CONGO-KINSHASA 6209.66, R. Kahuzi, Bukavu: On Sep 11 at tune-in 1653there was a stn with talks and religious mx, mainly chorus mx untilclosing anmt, a short tuner melody and off at 1706. I guess lang. wasSwahili or similar. I talked to Mauno Ritola and by chance he had hrd thesame stn at the same time. We both sent rcpn rpts to R. Kahuzi and today,Sep 13, rcvd verification e-mails from Bukavu with a promise of printedQSL from home office in Calif. E-mail was signed by Richard and KathyMcDonald. They give sked as: 0900-1300, 1400-1600, 1800-1900 Mon & Fri. Iguess this is Bukavu time (UTC+2). But s/off times seem to be variable.(Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Sept 18)
"Radio Kahuzi (6209.66 kHz) verified tentative report of 11th Septemberfrom the kivu-online email address given on their web page. They usuallysign on at around 1600, but on Mondays and Fridays they are on the airuntil 1700."
(Source: Mauno Ritola-FIN, DXplorer Sept 18/WWDXC Top News/ BC-DX # 773)