Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Update from Channel 292 and Pop Shop Radio

From the host of Pop Shop Radio, the following announcement,

Rainer at Channel 292 has informed me that he will be doing some work on the transmitter for 9670 on Wednesday which will extend into Thursday. 
Therefore, 9670 will be off the air at that time. My show, Pop Shop Radio, will be shifted to Friday 21 June at 1600 UT for both 3955 and 9670

I have arranged for a directional antenna test with Channel 292 at 2200 UT on 9670 kHz on Sunday 23 June across Asia toward Australia, which should give it a darkness path for the most part, although it will be 8 AM Monday morning in Melbourne.
Reports from Asia most welcome,

(Tony Pavick, Pop Shop Radio, Hope BC Canada)