Thursday, August 01, 2024

Radio Taiwan International, begins Global Listeners Story Collection contest


Your memories become our story. Capture how we met in your own words!

Participants will receive a “Meeting RTI” commemorative postcard. Each card enables one lottery draw.

Rules for Entry
This contest is open to people of all nationalities around the world.

Registration deadline:
September 29, 2024 (24:00 Sunday, GMT+8)

How to register:

Visit the official website to fill out the registration form

Email your registration information (including your name and nationality) and entries to

Rules for Entry:
Share the story of how you discovered RTI (Radio Taiwan International), such as your first time listening to an RTI program (including podcasts), or any memorable moments related to RTI.
Interested listeners and online users should submit their experiences via email or handwritten letter in 200 words or less. Entries can also be in audio or video format. There is no limit to the number of submissions.

Example text: I am (full name or nickname) from (City, Country). My mother was a loyal listener of RTI, and I first encountered RTI during my elementary school years. RTI became a cherished part of my childhood memories as my mother would listen to it while doing household chores. Even after growing up and losing my mother, I continue to listen to RTI’s podcast programs, because they remind me of the times we spent together.

Participants must provide a photograph related to RTI, such as:
A photo with an RTI commemorative item, RTI pennant, or QSL card.
Photos taken during a visit to the station, with radio program hosts, or while participating in RTI events.
Images of RTI listening devices or platforms, such as a radio tuned to RTI frequencies, or computer or mobile screens displaying RTI’s official website or podcast pages.

Acceptable image file formats: JPG, PNG, or TIFF, with a file size of at least 1MB.
(BDXC/Paul Gager, Austria)