The following loggings represent Indonesian monitoring in recent weeks. Thank you for sharing your contributions. All times UTC.
INDONESIA 3995.04 RRI Kendari (presumed) 1222-1300 Aug 19. Indonesian. Jakarta relay ended at 1222, then male announcer's text for a couple of minutes; 1224-1259 lite vocal music with just one brief announcement at 1245; at 1300 male announcer spoke again, followed by about 2 seconds of interval signal (Song of the Coconut Island) then another Jakarta program. Good signal, much better than usual. (John Wilkins-CO-USA, DXplorer Aug 20)
3987.05 RRI-Manokwari Aug 19 1053-1103 35232 Indonesian text and music to 1058 chime, 1100 News.
7289.86 RRI-Nabire Aug 16 0817-0828 25342 INSn, Jakarta news relay to station ID at 0819, Music.
15150 V.of Indonesia. Aug 18 0748-0805 43443-44444 English, Repetition of interval signal and station identification to 0800 opening music, announcement and news. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 25)
3345.03 RRI Ternate (presumed) 1244-1305 Aug 23. Vocal selections; Male announcer after each song; continued past top of the hour with no program break. Tuned out at 1305 as signal was deteriorating; had been fair prior to 1300.
3976, RRI Pontianak (presumed). 1025-1029+. Indonesian. Male/female announcers into local music at 1029. Signal wiped out by ham radio operators in LSB. Poor/fair signal quality. (Scott Barbour, NH via Cumbre)
3987.04 RRI Manokwari (presumed) 1218-1300 Aug 22. Short speeches before a live audience; after each speaker, a YL ancr talked briefly with comment or analysis; this ended at 1238, followed by a M ancr briefly, then 18 mins of AR-sounding mx; SCI and Jak program at 1300. Good signal today. (John Wilkins-CO-USA, DXplorer Aug 23/WWDXC Top News BC DX #771)
3987.03 RRI Manokwari 1223-1236* Aug 27. Vocal music to male announcer with phone chats; there were a few transmission breaks after 1230 and the station went off for good at 1236. Apparent transmitter problems, since they were totally absent the previous day (26 Aug) around the same time.
3995.04 RRI Kendari 1236-1215 Aug 27. Female announcer to sub-continental vocal music to 1259. Interval signal (Song of the Coconut Island) to Jakarta program at 1300 // to 4869.95,
4790, and 4604.95; Jakarta program ended at 1312, earlier than usual, then back to local programming. Good signal.
4869.95 RRI Wamena 1220-1300+ Aug 27. Vocal selections, Male announcer to interval signal (SCI) to Jakarta news relay at 1300. Signal not very strong and tough to copy much with the S-7 band noise here. (John Wilkins-CO-USA, DXplorer Aug 27)
(Source: BC-DX # 772 WWDXC TopNews )