Hard-Core-DX is happy to announce a new service for all DXers:
"Hard-Core-DX Store". We have built an online store that features shortwave related books, radios and magazine subscriptions.
You can find the HCDX Store at ww.hard-core-dx.com/store/ or by following the link on our web site www.hard-core-dx.com/ (look at the top bar). It includes our recommendations (WRTH, Passport, etc), quick links to search more items and links to similar items and other Amazon.com recommendations. Everything is backed up by Amazon.com so all
transactions are secure, privacy protected, return policies apply, prices are low, free shipping is available, etc. Please bookmark it and use it for any of your shortwave shopping needs.
Birthdays, Holiday season, ... or just to add another gadget or book to your DX collection, it's all available at HCDX Store. By doing so, you will also help us to continue providing the Hard-Core-DX.com services to you.
(Source: HCDX/Risto Kotalampi)