Beginning September 11, Forging the Union begins a new four-part series exploring the rationale and development of the European Union, formed out of the desire to avoid the tensions that formented three wars over the span of two generations.
From the early 1905's and the Coal and Steel Community up through the current day, the movement towards a single market and single currency is analyzed.
Shortwave broadcast include Mondays 0806, 1106, 1906 and 2306, plus Saturdays 0906 (Europe/live webcast) Mondays 0906, 1306 and 2106, plus Tuesdays 0006, Sundays 0206 and 1306 (Africa) and Mondays 1406 and 1906, Tuesday 0006 and 0506 plus Sundays 2206 (Americas/ XM).
(Source: NASWA-Easy Listening via R. Cuff)