Black Shop Radio
6925 USB At sign-on clear "Black Shop Radio testing" announcement. Station IDs at 2322 & 2325. Off for one minute at 2314 and six minutes at 2325, but came back both times with more rock music. I have seen others citing a different ID on this new one, but good level here and ID is definite. It appeared to be the same operation that I heard last week as Lightshop Radio. This raises the possibility that last week's actual log could have been White Shop Radio. They are showing symptoms of being a new pirate, with the transmitter off and on at times with production techniques evolving. Gave no address (maildeop). This one is worth watching, but it is slightly confusing now. (G.Zeller, OH/FRW)
James Bond Station
2027-2037:15*, 6925/U; James Bond tunes and theme. Station off with theme and "Bond -James Bond, stirred, not shaken." SIO 354. Not heard in a long time. (H Frodge, MI/FRW)
Long Range Radio
0314-0345, 6925/U. SIO 242/141+. Back again after brief QRT from their earlier show. Mainly Hendrix's All Along the Watchtower and a clear station ID of "Long Range Radio at 0353. After that, it faded out. Level much lower than the earlier broadcast that same evening. (G Zeller, OH/FRW)
Maple Leaf Radio
0010-0026, 6925/USB. SIO 333. Sign on with Oh Canada anthem. Station ID into music tune Lets Go to Canada, CA-NA-DA. Station ID as, "this is Maple Leaf Radio with a program of Canadian Music." (Ragnar, MI/FRW)
Wolverine Radio
1830-43, 6925/USB. SIO 233 Skit about Tom Delay. Station ID as "Wolverine Radio." Program skit about manure.(Ragnar, MI/FRW)
(Source: Free Radio Weekly 628 via Harold Frodge)
Euro Pirates
Catalan, Spain, 6312.13, Radio Barretina relaying Radio L’Arboc, 2215-2255+, Feb 22, Tentative. Rock/pop music. Talk in unidentified language. Phone talk. Too weak to catch an ID.(Brian Alexander, PA)
6882, Radio Playback International. 2220-2255+, Feb 22, Tentative. English programming with DJ chatter. Pop music. Very weak. (Brian Alexander, PA)
Radio Playback International
Heard from 1842 and continuing with nice pop music and sporadic IDs as "Radio Playback - the voice of our music." Is this the previous italian station(i donot remember the name )? Signal level is max S8, 44434 on the 2x16 m antenna, as usually with R75. (Zachirias Liangas, Greece/HCDX)