7.5 Earthquake Rocks Western Indonesia
Magnitude 7.5 Earthquake Rocks Western Indonesia; 3 Dead, 25 Injured
Magnitude 7.5 Earthquake Rocks Western Indonesia; 3 Dead, 25 Injured
JAKARTA, Indonesia A powerful earthquake struck western Indonesia on Wednesday, killing at least three people, injuring 25 others, and damaging several buildings, officials said. No tsunami was detected.
The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake had a preliminary magnitude of 7.6 and struck under the island of Simeulue off the western coast of Sumatra — the region worst hit in the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.
Minutes after the quake hit, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued a bulletin saying parts of the Sumatran coast closest to the epicenter were at risk of a possible tsunami. However, it canceled the alert two hours later, saying sea gauges had not detected any large waves.
Continued story from Fox News: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,331360,00.html
Three Killed by Indonesian quake
'Mass Panic'
Local residents said Wednesday's earthquake, which hit Simeulue at 1508 (0808 GMT) according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), lasted for almost a minute.
It was felt strongly more than 300km (185 miles) away in the provincial capital, Banda Aceh, where people left their offices after buildings started shaking.
Read more from BBC News: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7254325.stm
Magnitude 7.5 - Simeulue, Indonesia
Earthquake Details at USGS: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/eqcenter/recenteqsww/Quakes/us2008nran.php
Recent logging observations of Indonesia stations
RRI-Jakarta. 9680, 1000-1020, Repeat of the Feb 10 and 17 (both Sun.) Kang Guru Radio English program #5806. Pop songs by Indonesian singer Marcell (one in BI and one in English), Signal fair-poor, moderate QRM from WYFR. (R.Howard, CA)
RRI-Voice of Indonesia (presumed) 11784.90v, 0937-0959, Program of pop music. Wek signal . 9526v not heard, which recently has been more erratic than usual, even for them. (R.Howard, CA)
RRI Pontianak (presumed) 3976, 1023-1035, Jan 30, Bahasa Indonesia talks, 1028 music, some amateur QRM. (C.Bolland, FL/DX Window 343)
RRI Serui. 4604.8, 1115-1315 fade out, Jan 25 and 29, Feb 04, Jakarta news at 1200 // 4750 and 4790 (t), program of continuous Indonesian pop tunes until 1300 when time pip noted followed by presumed ID and local news. Poor and fading. (D’Angelo/FCDX, Bolland and Wilkner-River DXPedition/DX Window 343)
The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake had a preliminary magnitude of 7.6 and struck under the island of Simeulue off the western coast of Sumatra — the region worst hit in the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.
Minutes after the quake hit, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued a bulletin saying parts of the Sumatran coast closest to the epicenter were at risk of a possible tsunami. However, it canceled the alert two hours later, saying sea gauges had not detected any large waves.
Continued story from Fox News: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,331360,00.html
Three Killed by Indonesian quake
'Mass Panic'
Local residents said Wednesday's earthquake, which hit Simeulue at 1508 (0808 GMT) according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), lasted for almost a minute.
It was felt strongly more than 300km (185 miles) away in the provincial capital, Banda Aceh, where people left their offices after buildings started shaking.
Read more from BBC News: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7254325.stm
Magnitude 7.5 - Simeulue, Indonesia
Earthquake Details at USGS: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/eqcenter/recenteqsww/Quakes/us2008nran.php
Recent logging observations of Indonesia stations
RRI-Jakarta. 9680, 1000-1020, Repeat of the Feb 10 and 17 (both Sun.) Kang Guru Radio English program #5806. Pop songs by Indonesian singer Marcell (one in BI and one in English), Signal fair-poor, moderate QRM from WYFR. (R.Howard, CA)
RRI-Voice of Indonesia (presumed) 11784.90v, 0937-0959, Program of pop music. Wek signal . 9526v not heard, which recently has been more erratic than usual, even for them. (R.Howard, CA)
RRI Pontianak (presumed) 3976, 1023-1035, Jan 30, Bahasa Indonesia talks, 1028 music, some amateur QRM. (C.Bolland, FL/DX Window 343)
RRI Serui. 4604.8, 1115-1315 fade out, Jan 25 and 29, Feb 04, Jakarta news at 1200 // 4750 and 4790 (t), program of continuous Indonesian pop tunes until 1300 when time pip noted followed by presumed ID and local news. Poor and fading. (D’Angelo/FCDX, Bolland and Wilkner-River DXPedition/DX Window 343)
RRI Makassar. 4750, 2143-2232, Jan 27, music program until Song of the Coconut Islands; RRI ID and Jakarta news with several IDs during the new program National news at 2206. News ended at 2212 followed by local ID and music programming. Poor to fair at tune in with CODAR QRM but signal steadily improved to good during the news. Quite enjoyable. R D’Angelo/FCDX/DW Window 343).
RRI Fak Fak. 4790, 2138-2200, Jan 27, talk in Bahasa Indonesia with some music. Generally poor due to CODAR QRM and very faint for Song of the Coconut Islands at 2200. Next morning, Jan 28, noted again at good level around 1130 but faded down to poor by 1200. (D’Angelo/FCDX/DX Window 343)
RRI Wamena. 4869.94, 1112-1130, Jan 26, Bahasa Indonesia comments and music, fair. (C Bolland/DX Window 343)
RRI Wamena. 4869.94, 1112-1130, Jan 26, Bahasa Indonesia comments and music, fair. (C Bolland/DX Window 343)