Welcome to our weekly guide to Radio Netherlands' English Service - a list of the new programs coming up on Radio Netherlands this week, beginning on Saturday.
*** Weekend Connection ***
Every Saturday, the Newsline team brings you Weekend Connection, with thought-provoking reports on the issues making headlines in the Netherlands, Europe and beyond.
It's a lively mix of local colour and "the big picture". One week you might hear how Dutch farmers are doing their part to combat bird flu, the next week it's about the worldwide attempt to punish crimes against humanity. Big or small, Weekend Connection covers it all!
Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 10.00 (Australia/Asia/Far East), 12.00 (Eastern N America), 14.00 & 15.30(South Asia), 18.00, 19.30 & 20.30 (Africa), 00.00 (Eastern N America), 01.00 (Central N America), 05.00 (Western N America & New Zealand)
*** Vox Humana ***
"A Life of Ashes"
India today has more than 40 million widows and they live in a culture that has marginalised them for centuries. Women are no longer being burnt on their husband's funeral pyres, but life is a living sati for some of them.
For the millions of women who are neither educated nor financially independent, widowhood can signify the end of a life that has any real meaning or enjoyment. Diet, dress, and even sexuality all suddenly become part of the public realm the moment a woman's husband dies.
Dheera Sujan went to India to find out what life was like for the country's widows - join her for "A Life of Ashes" on Vox Humana this week.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 10.27 (Australia/Asia/Far East), 11.27 (Eastern N America), 14.30 (South Asia), 18.27 & 20.00 (Africa), 00.27 (Eastern N America), 01.27 (Central N America), 04.27 (Western N America), 06.27 (New Zealand), 07.27 (Australia)Repeated: Sun 1430 (South Asia), Sun 1900 (N America, Africa)
*** Amsterdam Forum ***
As sectarian killings continue, both Iraqi and US politicians are increasingly calling for the country to be divided into three parts. But is breaking up the country the only way to bring peace to the Iraqi people?
Former US diplomat Peter Galbraith, author of The End of Iraq, believes the country is finished as a political project. He says Iraq has already split apart, and not even an American superpower can put it back together again.
So Should Iraq be partitioned?
Have your say on the topic at www.radionetherlands.nl/features/amsterdamforum/.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 10.05 (Australia/Asia/Far East), 11.05 (Eastern N America), 15.05 (South Asia), 18.05 & 20.05 (Africa), 00.00 (Eastern N America), 01.00 (Central N America), 04.00 (Western N America), 06.00 (New Zealand), 07.00 (Australia)
*** Dutch Extra ***
Dutch Extra is a new programme on Radio Netherlands, broadcast on Sundays immediately after Amsterdam Forum.
The programme offers a selection of cultural and arts news, a Radio Netherlands columnist casts a critical eye over Dutch society, we'll regularly have a Dutch recipe and most importantly, Dutch Extra features your reactions to our programmes and answers the questions you've asked us.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 10.45 (Australia/Asia/Far East), 11.45 (Eastern N America), 15.45(South Asia), 18.45 & 20.45 (Africa), 00.40 (Eastern N America), 01.40 (Central N America), 04.40 (Western N America), 06.40 (New Zealand), 0740 (Australia)
*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 10.00 (SE Asia/Far East), 11.00 (Eastern N America), 14.00 & 15.30(South Asia), 18.00, 19.30 & 20.30 (Africa), 00.00 (Eastern N America), 01.00 (Central N America), 04.00 (Western N America), 06.00 (New Zealand), 07.00 (Australia)
*** The Research File ***
Research File this week picks some choice morsels from the smorgasbord of science at the recent BA festival in the UK:
We delve into superstition. The ability to believe in what cannot be seen may have helped us evolve as a species but it's a tricky trait to shake off in our rational civilisation. It seems humans are hardwired to believe the unbelievable.
Staying with beliefs, we talk telepathy with Dr Rupert Sheldrake. Do humans have telepathic powers and should science investigate?
We also find out what makes a volcano blow its top and meet the good, the bad, and the disgusting from the world of crop fungi.
That's all on the Research File, with Marnie Chesterton.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 10.27 (SE Asia/Far East), 11.27 (Eastern N America), 14.30 (South Asia), 18.27 & 20.00 (Africa), 00.27 (Eastern N America), 01.27 (Central N America), 04.27 (Western N America), 06.27 (New Zealand), 07.27 (Australia)Repeated: Thurs 1500 (South Asia), Thurs 1900 (Africa)
*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 10.00 (SE Asia/Far East), 11.00 (Eastern N America), 14.00 & 15.30(South Asia), 18.00, 19.30 & 20.30 (Africa), 00.00 (Eastern N America), 01.00 (Central N America), 04.00 (Western N America), 06.00 (New Zealand), 07.00 (Australia)
*** EuroQuest ***
"The Price At The Pump"
The top five oil companies combined made 112 billion dollars last year. At the same time, they're claiming to be in trouble. What's going on here? And why is the price at the pump is so high?
Norway is exploiting new gas fields in the Barents Sea, much to the consternation of environmentalists and the joy of the locals
The new Baku Tbilisi Ceyhan oil pipeline aims to avoid the Middle East and sideline Russia. With the Americans outflanking the Russians, wars in the Caucuses and Turkey currying favour with the EU, what are the woes and benefits of Turkey's role in the pipeline?
Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 10.27 (SE Asia/Far East), 11.27 (Eastern N America), 14.30 (South Asia), 18.27 & 20.00 (Africa), 00.27 (Eastern N America), 01.27 (Central N America), 04.27 (Western N America), 06.27 (New Zealand), 07.27 (Australia)Repeated: Thurs 1500 (South Asia), Thurs 1900 (Africa)Repeated: Mon 1500 (South Asia), Mon 1900 (Africa)
*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 10.00 (SE Asia/Far East), 11.00 (Eastern N America), 14.00 & 15.30(South Asia), 18.00, 19.30 & 20.30 (Africa), 00.00 (Eastern N America), 01.00 (Central N America), 04.00 (Western N America), 06.00 (New Zealand), 07.00 (Australia)
*** The Weekly Documentary ***
"Durga's Court: Social Justice at work in India"
Shabnam Ramaswamy is running what must be one of the most unusual courts in the world. A forum for the poor, the illiterate and the dispossessed - her court is an experiment in social justice.
People too poor to grease the palms needed to make India's judiciary or police work for them are coming to this Women's Court in West Bengal where they know they'll get a fair hearing without having to pay for it.
What makes them obey the dictates of a Muslim woman untrained in the law? Simply the special alchemy she uses of fairness, common sense and mythology. Hear the story of Durga's Court in this week's documentary.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 10.27 (SE Asia/Far East), 11.27 (Eastern N America), 14.30 (South Asia), 18.27 & 20.00 (Africa), 00.27 (Eastern N America), 01.27 (Central N America), 04.27 (Western N America), 06.27 (New Zealand), 07.27 (Australia)Repeated: Thurs 1500 (South Asia), Thurs 1900 (Africa)Repeated: Mon 1500 (South Asia), Mon 1900 (Africa)
*** Newsline *** The latest world news and current affairs.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 10.00 (SE Asia/Far East), 11.00 (Eastern N America), 14.00 & 15.30(South Asia), 18.00, 19.30 & 20.30 (Africa), 00.00 (Eastern N America), 01.00 (Central N America), 04.00 (Western N America), 06.00 (New Zealand), 07.00 (Australia)
*** Dutch Horizons ***
Lots of theatre and music on Dutch Horizons this week.
A theatre project about identity involving youngsters from England and the Netherlands takes us to the roof of a car park in the city of Groningen. And there's music by a Dutch jazz singer of Indonesian descent, who's made a CD with modern jazz versions of traditional Indonesian folk songs. The idea for the album arose when she received a box with field recordings of folksongs, taped in 1948 by anthropologists on Indonesia's Molucca islands.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 10.27 (SE Asia/Far East), 11.27 (Eastern N America), 14.30 (South Asia), 18.27 & 20.00 (Africa), 00.27 (Eastern N America), 01.27 (Central N America), 04.27 (Western N America), 06.27 (New Zealand), 07.27 (Australia)Repeated: Thurs 1500 (South Asia), Thurs 1900 (Africa)Repeated: Mon 1500 (South Asia), Mon 1900 (Africa)
*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 10.00 (SE Asia/Far East), 11.00 (Eastern N America), 14.00 & 15.30(South Asia), 18.00, 19.30 & 20.30 (Africa), 00.00 (Eastern N America), 01.00 (Central N America), 04.00 (Western N America), 06.00 (New Zealand), 07.00 (Australia)
*** A Good Life ***
In A Good Life special we take a snapshot of indigenous peoples from around the world including the Bushman's fight for land in Botswana; the impact of globalisation on the Amazon Indians and how the indigenous peoples of Papua New Guinea are facing "cultural erasure".
Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 10.27 (SE Asia/Far East), 11.27 (Eastern N America), 14.30 (South Asia), 18.27 & 20.00 (Africa), 00.27 (Eastern N America), 01.27 (Central N America), 04.27 (Western N America), 06.27 (New Zealand), 07.27 (Australia)Repeated: Thurs 1500 (South Asia), Thurs 1900 (Africa)Repeated: Mon 1500 (South Asia), Mon 1900 (Africa)Repeated: Tues 1500 (S Asia), Tues 1900 (Africa)