Harris Corporation (NYSE: HRS) today announced a turnkey radio txion sale to Radio Ethiopia, a segment of the Ethiopian Radio and Television Agency (ERTA). Harris will deliver high-power AM transmitter to stations in Harar (3DX^(TM)-D100, 100 kW) and Mekele (DX^1 -D200, 200 kW) this fall through Technology Systems and Solutions, a Harris dealer representative based in Ethiopia. The txs, which are ready for DRM and HD Radio^(TM) conversion, will deliver a higher quality signal to a large part of the country highly important for a population that relies on radio for nx and information in addition to entertainment. The new txion system will dramatically improve the quality of AM radio txions throughout the country by the end of 2006. (Bruce Portzer-USA, hcdx Aug 25/WWDXC Top News/BC DX # 771)
ETHIOPIA 7210 R Fana, Addis Ababa, 0310-0350 fade out, Aug 24, new frequency replacing 6940 (not heard), Amharic nx and comment about Israel/Lebanon crisis, QRM BBC in Swahili on 7210 (heard // 6050), 33332. Radio Fana was heard // new 6110 (x6210 not heard) , 43333 with QRM by TWR Manzini 6110 in Swahili (p) until 0330*. Thanks to Savolainen for info
about the R Fana permanent freq changes. (Anker Petersen-DEN, DXplorer Aug 24)
9559.85 R.Ethiopia on Aug 20 at 1400-1412 UT. 23442 Arabic, 1400 IS, Three gongs, Talk and Ethiopian pops mx. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 25)
9560 R.Ethiopia on Aug 17 at *1600-1605 UT 23432 English, 1600 UT IS, ID, talk and Ethiopian Pops mx. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Aug 25)
9560 R. Ethiopia, Geja Dera, 1239-1405, 19/8, Somali to EAfr+ME (as listed), talks, local tunes & songs, Arabic 1400; 25443. (Carlos Goncalves, Portugal) (wwdxc BC-DX Aug 22)
(Source: WWDXC Top News/BC DX # 771)