Arnaldo Slaen has just completed another DXpedition (September 2-3) in Chascomus, 124 kms, to the south of Buenos Aires. He listened with a Degen DE1103 and a longwire antenna. Thanks very much for sharing your logs with our worldwide blog readers.
4850 Radio Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos, 0505+, September 03, Portuguese, news by male, 24332(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)
13820 CVC internacional, Darwin, 1152+, September 03, Hindi, music, short announcement, transmisi#n for sout/east Asia, 44444 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)
11930 Belaruskaya Radyjo 1 (tentative), 0455+, September 03, bielorusian, (Home Service), talk by male (mentions to ôApostol Pabloö), tops at 0500 UTC, identification by male, news,m other ID: ô...Bieloruska....ö, 34433 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)
4650 Radio Santa Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma, 1045+, September 03, Spanish, local messagges service: ôpara el se±orB.saludos deB..; para la se±oraB.,para hacerle saber que el martes o miΘrcolesB.ö, 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)
5680v La Voz del Campesino, Sipe Sipe, 1030+, September 03, Vernacular, very nice andean music, short ann. in vernacular, 35443 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)
4865 Radio Alvorada, Londrina, PR, 2328+, September 02, Portuguese, announcement and ID as: ô...transmissao em vivo da Radio Alvoradaö, other ID as: ôA Radio Alvorada, AM970, B..retransmissao da Rede Milicia Satö, 34433 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)
4925 Radio Educacao Rural , Tefe, 2244+, September 02, Poruguese, local advs., identification as: ôEducacao Rural AM....ö; other ID as: ôRadio ruralö, 24432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)
4935 Radio Capixaba, Vitoria, ES, 2240+, September 02, Portuguese, religious programme conduced by female, announcement by male & female, 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)
5055 Radio Difusora Caceres, Caceres, MS, 1101+, September 03, Portuguese, identification: ô...5055 Khz....60 metros....tropical....Radio Difusora.....ö, 25432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)
3350 Radio Exterior de Espa±a, Cariari de Pococi, 0513+, September 03, Spanish, talk about King Midas and Greece1s histories, 35333 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)