The following logging contributions are additional selections not included in my Monitoring Times SWBC Loggings column, due to space constraints. Looks like the DX season is off to a good start. Have you sent your logs in yet ? Contributions are always welcome, and may be directed to my email address posted at the Monitoring Times website at
http://www.monitoringtimes.com/. If contributing logs to this blog, please label your email BLOG LOGS.
Thanks very much.
All times UTC/ kHz // parallel station. English unless otherwise stated.* sign-on sign-off*
Argentina: R. Continental 15820 LSB, 2101-2113. Announcer's coverage of soccer game. (M. Mendez, Spain/Cumbre DX)
Australia: VL8A Alice Springs 4835, 0805. C&W music //4910 VL8T Tennant Creek.9/24/06 (D. Valko, PA/Cumbre DX) VL8T 4910, 0824-0830*. (D'Angelo, PA/NASWA Flash Sheet)
Bolivia: R. San Jose 5580.31, 2235-2245. Spanish. Romantic music ballads w/very strong signal. SINPO 35433. (A. Slaen, Argentina) R. Santa Cruz 6134.83, 0940-0950 Spanish. ID with poor signal w/ co-channel signal splatter. Emisoras Pio XII, 5952.43, 0120-0130 Spanish. Ads or promos w/poor signal. (C. Bolland, FL/Cumbre DX) R. Eco 4409.8, 2243-2252. Bolivian music to ads and ID. R. Estambul 4498.1, 2317-2325; R. Santa Ana 4650, 2311-2317. (M. Mendez, Spain/Cumbre DX) R. Reyes 4409.7, 2326+. Local ads w/ SINPO 25332; R. Virgen de Remedios 4545.3, 2103+ w/ program on family & society SINPO 35333; R. Cruz de Sur 4876, 2320+ w/religious programming; R. San Jose 5580.2, 2115+ melodic music w/ SINPO 25332.(A. Slaen, Argentina)
Brazil: R. Rio Mar, Manaus 9695, 1000-1025.Portuguese. Political news roundup. (M. Mendez, Spain/Cumbred DX) R. Transmundial 9530, 2210-2225 News & Braz pops to ID. Radio Aparecida 9630, 2150-2200; R. Marumby 9665, 2230-2245; R. Cancao Nova 9675, 2230-2250; R. Guaiba 11785, 2140-2145.R. Globo 11805, 1920-1935. (T.Banks, TX)
Bulgaria: R. Varna 9300, 0037-0048.Bulgarian/English. Pop ballads to brief "Radio Varna" ID at 0043. Fair signal. (S. Barbour, NH)
Canada: CFRX. 6070, 1610-1710. Newscast to call-in program and 'News Talk' promo. (T. Banks, TX)
Clandestines: R. Zamaneh via Armavir, Russia 6245, 2050-2100. Farsi. Talk by male to news and station announcements. Music at 2100. SINPO 24432. R. Republic Arab Saharui 7425, 223-2230 Arabic. (A.Slaen, Argentina) China-Sound of Hope 7310, 1258-1400* (J. Wilkins, CO)
Colombia: R. Lider, Bogota 6139.9, 0520-0600. Spanish. Several IDs with AM/SW freq quote. news promos and network promo. (M. Mendez, Spain/Cumbre DX) 1013-1027. (S. Barbour, NH) Marfil Estereo 5910, 0635-0710. SINPO 34333. (M. Mendez, Spaiin/Cumbre DX)
Cuba: R. Rebelde 9505, 1103-1109. Spanish. Haciendo Radio program to news of Cuba and ID. (M.Mendez, Spain/Cumbre DX)
Cuba: R. Habana 12000, 1110-1123. Spanish. "Despertar con Cuba" feature to news as "noticias de America Latina. (M. Mendez, Spain/Cumbre DX)
Cuba: R. Nacional de Venezuela-Canal Internacional via R. Habana Cuba.6180, 1022-1030 Spanish. Music by "Tambor Urbano". Station ID w/SINPO 44444. (A. Slaen, Argentina)
Cyprus: BBC relay 7120, 0425 w/sports news to ID. (D. Hadley, TN)
Egypt: R. Cairo 11950, 2310-2335 Qu'ran recitations to time tips, anthem and newscast. Arabic vocals to feature on Egypt. (H. Frodge, MI)
Equatorial Guinea: R. Nacinal de Guinea, Bata 5005, 2210-2215 Spanish. Talk about social security. R. East Africa, Malabo 15190, 1010-1020. (A. Slaen, Argentina)
Germany: Deutsche Welle. 15705, 1610-1625 Historical feature on Germany to ID. (T. Banks, TX)
Guatemala: R. Cultura Coatan 4780.1, 1034-1046. Spanish. Music, talk and ID. Fair w/ static. (S. Barbour, NH)
Indonesia: RRI Ternate 3345.02, 1159-1203. Indonesian. Interval signl to Jakarta program relay. Fair/poor signal. (C. Wilkins, CO)
Japan: R. Nikkei 9595, 1301-1330*. English language lessons to closing ID w/info to 1330*. (C. Wilkins, CO)
Kuwait: R. Kuwait 11990, 1605-1620. Arabic. Call to Prayers into recitations. Station ID to regional music. (F. Hillton, SC)
Malaysia: Asyik FM/RTM 6049.64, 1131-1140. Arabic. Program noted w/Qu'ran recitations. (J. Wilkins, CO)
Oman: BBC relay 15180, 0410-0440. Station IDs to interviews and sports roundup report. (D. Hadley, TN)
Papua New Guinea: NBC 4890, 1230-1245. Pidgin/English. Multi languages for pop news and items from NBC network. Radio Central 3290, 1215-1220 Very week w/ezl music and news. R. East New Britain 3385, 1210-1220 (D. Hadley, TN)
Pirate: WBNY-R. Bunny 6925USB 2331-2336. Several IDs for WBNY & R. Bunny w/ parody tunes. Station mail drop address w/ fair signal. (J. Woods, TN)
Russia: R. Rossii 5920,0859-0910. Canned ID at 0859 as "Radio Rossii" ID to time signal tips. Russian newscast. 9/25/06 (C.Bolland, FL/Cumbre DX) 7201, 1034-1049 //7345. (S. Barbour, NH)
Singapore: R. Singapore Int'l 7235, 1041-1103. Vernacular. OM/YL announcers to music. ID at 1100 into presumed news. Poor signal. (S. Barbour, NH)
Spain: China R. Int'l relay 9690, 0325-0340. CRI news items to station fetures. (F. Hillton, SC)
Taiwan: R. Taiwan Int'l. 6150, 0950-1000. (Tentative) Mandarin comments w/China Firedrake signal in background. 9/25/06. (C. Bolland, FL/Cumbre DX)
Tajikistan: R. Dushanbe 4635, 2057+. Local music to ID and announcements. (A. Slaen, Argentina)
USA: Armed Forces Radio-Hawaii.6350, 0933-0945. Baseball scores to CNN news promo. "You are listeing to Sports Overnight America. Fair signal. 9/25/06 (C. Bolland, FL/Cumbre DX)