
0300-0600 on 13760 15120 15615 15635 17615 17855 21550 21580
0600-0700 on 13760 15120 15615 15635 17615 17855 21550
1500-1600 on 9455 9905 11540 11965 12005 13640 13675
1600-1700 on 5855 9455 9905 11540 11870 12005 13675
1700-1800 on 5855 7280 9355 9455 9540 9905 11870 13800
1800-1900 on 5855 7280 7355 9355 9455 9540 9690 11540 13800
1900-2000 on 1098 5855 7260 7355 7435 9355 9455 9875 9905
11785 13800
2000-2100 on 1098 5855 6140 7260 7355 7435 9355 9455 9905
2100-2200 on 1098 5855 6140 7355 7435 9455 9905
2300-2400 on 7540 9535 11760 11785 15430 15585
1230-1330 on 12140 15145
2230-2330 on 5840 13740
1500-1700 on 1350 5895 7210 7455
1700-1800 on 1350 5895 9975
1800-1900 on 1350 5895 7465
2100-2200 on 1350 7460 9385 12070
0000-0100 on 15545 15690
1100-1200 on 9355 15145
0100-0300 on 7530 9885 11695 15225 17730
0600-0700 on 17510 17765 21500 21690
1000-1100 on 13775 15435 21530
1100-1200 on 7470 11640 13830 15670
1200-1300 on 7470 11605 13830 13840 15670
1300-1400 on 7470 11520 11605 13830 15670
1500-1600 on 7530 9370 11585 11795
2200-2300 on 5865 7505 9880
2300-2400 on 5860 7505 9805 9875
0100-0200 on 9350 9490 11895 11945 17640
1600-1700 on 9370 9530 9555 11750
1400-1430 on 1503 7520 9465 9715 11605 11680 12140
1430-1500 on 7520 9715 9805 11605 11680 12140
2300-2330 on 1359
2330-2400 on 1359 7520 11605 13740 15560
0000-0030 on 7445 11605 13740 15560
(DX Mix News # 687 via Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria)
Radio Dabanga schedule update
update from previous post
Effective: 18 July 2011
0430-0530 on 13620 MDC 250 kW / 330 deg to EaAf/Sudan, not 13730 0430-0500
0430-0530 on 15550 DHA 250 kW / 255 deg to EaAf/Sudan
0500-0600 on 13730 WER 250 kW / 150 deg to EaAf/Sudan
0530-0600 on 13620 NAU 500 kW / 155 deg to EaAf/Sudan
1530-1630 on 13730 MDC 250 kW / 330 deg to EaAf/Sudan
1530-1630 on 15720 WER 500 kW / 150 deg to EaAf/Sudan
(DX Mix News 687 via Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria)
Effective: 18 July 2011
0430-0530 on 13620 MDC 250 kW / 330 deg to EaAf/Sudan, not 13730 0430-0500
0430-0530 on 15550 DHA 250 kW / 255 deg to EaAf/Sudan
0500-0600 on 13730 WER 250 kW / 150 deg to EaAf/Sudan
0530-0600 on 13620 NAU 500 kW / 155 deg to EaAf/Sudan
1530-1630 on 13730 MDC 250 kW / 330 deg to EaAf/Sudan
1530-1630 on 15720 WER 500 kW / 150 deg to EaAf/Sudan
(DX Mix News 687 via Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria)
Radio Farda schedule update
Effective to: 30 Oct 2011
All times UTC
RFE/RL/Radio Farda
0030-0100 on 1314 1575 5860 5940 7585
0100-0130 on 1314 1575 5860 5940 7295 7585
0130-0200 on 1314 1575 5860 5940 7295 7585 9805
0200-0230 on 1575 5860 7295 7585 9805
0230-0300 on 1575 5860 7280 7585 9805 15690
0300-0330 on 1575 5860 5885 7280 9805 15690
0330-0400 on 1575 5860 5885 7280 9805 11635 15690
0400-0430 on 1575 5860 5885 11635 13810 13860 15690
0430-0530 on 1575 5860 5885 11635 13810 13860 15690 17880
0530-0600 on 1575 5885 7220 11635 13810 13860 15690 17880
0600-0630 on 1575 5885 7220 11635 13810 13860 15690 17845
0630-0800 on 1575 5885 7220 11635 13860 15690 17810 17845
0800-0830 on 1575 5885 7220 13860 15690 17810 17845
0830-0930 on 1575 5885 7220 13860 15690 17695 17810 17845
0930-1000 on 1575 5885 13860 15610 15690 17695 17845
1000-1130 on 1575 5885 7435 13860 15610 15690 17695
1130-1200 on 1575 5885 7435 13860 15690 17695
1200-1330 on 1575 7435 13860 15690 17695 17755
1330-1400 on 1575 7435 13860 15680 15690 17695 17755
1400-1430 on 1314 1575 11520 13860 15680 17695
1430-1500 on 1314 1575 11520 13860 15555 15680 17695
1500-1530 on 1314 1575 11520 15555 15680 17695
1530-1600 on 1314 1575 7585 11520 15110 15555 15680 17695
1600-1630 on 1314 1575 7585 11520 15110 15555 15680
1630-1700 on 1314 1575 7585 9760 11520 15110 15555 15680
1700-1730 on 1314 1575 7585 9760 11520 15110 15680
1730-1830 on 1314 1575 5830 7585 9760
1830-2130 on 1314 1575 5830 7585
2130-0030 on 1314 1575 7585
(DX Mix News 687 via Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria)
All times UTC
RFE/RL/Radio Farda
0030-0100 on 1314 1575 5860 5940 7585
0100-0130 on 1314 1575 5860 5940 7295 7585
0130-0200 on 1314 1575 5860 5940 7295 7585 9805
0200-0230 on 1575 5860 7295 7585 9805
0230-0300 on 1575 5860 7280 7585 9805 15690
0300-0330 on 1575 5860 5885 7280 9805 15690
0330-0400 on 1575 5860 5885 7280 9805 11635 15690
0400-0430 on 1575 5860 5885 11635 13810 13860 15690
0430-0530 on 1575 5860 5885 11635 13810 13860 15690 17880
0530-0600 on 1575 5885 7220 11635 13810 13860 15690 17880
0600-0630 on 1575 5885 7220 11635 13810 13860 15690 17845
0630-0800 on 1575 5885 7220 11635 13860 15690 17810 17845
0800-0830 on 1575 5885 7220 13860 15690 17810 17845
0830-0930 on 1575 5885 7220 13860 15690 17695 17810 17845
0930-1000 on 1575 5885 13860 15610 15690 17695 17845
1000-1130 on 1575 5885 7435 13860 15610 15690 17695
1130-1200 on 1575 5885 7435 13860 15690 17695
1200-1330 on 1575 7435 13860 15690 17695 17755
1330-1400 on 1575 7435 13860 15680 15690 17695 17755
1400-1430 on 1314 1575 11520 13860 15680 17695
1430-1500 on 1314 1575 11520 13860 15555 15680 17695
1500-1530 on 1314 1575 11520 15555 15680 17695
1530-1600 on 1314 1575 7585 11520 15110 15555 15680 17695
1600-1630 on 1314 1575 7585 11520 15110 15555 15680
1630-1700 on 1314 1575 7585 9760 11520 15110 15555 15680
1700-1730 on 1314 1575 7585 9760 11520 15110 15680
1730-1830 on 1314 1575 5830 7585 9760
1830-2130 on 1314 1575 5830 7585
2130-0030 on 1314 1575 7585
(DX Mix News 687 via Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria)
VOA considers adding Balochi service
The chairman of the Broadcasting Board of Governors, the agency that operates the Voice of America, has said the VOA will put the adding of a Balochi language service on its agenda.
Walter Isaacson, celebrated editor, book author and intellectual, who heads the VOA, was a guest speaker at a National Press Club luncheon Friday hosted for world-renowned blogger and his old friend Arianna Huffington, president and editor-in-chief of Huffington Post Media Group, and Tim Armstrong, chairman and CEO of AOL.
After the event, to a question from this correspondent, Isaacson said he will take up the matter of adding Balochi language service in real earnest.
He repeated his promise he will take up the issue of adding Balochi language as he left the NPC building.
The chairman of the Broadcasting Board of Governors, the agency that operates the Voice of America, has said the VoA will put the adding of a Balochi language service on its agenda.
He repeated his promise he will take up the issue of adding Balochi language as he left the NPC building.
Continue reading at on
Walter Isaacson, celebrated editor, book author and intellectual, who heads the VOA, was a guest speaker at a National Press Club luncheon Friday hosted for world-renowned blogger and his old friend Arianna Huffington, president and editor-in-chief of Huffington Post Media Group, and Tim Armstrong, chairman and CEO of AOL.
After the event, to a question from this correspondent, Isaacson said he will take up the matter of adding Balochi language service in real earnest.
He repeated his promise he will take up the issue of adding Balochi language as he left the NPC building.
The chairman of the Broadcasting Board of Governors, the agency that operates the Voice of America, has said the VoA will put the adding of a Balochi language service on its agenda.
He repeated his promise he will take up the issue of adding Balochi language as he left the NPC building.
Continue reading at on
Deutsche Welle interviews founder of Open Radio for North Korea
The North Korean regime suppresses all forms of free information within the country. Open Radio for North Korea broadcasts international news via shortwave and FM from neighbouring South Korea for the North. Deutsche Welle’s World in Progress talked to the radio station’s founder, Tae Keung Ha, about the role of outside broadcasters for the people of North Korea.
Read the interview at:,,15235363,00.html
Audio interview at:,,15230671_type_audio_struct_11798_contentId_15235363,00.html (R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)
Read the interview at:,,15235363,00.html
Audio interview at:,,15230671_type_audio_struct_11798_contentId_15235363,00.html (R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)
Radio Vlandeeren International to close
The Flemish government has reached agreement on a new strategy for VRT for the next five years. The Flemish public broadcaster will launch a full national TV network aimed at teens. Currently two services share the second channel - Ketnet (mainly for children) up to 2000, and from 2000 Canvas (with news, science, history and sport). From 2013, these will become two separate networks, and Ketnet will expand to show programmes aimed at teenagers after 2000. Canvas will also be available for more hours per day, providing an improved service to seniors who are not so eager to stay up for late night programmes.
Rival commercial channels are not happy about VRT’s plan to enter the youth market. Peter Quaghebeur, general manager of the Femish Media Society (VMMa) which represents the commercial broadcasters, said: “VRT has no need for a third channel. They already have a market share of more than forty percent.”
The advent of a third television channel for VRT has been mooted for some time. “We have already protested against it from the beginning, but the Flemish government clearly did not take into account the concerns of the commercial broadcasters,” says Mr Quaghebeur. There are already two commercial networks aimed at teens.
Besides the third television channel, VRT is also getting a bigger budget. From 2012 the VRT will receive 293.4 million euros a year. This is 18 million euros more than at present.
Radio Vlaanderen International (RVi), the Flemish Worldwide service, will disappear, but as an alternative Radio 1 and Radio 2 will be broadcast worldwide via satellite, and all radio channels will also be available worldwide via the Internet. It’s no yet clear exactly when RVi will close.
(Sources: RS/RadioWereld.NL/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog )
Rival commercial channels are not happy about VRT’s plan to enter the youth market. Peter Quaghebeur, general manager of the Femish Media Society (VMMa) which represents the commercial broadcasters, said: “VRT has no need for a third channel. They already have a market share of more than forty percent.”
The advent of a third television channel for VRT has been mooted for some time. “We have already protested against it from the beginning, but the Flemish government clearly did not take into account the concerns of the commercial broadcasters,” says Mr Quaghebeur. There are already two commercial networks aimed at teens.
Besides the third television channel, VRT is also getting a bigger budget. From 2012 the VRT will receive 293.4 million euros a year. This is 18 million euros more than at present.
Radio Vlaanderen International (RVi), the Flemish Worldwide service, will disappear, but as an alternative Radio 1 and Radio 2 will be broadcast worldwide via satellite, and all radio channels will also be available worldwide via the Internet. It’s no yet clear exactly when RVi will close.
(Sources: RS/RadioWereld.NL/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog )
Radio Free Asia frequency changes
Transmitter via Kuwait, Saipan and United States
All times UTC / NF new frequency
2100-2200 NF 12070 SAI 100 kW 325 deg to EaAs, ex 12075
0100-0300 NF 7530 KWT 250 kW 070 deg to CeAs, ex 9365
1000-1100 NF 13775 KWT 250 kW 078 deg to CeAs, ex 15330
1100-1200 NF 11640 KWT 250 kW 078 deg to CeAs, ex 17815
1200-1300 NF 13840 KWT 250 kW 070 deg to CeAs, ex 17545
1300-1400 NF 11520 KWT 250 kW 070 deg to CeAs, ex 12025
1500-1600 NF 7530 KWT 250 kW 070 deg to CeAs, ex 11590
(R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 17)
(DX Mix News 686 via Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria & Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany)
All times UTC / NF new frequency
2100-2200 NF 12070 SAI 100 kW 325 deg to EaAs, ex 12075
0100-0300 NF 7530 KWT 250 kW 070 deg to CeAs, ex 9365
1000-1100 NF 13775 KWT 250 kW 078 deg to CeAs, ex 15330
1100-1200 NF 11640 KWT 250 kW 078 deg to CeAs, ex 17815
1200-1300 NF 13840 KWT 250 kW 070 deg to CeAs, ex 17545
1300-1400 NF 11520 KWT 250 kW 070 deg to CeAs, ex 12025
1500-1600 NF 7530 KWT 250 kW 070 deg to CeAs, ex 11590
(R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 17)
(DX Mix News 686 via Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria & Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany)
Friday, July 15, 2011
Radio Netherlands Program Preview, July 15-21
The State We're In
Jonathan Groubert and his team look at current events from an unexpected perspective.
This week: The power of stories
Featuring a brain researcher, a UN Rapporteur on Torture, a portrait photographer for the New Yorker and the Egyptian blogger, “Sandmonkey”.
First airing: Saturday 02:00 UTC
Earth Beat
Marnie Chesterton and her team look at the footprint we’re leaving on our planet.
This week: Naked
Earth Beat strips it all off to see if you experience the world around you differently, when naked. We speak to a naked hiker, a naked dancer, a naked anthropologist and find out why they do what they do. All in the best possible taste, of course.
First airing: Friday 03:00 UTC
Bridges With Africa
We're giving the microphone to Diaspora groups in Europe and are linking up with stations in Africa.
This week:
Trouble in the desert. Is Al Qaeda really a threat in the Sahara?
Where should former Chadian president Hisène Habré face justice?
Furious Afro-fusion from Holland.
First airing: Friday 00:00 UTC
Africa in Progress
Inspiring round-table discussions with guest speakers and in-depth interviews give listeners food for thought.
This week: Fela Kuti is alive and kicking
A musical about the Nigerian music legend and political activist Fela Kuti is conquering the world, from Lagos to New York and Amsterdam. In this report, Fela’s sons Femi and Seun, themselves well known musicians, reflect on his life and times. The creators of the musical talk about his legacy. All agree that Fela’s message for the emancipation of Africa is still relevant today, not only for Nigeria, but for the entire continent.
First airing: Monday 18:00 UTC
South Asia Wired
Stories from South Asia.
This week:
While India likes to portray itself as a modern world power, some backward practices live on. Many people (especially men) still prefer baby sons over baby girls and some will do anything to prevent girls from being born. Some couples have the sex of their unborn baby determined and as soon as they discover it’s a girl, they opt for sex selective abortion.
It’s been illegal since 1994, but in all these years, only one woman – who wished to keep her baby girls – has been brave enough to take her husband to court. She tells her story on this week’s programme.
(There'll be a new edition of the programme on Thursday 21 July)
First airing: Thursday 14:00 UTC
Commonwealth Story
A selection of winning stories chosen from the large number of entries for the 2010 Commonwealth Short Story Competition.
This week:
Ninth Life - by Alison Grove, UK. Too late for love?
First airing: Tuesday 00:55 UTC
Global Perspective
Who says I can’t… is the motto of this year’s collaboration of international broadcasters, offering stories of defiance and perseverance.
This week: Who says I can’t squat?
Radio Netherlands Worldwide’s Dheera Sujan visits Sanne, Tom and Bo – three Dutch squatters. She hears their struggle to build – and keep – their home amid the new anti-squat laws in the Netherlands.
First airing: Monday 17:30 UTC
Hear the World
Listen to the world’s musical heartbeat on RNW. A brand new world music series hosted by Dheera Sujan.
This week:
José 'Puerto Plata' Cobles, a singer and guitarist with half a century of experience from Puerto Rico, brought out his debut album at a ripe old age. His concert was recorded at the Nijmegen Music Meeting in 2010. In Africa Unsigned, Meiway and his band play Lhaso dance music. Brazilian diva Paula Lima from Sao Paulo combines samba and bossa nova with funk and soul.
First airing: Monday 00:00 UTC
RNW Classical
Classical concerts from the Royal Concertgebouw as well as studio recordings of Dutch performers, presented by Hans Haffmans.
Available 24 hours a day via our sister web station
Radio Netherlands is available with streaming audio at:
English service to 30 October 2011 targeted to Africa and Asia
All times UTC
0959-1000 12065as 15110as
1000-1057 12065as 15110as
1359-1400 11835as
1400-1457 9800as 11835as
1759-1800 6020af 15495af
1800-1857 6020af 15495af
1859-1900 7425af 11610af
1900-1957 7425af 11615af 15495af
2000-2057 7425af 11615af
(R Netherlands)
Jonathan Groubert and his team look at current events from an unexpected perspective.
This week: The power of stories
Featuring a brain researcher, a UN Rapporteur on Torture, a portrait photographer for the New Yorker and the Egyptian blogger, “Sandmonkey”.
First airing: Saturday 02:00 UTC
Earth Beat
Marnie Chesterton and her team look at the footprint we’re leaving on our planet.
This week: Naked
Earth Beat strips it all off to see if you experience the world around you differently, when naked. We speak to a naked hiker, a naked dancer, a naked anthropologist and find out why they do what they do. All in the best possible taste, of course.
First airing: Friday 03:00 UTC
Bridges With Africa
We're giving the microphone to Diaspora groups in Europe and are linking up with stations in Africa.
This week:
Trouble in the desert. Is Al Qaeda really a threat in the Sahara?
Where should former Chadian president Hisène Habré face justice?
Furious Afro-fusion from Holland.
First airing: Friday 00:00 UTC
Africa in Progress
Inspiring round-table discussions with guest speakers and in-depth interviews give listeners food for thought.
This week: Fela Kuti is alive and kicking
A musical about the Nigerian music legend and political activist Fela Kuti is conquering the world, from Lagos to New York and Amsterdam. In this report, Fela’s sons Femi and Seun, themselves well known musicians, reflect on his life and times. The creators of the musical talk about his legacy. All agree that Fela’s message for the emancipation of Africa is still relevant today, not only for Nigeria, but for the entire continent.
First airing: Monday 18:00 UTC
South Asia Wired
Stories from South Asia.
This week:
While India likes to portray itself as a modern world power, some backward practices live on. Many people (especially men) still prefer baby sons over baby girls and some will do anything to prevent girls from being born. Some couples have the sex of their unborn baby determined and as soon as they discover it’s a girl, they opt for sex selective abortion.
It’s been illegal since 1994, but in all these years, only one woman – who wished to keep her baby girls – has been brave enough to take her husband to court. She tells her story on this week’s programme.
(There'll be a new edition of the programme on Thursday 21 July)
First airing: Thursday 14:00 UTC
Commonwealth Story
A selection of winning stories chosen from the large number of entries for the 2010 Commonwealth Short Story Competition.
This week:
Ninth Life - by Alison Grove, UK. Too late for love?
First airing: Tuesday 00:55 UTC
Global Perspective
Who says I can’t… is the motto of this year’s collaboration of international broadcasters, offering stories of defiance and perseverance.
This week: Who says I can’t squat?
Radio Netherlands Worldwide’s Dheera Sujan visits Sanne, Tom and Bo – three Dutch squatters. She hears their struggle to build – and keep – their home amid the new anti-squat laws in the Netherlands.
First airing: Monday 17:30 UTC
Hear the World
Listen to the world’s musical heartbeat on RNW. A brand new world music series hosted by Dheera Sujan.
This week:
José 'Puerto Plata' Cobles, a singer and guitarist with half a century of experience from Puerto Rico, brought out his debut album at a ripe old age. His concert was recorded at the Nijmegen Music Meeting in 2010. In Africa Unsigned, Meiway and his band play Lhaso dance music. Brazilian diva Paula Lima from Sao Paulo combines samba and bossa nova with funk and soul.
First airing: Monday 00:00 UTC
RNW Classical
Classical concerts from the Royal Concertgebouw as well as studio recordings of Dutch performers, presented by Hans Haffmans.
Available 24 hours a day via our sister web station
Radio Netherlands is available with streaming audio at:
English service to 30 October 2011 targeted to Africa and Asia
All times UTC
0959-1000 12065as 15110as
1000-1057 12065as 15110as
1359-1400 11835as
1400-1457 9800as 11835as
1759-1800 6020af 15495af
1800-1857 6020af 15495af
1859-1900 7425af 11610af
1900-1957 7425af 11615af 15495af
2000-2057 7425af 11615af
(R Netherlands)
QSL Report Central
The following QSL contributions were cut from an upcoming edition of QSL Report in Monitoring Times for space constraints. Blog readers love to read what you are QSLing.
Super Radio Boa Vontade, Puerto Alegre, 6160 kHz.Prepared QSL card returned as verified, signed by Vera Carpes Quednau. Received in ten days for a Portuguese report. Station address: Legiao da Boa Vontade (LBV), Super Boa Vontade, Av. S Paulo, 722 Navegantes/S Geraldo, Porto Alegre, RS 90230-160 Brazil (Fabricio Andrade Silva/playdx)
Radio Habana, 11770 kHz. Full data E-QSL from Manolo de la Rosa. Received in 92 days for Spanish report to: radiohc@enet.cdcu (Rafael Rodriguez, Colombia/playdx)
Czech Republic
Radio Prague, 5930/11720 kHz. Full data QSL for their last day of broadcasting, plus souvenir calendar, map and tourist info. (Silveri, Gomez/playdx)
Time/Frequency Station-HD21OA, 3810 kHz. Full data card signed by Jorge Cardenas Amores, Capitan de Fragata. Received in 54 days. QSL address: Instituto Oceanografico de la Armada Del Ecuador, Estacion HD21OA, Av. 25 de Julio Via Puerto Maritimo, Base Naval Sur, Guayaquil, Ecuador. (Fabricio Andrade Silva/playdx)
Euro Pirates
Blue Star Radio, 3900 kHz. Full data E-QSL from Henri. Received in 372 days for an email report to: (Roberto Pavaleoo, playdx)
North Pole, 6311 kHz. Full data E-QSL. Received in 390 days for email report to: (Roberto Pavanello, Italy/playdx)
Radio Spaceshuttle 5815 kHz. Full data station card. Received in 1,109 days. QSL address: Postbus 2702, 6049 ZG Herten, Netherlands. (Roberto Pavanello & Silveri Gomez/playdx)
Sonic Radio, 6305 kHz. E-QSL from Jacco Paans. Received in eight days for email report to: (Roberto Pavanello/playdx)
Gospel for Asia, 15390 kHz. Via Nuaen. Full data card in 40 days. (Vashek Korinek/AFS, DXplorer)
Hamburger Lokalradio via Radio 700, Kall, 5980 khz. Full data QSL. Received six weeks for a report and $1.00US. Station address: Kulturzentrum LOLA, D-21031 Hamburg, Germany. (Artur Llorella/playdx)
Radio Verdad 4052.5 kHz. Full data QSL card signed by Edgar Amilcar Madrid, General Manager, plus calender, sticker and pamplet. Received in 154 days for a Spanish report to: (Rafael Rodriguez, Colombia/playDX)
Radio Kuwait 11990 kHz. Full data Radio Kuwait certificate signed with illegible signature as Under Secretery Engineering Affairs. Received via regular mail in 394 days. Station email: (Rafael Rodriguez, Colombia/playdx)
Traxx FM 7295 kHz. Full data card signed by Najnahn Sani-The Jazz Kitchen Program. Received in 86 days via postal mail. (Rafael Rodriguez, Colombia/playdx)
Medium Wave
Canada: CFZM Toronto, Ontario, 740 kHz AM. Full data E-QSL from Gene Stevens, Director of Programming and Operations. Received in four hours after an email-report follow up to (Mauricio Molano, Spain/playdx)
Germany: Deutschelandfunk, 1422 kHz AM. Full data E-QSL. Received in two weeks for email report to: (Artur Llorella/playdx)
Italy: RAI Puglia, 1431 kHz AM. Full data photo QSL card signed by Lorenzo Massaro. Received ib 14 weeks. Station address: Dalmazia 104, 70121 Bari, Spain (Artur Llorella/playdx)
Netherlands: Radio Maria Nederland, 675 kHz. Full data QSL signed by Jeroen Manten, Technicalk Operator. Received in ten days for an email to: and (Artur Llorella/playdx)
Russia: RV128 RTRS-Krasnoyasrk (Radio Rossii transmitter) 216 kHz AM. Full data E-QSL from Shof Sergey, Chief Engineer. Received in four hours for report to: (Mauricio Molano Sanchez, Spain/pladx)
Russia: RV1091 Radio Mayak, 1359 kHz AM. Full data verification letter via email from S.I, Ermolaev. Received in 22 hours for report to: (Mauricio Molano, Spain/playdx)
Spain: Radio Salamanca 1026 kHz AM. Full data verification letter from Alvaro Acedo. Received in ten weeks for email report to: (Artur Llorella, Spain/playdx)
USA: KOA Denver, Co, 850 kHz AM. Full data E-QSL from Jan Chadwell, Chief Engineer. Received in 23 hours for report to: (Mauricio Molano, Spain/playdx)
Northern Marianas
Radio Free Asia 6095 kHz. Full data RFA Anniversary card. Received in three months for report to (Sam Wright, MS)
Radio Exterior Espana 9630 kHz. Full data REE card signed by Secretaria Tecnica, for DRM broadcast. Received in 250 days. Station email: (Rafael Rodriguez, Colombia/playdx)
Radio Taiwan International, 3965 kHz. Full data RTI card unsigned, plus RTI bulletin. Received in 59 days. Station address: P.O. Box 24-38, Taipei, Taiwan. (Marabello, Italy/playdx)
Super Radio Boa Vontade, Puerto Alegre, 6160 kHz.Prepared QSL card returned as verified, signed by Vera Carpes Quednau. Received in ten days for a Portuguese report. Station address: Legiao da Boa Vontade (LBV), Super Boa Vontade, Av. S Paulo, 722 Navegantes/S Geraldo, Porto Alegre, RS 90230-160 Brazil (Fabricio Andrade Silva/playdx)
Radio Habana, 11770 kHz. Full data E-QSL from Manolo de la Rosa. Received in 92 days for Spanish report to: radiohc@enet.cdcu (Rafael Rodriguez, Colombia/playdx)
Czech Republic
Radio Prague, 5930/11720 kHz. Full data QSL for their last day of broadcasting, plus souvenir calendar, map and tourist info. (Silveri, Gomez/playdx)
Time/Frequency Station-HD21OA, 3810 kHz. Full data card signed by Jorge Cardenas Amores, Capitan de Fragata. Received in 54 days. QSL address: Instituto Oceanografico de la Armada Del Ecuador, Estacion HD21OA, Av. 25 de Julio Via Puerto Maritimo, Base Naval Sur, Guayaquil, Ecuador. (Fabricio Andrade Silva/playdx)
Euro Pirates
Blue Star Radio, 3900 kHz. Full data E-QSL from Henri. Received in 372 days for an email report to: (Roberto Pavaleoo, playdx)
North Pole, 6311 kHz. Full data E-QSL. Received in 390 days for email report to: (Roberto Pavanello, Italy/playdx)
Radio Spaceshuttle 5815 kHz. Full data station card. Received in 1,109 days. QSL address: Postbus 2702, 6049 ZG Herten, Netherlands. (Roberto Pavanello & Silveri Gomez/playdx)
Sonic Radio, 6305 kHz. E-QSL from Jacco Paans. Received in eight days for email report to: (Roberto Pavanello/playdx)
Gospel for Asia, 15390 kHz. Via Nuaen. Full data card in 40 days. (Vashek Korinek/AFS, DXplorer)
Hamburger Lokalradio via Radio 700, Kall, 5980 khz. Full data QSL. Received six weeks for a report and $1.00US. Station address: Kulturzentrum LOLA, D-21031 Hamburg, Germany. (Artur Llorella/playdx)
Radio Verdad 4052.5 kHz. Full data QSL card signed by Edgar Amilcar Madrid, General Manager, plus calender, sticker and pamplet. Received in 154 days for a Spanish report to: (Rafael Rodriguez, Colombia/playDX)
Radio Kuwait 11990 kHz. Full data Radio Kuwait certificate signed with illegible signature as Under Secretery Engineering Affairs. Received via regular mail in 394 days. Station email: (Rafael Rodriguez, Colombia/playdx)
Traxx FM 7295 kHz. Full data card signed by Najnahn Sani-The Jazz Kitchen Program. Received in 86 days via postal mail. (Rafael Rodriguez, Colombia/playdx)
Medium Wave
Canada: CFZM Toronto, Ontario, 740 kHz AM. Full data E-QSL from Gene Stevens, Director of Programming and Operations. Received in four hours after an email-report follow up to (Mauricio Molano, Spain/playdx)
Germany: Deutschelandfunk, 1422 kHz AM. Full data E-QSL. Received in two weeks for email report to: (Artur Llorella/playdx)
Italy: RAI Puglia, 1431 kHz AM. Full data photo QSL card signed by Lorenzo Massaro. Received ib 14 weeks. Station address: Dalmazia 104, 70121 Bari, Spain (Artur Llorella/playdx)
Netherlands: Radio Maria Nederland, 675 kHz. Full data QSL signed by Jeroen Manten, Technicalk Operator. Received in ten days for an email to: and (Artur Llorella/playdx)
Russia: RV128 RTRS-Krasnoyasrk (Radio Rossii transmitter) 216 kHz AM. Full data E-QSL from Shof Sergey, Chief Engineer. Received in four hours for report to: (Mauricio Molano Sanchez, Spain/pladx)
Russia: RV1091 Radio Mayak, 1359 kHz AM. Full data verification letter via email from S.I, Ermolaev. Received in 22 hours for report to: (Mauricio Molano, Spain/playdx)
Spain: Radio Salamanca 1026 kHz AM. Full data verification letter from Alvaro Acedo. Received in ten weeks for email report to: (Artur Llorella, Spain/playdx)
USA: KOA Denver, Co, 850 kHz AM. Full data E-QSL from Jan Chadwell, Chief Engineer. Received in 23 hours for report to: (Mauricio Molano, Spain/playdx)
Northern Marianas
Radio Free Asia 6095 kHz. Full data RFA Anniversary card. Received in three months for report to (Sam Wright, MS)
Radio Exterior Espana 9630 kHz. Full data REE card signed by Secretaria Tecnica, for DRM broadcast. Received in 250 days. Station email: (Rafael Rodriguez, Colombia/playdx)
Radio Taiwan International, 3965 kHz. Full data RTI card unsigned, plus RTI bulletin. Received in 59 days. Station address: P.O. Box 24-38, Taipei, Taiwan. (Marabello, Italy/playdx)
Blog Logs
Thanks to the contributors who have shared their recent loggings with our blog readers. The weekend is just hours away, and now is a good time to plan your weekend listening sessions.
All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on / sign-off*
Logs edited for clarity
9580, 1005 Radio Australia. Station ID as "ABC News Radio. (Bob Fraser, ME)
3310, 0950-1000 (presumed) Radio Mosoj Chaski. Very weak signal on this freq with male's Spanish religious preaching format style. Only heard momentarily as the audio faded. (Chuck Bolland, FL).
4795, 0040-0100.* Spanish announcement to Bolivian music and rustic vocals. Signal weak and poor in noisy conditions. (Brian Alexander, PA).
6134, 0050-0107.* Radio Santa Cruz. Bolivian music to Spanish announcements and station ID. Sign-off with "Santa Cruz" song at 0104. Signal poor-fair. (Brian Alexander, PA).
6120, 1208, NHK/Radio Japan relay. Report on a European electric power grid, SIO 555. (Bob Fraser, ME)
6165, *0427-0450 RNT. Heard after Radio Netherlands 0427 sign-off with Chad signing on at 0427 with Balafon interval signal and national anthem. French announcements at 0429 and African hi-life music. Weak signal and co-channel interference from Radio Japan at their 0430 sign-on. (Brian Alexander, PA).
15405, *1700-1715.* Radio Y'Abaganda via France. Sign-on with pop music and brief vernacular announcement at 1702, followed by Afro pop music. African choal music for Saturday broadcast. (Brian Alexander, PA).
6010.04, 0405-0425 LV de Tu Conciencia. Lite instrumnetal music to ID at 0408. Spanish religious talk and Spanish inspirational music. Signal poor in noisy conditions. (Brian Alexander, PA).
4919, 0508-0532 (presumed) Radio Quito. While band scanning - found this poor to moderate strength Spanish station 4919. May be reactivated Radio Quito. Programincluded long Latin ballads with brief Spanish announcements. Static and CODAR interference made this ID impossible. Last log of Radio Quito was November 2010. (Jim Evans, TN).
9820.3 (new freq), *0258-0324 Voice of the Broad Masses. Program 2. New Freq noted at sign-on with interval signal and vernacular talk at 0300. Some Horn of Africa music though weak with interference from weak unidentified station on 9819.87 (Brazil ?) (Brian Alexander, PA).
7204.98, *0257-0324 Voice of the Broad Masses. Program 1. Sign-on with interval signal and same vernacular talk at 0300. No // heard. (Brian Alexaner, PA).
17550, 2202-2216 Radio Kuwait. Two announcer's in Arabic with lengthy talk over lite-style music. Still going at tune-out. Signal fair. (Scott Barbour, NH)
15345, 1554-1605, RTV Marocaine Nador. Arabic text and announcer's talk to music. Fanfare bit at 1600 with male/female dou's announcements to news headlines. Various music bits throughout program. Signal fair-good. (Scott Barbour, NG).
9704.99, 2150-2301.* LV du Sahel. Indigenous vocals to Afro-pop music,Local tribal music to French/vernacular talk at 2300 for about 65-70 seconds. Signal poo. (Brian Alexander, PA).
7385, 0015, Radio Romania International. English program, Pro Memoria on Romanian TV's history. SIO 554. (Bob Fraser, ME)
15465, 1726-1733. Voice of Russia. French service including talks and comments as Moscow was mentioned. Very poor signal, and just above the nise level. (Jim Evans, TN).
15420, 1612 BBC relay via Mahe. English program Fast Track on Arican sports. Interview regarding the state of African basketball. Signal fair at best // 15400 via Ascension Islands fair. (Scott Barbour, NH).
9830, 2215, Voice of Turkey. Letterbox program segment. SIO 554. (Bob Fraser, ME)
Vatican City
15280, 1551-1553.* Radio Veritas Asia relay. Closing bits of announcer's talk and mentions throughout about Manila, Philippines. Solid station ID over music at 1552. Fair-good signal quality. (Scott Barbour, NH)
13590, 1746-1751 CVC 1 Africa. Contemporary Christian music and talk from announcer duo. Signal poor with fading observed. (Jim Evans, TN).
All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on / sign-off*
Logs edited for clarity
9580, 1005 Radio Australia. Station ID as "ABC News Radio. (Bob Fraser, ME)
3310, 0950-1000 (presumed) Radio Mosoj Chaski. Very weak signal on this freq with male's Spanish religious preaching format style. Only heard momentarily as the audio faded. (Chuck Bolland, FL).
4795, 0040-0100.* Spanish announcement to Bolivian music and rustic vocals. Signal weak and poor in noisy conditions. (Brian Alexander, PA).
6134, 0050-0107.* Radio Santa Cruz. Bolivian music to Spanish announcements and station ID. Sign-off with "Santa Cruz" song at 0104. Signal poor-fair. (Brian Alexander, PA).
6120, 1208, NHK/Radio Japan relay. Report on a European electric power grid, SIO 555. (Bob Fraser, ME)
6165, *0427-0450 RNT. Heard after Radio Netherlands 0427 sign-off with Chad signing on at 0427 with Balafon interval signal and national anthem. French announcements at 0429 and African hi-life music. Weak signal and co-channel interference from Radio Japan at their 0430 sign-on. (Brian Alexander, PA).
15405, *1700-1715.* Radio Y'Abaganda via France. Sign-on with pop music and brief vernacular announcement at 1702, followed by Afro pop music. African choal music for Saturday broadcast. (Brian Alexander, PA).
6010.04, 0405-0425 LV de Tu Conciencia. Lite instrumnetal music to ID at 0408. Spanish religious talk and Spanish inspirational music. Signal poor in noisy conditions. (Brian Alexander, PA).
4919, 0508-0532 (presumed) Radio Quito. While band scanning - found this poor to moderate strength Spanish station 4919. May be reactivated Radio Quito. Programincluded long Latin ballads with brief Spanish announcements. Static and CODAR interference made this ID impossible. Last log of Radio Quito was November 2010. (Jim Evans, TN).
9820.3 (new freq), *0258-0324 Voice of the Broad Masses. Program 2. New Freq noted at sign-on with interval signal and vernacular talk at 0300. Some Horn of Africa music though weak with interference from weak unidentified station on 9819.87 (Brazil ?) (Brian Alexander, PA).
7204.98, *0257-0324 Voice of the Broad Masses. Program 1. Sign-on with interval signal and same vernacular talk at 0300. No // heard. (Brian Alexaner, PA).
17550, 2202-2216 Radio Kuwait. Two announcer's in Arabic with lengthy talk over lite-style music. Still going at tune-out. Signal fair. (Scott Barbour, NH)
15345, 1554-1605, RTV Marocaine Nador. Arabic text and announcer's talk to music. Fanfare bit at 1600 with male/female dou's announcements to news headlines. Various music bits throughout program. Signal fair-good. (Scott Barbour, NG).
9704.99, 2150-2301.* LV du Sahel. Indigenous vocals to Afro-pop music,Local tribal music to French/vernacular talk at 2300 for about 65-70 seconds. Signal poo. (Brian Alexander, PA).
7385, 0015, Radio Romania International. English program, Pro Memoria on Romanian TV's history. SIO 554. (Bob Fraser, ME)
15465, 1726-1733. Voice of Russia. French service including talks and comments as Moscow was mentioned. Very poor signal, and just above the nise level. (Jim Evans, TN).
15420, 1612 BBC relay via Mahe. English program Fast Track on Arican sports. Interview regarding the state of African basketball. Signal fair at best // 15400 via Ascension Islands fair. (Scott Barbour, NH).
9830, 2215, Voice of Turkey. Letterbox program segment. SIO 554. (Bob Fraser, ME)
Vatican City
15280, 1551-1553.* Radio Veritas Asia relay. Closing bits of announcer's talk and mentions throughout about Manila, Philippines. Solid station ID over music at 1552. Fair-good signal quality. (Scott Barbour, NH)
13590, 1746-1751 CVC 1 Africa. Contemporary Christian music and talk from announcer duo. Signal poor with fading observed. (Jim Evans, TN).
South Sudan - A New Beginning
On July 9, 2011, the world’s 193rd nation was born: The Republic of South Sudan. For Sudan, the largest country in Africa, the cost has been high and the need for peace intense.
TWR Africa is conducting extensive research in order to help The Republic of South Sudan begin to grow, physically and spiritually with the following:
• Initial shortwave programming from Swaziland. These programs will focus on leadership and educational development with sound biblical teaching.
• FM programming within The Republic of Sudan, in partnership with the Church as it grows. Practical programs are being planned for agricultural development, wellness and health issues and educational programs for generations who have had little to no formal training.
• New radio programs in the major languages of the fledgling nation: Juba Arabic, African English, Dinke and Nuer. Other languages will be developed later.
TWR Africa is conducting extensive research in order to help The Republic of South Sudan begin to grow, physically and spiritually with the following:
• Initial shortwave programming from Swaziland. These programs will focus on leadership and educational development with sound biblical teaching.
• FM programming within The Republic of Sudan, in partnership with the Church as it grows. Practical programs are being planned for agricultural development, wellness and health issues and educational programs for generations who have had little to no formal training.
• New radio programs in the major languages of the fledgling nation: Juba Arabic, African English, Dinke and Nuer. Other languages will be developed later.
Latest Shortwave Report available online
Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (July 15) is up at the website in three forms - (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59)
The latest Shortwave Report (July 15) is up at the website in three forms - (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59)
If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {27MB} This week's show features stories from China Radio International, NHK Japan, Radio Deutsche Welle, and the Voice of Russia.
From CHINA - At the EU-China Youth Forum for Sustainable Development, young delegates discussed their role as stakeholders in addressing global environmental pollution and climate change issues. Turkey continues to insist that Israel apologize and compensate for the flotilla members murdered last year on the way to Gaza.
From JAPAN- Prime Minister Kan says that Japan should reduce dependence on nuclear energy. Survivors of the atomic bombs in 1945 are urging the government to completely abandon nuclear power. Prefecture governors have united to promote the expanded use of renewable energy sources in Japan.
From GERMANY- There is much speculation this week about government defaults in Greece, Portugal, Italy, and Ireland- here is one story about Greek citizens pulling their money out of Greek banks. A report on Julian Assange's appeal in a London court to prevent his extradition to Sweden.
From RUSSIA- Last year saw the greatest number of civilian deaths in the 10 year old war on Afghanistan, and civilians have been protesting. The US has pulled back about a third of the aid it gives to Pakistan as conflicts continue to grow between the two governments.
There is an article about the Shortwave Report by Cassandra Roos on line
I was interviewed for an informative weekly radio show Mediageek, available at
All that plus times and frequencies for listening at home. It's free to rebroadcast, please notify me if you're airing it and haven't notified me in the last month, please mention the website if you only air a portion. If you just want to listen and have a slow connection, try the streaming version- lower sound quality but good enough and way easier if you don't have a high-speed internet connection. If streaming is a problem because of your slow connection, download the smaller file- it takes 20 minutes or less, and will play swell in any mp3 player application (RealPlayer, Winamp, Quicktime, iTunes, etc) you have on your computer.
This program will be aired on Friday evening at 6:30pm (PDST) on KZYX/Z Philo CA, you might be able to stream via
There are several other streams that work better - Freak Radio Santa Cruz now streams this program on Friday at 9:00am.(PDST)
The Shortwave Report may be downloaded as a podcast from feed: www.//
Website Page
(Dan Roberts/Rachel Baughn)
From CHINA - At the EU-China Youth Forum for Sustainable Development, young delegates discussed their role as stakeholders in addressing global environmental pollution and climate change issues. Turkey continues to insist that Israel apologize and compensate for the flotilla members murdered last year on the way to Gaza.
From JAPAN- Prime Minister Kan says that Japan should reduce dependence on nuclear energy. Survivors of the atomic bombs in 1945 are urging the government to completely abandon nuclear power. Prefecture governors have united to promote the expanded use of renewable energy sources in Japan.
From GERMANY- There is much speculation this week about government defaults in Greece, Portugal, Italy, and Ireland- here is one story about Greek citizens pulling their money out of Greek banks. A report on Julian Assange's appeal in a London court to prevent his extradition to Sweden.
From RUSSIA- Last year saw the greatest number of civilian deaths in the 10 year old war on Afghanistan, and civilians have been protesting. The US has pulled back about a third of the aid it gives to Pakistan as conflicts continue to grow between the two governments.
There is an article about the Shortwave Report by Cassandra Roos on line
I was interviewed for an informative weekly radio show Mediageek, available at
All that plus times and frequencies for listening at home. It's free to rebroadcast, please notify me if you're airing it and haven't notified me in the last month, please mention the website if you only air a portion. If you just want to listen and have a slow connection, try the streaming version- lower sound quality but good enough and way easier if you don't have a high-speed internet connection. If streaming is a problem because of your slow connection, download the smaller file- it takes 20 minutes or less, and will play swell in any mp3 player application (RealPlayer, Winamp, Quicktime, iTunes, etc) you have on your computer.
This program will be aired on Friday evening at 6:30pm (PDST) on KZYX/Z Philo CA, you might be able to stream via
There are several other streams that work better - Freak Radio Santa Cruz now streams this program on Friday at 9:00am.(PDST)
The Shortwave Report may be downloaded as a podcast from feed: www.//
Website Page
(Dan Roberts/Rachel Baughn)
BBG Board meets to further strategic review
The Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) met on July 14 to further the ongoing, comprehensive strategic review of U.S. international broadcasting.
“We have an important opportunity and profound responsibility to position U.S. international broadcasting for the future. These ongoing consultations will lead shortly to recommendations for a transformed international broadcasting agency," said Richard Lobo, Director of the International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB). "Today, more than ever, we need to be wise stewards of every tax dollar. What we do has to have impact."
Governor S. Enders Wimbush, who chairs the Strategy and Budget Committee, echoed Lobo’s remarks.
"The strategic review effort has been intensive and revealing," he said. "We have described for the Board a variety of ways in which the elements of US international broadcasting can be brought together to increase efficiency, sharpen our strategic impact, and make the BBG one of the largest and most important sources of news, information and audience engagement in the world."
The Board expressed its ongoing support and concern for Mikhal Karnievich, the RFE reporter fined earlier in the week for covering the Belarus Independence Day protests, and welcomed the release of Urunboy Usmonov, a reporter for the BBC World Service who was jailed in Tajikistan.
Lobo also briefed the governors on the agency’s plans to quickly put to use the $10 million it received to advance Internet freedom in countries such as China, Cuba and Iran.
The Board also received reports on a trip to Africa by Governors Michael Meehan, Dana Perino and Susan McCue to advance VOA broadcasting and distribution objectives in Ethiopia, Nigeria and South Sudan; a trip to Azerbaijan by Governor Victor Ashe; and meetings in London and Prague between Governor Dennis Mulhaupt and international broadcasting colleagues from Deutsche Welle and the BBC.
The Board’s Committees on Strategy and Budget, Communications and External Relations, and Governance all updated the Board on their activities. BBG broadcast network leaders highlighted unique news coverage, to include the July 11 visit of the Dalai Lama to Radio Free Asia and the Voice of America’s June 22 exclusive interview with President Barack Obama.
The meeting is available on demand on the BBG’s public website at .
“We have an important opportunity and profound responsibility to position U.S. international broadcasting for the future. These ongoing consultations will lead shortly to recommendations for a transformed international broadcasting agency," said Richard Lobo, Director of the International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB). "Today, more than ever, we need to be wise stewards of every tax dollar. What we do has to have impact."
Governor S. Enders Wimbush, who chairs the Strategy and Budget Committee, echoed Lobo’s remarks.
"The strategic review effort has been intensive and revealing," he said. "We have described for the Board a variety of ways in which the elements of US international broadcasting can be brought together to increase efficiency, sharpen our strategic impact, and make the BBG one of the largest and most important sources of news, information and audience engagement in the world."
The Board expressed its ongoing support and concern for Mikhal Karnievich, the RFE reporter fined earlier in the week for covering the Belarus Independence Day protests, and welcomed the release of Urunboy Usmonov, a reporter for the BBC World Service who was jailed in Tajikistan.
Lobo also briefed the governors on the agency’s plans to quickly put to use the $10 million it received to advance Internet freedom in countries such as China, Cuba and Iran.
The Board also received reports on a trip to Africa by Governors Michael Meehan, Dana Perino and Susan McCue to advance VOA broadcasting and distribution objectives in Ethiopia, Nigeria and South Sudan; a trip to Azerbaijan by Governor Victor Ashe; and meetings in London and Prague between Governor Dennis Mulhaupt and international broadcasting colleagues from Deutsche Welle and the BBC.
The Board’s Committees on Strategy and Budget, Communications and External Relations, and Governance all updated the Board on their activities. BBG broadcast network leaders highlighted unique news coverage, to include the July 11 visit of the Dalai Lama to Radio Free Asia and the Voice of America’s June 22 exclusive interview with President Barack Obama.
The meeting is available on demand on the BBG’s public website at .
(VOA/Letitia King)
BBC World Service audience falls due to cuts
BBC World Service audiences have fallen 14m in the past year, largely as a result of service closures and platform changes due to cuts to central Government grants. The overall audience estimate for the year is 166m, down from 180m last year. The World Service, currently funded by the UK’s Foreign & Commonwealth Office, had its budget cut in the Government’s Spending Review and in January announced that five language services would close along with significant platform changes to other services.
However, there were solid improvements in some core areas of World Service which partly offset the effects of the cuts. World Service online audience figures have risen by 40% over the past 12 months. The 2010/11 figures indicate that there are 10m weekly unique users of World Service websites, a 3m increase from 2009/10.
World Service English audiences are up 10% on the previous year with a total weekly reach of 43m and the audience in the US has risen to 10m. This follows record audience figures in the UK of 1.79m for the first quarter of 2011 – a reach of 3.5% among all UK adults. There were also increases in the audience figures for the World Service’s Arabic television service. BBC Arabic TV had a strong year with audience growth of 2m taking it to 13.5m viewers.
Peter Horrocks, Director BBC Global News, said: “We’ve had to make considerable changes to the World Service over the past year due to the cut in our funding from the Government and this was always going to result in a drop in our audience figures. The World Service has been looking hard at the best way to provide impartial news and information to our audiences going forward, and it’s encouraging to see improvement in key areas. The strong international journalism from the World Service, particularly during the Arab Spring, has been a key part of the significant increases for online, English radio and Arabic television.
“We are also pleased to see that we are doing so well in the UK with audiences accessing World Service through digital radio, freeview and live streaming online. We will continue to look for the best fit for the audience – online, radio, tv, mobile – wherever it suits them best.”
(Source: BBC World Service Press Office)
However, there were solid improvements in some core areas of World Service which partly offset the effects of the cuts. World Service online audience figures have risen by 40% over the past 12 months. The 2010/11 figures indicate that there are 10m weekly unique users of World Service websites, a 3m increase from 2009/10.
World Service English audiences are up 10% on the previous year with a total weekly reach of 43m and the audience in the US has risen to 10m. This follows record audience figures in the UK of 1.79m for the first quarter of 2011 – a reach of 3.5% among all UK adults. There were also increases in the audience figures for the World Service’s Arabic television service. BBC Arabic TV had a strong year with audience growth of 2m taking it to 13.5m viewers.
Peter Horrocks, Director BBC Global News, said: “We’ve had to make considerable changes to the World Service over the past year due to the cut in our funding from the Government and this was always going to result in a drop in our audience figures. The World Service has been looking hard at the best way to provide impartial news and information to our audiences going forward, and it’s encouraging to see improvement in key areas. The strong international journalism from the World Service, particularly during the Arab Spring, has been a key part of the significant increases for online, English radio and Arabic television.
“We are also pleased to see that we are doing so well in the UK with audiences accessing World Service through digital radio, freeview and live streaming online. We will continue to look for the best fit for the audience – online, radio, tv, mobile – wherever it suits them best.”
(Source: BBC World Service Press Office)
Radio Dabanga to revise broadcast schedule
Dutch-based Radio Dabanga, which broadcasts to the Darfur region, will have a revised schedule as from Monday 18 July 2011:
0430-0527 UTC on 15550 kHz (Dhabayya 500 kW) and 13620 kHz (Madagascar 250 kW)
0430-0459 UTC on 13730 kHz (Madagascar 250 kW)
0459-0527 UTC on 13730 kHz (Wertachtal 250 kW)
0527-0557 UTC on 13620 kHz (Nauen 500 kW) and 13730 kHz (Wertachtal 250 kW)
1529-1627 UTC on 15720 kHz (Wertachtal 500 kW) and 13730 kHz (Madagascar 250 kW)
(Source: RNW Program Distribution/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)
0430-0527 UTC on 15550 kHz (Dhabayya 500 kW) and 13620 kHz (Madagascar 250 kW)
0430-0459 UTC on 13730 kHz (Madagascar 250 kW)
0459-0527 UTC on 13730 kHz (Wertachtal 250 kW)
0527-0557 UTC on 13620 kHz (Nauen 500 kW) and 13730 kHz (Wertachtal 250 kW)
1529-1627 UTC on 15720 kHz (Wertachtal 500 kW) and 13730 kHz (Madagascar 250 kW)
(Source: RNW Program Distribution/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)
New DRM receivers on show at IBC 2011
The DRM Consortium will have its strongest presence ever at the International Broadcasting Convention (IBC), being held in Amsterdam from 8 -13 September 2011. IBC is considered the leading global tradeshow for professionals engaged in the creation, management and delivery of broadcasting media and entertainment.
In Amsterdam, DRM will be showcasing developments, highlighting the potential of the DRM standard, as well as presenting new receiver options. Three key Consortium members (Transradio, Nautel and Fraunhofer IIS) will host events on 10, 11 and 12 September taking participants on a digital journey of discovery. On these three days there will updates on the latest market developments and demonstration on how DRM (either as DRM30 or as DRM+) can get multi-platform, rich, digital content direct to users. Videos and new receiver solutions will give these events a “hands-on”, unique feel.
Ruxandra Obreja, DRM Consortium Chairman, says: “Our presence at IBC will show that DRM is a complete digital radio solution, is very efficient and is making real progress in important global markets which, in turn, is stimulating chipset and receiver manufacturers to develop new solutions and products”.
(Source: DRM Consortium/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)
In Amsterdam, DRM will be showcasing developments, highlighting the potential of the DRM standard, as well as presenting new receiver options. Three key Consortium members (Transradio, Nautel and Fraunhofer IIS) will host events on 10, 11 and 12 September taking participants on a digital journey of discovery. On these three days there will updates on the latest market developments and demonstration on how DRM (either as DRM30 or as DRM+) can get multi-platform, rich, digital content direct to users. Videos and new receiver solutions will give these events a “hands-on”, unique feel.
Ruxandra Obreja, DRM Consortium Chairman, says: “Our presence at IBC will show that DRM is a complete digital radio solution, is very efficient and is making real progress in important global markets which, in turn, is stimulating chipset and receiver manufacturers to develop new solutions and products”.
(Source: DRM Consortium/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)
Jonathan Marks' Hitchhikers Guide to DXing re-released
Jonathan Marks writes “It is thirty years ago since I wrote a rather silly parody on international radio broadcasting and based on my favourite radio series at the time, the Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy. There seemed to be so much to make fun of at the time…the boring propaganda at the height of the Cold War, jamming, the waste of energy shouting from one country to another, and the variable quality of reaction from listeners.”
Parts one,two and three of this classic series are now available to download from the Media Network Vintage Vault at . The rest will follow shortly. I believe I make a brief appearance in one of the episodes.
(R Netherlands Media Network Newsletter)
Parts one,two and three of this classic series are now available to download from the Media Network Vintage Vault at . The rest will follow shortly. I believe I make a brief appearance in one of the episodes.
(R Netherlands Media Network Newsletter)
BBC Cyprus relay station adjust broadcast schedule
A recent explosion at Cyprus' Zygi port has required reductions in the operations at the BBC/Babcock transmitting station at Limassol. The current Limassol schedule, including medium wave is:
All times UTC
639 BBC 0300 0329 English s...... 500 180
639 BBC 0300 0329 English .mtwtfs 500 180
639 BBC 0329 0330 Arabic smtwtfs 500 180
639 BBC 0330 2100 Arabic smtwtfs 500 180
720 BBC 0300 2100 Arabic smtwtfs 500 110
1323 BBC 0200 0729 English .mtwtf. 200 150
1323 BBC 0200 2300 English s.....s 200 150
1323 BBC 0900 2300 English .mtwtf. 200 150
5875 BBC 0030 0100 Dari smtwtfs WAs 300 077
5875 BBC 0100 0130 Pashto smtwtfs WAs 300 077
5875 BBC 0130 0200 Dari smtwtfs WAs 300 077
5875 BBC 1700 1800 Arabic smtwtfs Arab.Gulf 300 101
5875 BBC 1800 1900 English smtwtfs Gulf 300 090
5925 BBC 2215 2245 Greek s....fs W.Eur 250 314
6195 BBC 0130 0200 Dari smtwtfs WAs 250 077
7220 BBC 2215 2245 Greek s....fs W.Eur 300 314
7375 BBC 0500 0600 Arabic smtwtfs E.Med. 300 173
7375 BBC 0600 0700 Arabic smtwtfs E.Med. 300 173
7375 BBC 1700 1900 Arabic smtwtfs NE Af 300 173
7445 BBC 0030 0100 Dari smtwtfs WAs 300 081
7445 BBC 0100 0130 Pashto smtwtfs WAs 300 081
7445 BBC 0130 0200 Dari smtwtfs WAs 300 081
9760 BBC 2215 2245 Greek s....fs W.Eur 300 317
12095 BBC 1900 2100 English s....fs SAf 250 177
13820 BBC 1400 1500 English smtwtfs Gulf 300 090
13820 BBC 1500 1700 English smtwtfs Gulf 300 090
15370 BBC 1300 1600 Somali ......s EAf 250 160
15420 BBC 0500 0600 English s.....s EAf 300 177
17680 BBC 1300 1400 Somali ......s EAf 300 160
17680 BBC 1500 1600 Somali ......s EAf 300 160
21470 BBC 1400 1700 English smtwtfs EAf 250 175
(Dan Ferguson/NASWA/ptsw)
All times UTC
639 BBC 0300 0329 English s...... 500 180
639 BBC 0300 0329 English .mtwtfs 500 180
639 BBC 0329 0330 Arabic smtwtfs 500 180
639 BBC 0330 2100 Arabic smtwtfs 500 180
720 BBC 0300 2100 Arabic smtwtfs 500 110
1323 BBC 0200 0729 English .mtwtf. 200 150
1323 BBC 0200 2300 English s.....s 200 150
1323 BBC 0900 2300 English .mtwtf. 200 150
5875 BBC 0030 0100 Dari smtwtfs WAs 300 077
5875 BBC 0100 0130 Pashto smtwtfs WAs 300 077
5875 BBC 0130 0200 Dari smtwtfs WAs 300 077
5875 BBC 1700 1800 Arabic smtwtfs Arab.Gulf 300 101
5875 BBC 1800 1900 English smtwtfs Gulf 300 090
5925 BBC 2215 2245 Greek s....fs W.Eur 250 314
6195 BBC 0130 0200 Dari smtwtfs WAs 250 077
7220 BBC 2215 2245 Greek s....fs W.Eur 300 314
7375 BBC 0500 0600 Arabic smtwtfs E.Med. 300 173
7375 BBC 0600 0700 Arabic smtwtfs E.Med. 300 173
7375 BBC 1700 1900 Arabic smtwtfs NE Af 300 173
7445 BBC 0030 0100 Dari smtwtfs WAs 300 081
7445 BBC 0100 0130 Pashto smtwtfs WAs 300 081
7445 BBC 0130 0200 Dari smtwtfs WAs 300 081
9760 BBC 2215 2245 Greek s....fs W.Eur 300 317
12095 BBC 1900 2100 English s....fs SAf 250 177
13820 BBC 1400 1500 English smtwtfs Gulf 300 090
13820 BBC 1500 1700 English smtwtfs Gulf 300 090
15370 BBC 1300 1600 Somali ......s EAf 250 160
15420 BBC 0500 0600 English s.....s EAf 300 177
17680 BBC 1300 1400 Somali ......s EAf 300 160
17680 BBC 1500 1600 Somali ......s EAf 300 160
21470 BBC 1400 1700 English smtwtfs EAf 250 175
(Dan Ferguson/NASWA/ptsw)
Weekly Propagation Forecast Bulletins
Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
:Issued: 2011 Jul 12 1959 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact
:Issued: 2011 Jul 12 1959 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 04 - 10 July 2011
Solar activity was at very low to low levels during the period. Solar activity began at very low levels through 06 July. On 06 July, a 23 degree long filament, centered near N25W60, was observed lifting off. An associated CME (573 km/s plane-of-sky speed) was observed, but was not Earth-directed. Low levels returned on 07 July when Region 1243 (N15, L=353, class/area Dai/100 on 06 July) produced a C1/Sf at 07/0242 UTC. Four C-class flares were observed on 08 July, the largest a C3/1n at 08/1331 UTC from Region 1247 (S18, L=269, class/area Dai/040 on 10 July). There was a long duration B4 x-ray event at 09/0028Z UTC from Region 1247. Associated with this event was a filament eruption located near Region 1247 that produced an asymmetric, partial-halo CME first visible on LASCO C2 imagery at 09/0125 UTC. Activity returned to very low levels for the remainder of the period.
No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at normal levels on 04 July. Flux levels increased to moderate on 05 - 06 July and further increased to high levels on 07 - 08 July. The period ended with flux at moderate levels.
Geomagnetic activity ranged from quiet to active levels during the period, with an isolated minor storm period observed early on 05 July due to a nighttime substorm. From 04 - 08 July, activity was primarily at quiet to unsettled levels with isolated active periods observed on 05 and 06 July. An increase to quiet to active levels occurred on 09 - 10 July due to the onset of another CH HSS.
Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 15 July - 08 August 2011
Solar activity is expected to be at very low to low levels during the forecast period.
No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to be at high levels from 12 - 14 July due to enhanced wind speeds from the currently geoeffective CH HSS. Normal levels are expected to return from 15 - 19 July before increasing to moderate to high flux levels again 20 - 27 July after an anticipated period of elevated solar wind speeds associated a second recurrent CH. Flux values should return to normal levels 28 July - 02 August, before another brief period of moderate to high levels on 3 - 4 August. Normal levels are expected to prevail for the remainder of the period.
Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at quiet to unsettled levels on 13 July due to CH HSS effects. Unsettled to active conditions with the chance for a minor storm is expected to begin on 14 July and persist for a day or two due to the anticipated arrival of the CME from 1103 UTC on 11 July. Mostly quiet conditions should return 16 - 17 July. An increase in activity ranging from quiet to active levels is forecast for 18 - 23 July due to another geoeffective HSS from a recurrent negative polarity CH. Conditions are forecast to be mostly quiet from 24 July - 03 August, with the exception of more CH HSS effects expected 27 - 29 July and 31 July - 02 August. Each of these events should each produce mostly unsettled and possibly even brief active conditions. Mostly quiet conditions are forecast to return on 03 August, before a SSBC from negative to positive polarity is expected on 04 August, when mostly unsettled conditions should occur in advance of yet another CH HSS that is expected to produce mostly unsettled conditions for the remainder of the period.
Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2011 Jul 12 1959 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact
# 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
# Issued 2011-07-12
# UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
# Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2011 Jul 13 92 12 3
2011 Jul 14 94 15 4
2011 Jul 15 94 7 2
2011 Jul 16 94 5 2
2011 Jul 17 94 5 2
2011 Jul 18 92 8 3
2011 Jul 19 90 10 3
2011 Jul 20 92 10 3
2011 Jul 21 92 10 3
2011 Jul 22 90 8 3
2011 Jul 23 90 8 3
2011 Jul 24 90 5 2
2011 Jul 25 88 5 2
2011 Jul 26 88 5 2
2011 Jul 27 88 8 3
2011 Jul 28 86 10 3
2011 Jul 29 88 8 3
2011 Jul 30 88 8 3
2011 Jul 31 85 8 3
2011 Aug 01 85 10 3
2011 Aug 02 85 8 3
2011 Aug 03 85 5 2
2011 Aug 04 85 8 3
2011 Aug 05 85 12 3
2011 Aug 06 90 12 3
2011 Aug 07 90 12 3
2011 Aug 08 90 8 3
Solar activity was at very low to low levels during the period. Solar activity began at very low levels through 06 July. On 06 July, a 23 degree long filament, centered near N25W60, was observed lifting off. An associated CME (573 km/s plane-of-sky speed) was observed, but was not Earth-directed. Low levels returned on 07 July when Region 1243 (N15, L=353, class/area Dai/100 on 06 July) produced a C1/Sf at 07/0242 UTC. Four C-class flares were observed on 08 July, the largest a C3/1n at 08/1331 UTC from Region 1247 (S18, L=269, class/area Dai/040 on 10 July). There was a long duration B4 x-ray event at 09/0028Z UTC from Region 1247. Associated with this event was a filament eruption located near Region 1247 that produced an asymmetric, partial-halo CME first visible on LASCO C2 imagery at 09/0125 UTC. Activity returned to very low levels for the remainder of the period.
No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at normal levels on 04 July. Flux levels increased to moderate on 05 - 06 July and further increased to high levels on 07 - 08 July. The period ended with flux at moderate levels.
Geomagnetic activity ranged from quiet to active levels during the period, with an isolated minor storm period observed early on 05 July due to a nighttime substorm. From 04 - 08 July, activity was primarily at quiet to unsettled levels with isolated active periods observed on 05 and 06 July. An increase to quiet to active levels occurred on 09 - 10 July due to the onset of another CH HSS.
Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 15 July - 08 August 2011
Solar activity is expected to be at very low to low levels during the forecast period.
No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to be at high levels from 12 - 14 July due to enhanced wind speeds from the currently geoeffective CH HSS. Normal levels are expected to return from 15 - 19 July before increasing to moderate to high flux levels again 20 - 27 July after an anticipated period of elevated solar wind speeds associated a second recurrent CH. Flux values should return to normal levels 28 July - 02 August, before another brief period of moderate to high levels on 3 - 4 August. Normal levels are expected to prevail for the remainder of the period.
Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at quiet to unsettled levels on 13 July due to CH HSS effects. Unsettled to active conditions with the chance for a minor storm is expected to begin on 14 July and persist for a day or two due to the anticipated arrival of the CME from 1103 UTC on 11 July. Mostly quiet conditions should return 16 - 17 July. An increase in activity ranging from quiet to active levels is forecast for 18 - 23 July due to another geoeffective HSS from a recurrent negative polarity CH. Conditions are forecast to be mostly quiet from 24 July - 03 August, with the exception of more CH HSS effects expected 27 - 29 July and 31 July - 02 August. Each of these events should each produce mostly unsettled and possibly even brief active conditions. Mostly quiet conditions are forecast to return on 03 August, before a SSBC from negative to positive polarity is expected on 04 August, when mostly unsettled conditions should occur in advance of yet another CH HSS that is expected to produce mostly unsettled conditions for the remainder of the period.
Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2011 Jul 12 1959 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact
# 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
# Issued 2011-07-12
# UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
# Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2011 Jul 13 92 12 3
2011 Jul 14 94 15 4
2011 Jul 15 94 7 2
2011 Jul 16 94 5 2
2011 Jul 17 94 5 2
2011 Jul 18 92 8 3
2011 Jul 19 90 10 3
2011 Jul 20 92 10 3
2011 Jul 21 92 10 3
2011 Jul 22 90 8 3
2011 Jul 23 90 8 3
2011 Jul 24 90 5 2
2011 Jul 25 88 5 2
2011 Jul 26 88 5 2
2011 Jul 27 88 8 3
2011 Jul 28 86 10 3
2011 Jul 29 88 8 3
2011 Jul 30 88 8 3
2011 Jul 31 85 8 3
2011 Aug 01 85 10 3
2011 Aug 02 85 8 3
2011 Aug 03 85 5 2
2011 Aug 04 85 8 3
2011 Aug 05 85 12 3
2011 Aug 06 90 12 3
2011 Aug 07 90 12 3
2011 Aug 08 90 8 3
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Tuning in Zhaojun Cultural Festival on shortwave
For those of us lucky enough to be able to hear the Chinese Service of PBS Nei Menggu, I suggest we tune in on July 15, for the special coverage in Chinese and English of the 12th Annual Zhaojun Cultural Festival held in Hohhot, capital of the Inner Mongolian utonomous Region. Last year’s coverage of the opening ceremony started about 1255 UTC on 7420 and 9520, but we should probably start checking somewhat earlier. Last year’s theme was Heavenly Grassland and presented many musical selections from the USA (County Roads), Africa, China, etc. and the sound of fireworks. has an MP3 audio of last year’s opening announcement in English. Hope it will again be well heard and be as entertaining as last year’s festival!
(Ron Howard, California, July 12/Cumbre DX)
(photo/opening ceremonies of the Hohhot Zhaojun Cultural Festival)
(Ron Howard, California, July 12/Cumbre DX)
New country for shortwavers on the horizon ?
Republic of South Sudan
On July 09 this new state could celebrate its independence from the muslim government in Khartoum as agreed by both parties after two decades of civil war between Sudan and the Sudanese Peoples Liberation Army. At a voting in January 2011, 98,83% of the participating voters in South Sudan were in favour for independence. The area of South Sudan is 644.329 square kms – about one fourth of the Republic of Sudan – or the area of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Germany together! Its only 8,26 million inhabitants are mostly christians or animists.
A Broadcasting Bill is ready for South Sudan with one TV channel and three public radio channels and additional other channels, cf. . The WRTH lists two regional medium wave stations in South Sudan: Juba 693 kHz (100 kW) and Kadogli 1602 kHz (5 kW).
The only known shortwave station in Southern Sudan has been Radio Peace which was a very small religious station owned and operated by Educational Media Corp. (EMC), in Spotsylvania, Virginia. Its station manager was Peter Stover who had about five employees. It was broadcasting from the Nuba Mountains with 4 kW on 5895 and 1 kW on 4750, but moved later to 4740 to avoid interference from Radio Dunamis, Uganda. But in Sep 2009 when it became evident, that the Nuba Mountains stay as a part of North Sudan, the station ceased operations and relocated to the future capital of South Sudan, Juba. It has not yet been heard by DX-ers. The best hours to try for it are at *0230-0415* and *1600-1800* UTC.(Ed)
EMC no longer owns this transmitter/equipment, it having been donated to the Episcopal Diocese in Juba. EMC spokesman indicated that he understood that the Episcopal bishop was attempting to get permission to return the shortwave station to the air. I have inquires out to Episcopal authorities in Sudan for details. (Jensen, Jul 11)
DX-ers are counting ”Radio Countries” in their QSL statistics and this new country has to be considered. (Ed)
The North American Shortwave Association (NASWA) Country List Committee has already considered this issue and has approved adding South Sudan (actual name will be decided when it actually occurs) as a new country, on the basis of Radio Peace operations. It will become effective when independence actually occurs on July 09...The UN practically was the midwife to this birth of a country. It has been de facto recognized by the UN, plus the US and most other major countries even before the official independence... It arrives on the scene fully recognized by the international community. .. With this background, the committee decided this was ample political recognition and that when South Sudan did declare independence, as anticipated, it should be added to the NASWA list. (Jensen, Jun 02 and 03, in DXplorer).
Thus we are now expecting, that the European DX Council will update its basic publication ”EDXC Radio Countries” at . (Ed)
(DX Window 432 via Anker Petersen)
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
The 'haunted past' of Radio Ceylon
The ‘haunted’ past of Radio Ceylon
by Chamari Senayake
Walking into the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC) buildings at Torrington Square, one would immediately feel the historical value of the place, but most people would not know just how valuable it is. Our SLBC is Asia's first broadcasting corporation. Radio Ceylon started in Sri Lanka then Ceylon, paving the way for many other radio stations that later came to be celebrated around the world, inspiring countries such as Hong Kong, Korea, India and Singapore to enter the world of wireless media.
Full story with photo's at :
(Alokesh Gupta, India)
by Chamari Senayake
Walking into the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC) buildings at Torrington Square, one would immediately feel the historical value of the place, but most people would not know just how valuable it is. Our SLBC is Asia's first broadcasting corporation. Radio Ceylon started in Sri Lanka then Ceylon, paving the way for many other radio stations that later came to be celebrated around the world, inspiring countries such as Hong Kong, Korea, India and Singapore to enter the world of wireless media.
Full story with photo's at :
(Alokesh Gupta, India)
Ozy Radio update
Special thanks to Ron Howard, for sending in the update on Ozy Radio this morning. In recent weeks, the station has been testing their broadcast transmissions at various times, and Ron has been the number one DXers following the station.
Gayle VH
3210 and 5050 kHz. Ozy Radio continues to be silent July 12. They are indeed off the air now, as confirmed today by Craig Allen. Ozy Radio will soon be via the web, with the shortwave station being back on the air within six months. Craig has just uploaded an interesting video to showing his transmitter setup. So now we can see what we have been listening to.
Ron Howard
Asilomar State Beach, CA
Etón E1
Gayle VH
3210 and 5050 kHz. Ozy Radio continues to be silent July 12. They are indeed off the air now, as confirmed today by Craig Allen. Ozy Radio will soon be via the web, with the shortwave station being back on the air within six months. Craig has just uploaded an interesting video to showing his transmitter setup. So now we can see what we have been listening to.
Ron Howard
Asilomar State Beach, CA
Etón E1
Blog Logs
Thanks to all of the contributor's that have shared their recent loggings. Contributions are always welcome and our blog readers would love to see what you're hearing from your listening post. Please send your observations to the email address in the above masthead. Good listening to all.
Gayle Van Horn
All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on/ sign-off*
Logs edited for clarity
2485, VL8K-ABC Katherine, NT, 1217-1230. Music show to ABC news 1230-1240. News dealt with mostly local Darwin and Northern Territory stories.Tony Delroy's Nightlife show with author of new book on step-families. Noted on // 2310 VL8A Alice Springs North Territory. Both stations mostly poor. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX).
9745USB, Radio Bahrain (tentative) 2253-2258. Two announcer's in Arabic at tune-in. Talk over music at 2255. Signal lost under co-channel Romanian interval signal at 2258. Barely audible - need to try an hour later after Romania signs-off. (Scott Barbour, NH).
4716.44, Radio Yura Yura, 0031-0045. Nice Bolivian ballads to tentative Spanish announcement at 0035. More music with bits of chat between selections. Signal poor with music coming thru nicely. (Scott Barbour, NH).
4795.88, Radio Lipez, 0133-0140. Nice Bolivian music with brief announcer's Spanish between music tunes. Poor signal quality. (Scott Barbour, NH).
5952.494, Emisora Pio XII, 2350-2359. Noted faint audio with possibly Spanish comments. Signal tended to fade in better, but was just threshold. (Chuck Bolland, FL).
6055.08, Radio Juan XXIII (San Ignacio de Velazco) 1106-1115. Spanish messages for all departments..."anuncio para el Barrio Santa Rosa...aviso para...menjsaje para." Interference from Radio Tanpa, Tokyo, Japan on 6055 kHz. SINPO 43433. (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina).
6134.822, Radio Santa Cruz, 0010-0030. Good signal and noted a very strong and clear signal on frequency with steady music. Hopefully will remain for an hour or so before the band goes out. Noted later at 0030-0045 with hardly any audio and as conditions improved, noted a weak signal with music only (Chuck Bolland, FL).
4775, Radio Congonhas (presumed), 0047-0103.* Portuguese religious sonding programming. Announcer's voice over music to 0100. Poor signal. (Scott, Barbour, NH).
4878.50, Radio Difusora Roraima, 0345-0403.* Portuguese pop music to Portuguese announcements. Station sign-off with national anthem at 0400. SIgnal poor. (Brian Alexander, PA).
4878.56, Radio Difusora Roraima, 0108-0114. Portuguese ballads to ads and promos at 0111 Solid station ID at 0112, then back to music. Fair signal quality. (Scott Barbour, NH).
9586.70, Super Radio Deus e Amor, 0445-0530. Noted somewhat off normal 9581. This frequency tends to vary anywhere between 9581-9594 kHz. Portuguese religious talk to station ID. Signal very weak and // 6120.02, 9565.26 and 11764.94 (Brian Alexander, PA).
15189.99, Radio Inconfidencia, 0145-0155. Romantic Brazilian ballads to Portuguese anniuncements. Signal very weak on // 6010.02, weak and poor with adjacent channel splatter. (Brian Alexander, PA).
6159.98, CKZU Vancouver, 1200-1212. CBC news followed by chat about Canada Day. Signal generally fair. (John Wilkins, CO)
15445, China Radio International via Kashi, 0414-0419. Russian service with lady announcer's talk. Signal moderate with little fading. (Brian Alexaner, PA).
5935, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze via Yamata, Japan, 1331 and 1402. Korean service with fair signal and lite jamming with Myanmar hetrodyne (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX).
6030, Radio Oromiya, *0322-0340. Sign-on with marimba interval signal. Opening announcements in Oromo at 0329. Local music at 0331. Signal poor-fair with adjacent channel splatter. (Brian Alexander, PA).
11530, Voice of Mesopotamia via Ukraine, 0403-0430. Tune-in to national anthem and indigenous vocals at 0404. Kurdish music during fair signal with no sign noted of WEWN spurs, but slowly deteriorated to a very weak/threshold signal by 0430. (Brian Alexander, PA).
6009.92, LV de Conciencia, 0305-0332. Local pop music to Spanish talk and station ID. Mentions of Colombia with a poor-fair signal quality and adjacent channel splatter. Frequency constantly drifting up and down between 6009.91-6009.95 kHz. (Brian Alexander, PA).
7175, Voice of the Broad Masses-Program 2, *0257-0320. Station sign-on with interval signal. Vernacular talk at 0300 into local Horn of Africa style music. Fair signal, heard // 9820.04. Was on 9715.03 for the past several nights, but has now moved back to 9820.04. Also heard // 7204.98 (Brian Alexander, PA)
9739.03 (new freq) Voice of the Broad Masses, 0320-0345. Another new frequency for this station. Vernacular talk and some Horn of Africa style music, 9730.03 off the air between approximately 0327-0332. Weak and poor signal with adjacent channel splatter.Noted parallel 7175 kHz and no other // stations noted. (Brian Alexander, PA).
9705, Radio Ethiopia, 2040-2101.* Amharic talk to local folk and US pop music. Short music clips featuring Euro and US pops. Station sign-off with national anthem at 2059. Signal fair. (Brian Alexander, PA).
9580, Afrique Numero Un via Moyabi, 2101-2114. French news and recorded comments to ID and promo string. Station jingles at 2109. Arabic style pop music at 2113 Fair signal quality. (Scott Barbour, NH).
6189.88, Deutschelandfunk Berlin-Britz, 0141-0206. German service. Spanish classical flavored acoustic guitar music to brief announcer's item at 0154. Signal weak but clear. (Scott Barbour, NH).
4055, Radio Verdad, 0515-0607.* English religious program, Through the Bible with talk and music. Multilingual ID announcement at 0556. Sign-off with national anthem at 0603. Poor to fair signal despite thunderstorm's local noise. (Brian Alexander, PA).
4055, Radio Verdad, 0118. Spanish choral music and announcer's Spanish bits. Poor signal quality. (Scott Barbour, NH).
15630, Voice of Greece, 0420-0425. Traditional Greek music to Greek comments by male announcer. Signal weak sbut steady. (Jim Evans, TN).
5765, AFN/AFRTS, 1227. Messages for military personnel to news at 1229. Diego Garcia site 4319 not heard. Fair signal quality. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada)
9910, TWR/KTWR via Agana, 1116-1129. Lenghtly Mandarin talk to woman's announcement over music. Station Id at 1128 and website URL and contact info. Music at 1129. Poor-fair signal. (Scott Barbour, NH).
7125, Rdif Nationale, 2155-2205. Local marimba music to French talk. "Radio-difussion Nationale" ID. Gone by 2226 recheck. Signal fair-good. Also noted on this frequency 0550-0640 with indigenous vocals, local tribal music and chants. Signal poor-fair (Brian Alexander, PA).
7129, Rdif Nationale, 2218-2236. French announcements and talk to indigenous music bits. Recorded comments to xylophone music at 2229 and vocal music with talk-over. String and Horn of Africa style music to 2231. Announcer's tentative ID noted as "R-T-G" in passing. Talk between music bits for fair signal qualkity. (Scott Barbour, NH).
4920, All India Radio-Chennai. Hindi service with announer's newscast. SIgnal fair with interference from Tibet. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).
5010, All India Radio-Thiruvananthapuram, 1242. Hindi service covering man's speech at 1245. Fair signal quality. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).
15075, All India Radio-Bangaluru, 0400-0411. Hindi service with man talking-counded like a public speaker rather than a studio announcer. Good signal strength, but declining slowly. (Jim Evans, TN).
4749.95, RRI Makassar, 1104-1140. News/talk to 1121, then regional vocals with occasional "RRI" and "RRI Makassar" IDs. Program mix of talk and music after 1230. Fair signal quality. (John WIlkins, CO).
4749.968, RRI Makassar, 1020-1030. Noted only music during this listening period, was was soft listening style. At 1030, noted male announcer's comments. Signal was threshold. (Chuck Bolland, FL).
4789.96, RRI Fak Fak, 1201. Station back again with Jakarta news relay to 1226 with their usual patriotic/national song, which sounded much improved. News and song noted // with Palangkaraya (3325) RRI Makassar (4749.95) and RRI Jakarta (9680) but not parallel with RRI Ternate on 3344.96. Station was off the air by 1240 recheck. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX).
9526, Voice of Indonesia, 1309. English service of lady announer's closing news items and station ID, then press editorials. Fair signal quality. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).
11705, NHK Radio Japan, 1403. English service for male/female's Asian newscast topics. Signal fair. (Harold Sellers,BC Canada).
15195, NHK Radio Japan, 0400-0417. Japanese talk by male announcer, joined by lady at 0417. Moderate signal strength with rather deep fades. (Jim Evans, TN).
6130, Lao National Radio, 1326. Station rarely heard at this decent level. Adjacent interference. Indigenous vocals. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX).
6130, Lao National Radio, 1149. Indigenous pop songs, assume in Laotian, followed by routine theme music and rining of the distinctive gong/bell rung seven times. Anthem, news but only heard bits of news due to varying amounts of adjacent interference/splatter. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
6049.62, Asyik FM, 1200-1240+. Played Tom Jones' Green Green Grass of Home tune, followed by "Asyik FM" jingle and several minutes of chat by male/female announcers in local language. Local vocals and chat to past 1230. Qur'an at 1240. Good signal - holding up past 120 and still active at 1300 although weak. (John Wilkins, CO).
6049.7, RTM Kuala Lumpur, 1303. Malay service for pop music from female host. Fair signal quality. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).
7295, Traxx FM, 1200-1211. English program with brief news bulletin, then pop vocals after 1203. Signal fair with amateur radio interference. (John Wilkins, CO).
9835, Sarawak FM, 1250. Malay service for pop music from female hosat, noted on // 5030 fair signal quality. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).
7245, ORTM Mauritanie, *0550-0640. Abrupt sign-on with local chants. Arabic talk at 0629 and local flute music for good signal. (Brian Alexander, PA).
7185.74, Myanma Radio, 1142. Program in vernacular. Not on the air by check at 1234, normally would be a 1330.* (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX).
7200.05, Myanma Radio, 1109. Back on their normal frequency despite poor reception. Most of the stations I have heard so well were mostly noted poor today. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
7200.08, Radio Myanma (presumed) 1133-1203. Female announcer's text - possibly a newscast in unknown language. Vocal music at 1145 and continuing past 1200. Poor signal quality (John Wilkins, CO).
New Zealand
15720, Radio New Zealand International, 0423-0430. Two men discussing New Zealand's crime, law and order and death penalty. Very good signal. (Jim Evans, TN).
7255, Voice of Nigeria, 2134-2200. Listed as Fulfude service. Announcer's talk to indigenous music. More announcements at 2157 to 'talking drums' and station ID. Fair signal. (Scott Barbour, NH).
North Korea
11710, Voice of Korea, 1341. English service covering item on history of Korean conflict according to North Korea. Good signal, noted on // 9335. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).
15365, BBC relay via A'Seela, 0411-0417. English news ready by male/female duo. Very weak signal with fading. Down in the noise by 0417. (Jim Evans, TN).
Papua New Guinea
3205, NBC Sandaun (West Sepik) 1251. Fluttery signal with fading, but still almost fair as this was my local sunrise. Usual fll "N-B-C Sandaun" ID to filler island music to 1302PNG birdcall and start of national news in English. News // 3365 NBC Milne Bay, but not parallel with 3275 NBC Southern Highlands or 3290 NBC Central.(Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
3365, Radio Milne Bay (presumed) 0850-0854. Tok Pisin language. PNG ballads peaking above the noise. Very marginal threshold level signal. (Jim Evans, TN).
3385, Radio East New Britain, 0840-0851. Tok Pisin talk by male announcer. PNG ballads behind announcer at 0850. Good signal, the only PNG with understandable audio. (Jim Evans, TN).
12150, Voice of America relay, 1327. Jazz America program to reading of listener's email. Signal fair quality. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada)
17760, Radio Romania International, 0537-0541.English service of male's conversation. Weak signal with heavy fading, but good enough to identify the language, but too poor to identify content. Much stronger on parallel frequency 9655 kHz. (Jim Evans, TN).
Sao Tome
9885, Voice of America relay via Pinheira, 2040-2100.* french newscast and recorded comments to bits of indigenous music. Station ID and interval signal for fair-good signal quality. (Scott Barbour, NH).
Saudi Arabia
15170, BSKSA, 0405-0416. Arabic service with male announcer speaking. Strong signal with minimal fading. BSKSA also noted on 15285 kHz in Swahili with slightly weaker signal and hetrodyne. (Jim Evans, TN).
15490, BBC relay via Mahe, 0414-0419. Somali talk during strong signal with only a bit of fading. (Jim Evans, TN).
Sri Lanka
11905, SLBC, *0020-0040. Sign-on with local drums and national anthem. Drums and local music to opening ID announcements in Hindi at 0025. Religious recitations and Hindi chants at 0025. Local instrumental music at 0030. Hindi vocals for fair signal quality. (Brian Alexander, PA).
Vatican City
9525, Radio Canada Internal relay via Sta. Maria di Galeria, 2117-2131. French announcements to talk and techno music bits. Interviews and recorded comments. (Scott Barbour, NH).
12019.3, Voice of Vietnam, 1349-1357.* Signal fair-good in English. Noted talking about training for their labor force to Vietnamese rock music tune. Found signal best in LSB. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX).
(QSLs via Teak Publishing photo archives)
Gayle Van Horn
All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on/ sign-off*
Logs edited for clarity
2485, VL8K-ABC Katherine, NT, 1217-1230. Music show to ABC news 1230-1240. News dealt with mostly local Darwin and Northern Territory stories.Tony Delroy's Nightlife show with author of new book on step-families. Noted on // 2310 VL8A Alice Springs North Territory. Both stations mostly poor. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX).
9745USB, Radio Bahrain (tentative) 2253-2258. Two announcer's in Arabic at tune-in. Talk over music at 2255. Signal lost under co-channel Romanian interval signal at 2258. Barely audible - need to try an hour later after Romania signs-off. (Scott Barbour, NH).
4716.44, Radio Yura Yura, 0031-0045. Nice Bolivian ballads to tentative Spanish announcement at 0035. More music with bits of chat between selections. Signal poor with music coming thru nicely. (Scott Barbour, NH).
4795.88, Radio Lipez, 0133-0140. Nice Bolivian music with brief announcer's Spanish between music tunes. Poor signal quality. (Scott Barbour, NH).
5952.494, Emisora Pio XII, 2350-2359. Noted faint audio with possibly Spanish comments. Signal tended to fade in better, but was just threshold. (Chuck Bolland, FL).
6055.08, Radio Juan XXIII (San Ignacio de Velazco) 1106-1115. Spanish messages for all departments..."anuncio para el Barrio Santa Rosa...aviso para...menjsaje para." Interference from Radio Tanpa, Tokyo, Japan on 6055 kHz. SINPO 43433. (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina).
6134.822, Radio Santa Cruz, 0010-0030. Good signal and noted a very strong and clear signal on frequency with steady music. Hopefully will remain for an hour or so before the band goes out. Noted later at 0030-0045 with hardly any audio and as conditions improved, noted a weak signal with music only (Chuck Bolland, FL).
4775, Radio Congonhas (presumed), 0047-0103.* Portuguese religious sonding programming. Announcer's voice over music to 0100. Poor signal. (Scott, Barbour, NH).
4878.50, Radio Difusora Roraima, 0345-0403.* Portuguese pop music to Portuguese announcements. Station sign-off with national anthem at 0400. SIgnal poor. (Brian Alexander, PA).
4878.56, Radio Difusora Roraima, 0108-0114. Portuguese ballads to ads and promos at 0111 Solid station ID at 0112, then back to music. Fair signal quality. (Scott Barbour, NH).
9586.70, Super Radio Deus e Amor, 0445-0530. Noted somewhat off normal 9581. This frequency tends to vary anywhere between 9581-9594 kHz. Portuguese religious talk to station ID. Signal very weak and // 6120.02, 9565.26 and 11764.94 (Brian Alexander, PA).
15189.99, Radio Inconfidencia, 0145-0155. Romantic Brazilian ballads to Portuguese anniuncements. Signal very weak on // 6010.02, weak and poor with adjacent channel splatter. (Brian Alexander, PA).
6159.98, CKZU Vancouver, 1200-1212. CBC news followed by chat about Canada Day. Signal generally fair. (John Wilkins, CO)
15445, China Radio International via Kashi, 0414-0419. Russian service with lady announcer's talk. Signal moderate with little fading. (Brian Alexaner, PA).
5935, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze via Yamata, Japan, 1331 and 1402. Korean service with fair signal and lite jamming with Myanmar hetrodyne (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX).
6030, Radio Oromiya, *0322-0340. Sign-on with marimba interval signal. Opening announcements in Oromo at 0329. Local music at 0331. Signal poor-fair with adjacent channel splatter. (Brian Alexander, PA).
11530, Voice of Mesopotamia via Ukraine, 0403-0430. Tune-in to national anthem and indigenous vocals at 0404. Kurdish music during fair signal with no sign noted of WEWN spurs, but slowly deteriorated to a very weak/threshold signal by 0430. (Brian Alexander, PA).
6009.92, LV de Conciencia, 0305-0332. Local pop music to Spanish talk and station ID. Mentions of Colombia with a poor-fair signal quality and adjacent channel splatter. Frequency constantly drifting up and down between 6009.91-6009.95 kHz. (Brian Alexander, PA).
7175, Voice of the Broad Masses-Program 2, *0257-0320. Station sign-on with interval signal. Vernacular talk at 0300 into local Horn of Africa style music. Fair signal, heard // 9820.04. Was on 9715.03 for the past several nights, but has now moved back to 9820.04. Also heard // 7204.98 (Brian Alexander, PA)
9739.03 (new freq) Voice of the Broad Masses, 0320-0345. Another new frequency for this station. Vernacular talk and some Horn of Africa style music, 9730.03 off the air between approximately 0327-0332. Weak and poor signal with adjacent channel splatter.Noted parallel 7175 kHz and no other // stations noted. (Brian Alexander, PA).
9705, Radio Ethiopia, 2040-2101.* Amharic talk to local folk and US pop music. Short music clips featuring Euro and US pops. Station sign-off with national anthem at 2059. Signal fair. (Brian Alexander, PA).
9580, Afrique Numero Un via Moyabi, 2101-2114. French news and recorded comments to ID and promo string. Station jingles at 2109. Arabic style pop music at 2113 Fair signal quality. (Scott Barbour, NH).
6189.88, Deutschelandfunk Berlin-Britz, 0141-0206. German service. Spanish classical flavored acoustic guitar music to brief announcer's item at 0154. Signal weak but clear. (Scott Barbour, NH).
4055, Radio Verdad, 0515-0607.* English religious program, Through the Bible with talk and music. Multilingual ID announcement at 0556. Sign-off with national anthem at 0603. Poor to fair signal despite thunderstorm's local noise. (Brian Alexander, PA).
4055, Radio Verdad, 0118. Spanish choral music and announcer's Spanish bits. Poor signal quality. (Scott Barbour, NH).
15630, Voice of Greece, 0420-0425. Traditional Greek music to Greek comments by male announcer. Signal weak sbut steady. (Jim Evans, TN).
5765, AFN/AFRTS, 1227. Messages for military personnel to news at 1229. Diego Garcia site 4319 not heard. Fair signal quality. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada)
9910, TWR/KTWR via Agana, 1116-1129. Lenghtly Mandarin talk to woman's announcement over music. Station Id at 1128 and website URL and contact info. Music at 1129. Poor-fair signal. (Scott Barbour, NH).
7125, Rdif Nationale, 2155-2205. Local marimba music to French talk. "Radio-difussion Nationale" ID. Gone by 2226 recheck. Signal fair-good. Also noted on this frequency 0550-0640 with indigenous vocals, local tribal music and chants. Signal poor-fair (Brian Alexander, PA).
7129, Rdif Nationale, 2218-2236. French announcements and talk to indigenous music bits. Recorded comments to xylophone music at 2229 and vocal music with talk-over. String and Horn of Africa style music to 2231. Announcer's tentative ID noted as "R-T-G" in passing. Talk between music bits for fair signal qualkity. (Scott Barbour, NH).
4920, All India Radio-Chennai. Hindi service with announer's newscast. SIgnal fair with interference from Tibet. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).
5010, All India Radio-Thiruvananthapuram, 1242. Hindi service covering man's speech at 1245. Fair signal quality. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).
15075, All India Radio-Bangaluru, 0400-0411. Hindi service with man talking-counded like a public speaker rather than a studio announcer. Good signal strength, but declining slowly. (Jim Evans, TN).
4749.95, RRI Makassar, 1104-1140. News/talk to 1121, then regional vocals with occasional "RRI" and "RRI Makassar" IDs. Program mix of talk and music after 1230. Fair signal quality. (John WIlkins, CO).
4749.968, RRI Makassar, 1020-1030. Noted only music during this listening period, was was soft listening style. At 1030, noted male announcer's comments. Signal was threshold. (Chuck Bolland, FL).
4789.96, RRI Fak Fak, 1201. Station back again with Jakarta news relay to 1226 with their usual patriotic/national song, which sounded much improved. News and song noted // with Palangkaraya (3325) RRI Makassar (4749.95) and RRI Jakarta (9680) but not parallel with RRI Ternate on 3344.96. Station was off the air by 1240 recheck. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX).
9526, Voice of Indonesia, 1309. English service of lady announer's closing news items and station ID, then press editorials. Fair signal quality. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).
11705, NHK Radio Japan, 1403. English service for male/female's Asian newscast topics. Signal fair. (Harold Sellers,BC Canada).
15195, NHK Radio Japan, 0400-0417. Japanese talk by male announcer, joined by lady at 0417. Moderate signal strength with rather deep fades. (Jim Evans, TN).
6130, Lao National Radio, 1326. Station rarely heard at this decent level. Adjacent interference. Indigenous vocals. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX).
6130, Lao National Radio, 1149. Indigenous pop songs, assume in Laotian, followed by routine theme music and rining of the distinctive gong/bell rung seven times. Anthem, news but only heard bits of news due to varying amounts of adjacent interference/splatter. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
6049.62, Asyik FM, 1200-1240+. Played Tom Jones' Green Green Grass of Home tune, followed by "Asyik FM" jingle and several minutes of chat by male/female announcers in local language. Local vocals and chat to past 1230. Qur'an at 1240. Good signal - holding up past 120 and still active at 1300 although weak. (John Wilkins, CO).
6049.7, RTM Kuala Lumpur, 1303. Malay service for pop music from female host. Fair signal quality. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).
7295, Traxx FM, 1200-1211. English program with brief news bulletin, then pop vocals after 1203. Signal fair with amateur radio interference. (John Wilkins, CO).
9835, Sarawak FM, 1250. Malay service for pop music from female hosat, noted on // 5030 fair signal quality. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).
7245, ORTM Mauritanie, *0550-0640. Abrupt sign-on with local chants. Arabic talk at 0629 and local flute music for good signal. (Brian Alexander, PA).
7185.74, Myanma Radio, 1142. Program in vernacular. Not on the air by check at 1234, normally would be a 1330.* (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX).
7200.05, Myanma Radio, 1109. Back on their normal frequency despite poor reception. Most of the stations I have heard so well were mostly noted poor today. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
7200.08, Radio Myanma (presumed) 1133-1203. Female announcer's text - possibly a newscast in unknown language. Vocal music at 1145 and continuing past 1200. Poor signal quality (John Wilkins, CO).
New Zealand
15720, Radio New Zealand International, 0423-0430. Two men discussing New Zealand's crime, law and order and death penalty. Very good signal. (Jim Evans, TN).
7255, Voice of Nigeria, 2134-2200. Listed as Fulfude service. Announcer's talk to indigenous music. More announcements at 2157 to 'talking drums' and station ID. Fair signal. (Scott Barbour, NH).
North Korea
11710, Voice of Korea, 1341. English service covering item on history of Korean conflict according to North Korea. Good signal, noted on // 9335. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).
15365, BBC relay via A'Seela, 0411-0417. English news ready by male/female duo. Very weak signal with fading. Down in the noise by 0417. (Jim Evans, TN).
Papua New Guinea
3205, NBC Sandaun (West Sepik) 1251. Fluttery signal with fading, but still almost fair as this was my local sunrise. Usual fll "N-B-C Sandaun" ID to filler island music to 1302PNG birdcall and start of national news in English. News // 3365 NBC Milne Bay, but not parallel with 3275 NBC Southern Highlands or 3290 NBC Central.(Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)
3365, Radio Milne Bay (presumed) 0850-0854. Tok Pisin language. PNG ballads peaking above the noise. Very marginal threshold level signal. (Jim Evans, TN).
3385, Radio East New Britain, 0840-0851. Tok Pisin talk by male announcer. PNG ballads behind announcer at 0850. Good signal, the only PNG with understandable audio. (Jim Evans, TN).
12150, Voice of America relay, 1327. Jazz America program to reading of listener's email. Signal fair quality. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada)
17760, Radio Romania International, 0537-0541.English service of male's conversation. Weak signal with heavy fading, but good enough to identify the language, but too poor to identify content. Much stronger on parallel frequency 9655 kHz. (Jim Evans, TN).
Sao Tome
9885, Voice of America relay via Pinheira, 2040-2100.* french newscast and recorded comments to bits of indigenous music. Station ID and interval signal for fair-good signal quality. (Scott Barbour, NH).
Saudi Arabia
15170, BSKSA, 0405-0416. Arabic service with male announcer speaking. Strong signal with minimal fading. BSKSA also noted on 15285 kHz in Swahili with slightly weaker signal and hetrodyne. (Jim Evans, TN).
15490, BBC relay via Mahe, 0414-0419. Somali talk during strong signal with only a bit of fading. (Jim Evans, TN).
Sri Lanka
11905, SLBC, *0020-0040. Sign-on with local drums and national anthem. Drums and local music to opening ID announcements in Hindi at 0025. Religious recitations and Hindi chants at 0025. Local instrumental music at 0030. Hindi vocals for fair signal quality. (Brian Alexander, PA).
Vatican City
9525, Radio Canada Internal relay via Sta. Maria di Galeria, 2117-2131. French announcements to talk and techno music bits. Interviews and recorded comments. (Scott Barbour, NH).
12019.3, Voice of Vietnam, 1349-1357.* Signal fair-good in English. Noted talking about training for their labor force to Vietnamese rock music tune. Found signal best in LSB. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX).
(QSLs via Teak Publishing photo archives)
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