Monday, August 26, 2024

USAGM’s Quiet Closure of the Marianas Shortwave Site Does Not Bear Well

"This is a classic Washington effort to avoid public reaction," writes Daniel Robinson in this letter to the editor

By Daniel Robinson 
Published: August 21, 2024, Updated: August 23, 2024

In this letter to the editor, the author comments on the story “VOA Is Shuttering Its Marianas Shortwave Site” and the subsequent letter “Keep the Marianas Shortwave Site and Shutter the ‘Worthless’ Services.” Radio World welcomes letters to the editor on this or any story. Email

The letter from Lawrence Cohen of Utica regarding the U.S. Agency for Global Media’s closure of the Marianas site(s) reflects the frustration of many taxpaying Americans over decisions made by USAGM.

News of closures of the sites in the Pacific and at Sao Tome in West Africa was leaked from sources within the agency long before the puzzling story that appeared quoting a statement by William Martin; but which the VOA PR office in a response to me later described as an email that was “shared on background, not for attribution.”

Additional story from Radio World at: