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Lord Howe Island (delcampe.net) |
Lord Howe Island-VK9L, (Update/Press Release -- Written by Christian/DL1MGB, July 9th 2014, 20:07) [edited]: It has been a while since the last news about our (VK9DLX/VK9LM) DXpedition to Lord Howe Island in October 2014. But that doesn't mean that nothing happened since then. OK, the experience we gained with the last DXpeditions in preparing and packing the sea freight makes it easier with the time. But nevertheless it was again a huge amount of work to get all ready to go.
Nearly the whole team met in Goch at the great station of DR1A where we packed all our equipment. Though we already have a good selection of radios, amplifiers and antennas on our stock, there are always new ideas coming up with each DXpedition which lead to even more equipment. So it was this time.
For the planned contest operation as well as for the normal DXpedition we plan to set up two-radio setups which are sharing the available antennas. Also the antenna planning needed some brain power. For the high bands we will use both horizontal and vertical polarized monoband antennas for each band, because they were available and because they minimize interferences between the bands. Having a big field to set up antennas is good, but having the shack at one end of the property, you need long cable runs to feed all the antennas. Therefore over 1,500 meters of coax cable and another 1,400 meters of control cable went into the boxes. At the end of the weekend we had over 3 tons of equipment packed in nearly 60 different boxes. They will now be shipped from Germany to Australia mainland and further on to Lord Howe Island. Be sure you don't miss the pictures in our gallery on: www.lordhowe2014.org/service/gallery/index.php We had one sad moment when Felix, DL5XL, had to tell us that he had to cancel his participation due to his job commitments at that time. With him we lose an excellent operator buddy!
More or less by chance we got in contact with Joerg, DF7TH. He has already been known to Dietmar, DL3DXX, and Gerd, DJ5IW. They shared the operating seat at XF4DL in 2006. Being a CW enthusiast he has been active from EI, TK, LX, OD5, EA8 or IS0 in the past. Working as a freelancer in hardware and software development, he found the time to join our group to follow to Lord Howe Island. Having now three Joerg in the team, we decided to name them after their callsign numbers: Joerg-6 (DF6JC), Joerg-7 (DF7TH) and Joerg-8 (DL8WPX). Sounds like fun when calling for a Joerg. So welcome to the team, Joerg-7!
Feel free to visit the DXpedition website on www.lordhowe2014.org and subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed.
No idea who the Lagunaria DX Group is? Just visit www.lagunaria-dx-group.org/ and learn more about the group, the people behind it and their goals.
African Islands Tour
Diego, F4HAU, will activate the following to African islands during the month of October. Activity will be holiday style on 40-10 meters SSB using a FT857D with a HLA amp (300W) into verticals and VDA antennas. QSL both operations via home callsigns.
His tentative schedule is as follows:
October 9-24 Reunion Island (AF-016); callsign FR/F4HAU
October 13-17 Side trip to Rodrigues Island (AF-017); callsign 3B9/F4HAU
October 1-6
Bhutan-A5, (Reminder/Update to OPDX.1176/OPDX.1177/OPDX.1178). Pekka, OH2YY (ex-A52YY), and his good friend Pekka, OH1TV, will be returning to Bhutan and will be active to October 6. They will be staying close to the city of Paro. This time they have no other activities in Bhutan and they will focus 100% on amateur radio! The location will be up on a hill facing to north and it should give a good take off to North America, most of South America, northern Asia, Middle-East and whole Europe. Pekka informed earlier, "We will have two K3 radios. We are planning to have three 2-element yagis: a tribander 14/21/28, a duo-bander 17/24 and one that can be manually tuned to any band 18/21/24/28 MHz. In addition we will have a dipole/vertical for 7 MHz. We will also have a 3-element yagi for 6 meters. We will operate both SSB and CW." Remember, QSL checking will be on QRZ.com and on LoTW. QSL cards directly to his home address (OH2YY) or via SRAL QSL Bureau.
October 1-8
French Polynesia-FO, Heinz, DF1YP, will once again be active by the time you read this as FO/DF1YP from Moorea Island (OC-046, WLOTA 0465). Activity will be holiday style mainly on 20 meters on SSB. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau.
October 1-10
Bahamas-C6, Phil, G3SWH, will be active as C6AYS from New Providence Island (NA-001) to October 10, while en route to and from Grand Turk Island (NA-003) in the Turks and Caicos Islands
[see OPDX.1166 and VP5 below]. There will be a log search facility on the following Web page www.g3swh.org.uk/c6ays.html which is subject to a decent Internet connection, and it will be updated daily. The log will also be uploaded to the ARRL's "Log Book of the World" (LoTW) and Club Log upon his return to the UK. Proper QSLs will be available via the OQRS facility on the above Web site (preferred), direct via snail mail with adequate return postage or via the RSGB bureau. Please note that IRCs are NOT accepted.
October 1-21
Malawi-7Q, Karl, DK2WV, will once again be active as 7Q7VW from the Radio Dinosaur FM - Karonga Museum in Malawi. Activity will be on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. Suggested
SSB frequencies: 1827 (1817 JA only), 3507, 7007 and 50105 kHz (QRM permitting). QSL via DK2WV for direct (see QRZ.com).
October 4-5
Currahee Military Weekend - Band of Brothers - Camp Toccoa, 1200-0000 UTC, K4C, Dawsonville, Georgia. Toccoa-Stephens Chamber of Commerce. 14.308 7.256 147.33 +127.3 3.875. QSL. Bruce Perry, 102 Clearwater Dr, Dawsonville, GA 30534. 2nd Annual Currahee Military Weekend Event. There will be paratroopers, reenactors, plane and helicopter rides in downtown Toccoa, and we will be operating from '3-miles up' on Currahee Mountain from noon to at least dark, and hopefully longer than that. SASE to KK4RWJ info on QRZ for QSL card. kk4rwj@arrl.net or www.qrz.com/db/kk4rwj
October 4-8
Lunar Eclipse, 0001-1200 UTC, K0L, Emporia, KS. Emporia State University Amateur Radio Club. 14.270 21.310 7.230. QSL. Dwight Moore, Campus Box 4050, 1 Kellog Circle, Emporia, KS 66801.
October 4 -8
Bahamas-C6, Alex, PY2WAS, will be active as C6AAS from Melia Hotel on Cable Beach. Activity will be holiday style, especially during the nights on 30/20/17/15/12/10m on CW and SSB. QSL via PY2WAS, by the Bureau or direct.
October 4-12
Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, 1145-1400 UTC, W5B, Albuquerque, NM. High Desert Amateur Radio Club. 14.240. QSL. W5B c/o High Desert Amateur Radio Club, 3705 B-1 Ellison Blvd , Box 505, Albuquerque, NM 87114. www.qrz.com/db/W5B
October 4-12
Bedford, PA 50th Fall Foliage Festival, 1321-1321 UTC, K3NQT, Bedford, PA. Bedford County Amateur Radio Society. 28.450 14.250 7.260 7.050. Certificate & QSL. John Hoganmiller, www.bcars.org, or direct , RE: SE Fall Foliage, 300 Cumberland Rd, Bedford, PA 15522. This event celebrates the 50th Fall Foliage in Bedford, PA. Fall Foliage Is two weekends Oct 4 - 5 and Oct 11 - 12. We are promoting Amateur Radio and its role in Public Service. Amateurs will be providing communications for the transportation services during the event. Our local repeater 145.490 PL Tone 123 negative split (-) will be used for local communications and information. Confirmed QSLs may request a certificate and QSL card be emailed or sent via regular mail on our club website. www.bcars.org
October 5-11
Fire Prevention Week Special Event Station, 0000-2359, N9F, Galesville, WI. KC9ECI. 3.820 7.195 14.245 21.295. QSL. Tom Peterson, 20525 West Gale Ave, Galesville, WI 54630. Operation will be from the Galesville Area Fire Department. N2F, N3F, and N4F are also participating. Other bands and frequencies may be used.
October 7 / 25-26
Morocco-CN2, Operators Juan/EA8RM, Jorge/EA9LZ, Ash/KF5EYY, Rich/W7ZR, Jim/W7EJ and possibly others will be active as CN2R during the CQWW DX SSB Contest as a Multi-Single entry. Operators will be testing the new stations starting October 7th. QSL via W7EJ.
October 10-14
Micronesia-V6, Operators Keizo "Kay"/JH3AZC, Takio/JH3QFL and Hiro/JR3GWZ will be active as V63AZ, V60O and V63GW, respectively, from the South Park Hotel on Pohnpei Island (OC-010). Activity will be on 80-6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY, JT65 and 2m EME operations
(callsign V60EME). QSL via their home callsign.
October 11
US Navy Birthday Special Event, 1600-2300 UTC, NI6IW, San Diego, CA. USS Midway (CV-41) Museum Ship. 14.320 7.250; PSK31 14.070; D-STAR REF1C. QSL. USS Midway (CV-41) Museum Radio Room, 910 N Harbor Dr, San Diego, CA 92101.
October 11
30th Anniversary of the Lewis & Clark Radio Club Inc., K9HAM (Est. 1984 - 2014) 1500-2200 UTC, K9HAM, Godfrey, IL. Lewis & Clark Radio Club Inc. 21.320 21.250 18.150 18.130 14.250 14.225 7.250 7.230; 10 meters if open. Certificate & QSL. Lewis & Clark Radio Club Inc, K9HAM, PO Box 553, Godfrey, IL 62035. We have been an ARRL Affiliated Club for 30 years. ( 1984 - 2014) www.k9ham.org
October 11
Eisenhower Birthday Celebration, 1400-2100 UTC, W5I, Denison, TX. Grayson County Amateur Radio Club. PSK31 14.070 7.070; SSB 14.250 7.250. QSL. K5GCC, 718 E Hwy 82 #198, Sherman, TX 75090. We will be operating both SSB and PSK31 on both 20 and 40 meters depending on band conditions. www.k5gcc.org
October 11-12
GB1RR Centenary of the first Rolls-Royce Aero Engine, 0000-2359 UTC, GB1RR, Hucknall, United Kingdom. Hucknall Rolls-Royce Amateur Radio Club. 1.950 3.775 7.175 14.250. QSL. GB1RR, Eqsl, HRDLog or Club Log only, Nottingham, UNITED KINGDOM. We are running the special event for 48 hours 11th to 12th October and every Friday until the end of October. 2 HF SSB Stations, 1 HF Data Station (PSK31/PSK63) 1 VHF 2 metre Station (UK only) and hopefully a DStar link. Bands are subject to conditions, please see our website, Facebook page for frequencies or follow us @hrrarc on Twitter www.hrrarc.com
October 12-20
25th Anniversary, Great Quake of '89, San Francisco, 0000-2359 UTC, W6Q, Healdsburg, CA. Will Pattullo. 28.465 21.265 14.265 7.265. QSL. W6Q - Will Pattullo, 161 Presidential Cir, Healdsburg, CA 95448. www.qrz.com/db/ae6yb or ae6yb.jigsy.com
October 13-November 9
South Cook Islands-E5, Bill, N7OU, will once again be operating as E51NOU from Rarotonga (OC-013), South Cook Islands. Activity will be on 160-10 meters, CW only, in his spare time as work allows. QSL via N7OU.
October 17-19
75th Aniversery US Coast Guard Auxiliary, 1600-1600 UTC, N3G, Port Penn, DE. US Coast Guard Auxiliary. 146.520 14.070 14.059 7.039. QSL. Robin M Begley, 3 Pancoast Ave, Aston, PA 19014. Air Mobile on 146.520 MHz Activating Old Reedy Island Light USA-568. Operating HF CW & PSK31,SSB if band conditions allow.QSL via N3CJM N351BA@comcast.net
October 18
57th Boy Scouts Annual Jamboree on the Air, 0800-1700 UTC, K4B, Naples, FL. Boy Scouts of America - Southwest Florida Council - Alligator District. 28.360 21.370 14.280 7.192. QSL. BSA JOTA c/o ARASWF, Naples American Red Cross, 2610 Northbrooke Plaza Dr, Naples, FL 34119. bsaswfl52@gmail.com
October 20 - November 5
Mauritania-5T0, (ITU Special Event). Jean, F3JL/5T0JL, will be using the special callsign 5T0ITU during the ITU events -- like the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference in Busan, South Korea, and the ITU Telecom World 2014 in Doha, Qatar, between December 7-10th. He may also use it during the ITU week in May 2015. The license is valid until October 2015.
October 25-26
Montenegro-4O. A very large international group of operators will be active as 4O3A during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 25-26) as a Multi-Single entry. Operators mentioned are Ranko/4O3A, Richard/9A1TT, Ivo/9A3A, Kresimir/9A5K, Braco/E77DX, Arvo/ES2MC, Andy/ES2NA, Toivo/ES2RR, Toomas/ES5RY, Tonno/ES5TV, Kristjan/ES7GM, Zoli/HA1AG, Denny/KX7M, Sinisa/ YT1NT, Kele/YU1AO, Dusan/YU1EA, Zoran/YU1EW and Acim/YU1YV. QSL via LoTW. For more info about the 4O3A station, see: www.4o3a.com
October 25-26
Puerto Rico-WP3, Alfredo (Al), WP3C, will be active during the CQWW DX SSB Contest as a Single-Op/Single-Band (40m)/High-Power entry. QSL via W3HNK.
October 25-26
Canary Islands-EF8, Jaime, WP3A, will be active as EF8U from the Las Palmas Contest Club radio station (EA8URL) on Gran Canaria Island (AF-004) during the CQWW DX SSB Contest. as a Single-Op/All-Band/ Low-Power/Assisted entry. QSL via LoTW or direct to EA8URE.
October 25-26
Mariana Islands-NH0, Koji, JL3RDC, will be active as NH0DX from Saipan during the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Band entry. QSL via JL3RDC direct ONLY (no Bureau).
October 25-26
Samoa-5W, Cliff, KD6XH, will be active as 5W0XH from Samoa. Activity will take place before, during and after the CQWW DX SSB Contest. QSL via his home callsign.
October 25-26
Nicaragua-YN, Scott, K7ZO, will once again be active from here, but this time during the CQWW DX SSB Contest, as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. He will again use his smaller callsign YN5Z for the contest instead of his usual YN5ZO callsign. He usually operates "Field Day Style" using a 5 band Spiderbeam and a 160-40m vertical. The radio is a TS-590 driving a KPA-500 amp. QSL via LoTW and K7ZO, direct or by the Bureau. Very little operation is expected outside the contest period.
October 25-November 2
Frankenstein 2014 Halloween FunExpedition, 1400-2300 UTC, W0O, Frankenstein, MO. Mid-MO Amateur Radio Club. 3.963 3.535. QSL. Kent W. Trimble, K9ZTV, 2210 Heartland Ridge, Jefferson City, MO 65109. Frankenstein 2014 Halloween FunExpedition from Frankenstein, Missouri. Sponsored by Mid-MO ARC, Jefferson City, MO. Operating CW-SSB-Digital. Frequencies spotted. QSL upon receipt of your QSL & SASE.
October 29-Nov 11
Maldives-8Q, George, KQ8Z/GM0IIO, will be active as 8Q7OO from Kuredu Island, Maldives (AS-013). Activity will be on the HF bands. QSL direct (w/SAE 2 USDs) only to GM0IIO. (No
eQSL, LoTW or Bureau).
October 29 - November 20
Reunion Island-FR, Stephane, F5UOW, will once again be active as FR/F5UOW from Reunion Island (AF-016). Activity will be mostly on CW with some SSB and RTTY. He will also be joined by Alain, F8FUA. QSL via F5UOW, by the Bureau or direct. Please NO IRCs!
October 31
Anoka Halloween Capitol of the World Special Event Station - Third Annual, 1400-2000 UTC, W0YFZ, Anoka, MN. Anoka Radio Club and Emergency Services. 28.375 21.315 14.245. QSL. Anoka County Radio Club, PO Box 982, Anoka, MN 55303. The event will be live from 9:00am to 3:00pm Central Time. SpecialEvents@AnokaRadio.org or www.anokaradio.org
Islands, Castles and Portable Operations
October 4-18
Kasimir, DL2SBY will be active from the Seychelles Inner Islands (AF-024) as S79KB between 4-18th October 2014 as follows: 04-09 October from Mahe (WLOTA 3286), 9-18th October from Praslin (WLOTA 2862). QRV on the 30-10m CW (400W), SSB and RTTY (300W), using FT900AT + Amplifier ACOM 1010. Antennas will be inverted V for 30 metres and triple-leg for 20-10 metres, including WARC bands. QSL via home call, direct or Bureau.
(OPDX 1180/1181/1182/ARRL)