Welcome to Teak Publishing's Shortwave Central blog. This blog covers shortwave frequency updates, loggings, free radio, international mediumwave, DX tips, clandestine radio, and late-breaking radio news. Visit my YouTube and Twitter links. Content on Shortwave Central is copyright © 2006-2026 by Teak Publishing, which is solely responsible for the content. All rights reserved. Redistribution of these pages in any format without permission is strictly prohibited.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Czech pirate Radio Bila Hora annual New Years Eve programming
Details via 1. http://rbh.czechian.net/ .
Info via Martin Elbe on A-DX via Achim's blog
Although the station's website is in Czech, Google language tools can translate it from Czech into English (or whatever language you prefer).
I managed to log this station two years ago on 3333 kHz, but tried last year and nothing. So fingers crossed for this year.
(http://shortwavedx.blogspot.com/ )
New Years Eve/Day broadcast on shortwave

Wanna keep track of the time around the globe ? World Links at http://world.honda.com/link/ will keep you up to date by the second. Time and Date.Com http://www.timeanddate.com/ is a great companion website.
Beginning at 1100 on December 31, in New Zealand, DXers can follow the New Year as it arrives around the globe. This can be done via the Internet at www.rnzi.com and shortwave radio on 13660 kHz.
Radio Australia at 1330: 6020, 9560, 9580, 9590 www.abc.net.au/ra/
NHK/Radio Japan at 1400: 9875, 11705, 1178021560 www.nhk.or.jp/english/
Most of Africa at 2200, and Eastern Europe at 0000 UTC in the United Kingdom.
Additional programming may be found at www.doghousecharlie.com/seasonal-programs-2008/
Blog Logs from South America
All times UTC
3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba (p), 2257-2305, Dec 17, woman talking. SINPO 14331. (Mille)
4409.8, Radio Eco, Reyes, 2240-2300, Dec 12 and 17, Spanish ann, instrumental music, LA song, SINPO 24332. (Mille and Petersen)
4555, Radio Virgen de Remedios (pres.), Tupiza, 2354-0010, Dec 14, Spanish religious talks "tenemos en Cristo un solo cuerpo", religious music with that reverb from inside a Church alternating talks, mentioning “Cochabamba”, SINPO 22322. (Otávio)
4699.35, Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, 2218-2330, Dec 11, 17 and 21, Spanish religious talk, hymns, SINPO 25332. (Mille and Petersen)
4716.70, Radio Yura, Yura, 2254-2350, Dec 09, 11 and 17, religious programme in Spanish, Andean songs, SINPO 24332 Utility QRM. (Mille, Otávio and Petersen)
5952.5, Radio Pio XII, Siglo Veinte, 2248-2255, Dec 11, song and talks, SINPO 22332. (Mille)
4754.91, Radio Imaculada Conceição, Campo Grande, MS (p), 2340-2350, Dec 11, Portuguese religious talk, SINPO 25232. (Petersen)
4805, Radio Dif. do Amazonas, Manaus, AM, 2145-2150, Dec 11, Portuguese talks, SINPO 14331. (Mille)
4825, Radio Canção Nova, Cachoeira Paulista, SP, 2155-2201, Dec 11, Portuguese talk, SINPO 23332 // 9675 (SINPO 34343). (Mille)
4865, Radio Alvorada, Londrina, PR, 2201-2206, Dec 11, Portuguese talks, QRM utility, SINPO 23332. (Mille)
4915, Radio Difusora Macapá, Macapá, AP, 0721-0729, Dec 19, programme of songs, Portuguese ann, 24322. (Méndez). Also heard at 2206-2209, Dec 11, talks, SINPO 33343. (Mille)
4915, Radio CBN Anhanguera, Goiania, GO, 2206-2209, Dec 11, Portuguese talks, SINPO 23332. (Mille)
4925.2, Radio Educação Rural, Tefé, AM, 2209-2212, Dec 11, talks in Portuguese, SINPO 14331. (Mille)
4935, Radio Capixaba, Vitoria, ES, 2212-2320, Dec 11 and 21, Portuguese talks, SINPO 35232. (Mille and Petersen
11804.7, Radio Globo, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 2132-2140, Dec 17, talks, mentions of "Brasil", SINPO 23332. (Mille)
11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiânia, GO, 1025-1051, Dec 18, Portuguese ID's, news, songs and talks, 34333. (Van Arnhem and Méndez). Also heard at 2142-2205, Dec 17, Portuguese talks, ID and frequency ann at 2200, SINPO 44344. (Mille)
11925.2, Radio Bandeirantes, São Paulo, SP, 2145-2150, Dec 17, talk in Portuguese, SINPO 34333 // 9645 (SINPO 22332). (Mille)
4746.9, Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta, 2215-2218, Dec 17, Spanish ann, huaynos, talk, SINPO 34332 QRM China 4750. (Mille, Petersen)
4775, Radio Tarma, Tarma, 1048-1100, 2224-2232 and 0105-0125, Dec 14, 16 and 17, Spanish talks, canned promos, ID: "...Radio Tarma Internacional...", ann programme: "Sentimiento Latinoamericano" with Equadorian folk music, Chiley Bolivia, SINPO 22332 CODAR made it practically impossible for a better signal. (Bolland, Mille and Rodriguez)
4790.1, Radio Visión, Chiclayo, 0230-0240 and 0753-0804, Dec 19 and 23, Spanish religious talks, hymns, SINPO 33333 QRM Pakistan at 0230, weak at 0753: 15321. (Méndez and Petersen)
5059.2, La Voz de las Huarinjas, Huancabamba, 1140-1200, Dec 14, folkmusic, to give time: "...seis, seis de la mañana con 42 minutos La Voz de las Huarinjas les acompaña con la programacion de la mañana...", poor, bad modulation. (Rodriguez)
5120, Ondas del Sur Oriente, Quillabamba, 2243-2246, Dec 11, LA song and talk, SINPO 24332. (Mille)
6125, SODRE, Montevideo, 1200, Dec 13, carrier here under heavy QRN at my location, with weak modulation. It relays Radio Uruguay on 1050 MW. So, this is active again and appears to be the only SW working from Uruguay. As I have been told, the plans to keep the SW outlets from SODRE continue. But improved results are still not evident. Nothing heard on 9620. (Nigro in DXplorer)
(DSWCI/DX Window #367)
3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba (p), 2257-2305, Dec 17, woman talking. SINPO 14331. (Mille)
4409.8, Radio Eco, Reyes, 2240-2300, Dec 12 and 17, Spanish ann, instrumental music, LA song, SINPO 24332. (Mille and Petersen)
4555, Radio Virgen de Remedios (pres.), Tupiza, 2354-0010, Dec 14, Spanish religious talks "tenemos en Cristo un solo cuerpo", religious music with that reverb from inside a Church alternating talks, mentioning “Cochabamba”, SINPO 22322. (Otávio)
4699.35, Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, 2218-2330, Dec 11, 17 and 21, Spanish religious talk, hymns, SINPO 25332. (Mille and Petersen)
4716.70, Radio Yura, Yura, 2254-2350, Dec 09, 11 and 17, religious programme in Spanish, Andean songs, SINPO 24332 Utility QRM. (Mille, Otávio and Petersen)
5952.5, Radio Pio XII, Siglo Veinte, 2248-2255, Dec 11, song and talks, SINPO 22332. (Mille)

4754.91, Radio Imaculada Conceição, Campo Grande, MS (p), 2340-2350, Dec 11, Portuguese religious talk, SINPO 25232. (Petersen)
4805, Radio Dif. do Amazonas, Manaus, AM, 2145-2150, Dec 11, Portuguese talks, SINPO 14331. (Mille)
4825, Radio Canção Nova, Cachoeira Paulista, SP, 2155-2201, Dec 11, Portuguese talk, SINPO 23332 // 9675 (SINPO 34343). (Mille)
4865, Radio Alvorada, Londrina, PR, 2201-2206, Dec 11, Portuguese talks, QRM utility, SINPO 23332. (Mille)
4915, Radio Difusora Macapá, Macapá, AP, 0721-0729, Dec 19, programme of songs, Portuguese ann, 24322. (Méndez). Also heard at 2206-2209, Dec 11, talks, SINPO 33343. (Mille)
4915, Radio CBN Anhanguera, Goiania, GO, 2206-2209, Dec 11, Portuguese talks, SINPO 23332. (Mille)
4925.2, Radio Educação Rural, Tefé, AM, 2209-2212, Dec 11, talks in Portuguese, SINPO 14331. (Mille)
4935, Radio Capixaba, Vitoria, ES, 2212-2320, Dec 11 and 21, Portuguese talks, SINPO 35232. (Mille and Petersen
11804.7, Radio Globo, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 2132-2140, Dec 17, talks, mentions of "Brasil", SINPO 23332. (Mille)
11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiânia, GO, 1025-1051, Dec 18, Portuguese ID's, news, songs and talks, 34333. (Van Arnhem and Méndez). Also heard at 2142-2205, Dec 17, Portuguese talks, ID and frequency ann at 2200, SINPO 44344. (Mille)
11925.2, Radio Bandeirantes, São Paulo, SP, 2145-2150, Dec 17, talk in Portuguese, SINPO 34333 // 9645 (SINPO 22332). (Mille)

4746.9, Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta, 2215-2218, Dec 17, Spanish ann, huaynos, talk, SINPO 34332 QRM China 4750. (Mille, Petersen)
4775, Radio Tarma, Tarma, 1048-1100, 2224-2232 and 0105-0125, Dec 14, 16 and 17, Spanish talks, canned promos, ID: "...Radio Tarma Internacional...", ann programme: "Sentimiento Latinoamericano" with Equadorian folk music, Chiley Bolivia, SINPO 22332 CODAR made it practically impossible for a better signal. (Bolland, Mille and Rodriguez)
4790.1, Radio Visión, Chiclayo, 0230-0240 and 0753-0804, Dec 19 and 23, Spanish religious talks, hymns, SINPO 33333 QRM Pakistan at 0230, weak at 0753: 15321. (Méndez and Petersen)
5059.2, La Voz de las Huarinjas, Huancabamba, 1140-1200, Dec 14, folkmusic, to give time: "...seis, seis de la mañana con 42 minutos La Voz de las Huarinjas les acompaña con la programacion de la mañana...", poor, bad modulation. (Rodriguez)
5120, Ondas del Sur Oriente, Quillabamba, 2243-2246, Dec 11, LA song and talk, SINPO 24332. (Mille)

6125, SODRE, Montevideo, 1200, Dec 13, carrier here under heavy QRN at my location, with weak modulation. It relays Radio Uruguay on 1050 MW. So, this is active again and appears to be the only SW working from Uruguay. As I have been told, the plans to keep the SW outlets from SODRE continue. But improved results are still not evident. Nothing heard on 9620. (Nigro in DXplorer)
(DSWCI/DX Window #367)
Blog Logs - Euro Pirate activity
3945: FRS Holland heard with FRS Magazine presented by Peter Verbruggen @ 0900. Also heard on 6220, not in parallel, but nothing heard on 6400 at this time. Splash from SSB station on 3950. SINPO 43443.
4025: Laser Hot Hits with dance music @ 1150 and Martin Scott talking about losing his phone. SINPO 44444.
5800: Radio Playback Int with Michael Jackson "Billie Jean" @ 0855. SINPO 34333.
5820: Orion Radio playing "Fly Robin Fly" @ 0858. Good signal. SINPO 44444.
5830: Free Radio Victoria playing rock n roll @ 1050. SINPO 34333.
6140: Radio Gloria via Werchatal heard with rock music @ 1310. SINPO 54444.
6200: Radio Doctor Tim with a weak signal @ 1045, splash from 6210. SINPO 23332.
6210: Misti Radio moved here @ 1015, playing Queen. Possibly a weaker station underneath. SINPO 33433.
6210: Radio Borderhunter playing "More Than A Feeling" @ 1035. Strong signal, good audio. SINPO 54444.
6220: FRS Holland with a promo for the FRS jingle CD @ 0905. SINPO 34433.
6240: Radio Friends Italy playing Hard Fi @ 0915. SINPO 34433.
6240: Misti Radio heard briefly here @ 1010, on top of Friends Italy. SINPO 33433.
6260: Radio Boomerang playing "The Night Chicago Died" @ 0910, off a few minutes later. SINPO 54444.
6261: Radio Kakadu playing rock music @ 1405, talk in German. Whisle caused by station on 6260. SINPO 33333. Heard on 6266 @ 1415. SINPO 34333.
6265: Premier Radio Int with Harry Chapin's "I Am The Morning DJ" @ 0925. SINPO 34433.
6285: Dance Radio 992 with dance music @ 0910, jingle IDs. SINPO 44444.
6296: Radio Doctor Tim with German music and IDs @ 1005. SINPO 34333.
6300: Radio Shadowman with his usual strong signal. Heard @ 1022 playing OMD "Enola Gay" followed by ID. SINPO 54444.
6300: Radio Golfbreker with polka @ 1140, ID and hotline number at 1145. SINPO 34333.
6305: Unid station playing schlager @ 1040. Strong signal. SINPO 54444.
6325: Radio Quintus (tent) with schlager @ 1025. SINPO 44433.
6325: Radio Supersound playing Meatloaf @ 1305, followed by ID and giving out email address. SINPO 34333.
6400: FRS Holland with Paul Graham reading listeners' letters @ 1125. Strong signal, parallel with weaker 3945. SINPO 54444.
6425: Radio Pionier heard @ 1220 playing "Born in the USA." Quite a lot of fading. SINPO 34433.
(http://shortwavedx.blogspot.com/ )
January 2009 DX Stamp Service Specials

Another motherboard failure on the Dec. 18th! They replaced it and also put in a new power supply. I think that ought to do it!!
On Back Order: Bosnia, Turkey, Grenada, San Marino, Panama, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia and Netherlands.
In Stock Again: Guyana, Trinidad, Andorra and India.
Planned Price Increase on Euro envelopes, stateside envelopes, QSL albums and Pages CANCELLED!!!
Euro Countries: The Slovak Republic adopts the Euro currency Jan 1st 2009. Stamps in national currency will be valid until Dec. 31st 2009.
NEW Postal Rates:
Costa Rica now 170, up from 155
Brazil now 1,80 up from 1,55
Argentina now $4.50, up from $4,00
Denmark to 9,00Kr from 8,75 Jan 1st
Sweden to 12Kr from 11 kr Jan 1st
*Norway to 12Kr from 11kr Jan 1st
*DX FOREVER Stamps: No need to worry about Norway as I've been supplying their international "forever" stamp most of this year. Other countries using international "forever" stamps that I supply are: Belarus, Ukraine, Gibraltar, RSA, Aland, and Finland. In January, Belgium will join this group. I'll be ordering those!
many thanks for your orders this year! Hopefully sun spots will return and more dxing will be available in 2009.
Fingers Crossed! Hopefully the computer will stay working for many more months! I usually reply to emails within 24 hours. If I don't get to yours within 2 days, either resend or phone me. Mon-Fri I'll here from 10am-4pm. If you miss me when you call in the morning, I'm usually back by noon and definitely back by 4pm.
Happy New Year!!
& good dx,
2 Portugal (Azores/Madeira)-$2.80 3 Germany-$8.25 2 Italy-$3.00
3 Japan-$3.60 2 Spain (Canary/Balearic/Ceuta & Melilla)-$2.80 3 UK-$3.30
200/200 European Air Mailers & Returns $35
2 Standard QSL Albums $40
300/300 Stateside Mailers & Returns $23
Shipping charges extra on supply specials
PRIORITY MAIL Shipping Rates for Supplies
Orders under $16.00 add $6.50, Orders from $16.00 to $40.00 add $9.00, Orders from $41.00 to $100.00 add $13.00, Orders from $101.00 to $150.00 add $18.00, orders over $150.00 add 12%. When ordering supplies AND stamps, use supply total to figure shipping costs. Stamps “ride free” when you order supplies. Shipments to Canada ship at a greater cost. (04/2008)
(Bill Plum)
Looking for the very best source for DX supplies and world wide postage stamps ?
Mint postage stamps of foreign countries can be purchased from Bill Plum's Airmail Postage and DX Supplies, 12 Glenn Road, Flemington, NJ 08822 USA.
Include a self-addressed-envelope for his current price list or request a price list via email at plumdx@msn.com. The prices represent Airmail rate to North America. Prices are subject to change without notice. No mimimum order via check, money order or credit card, but credit card orders under $ 15.00 will incur a $ 2.00 extra charge. Visa, MC, AMEX are accepted. Please include billing and shipping address for AMEX. Bill also has an email newsletter service of monthly specials, and email orders are welcomed!
Don't forget the DX supplies include European Airmail envelopes (European Air Return and European Air Mailer). These envelopes are perfectly acceptable for mailing to ALL parts of the world, not just to Europe. Their size insures you that a 4"x6" DX QLSs will not come back to you folded which could happen if you used small U.S. sized airmail envelopes. Bill's European Air Return fits into a European Air Mailer without folding. These two envelopes and up to 5 QSL cards weigh less than one ounce. The European Air Return and 2 QSLs weigh less than 10 grams. All envelopes are sealed in plastic for protection. Envelopes are packed 100 per size per package. The 5-/50 Combo comes in one package.
Eyeball cards, stateside QSLing nesting envelopes, QSL Card Albums and pages are also sold.
I have used Bill's service for years and find his prices affordable and dependable. All stamps are enclosed within a glassine envelope, so no worries of stamps sticking to the letter, and you can enclose the stamps as is in the letter to the station.
Recheck this blog the first of every month for Bill's monthly specials!
Gayle Van Horn
New Years Eve broadcast from VOTN/RECH

Hotline is already open and you can send your sms greetings to 0031 625 426 740, this only open for SMS message, so send all your greetings to that number and later in the daytime we will go further with live programming on 6210 kHz. .
Hopefully, you will enjoy again the traditional New Year's Eve broadcasting.
Happy 2009.
(via swpirates/ http://shortwavedx.blogspot.com/ )
Snap Cracker Pop back on New Years Day
Greetings Snap Crackle Pop Fans;
I'm very happy to announce that the tradition continues. Once again, Paul Grant and I will hit the airwaves with a New Years Morning edition of Snap Crackle Pop. Tune in to CBC Radio One on Thursday, January 1, 2009, from six to eight-thirty AM for two-and-a-half-hours of vinyl and shellac shufflin' radio.We'll be spinning all three speeds - 33, 45 and 78 rpm - digging down deep to the roots of roots and popular music.
Because it'll be six in the morning, we'll start mellow with Canadian sax giant PJ Perry accompanied by Senator Tommy Banks on piano, moving into more jazz, some blues, a bit of folk and beyond.
The second hour perks up with a bit more blues, a dose of Calypso, some Fado, a few scarce, mid-50s Canadian rockabilly 78s, a touch of early Canadian C&W etc.
The last hour is actually only twenty-one minutes. Paul Grant and I call it the SCP trailer - a quick snapshot of the eclectic nature of this unique 'all records' radio show, featuring discs you may well not hear anywhere else (except on my CKUA radio show). From the stunning jazz vocals of Terri Thornton to some mean Merle Travis guitar pickin', we cover a lot of bases in the last twenty-one minutes of SCP.
All in all, it's gonna be a heckuva fun show as Paul and I celebrate the coming of a brand new year.
And, folks- thanks, always, for your excellent and entertaining e-mails, both to me and to the CBC. Your solid support is a big part of why Paul and I have continued to do this occasional Snap Crackle Poppin' thing since September 1996.
I'm including the link to CBC's 'Contact' page just in case the NY Morning show moves you to write again!
http://www.cbc.ca/contact /
Cheers and a big loud HAPPY NEW YEAR from Paul Grant and from me,
Roy Forbes
PS. If you'd like a weekly fix of tunes from my 'slightly cluttered basement' you can tune in every Monday evening (six PM, Mountain Time) to Roy's Record Room on the CKUA radio network - via your AM or FM radio if you're in Alberta, via your computer at www.CKUA.com if you're anywhere else in the world. I've put together a special Christmas RRR for Monday, Dec 22. It'd be nice to have you tune in.
Here's a link to the RRR section of the CKUA website for more info. And, feel free to let me know if you'd like to be on the RRR e-mail list.
PPS. If you're at all partial to Mince Meat Tarts, click here
PPPS. If you want to keep in touch with what I'm up to, check
Roy Forbes,
Box 38724, Metro RPO,
North Vancouver, B.C.
V7M 3N1
(Fred Waterer/ODXA)
I'm very happy to announce that the tradition continues. Once again, Paul Grant and I will hit the airwaves with a New Years Morning edition of Snap Crackle Pop. Tune in to CBC Radio One on Thursday, January 1, 2009, from six to eight-thirty AM for two-and-a-half-hours of vinyl and shellac shufflin' radio.We'll be spinning all three speeds - 33, 45 and 78 rpm - digging down deep to the roots of roots and popular music.
Because it'll be six in the morning, we'll start mellow with Canadian sax giant PJ Perry accompanied by Senator Tommy Banks on piano, moving into more jazz, some blues, a bit of folk and beyond.
The second hour perks up with a bit more blues, a dose of Calypso, some Fado, a few scarce, mid-50s Canadian rockabilly 78s, a touch of early Canadian C&W etc.
The last hour is actually only twenty-one minutes. Paul Grant and I call it the SCP trailer - a quick snapshot of the eclectic nature of this unique 'all records' radio show, featuring discs you may well not hear anywhere else (except on my CKUA radio show). From the stunning jazz vocals of Terri Thornton to some mean Merle Travis guitar pickin', we cover a lot of bases in the last twenty-one minutes of SCP.
All in all, it's gonna be a heckuva fun show as Paul and I celebrate the coming of a brand new year.
And, folks- thanks, always, for your excellent and entertaining e-mails, both to me and to the CBC. Your solid support is a big part of why Paul and I have continued to do this occasional Snap Crackle Poppin' thing since September 1996.
I'm including the link to CBC's 'Contact' page just in case the NY Morning show moves you to write again!
http://www.cbc.ca/contact /
Cheers and a big loud HAPPY NEW YEAR from Paul Grant and from me,
Roy Forbes
PS. If you'd like a weekly fix of tunes from my 'slightly cluttered basement' you can tune in every Monday evening (six PM, Mountain Time) to Roy's Record Room on the CKUA radio network - via your AM or FM radio if you're in Alberta, via your computer at www.CKUA.com if you're anywhere else in the world. I've put together a special Christmas RRR for Monday, Dec 22. It'd be nice to have you tune in.
Here's a link to the RRR section of the CKUA website for more info. And, feel free to let me know if you'd like to be on the RRR e-mail list.
PPS. If you're at all partial to Mince Meat Tarts, click here
PPPS. If you want to keep in touch with what I'm up to, check
Roy Forbes,
Box 38724, Metro RPO,
North Vancouver, B.C.
V7M 3N1
(Fred Waterer/ODXA)
Monday, December 29, 2008
Rhein-Main Radio Club plans special broadcast Dec. 30
9290, Rhein-Main Radio Club (RMRC), via Ulbroka, will broadcast a special program on Tu Dec 30 at 1300-1400 in German and 1400-1500 in English. The program content is essentially advertisement for the RMRC. However, there will be (at least in the German part) an interview with Robert Kipp concerning R St. Helena Day 2008 and the Project. (Kipp-D, Dec 22)
(BC-DX 892/Top News)
9290, Rhein-Main Radio Club (RMRC), via Ulbroka, will broadcast a special program on Tu Dec 30 at 1300-1400 in German and 1400-1500 in English. The program content is essentially advertisement for the RMRC. However, there will be (at least in the German part) an interview with Robert Kipp concerning R St. Helena Day 2008 and the Project. (Kipp-D, Dec 22)
(BC-DX 892/Top News)
Solomon Islands shortwave radio activity

Solomon Islands
9541.4, SIBC, Honiara. 0715 Dec 6, good clear signal with good sharp audio, English news followed by a commercial and a chat about Red Cross Day. Interference and het from Sound of Hope, Tanshui, Taiwan, which comes on at 0900. SIBC was swamped by their carrier coming on air at 0845, with Taiwan’s signal and audio tramping all over the Solomons, which has by then weakened a little. Can still separate them by tuning to 9541.4 on USB which gets rid of the het and virtually blocks out Taiwan. No sign of 5020. (Stevenson-OZ, EDXP)
9441.53, SIBC, excellent signal at 1000 Dec 1. News in Tok Pisin. (Ritola-Finland, DXplorer) “Our short waves have been down for few weeks now. One should be back and I think you can get it on 9545. The other, 5020 should be back this week. Cheers, Walter Nalangu, SIBC Honiara.” (Aardal-Norway, HCDX)
9541.54, SIBC, 2210 Nov 30. Good and clear in USB mode avoiding 9540 het, relaying Radio Australia news reports in English, running a fraction of a second behind RA-Brandon 12080. Rechecked at 2248 and found popular island and western vocals, commercials in English, at 2300 English ID, SW frequency announced as 9545, then SIBC Mid-Morning news in English. Tnx to ARDXC members for the tipoff. (Clark-NZ, NZ DX Times)
9541.50, SIBC, Honiara. Fair improving to good, local messages in English and later announcements in Pidgin. Announced frequency as 9545 just prior to “The World Today” from the BBC at 0600 Dec 1. (Lynneberg-NZ, DXT)
9541v, SIBC 0800-1200. English and Pidgin. BBC relayed from 1200. (Seager, ARDXC & Wright, HCDX via DXplorer Nov.30/08)
9541.5 SIBC .12/26 with very nice signal, by far best heard this season, from 0809 tune with English news by woman. Into feature program at 0810 that included what sounded like several political speeches and a woman narrator. Music program from 0840 with several pop Christmas vocals among other pop songs, man and woman announcers. Frequent recorded commercials heard. Co-ch QRM present after 0900, but not problematic. (Bruce Churchill/Cumbre DX)
9541, SIBC December-22. English 0712-0736 Male announcer and dominant lady with talk segment to talks on music. brief English pop music and solo male choir Pacific style music. Some het. SINPO 33433 (Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec, Brazil/Cumbre DX)
Solomon Islands amateur radio
H4 & H40, Solomon Islands and Temotu province Bernhard, DL2GAC, informs OPDX that
he will depart from Markdorf, Germany, on January 8th and arrive in Honiara, capital of the Solomon Islands, on Saturday, January 10th. He is expected to stay until April 28th. Bernhard will be active as H44MS on SSB only but will focus on the 80 and 40 meter bands. He states, “I do collect U.S. counties. Additionally, I look for missing slots for my 5B-WAS, 5B-ITU-Zones, 5BWAZ and new IOTAs.” QSL via his home callsign, by the Bureau or direct after his return home.
ADDED NOTES: Bernhard states that Sigi/DK9FN (CW op) and Hermann/DL2NUD (an EME op) will join him at the end of February. Together they plan to do a 2-3 week operation to Temotu (H40). A flight to Lata, capital city of Temotu, is planned for March 2nd. Sigi/DK9FN will go back home on March 16th, and Hermann/DL2NUD will stay until April 9th.
[Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #887 December 7, 2008/ODXA-Listening In Jan. 2009]
Schedule updates from DX Mix News
All times UTC - // parallel frequency, NF (new frequency)

Frequency change of Radio Tirana in Albanian from Dec 22:
2130-2300 NF 7435 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm, x9345 \\ 6005 to WeEu
(R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 23)
Frequency changes of Radio Romania International:
0630-0656 NF 15560 GAL 300 kW / 100 deg to AUS, x15135#English
2030-2056 NF 6155 TIG 100 kW / 282 deg to SER, x5970 Serbian
#to avoid China Radio International in Spanish
(R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 23)
TDP changes:
Ginbot 7 Radio in Amharic from Dec.2:
1700-1730 NF 9880 SAM 250 kW / 188 deg to EaAf Tue/Thu/Sun, x12120
1700-1730 NF 11530 SAM 250 kW / 188 deg to EaAf Tue/Thu/Sun, x15350
Radio Xoriyo Ogadenia in Somali from Dec.10:
1700-1730 NF 9485 SAM 250 kW / 188 deg to EaAf Wed/Fri
1700-1730 NF 11720 SAM 250 kW / 188 deg to EaAf Wed/Fri
1400-1430 on 21585 SAM 250 kW / 188 deg to EaAf Tue/Sat, cancelled
(R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 23)
(DX Mix News # 553, wb, Germany)

Frequency change of Radio Tirana in Albanian from Dec 22:
2130-2300 NF 7435 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm, x9345 \\ 6005 to WeEu
(R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 23)
Frequency changes of Radio Romania International:
0630-0656 NF 15560 GAL 300 kW / 100 deg to AUS, x15135#English
2030-2056 NF 6155 TIG 100 kW / 282 deg to SER, x5970 Serbian
#to avoid China Radio International in Spanish
(R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 23)
TDP changes:
Ginbot 7 Radio in Amharic from Dec.2:
1700-1730 NF 9880 SAM 250 kW / 188 deg to EaAf Tue/Thu/Sun, x12120
1700-1730 NF 11530 SAM 250 kW / 188 deg to EaAf Tue/Thu/Sun, x15350
Radio Xoriyo Ogadenia in Somali from Dec.10:
1700-1730 NF 9485 SAM 250 kW / 188 deg to EaAf Wed/Fri
1700-1730 NF 11720 SAM 250 kW / 188 deg to EaAf Wed/Fri
1400-1430 on 21585 SAM 250 kW / 188 deg to EaAf Tue/Sat, cancelled
(R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 23)
(DX Mix News # 553, wb, Germany)
Antarctica on 14.243 MHz to January 5, 2009

Please direct any inquries to KC4AAA2008@gmail.com. QSL via K1IED. To learn about the exciting South Pole Telescope project, visit pole.uchicago.edu/ [K2ARB]
[ICPO Bulletin December 4, 2008/ODXA-Listening In, Jan 2009]
Palestine amateur radio DXpedition planned

The team will use the callsign E44M and will be active on 160-2 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and all the digital modes with a maximum power of 1KW. They will have 3 stations on the air active with beams, verticals and wire antennas. They state, “Even if early January is not a a good period for VHF, they will monitor 6 and 2 meters and try any contact.”
The team includes the following 6 members: Simone/IZ0BTV, Bello/IZ0EGM, Giorgio/IZ4AKS, Cortesi/IZ4DPV, Pasquale/IZ8IYX and Vini/IK2CIO. Operations will
be focused on RTTY and the other digital modes, as well as the low bands and 30/17/12 meters. They plan to pay special attention to stations outside Europe when the propagation will allow it. Pilot stations will be announced later. More news will be available in the next few weeks. A Web page is now active at: www.dxcoffee.com/e44m/ [Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #887 December 7, 2008/ODXA-Listening-In Jan 2009]
be focused on RTTY and the other digital modes, as well as the low bands and 30/17/12 meters. They plan to pay special attention to stations outside Europe when the propagation will allow it. Pilot stations will be announced later. More news will be available in the next few weeks. A Web page is now active at: www.dxcoffee.com/e44m/ [Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #887 December 7, 2008/ODXA-Listening-In Jan 2009]
considering the ongoing conflict in this area, wonder if this DXpedition will actually occur. GVH
Australian and New Zealand DX newsletter offers

If you wish to receive the pdf versions of these monthly publications, all you have to do is e-mail me at listeningin@rogers.com . There is no additional cost to your ODXA membership.
This is a reciprocal agreement; members of the NZRDXL and the Australian Radio DX Club are being offered the opportunity to receive e-Listening In. ADXN and NZDXT will be e-mailed only to those of you who request them. They will be sent when they are received here at the ODXA, rather than including them in the e-LI mailing. You may subscribe and unsubscribe at any time.
We think you’ll find them to be interesting reading.
(ODXA-Listening In/Jan. 2009)
Old American radio books and magazines available online

(James Niven via Ray Crawford, December 20008 New Zealand DX Times. (ODXA-Target Listening/Jan 2009)
Blog Logs - Clandestines

3912, Voice of the People, Goyang, 1343-1526, Dec 16, 19 and 21, Korean talks, occasional selection of vocal music, SINPO 13331 in France, // to 6517.98 and 6599.98, all three good in Colorado. (Mille, Ronda, and Wilkins in DXplorer)
5925, Radio Solh, via Dhabbaya, Unites Arab Emirates (500 kW, 45 degrees), 0200-0232, Dec 23, Middle East type music. Dari announcement, weak. (Bolland and Bueschel)
6003, Radio Echo of Hope, Gimpo, 1800-1900, Nov 18, Korean, longer programme today than listed in DBS, 22332 best in LSB // 6348 spoiled by jamming. SINPO 22332. (Schulze)
6100, Radio Voice of Kashmir, via AIR, India, 1445-1500, Dec 12, Kashmiri talk and local songs, heard best in USB due to noise on 6100. SINPO 32343. (Petersen)
6300, Radio Nacional Saharaui, Rabouni, 0802, Dec 13, still here with programme in Arabic with ID, then news. SINPO 24232.(Liangas)
7280, Sudan Radio Service, Dhabbaya, 0411-0415, Dec 09, Arabic talk referring to Sudan, ID: "Sudan Radio Service", "Arabía Sudanía...", musical segment, 34443. (Romero)
9560, Voice of Peace and Democrcy of Eritrea, Addis Ababa-Gedja, 0405-0410, Dec 09, Tigrinya talk, probably martial music. SINPO 34433. (Romero)
9880.00, Furusato no Kaze, via Darwin (p), 1450-1500*, Dec 11, Japanese talk, musical signature at close. SINPO 25222. (Petersen)
9950, Open Radio for North Korea via Gavar, Armenia (site not noted in letter) verified with a short QSL-letter in 20 days noting that they are issuing QSL letters instead of cards "as a result of printing difficulty" although they anticipate issuing cards in the near future. A copy of their current program schedule was also enclosed. (D’Angelo)
15180 Aso Radio International, via ?, *1600-1655, Dec 09, popped on at 1600 with drum/flute music, then a couple of ID's followed by a variety of talks in presumed Hausa, with an occasional selection of enjoyable West African music. Very good at tune-in but signal deteriorated after 1630 and was largely unreadable by 1655; think closedown may have occurred around that time. Went to the announced website http://www.asoradioonline.com/ and found out the station has been around for a long time on 93.5 FM. Wonder if there is any connection to the former "Radio Saa" that was on 15180 at this same time a couple of years ago? (Wilkins in DXplorer)
5925, Radio Solh, via Dhabbaya, Unites Arab Emirates (500 kW, 45 degrees), 0200-0232, Dec 23, Middle East type music. Dari announcement, weak. (Bolland and Bueschel)
6003, Radio Echo of Hope, Gimpo, 1800-1900, Nov 18, Korean, longer programme today than listed in DBS, 22332 best in LSB // 6348 spoiled by jamming. SINPO 22332. (Schulze)
6100, Radio Voice of Kashmir, via AIR, India, 1445-1500, Dec 12, Kashmiri talk and local songs, heard best in USB due to noise on 6100. SINPO 32343. (Petersen)
6300, Radio Nacional Saharaui, Rabouni, 0802, Dec 13, still here with programme in Arabic with ID, then news. SINPO 24232.(Liangas)
7280, Sudan Radio Service, Dhabbaya, 0411-0415, Dec 09, Arabic talk referring to Sudan, ID: "Sudan Radio Service", "Arabía Sudanía...", musical segment, 34443. (Romero)
9560, Voice of Peace and Democrcy of Eritrea, Addis Ababa-Gedja, 0405-0410, Dec 09, Tigrinya talk, probably martial music. SINPO 34433. (Romero)
9880.00, Furusato no Kaze, via Darwin (p), 1450-1500*, Dec 11, Japanese talk, musical signature at close. SINPO 25222. (Petersen)
9950, Open Radio for North Korea via Gavar, Armenia (site not noted in letter) verified with a short QSL-letter in 20 days noting that they are issuing QSL letters instead of cards "as a result of printing difficulty" although they anticipate issuing cards in the near future. A copy of their current program schedule was also enclosed. (D’Angelo)
15180 Aso Radio International, via ?, *1600-1655, Dec 09, popped on at 1600 with drum/flute music, then a couple of ID's followed by a variety of talks in presumed Hausa, with an occasional selection of enjoyable West African music. Very good at tune-in but signal deteriorated after 1630 and was largely unreadable by 1655; think closedown may have occurred around that time. Went to the announced website http://www.asoradioonline.com/ and found out the station has been around for a long time on 93.5 FM. Wonder if there is any connection to the former "Radio Saa" that was on 15180 at this same time a couple of years ago? (Wilkins in DXplorer)
(DSWCI/DX Window 367)
ODXA changes in the works

Next summer (possibly August) my wife and I will be moving to BC to be nearer our two grown children and my wife's family. We are looking at the town of Salmon Arm in the interior of BC.
The ODXA Executive Committee has met and discussed how to deal with this change.
Fortunately, my interest in the ODXA and Listening-In hasn't diminished and the internet and e-mail allows editors to be anywhere in the world. But at the same time I'm going to take this opportunity to lessen my workload a bit and reduce the impact of editorial deadlines upon my life.
The Executive Committee has agreed to the following:
* as of June 2009 Listening In will cease publication as a magazine
* current columns will be posted to the ODXA website, where they can be viewed or downloaded free of charge
* the article-type columns will continue to be edited by me and formatted as they are now
* loggings-based columns will switch to on-line postings, i.e. The editors will upload the loggings and DX news to the website. They will format them as they
wish. They can update their columns mid-month if they wish.
* membership/subscription fees will be dropped as of June 2009
* members will be given the option of receiving a refund or donating the balance of their fee to the ODXA
* those who currently receive the print version of LI will be given the option of subscribing to a service whereby I will print and mail columns copied from the website, once per month, at a fee that is based upon copying and mailing costs
* I will work closely with webmaster Fred Waterer to set all of this up on the website
* editors will set their own column timelines; I will post my items to the website whenever I have them
* article-type columns will be archived on the website, loggings will be kept online only as long as the editor deems necessary
* LI on Tape members will continue to be served by Joe in whatever way they choose to receive the columns
* Mail Order is already being phased out; we are not re-ordering books as they sell out; this will be the final year we will carry Passport, WRTH, etc. The Mail Order form in this issue shows what we have in stock as of this day of writing. Prices have been dropped to help clear the inventory.
* the website will carry announcements of new books and give advice on where to purchase them * we will stop attending hamfests; this will reduce Brian's workload
* we no longer need the profits generated by book sales and the costs of shipping keep going up and up (as of January parcel post will jump dramatically in cost)
* the ODXA is in good shape financially. With these changes we will require very few funds. If, in the future, we do need funds to maintain the website service, we will consider requesting donations or some other fundraising method.
If there is any question that you have and that I haven't answered, please write in. Moving on to other news, we are very happy to welcome Richard Cuff to our editorial team this month.
Rich is taking over the Click! column from Paul Guise, who retired last month.
Finally, as we enter 2009, I wish you a very Happy New Year.
73, Harold Sellers
(ODXA Jan 2009)
Winter schedule update from Voice of America, Part 1-2

USA [non] Winter B-08 - Voice of America
Part One of Two
Afaan Oromoo
1730-1800 9320 9485 9860 11675 11905 Mon-Fri
0600-0630 6035
1700-1730 7235
1930-2000 7455
1700-1730 7235
1930-2000 7455
1800-1900 9320 9485 9860 11675 11905
Arabic-Radio Sawa
Arabic-Radio Sawa
0400-1645 990 1170 1548
1645-0400 990 1170 1431 1548
1645-0400 990 1170 1431 1548
0300-0330 4960 9845 11855
Hello Darfur
Hello Darfur
1800-1830 4960 5880 9380
1900-1930 5880 9380
1900-1930 5880 9380
1830-1900 9625 9805 12025
0130-0200 11500 15205
1600-1700 1575 7435 11500
1600-1700 1575 7435 11500
0000-0030 1575 7430 9325 12120
0130-0300 12110 15115 17780
1130-1230 11965 15550 17850
1430-1500 1575 9325 11965 12120
1500-1530 9325 11965 12120 Sat/Sun
1500-1530 1575
1530-1600 1575 9355 11560
1600-1630 9355 11560
2300-2400 7430 9325 12120
0130-0300 12110 15115 17780
1130-1230 11965 15550 17850
1430-1500 1575 9325 11965 12120
1500-1530 9325 11965 12120 Sat/Sun
1500-1530 1575
1530-1600 1575 9355 11560
1600-1630 9355 11560
2300-2400 7430 9325 12120
1300-1500 1170 7390 9705
1230-1300 11890 15390 Mon-Fri
1730-1800 15390 17565
2200-2230 11895 13725 15390
1730-1800 15390 17565
2200-2230 11895 13725 15390
0530-0600 6035
1930-1945 6135 7465
Dari-Radio Ashna
1930-1945 6135 7465
Dari-Radio Ashna
0130-0230 1296 7595 9335
1530-1630 1296 9335 9770 11575
1730-1800 1296 9335 9445 9770
1800-1830 1296 7595 9335 9445
1930-2030 1296 5750 7595
English to Europe, Middle East, North Africa
1530-1630 1296 9335 9770 11575
1730-1800 1296 9335 9445 9770
1800-1830 1296 7595 9335 9445
1930-2030 1296 5750 7595
English to Europe, Middle East, North Africa
0100-0130 1593
1400-1500 9480 15205
1500-1600 9685 11765
English to Africa
1400-1500 9480 15205
1500-1600 9685 11765
English to Africa
0300-0400 909 1530 4930 6080 9885 15580
0400-0430 909 1530 4930 4960 6080 9885 15580
0430-0500 909 4930 4960 6080 9885 15580
0500-0600 909 4930 6080 9885 15580
0600-0700 909 1530 6080 9885 15580
1400-1500 4930 6080 15580 17715 17750
1500-1600 4930 6080 15580 17715 17895
1600-1700 909 1530 4930 6080 15580 17715 17895
1700-1800 6080 13710 15580
1700-1800 909 17895 Sat/Sun
1800-1830 6080 11975 13710 15580 17895
1800-1830 909 4930 Sat/Sun
1830-1900 909 4930 6080 11975 13710 15580 17895
1900-2000 909 4930 4940 6080 11975 13710 15580 17895
2000-2030 909 1530 4930 4940 6080 11975 13710
2030-2100 909 1530 4930 6080 11975 13710
2030-2100 4940 Sat/Sun
2100-2200 1530 6080 15580
English to Zimbabwe
0400-0430 909 1530 4930 4960 6080 9885 15580
0430-0500 909 4930 4960 6080 9885 15580
0500-0600 909 4930 6080 9885 15580
0600-0700 909 1530 6080 9885 15580
1400-1500 4930 6080 15580 17715 17750
1500-1600 4930 6080 15580 17715 17895
1600-1700 909 1530 4930 6080 15580 17715 17895
1700-1800 6080 13710 15580
1700-1800 909 17895 Sat/Sun
1800-1830 6080 11975 13710 15580 17895
1800-1830 909 4930 Sat/Sun
1830-1900 909 4930 6080 11975 13710 15580 17895
1900-2000 909 4930 4940 6080 11975 13710 15580 17895
2000-2030 909 1530 4930 4940 6080 11975 13710
2030-2100 909 1530 4930 6080 11975 13710
2030-2100 4940 Sat/Sun
2100-2200 1530 6080 15580
English to Zimbabwe
1730-1800 909 4930 12080 15775 Mon-Fri
English to Afghanistan
English to Afghanistan
2030-2130 1296 7595
2130-0030 1296 7405
English to Far East, South Asia, Oceania
2130-0030 1296 7405
English to Far East, South Asia, Oceania
0100-0200 7325 9435 11705
1100-1130 1575 Sat/Sun
1130-1200 1575
1200-1300 1170 9345 9640 11705 11730 15190
1300-1400 9345 9640 9760 11705
1400-1500 7125 9760 11885 12150
1500-1600 7125 9590 11525 12150 13735
2200-2300 5910 6105 7220 7425 7480 9490 11610
2230-2400 1575 Fri/Sat
2300-2400 6105 7220 7265 7480 9490 11610
Special English
1100-1130 1575 Sat/Sun
1130-1200 1575
1200-1300 1170 9345 9640 11705 11730 15190
1300-1400 9345 9640 9760 11705
1400-1500 7125 9760 11885 12150
1500-1600 7125 9590 11525 12150 13735
2200-2300 5910 6105 7220 7425 7480 9490 11610
2230-2400 1575 Fri/Sat
2300-2400 6105 7220 7265 7480 9490 11610
Special English
0000-0030 1593
0030-0100 1575 1593 7405 9325 9620 9715 11695 12005
15185 15205 15290
0130-0200 1593 5960 7405 Tue-Sat
1500-1600 6140 7520 9760 15460
1600-1700 9345 13600 15445
1600-1700 1170 Mon-Fri
1900-2000 9785 12020
2230-2300 7230 9780 15445
2300-2330 1593 6180 7460 11840
2330-2400 1593 6180 7460 11655 11840 13640
French to Africa
0030-0100 1575 1593 7405 9325 9620 9715 11695 12005
15185 15205 15290
0130-0200 1593 5960 7405 Tue-Sat
1500-1600 6140 7520 9760 15460
1600-1700 9345 13600 15445
1600-1700 1170 Mon-Fri
1900-2000 9785 12020
2230-2300 7230 9780 15445
2300-2330 1593 6180 7460 11840
2330-2400 1593 6180 7460 11655 11840 13640
French to Africa
0530-0600 1530 4960 6020 7265 9480 9505 Mon-Fri
0600-0630 4960 6020 7265 9480 9505 Mon-Fri
1830-1900 1530 9815 15225 17580
1900-2000 1530 15225 17580
2000-2030 9780 9815 12080 13735 15225
2030-2100 6040 9780 9815 12080 15225 Sat/Sun
2100-2130 9435 9680 9780 9815 Mon-Fri
(R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 22/DX Mix News #552)
0600-0630 4960 6020 7265 9480 9505 Mon-Fri
1830-1900 1530 9815 15225 17580
1900-2000 1530 15225 17580
2000-2030 9780 9815 12080 13735 15225
2030-2100 6040 9780 9815 12080 15225 Sat/Sun
2100-2130 9435 9680 9780 9815 Mon-Fri
(R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 22/DX Mix News #552)
USA [non] Winter B-08 - Voice of America
Part Two of Two
All times UTC
1530-1600 9465 11790
1600-1630 11525 11885
1700-1800 12025 12120
0500-0530 1530 4960 6045 9600
0700-0730 4960 11985 13775
1500-1530 7155 9450 11705
2030-2100 4940 6040 9780 12080 15185 Mon-Fri
0000-0030 9620 11805 15205
1130-1230 7255 9725 15165
1400-1500 11985 13605 Thu-Sat
2200-2400 9620 11805 15205
1330-1430 1575 9325 11965
2200-2230 1575 6060 7260 13640
0330-0430 7340 9540 11915
1600-1630 11750 12010 17785 Sat
1200-1500 1350 5890 7235 9555
1900-2100 648 6060 7135 7360
0500-0600 5945 9690 15225
1300-1400 11805 15530 17750
1400-1500 1593 11805 13740 15530
1700-1800 7550 9650 9815
2000-2100 1593
1230-1300 1575 9835 11930
0000-0200 7495 9545 11925 15385 17645 21580
0200-0300 11925 15385 17645 21580
0700-0800 9845 11855 11965 13650 13765 15515
0800-0900 9845 11665 11855 11965 13650 13765 15515
0900-1030 9845 9855 11665 11855 11965 13650 13765 15515
1030-1100 9845 9855 11665 11700 11965 13650 13765 15515
1100-1200 1170 6160 9530 9805 11665 12040 15515
1200-1300 6040 6160 9530 9680 11920 12040
1300-1400 6040 6160 7295 9680 11920 11995 12040
1400-1500 6040 6105 7295 7525 9680 9825
2200-2300 6045 7440 9545 9755 9875 11655
1800-1830 909 4930 12080 15775 Mon-Fri
Pashto-Radio Ashna
0030-0130 1296 7595 9335
1430-1530 1296 9335 11840 12140
1630-1730 1296 9335 9770 11575
1830-1930 1296 5750 7595
1300-1500 7455 7495 9370 9565
1500-1900 5835 7455 7495 9370
0230-0330 7205 9495 9820
1530-1630 1593 9320 11705 11775
1630-1730 1593 5850 9320 9540
1730-1800 1593 5850 9495 9540
1800-1830 648 1593 5850 9495 9540
1830-1900 648 5850 9680 9960
1900-1930 5850 9680 9960
1930-2030 5860 9680 9925
Portuguese to Africa
1000-1030 17740 21590 Sat/Sun
1700-1730 1530 11775 15545 21495
1730-1800 1530 9435 9805 11775 21495
1800-1830 1530 5825 9805 21495 Mon-Fri
1700-1730 909 4930 12080 15775 Mon-Fri
1300-1400 13580 15620
1600-1630 1431 13580 15620
1630-1800 13580 15620
0000-0100 5890 5940 9885
1230-1300 9885 13715 15590 Mon-Fri
1300-1400 9885 13715 15590
0300-0330 7340 9440 Mon-Fri
1630-1730 9565 13870 15730
0000-0100 7255 7480 9645
0300-0400 15545 17860 21570
0400-0600 15545 17860
1400-1500 7255 9670 12105
1600-1700 7280 7560 11920
1900-1930 9320 9485 9860 11675 11905 Mon-Fri
0430-0500 7295 Mon-Fri
1145-1200 9555 15205 Mon-Fri
1930-2000 7235 9490 Mon-Fri
2100-2115 5895 9715
2115-2130 5895 9715 Mon-Fri
Urdu-Radio Aap Ki Dunyaa
0100-0200 972 1539 9520 9820
1400-1500 972 1539 7440 9390
1500-0100 972 1539
1500-1530 801 6105 9530 11550 11695
1300-1330 1575 9325 11695
1500-1600 1170 5955 9485 9725
2230-2330 6060 13640
(R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 23)
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Weekly Propagation Forecast Bulletins

:Issued: 2008 Dec 23 2251 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC contact: www.swpc.noaa.gov/weekly.html
# Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
15 - 21 December 2008
Solar activity was very low. The visible disk was spotless during the entire summary period.
No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at normal levels during the entire summary period.
Geomagnetic field activity was at mostly quiet levels at all latitudes during the period. Isolated unsettled activity was observed at high latitudes late on 17 December due to a brief excursion of southward Bz (-5 nT at 17/1400 UTC) as measured at ACE. During the summary period, ACE solar wind measurements varied between a high of 377 km/s at 17/0338 UTC to a low of 278 km/s at 21/1833 UTC. The Bz component of the IMF varied between a low of -6.8 nT at 17/0101 UTC to a high of +8.5 nT at 17/0255 UTC.
Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
24 December 2008 - 19 January 2009
Solar activity is expected to be at very low levels.
No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to reach high levels during 02 - 06 January. Normal levels are expected 24 December - 01 January and again on 07 - 19 January.
Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at quiet levels during 24 - 30 December. Activity is expected to increase to unsettled levels during 31 December - 02 January due to a recurrent coronal hole high speed stream. Activity is expected to decrease to quiet levels during 03 - 17 January. Activity is expected to increase to unsettled levels during 18 - 19 January.
Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2008 Dec 23 2252 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC contact: www.swpc.noaa.gov/wwire.html
# 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
# Issued 2008 Dec 23
# UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
# Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2008 Dec 24 68 5 2
2008 Dec 25 68 5 2
2008 Dec 26 69 5 2
2008 Dec 27 70 5 2
2008 Dec 28 71 5 2
2008 Dec 29 71 5 2
2008 Dec 30 71 5 2
2008 Dec 31 71 8 3
2009 Jan 01 71 10 3
2009 Jan 02 71 10 3
2009 Jan 03 71 5 2
2009 Jan 04 71 5 2
2009 Jan 05 71 5 2
2009 Jan 06 70 5 2
2009 Jan 07 70 5 2
2009 Jan 08 69 5 2
2009 Jan 09 68 5 2
2009 Jan 10 68 5 2
2009 Jan 11 68 5 2
2009 Jan 12 68 5 2
2009 Jan 13 68 5 2
2009 Jan 14 68 5 2
2009 Jan 15 68 5 2
2009 Jan 16 68 5 2
2009 Jan 17 68 5 2
2009 Jan 18 68 10 3
2009 Jan 19 68 8 3
Eletronic DX Press Radio Monitoring Association to offer anniverary QSL
To commemorate the 13th birthday of the Electronic DX Press Radio Monitoring Association on January 4, 2009, special QSLs are now being issued for all correct reception reports received up to the end of 2009 for "Radio EDXP" programs hosted by various international shortwave broadcasters.
The full color QSLs show Australian scenes and wildlife, and indicate the actual transmitter location and the name of the host broadcaster.
"Radio EDXP" is the EDXP's long-time broadcasting service, offering news reports and schedule updates about international broadcasting, propagation, and monitoring. The programs are known as the "Australian DX Report", and host broadcasters include:
Worldwide Christian Radio (WWCR) - Nashville, Tennessee, USA. Every week, on Sundays, at 0300-0315 and on Mondays at 1245-1300
The Voice of the Andes, HCJB, Quito, Ecuador, each month during the "DX Party Line" English program. The DXPL is broadcast over HCJB-Australia (Kunnunurra, Western Australia), WWCR, WRMI and IRRS (Slovakia)
World Harvest Radio International, T8WH Palau, WHRA Maine, and WHRI Indiana, monthly during the "DXing with Cumbre" English program
Adventist World Radio worldwide network, every month, during the "Wavescan" program, on weekends. This may be heard over transmitters in Guam, Germany, and WRMI.
Reports must include sufficient details for validation purposes, and indicate the date (UTC), time (UTC), frequency, quality of reception, and
interference effects, and should be sent to:
Radio EDXP, 404 Mont Albert Road, Mont Albert, Victoria 3127, Australia
Return postage is mandatory - A$2 in mint Australian stamps (for Australian addresses), one IRC or US$1 elsewhere
Radio EDXP electronic QSLs are also available and reports may be submitted either by Email, to bobpadula@mydesk.net.au or via the on-line Reception Report Template. You "pick up" your E-QSL at a special Website after you have received an E-mail notification from EDXP.
The Template is at http://edxp.org
Radio EDXP is also available via the Internet, with a new episode produced each week, and may be accesssed at http://airm.edxp.org
Formed in January 1996, in Melbourne, Australia, the EDXP is a society to bring together relevant information about World Radio High Frequency Broadcasting, and Australian domestic broadcasting, in a structured and timely manner. Information is contributed by members or researched by the EDXP administration. Most members reside in Australia.
Special free guest membership is available at http://edxp.org
The EDXP pioneered the use of electronic mail in Australia for collaboration between members, and celebrates its 13th birthday on January 4, 2009, moving into its 14th year of continuous operations.
Good listening to Radio EDXP, nsd your reception reports would be appreciated!
Bob Padula
(Cumbre DX)
The full color QSLs show Australian scenes and wildlife, and indicate the actual transmitter location and the name of the host broadcaster.
"Radio EDXP" is the EDXP's long-time broadcasting service, offering news reports and schedule updates about international broadcasting, propagation, and monitoring. The programs are known as the "Australian DX Report", and host broadcasters include:
Worldwide Christian Radio (WWCR) - Nashville, Tennessee, USA. Every week, on Sundays, at 0300-0315 and on Mondays at 1245-1300
The Voice of the Andes, HCJB, Quito, Ecuador, each month during the "DX Party Line" English program. The DXPL is broadcast over HCJB-Australia (Kunnunurra, Western Australia), WWCR, WRMI and IRRS (Slovakia)
World Harvest Radio International, T8WH Palau, WHRA Maine, and WHRI Indiana, monthly during the "DXing with Cumbre" English program
Adventist World Radio worldwide network, every month, during the "Wavescan" program, on weekends. This may be heard over transmitters in Guam, Germany, and WRMI.
Reports must include sufficient details for validation purposes, and indicate the date (UTC), time (UTC), frequency, quality of reception, and
interference effects, and should be sent to:
Radio EDXP, 404 Mont Albert Road, Mont Albert, Victoria 3127, Australia
Return postage is mandatory - A$2 in mint Australian stamps (for Australian addresses), one IRC or US$1 elsewhere
Radio EDXP electronic QSLs are also available and reports may be submitted either by Email, to bobpadula@mydesk.net.au or via the on-line Reception Report Template. You "pick up" your E-QSL at a special Website after you have received an E-mail notification from EDXP.
The Template is at http://edxp.org
Radio EDXP is also available via the Internet, with a new episode produced each week, and may be accesssed at http://airm.edxp.org
Formed in January 1996, in Melbourne, Australia, the EDXP is a society to bring together relevant information about World Radio High Frequency Broadcasting, and Australian domestic broadcasting, in a structured and timely manner. Information is contributed by members or researched by the EDXP administration. Most members reside in Australia.
Special free guest membership is available at http://edxp.org
The EDXP pioneered the use of electronic mail in Australia for collaboration between members, and celebrates its 13th birthday on January 4, 2009, moving into its 14th year of continuous operations.
Good listening to Radio EDXP, nsd your reception reports would be appreciated!
Bob Padula
(Cumbre DX)
Shortwave Blog "Bytes"

Argentina RAE on 11710.8
Radio Nacional, General Pacheco, 11710.8, 0015-0030, 24 Dec, football ball match report for Argentina vs. Chile or so it seemed. SINPO 35432 but still a little bit worse than Brazil's 11765 observed at the same time. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX topnews Dec 24)
Audioclip: Radio Nacional Argentina via RAE
15345 KHz 20.30. Very good signal from the frequency of RAE (relay to Radio Nacional 870 KHz).
Audioclip available at:
Australian logs9690 Nippon no Kaze via Darwin 1509-1539* Dec 21. Presumed with talks in Korean. Long closing routine at 1525, including usual e-mail address info@rachi.go.jp and website http://www.rachi.go.jp/ Carrier off at 1530:10 UT. Good signal. (John Wilkins-CO-USA, DXplorer Dec 21)
12010 Radio Australia via Darwin, at 2240 UT on Dec 16. Listed English & beamed toward SE Asia. Lady announcer with music bumpers. Fair at best, but difficult to understand the talking.(Jerry Strawman-IA-USA, DXplorer Dec 21)
Bulgaria to begin new local station Jan 1
A new local station is starting on January the 1st, 2009. It is Radio Vidin (a city in NoWe Bulgaria). It is not clearl which waves/freqs will be in use. Info acc to the info of news of BNRadio on Dec 23rd. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 24)
Canada's CFRX back on
From the engineer himself: "CFRX is back on at 1000 watts and sounds great near field The transmitter having recently been repaired and retested at the Armstrong factory in Syracuse NY is running full out and very well. We will be getting an on site type approval of the transmitter by Industry Canada very soon."
Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi, 0026-0040, 24 Dec, Mandarin, annoucements, light songs, TS at 0030 UT, more talks, presumably a newscast. SINPO 35433.(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX topnews Dec 24)
Costa Rican QSL
Radio Nacional de Espana Relay Station (5965 kHz) verified my reception report in Spanish with $2.00 by a PFC QSL card in Spanish after 39 days via express mail. QSL signer was Sr. S. Esquiol. The mailing address was:
Radio Nacional de Espana, Centro Emisor de Onda Corta, 500 Oeste Pali,
Cariari, Cariari de Pococi, Limon, Costa Rica.
(Takahito Akabayashi-JPN, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 17)
Ethiopia station news update
6889.92 Radio Fana, at 2035-2059* UT on Dec 18, Amharic talk. Local music. Poor to fair in noisy conditions. \\ 6110 kHz - good level but poor overall signal due to co-channel QRM. (Brian Alexander-PA-USA, DXplorer Dec 18)
9556.04v Radio Ethiopia, 0703-0711, Dec 21, slightly off nom. 9560 kHz. On 9556.04 kHz at tune-in. Drifting up to 9556.32 kHz by 0710 UT. Vernacular talk. Local tribal music. Fair. Very weak on \\ 7165 kHz. (Brian Alexander-PA-USA, hcdx Dec 21)
An Amharic-speaker has translated the announcement that is being repeated on the new 6090 kHz station. It says the tests are from Amhara Regional State radio. The following schedule is announced: 0300-0600, 0900-1100 and 1400-1700 UT. I have confirmed these times to be correct. It is announcing three frequencies: 6090, 7264 (sic) and 9740. I have only heard 6090, which has good signal strength.
I've also heard the email address of
5990v/7110/9704 Radio Ethiopia National Service.
7165/9560v Radio Ethiopia External Service (and anti-Eritrea clandestines).
6110/6890 Radio Fana (also heard on 1080 MW).
5950/5980 V. of Tigray Revolution (5980 is only heard for the early morning transmission, closing at 0530 UT).
Note: 5950 is much stronger than 5980, but has telephone-quality audio, supporting the theory that 5980 is from Mekele (where the studio is) but 5950 kHz is from Addis Ababa.
6030 R. Oromia (also heard on 1035 MW).
6090 The new Amhara State radio.
There are also unidentified Ethiopian MW stations on 684 and 1044 kHz. These are not in \\ with the National Service on 594/828/855/873/972 kHz. (Chris Greenway-KEN, - listening in Siaya District, western Kenya; BrDXC-UK and DXplorer Dec 23)
Germany: clandestinr station update
New schedule for two clannies to Ethiopia I'm not able to identify further (since I simply have lost track on all the organizations bombarding this region with shortwave broadcasts):
Something dubbed "Ethiopians for democracy" on Wed, Fri and Sun (perhaps aka. "Voice of Ethiopian Unity"?) and a certain "ELF" on Wed, both 1700- 1758 UT via Nauen (running 125 kW) on 11835 kHz.
Voice of Oromo Liberation (if it's them) Thu, Tue, Sun 1600-1700 UT via Juelich has been moved to 11760 kHz as of Dec 4.
Greenland heard on again on 3815
2105-2214* Dec 16+17, KNR, Tasiilaq (USB only) Greenlandic / Danish Greenlandic ann, songs, 2200 jingle, news in Danish (pres), song at close - back on ordinary schedule! 14232 - 12231 deep fades and CWQRM. The latest news in Danish can also be heard at www.knr.gl/index.php?id=1855. (Anker Petersen-DEN, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 18)
Romanian frequency changes
Radio Romania International:
0630-0656 NF 15560 GAL 300 kW / 100 deg to AUS, x15135#English
2030-2056 NF 6155 TIG 100 kW / 282 deg to SER, x5970 Serbian
#to avoid China Radio International in Spanish
(R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 23)
(BC-DX 892/Top News)
2008 Clandestine Activity Survey

The activity of clandestine stations broadcasting to target areas on the Asian continent has decreased by 2.6 % to 915 WBHs. Activity to target areas on the American continent has remained unchanged at 215 WBHs. The activity to target areas on the African continent, where volatility has always been very high in recent years, has decreased by 27.5 % to 121 WBHs.
The most active target area worldwide is now - for the first time in the history of the CAS - North Korea with 245 WBHs (+49 when compared with last year), followed by China P.R. with 224 WBHs (-16) and Cuba with 215 WBHs (unchanged).
The number of different target areas active worldwide has decreased from 18 to 17, with Senegal dropping from the list of active targets. On the other hand, no new or reactivated target areas have been reported over the past 12 months.
(Mathias Kropf-D, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 21/BC-DX 892/Top News)
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Upcoming relays on shortwave
All times UTC
Sunday - December 28, 2008
Radio Gloria International
1300 - 1400 6140 kHz
The transmissions of Radio Gloria will be broadcast over the transmitting station Wertachtal in Germany. The transmitter power will be 100 000 Watts, and we will
be using a non-directional antenna system (Quadrant antenna).
Tuesday - December 30th
13.00 -15.00 9290 kHz
(Tom Taylor)
Sunday - December 28, 2008
Radio Gloria International
1300 - 1400 6140 kHz
The transmissions of Radio Gloria will be broadcast over the transmitting station Wertachtal in Germany. The transmitter power will be 100 000 Watts, and we will
be using a non-directional antenna system (Quadrant antenna).
Tuesday - December 30th
13.00 -15.00 9290 kHz
(Tom Taylor)
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Holiday Wishes to Blog Readers

To our men and women serving around the globe in the Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, Navy and Marines, my warmest blessings of the season. We thank you for your service and know that until you return home, you and your families remain in our thoughts and prayers every day.
To all I wish a wondrous holiday season!
In thanking our soldiers, here's a great idea called, Send a Soldier a Thank You Card for Free Xerox is hosting a "Thank You" to the troops. Visit Let's Say Thanks in Support of our Troops at
http://letssaythanks.com/Home1280.html to pick out a thank you card. Xerox will print the card and send it to a Soldier serving in Iraq. You will not be able to choose the recipient, but all cards will go to our service members.
Gayle Van Horn

(This schedule was accurate for 2007) This annual tradition continues on the BBC World Service as well as the domestic Radio 4 and Radio 3. Tune in on Christmas Eve, as follows:
1500 UT – Radio 4 / World Service live webcast / Europe SW / US public radio webcast including
0100 UT Christmas Day – Americas XM BBCWS;
1400 UT – BBC Radio 3; 2300 UT – Vermont Public Radio
The Queen's Christmas message to the Commonwealth
Another annual tradition, lasting just about ten minutes, but a highlight from year to year is Queen Elizabeth's Christmas message. Last year's air times include December 25th at 1505 UTC. You can also expect to hear the program Radio 4, and recent editions have been available via podcast from the royals' own website at www.royal.gov.uk
(NASWA/Easy Listening, Dec. 2008
BBC 1500 UTC: 5975, 6040, 6190, 6195, 9410, 9740, 9855, 9860, 11915, 12095, 15400, 21470.
(Programming Matters/Dec MT 2008)
More Christmas shows from Finland and Netherlands
5980, Scandinavian Weekend Radio, Virrat, again this year plans a Christmas program on Dec 25 from 0700-1900 UTC.
49 mb: 0700-1500 on 5980, 1500-1700 on 6170 and 1700-1900 on 5980.
25 mb: 0700-0800 on 11690, 0800-1400 on 11720, 1400-1700 on 11690 and 1700-1900 on 11720.
(DX Window 366)
Free Radio Service -Holland plans December 28 broadcast
Netherlands/ Lithuania
Schedule for FRS-Holland special broadcast on Dec 28:
0800-1300 on 6220 (via unknown location)
0800-2200 on 6400 (a few hundred watts via unknown location) and 1430-1530 on 9700 (alternative 9710) via Sitkunai, Lithuania (100 kW), possibly repeating the DX Show. Correct reception reports are verified with our QSL-card. Address: P. O. Box 2702, NL-6049 ZG Herten, The Netherlands. At least one IRC to cover the QSL postage will be appreciated. (Verbruggen/DX Window 366)
Radio Sweden adds two "Christmas" frequencies for English to Europe Radio Sweden carries the following announcement on its website: “During the period between Christmas and New Year’s days, our English programme to Europe at 2130 UTC can be heard on the additional frequencies of 1179 and 5850 kHz.” These frequencies normally carry relays of the Swedish domestic service.
(R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)
5980, Scandinavian Weekend Radio, Virrat, again this year plans a Christmas program on Dec 25 from 0700-1900 UTC.
49 mb: 0700-1500 on 5980, 1500-1700 on 6170 and 1700-1900 on 5980.
25 mb: 0700-0800 on 11690, 0800-1400 on 11720, 1400-1700 on 11690 and 1700-1900 on 11720.
(DX Window 366)
Free Radio Service -Holland plans December 28 broadcast
Netherlands/ Lithuania
Schedule for FRS-Holland special broadcast on Dec 28:
0800-1300 on 6220 (via unknown location)
0800-2200 on 6400 (a few hundred watts via unknown location) and 1430-1530 on 9700 (alternative 9710) via Sitkunai, Lithuania (100 kW), possibly repeating the DX Show. Correct reception reports are verified with our QSL-card. Address: P. O. Box 2702, NL-6049 ZG Herten, The Netherlands. At least one IRC to cover the QSL postage will be appreciated. (Verbruggen/DX Window 366)
Radio Sweden adds two "Christmas" frequencies for English to Europe Radio Sweden carries the following announcement on its website: “During the period between Christmas and New Year’s days, our English programme to Europe at 2130 UTC can be heard on the additional frequencies of 1179 and 5850 kHz.” These frequencies normally carry relays of the Swedish domestic service.
(R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)
Christmas broadcast from Sweden and Netherlands

There will be, as before, a transmission with the Alexanderson 200 kW alternator on VLF 17.2 kHz from Grimeton Radio/SAQ on Christmas Eve, Wednesday, 24th 2008 December. The message transmission will take place at 0800 UT and will be repeated at 0830 UT. The transmitter will be tuned up from around 0730 UT. There will be no activity on amateur radio frequencies with the call SK6SAQ this time.
QSL-reports are kindly received:
- E-mail to: info@alexander.n.se
- or fax to: +46-340-674195
- or via: SM bureau
- or direct by mail to: Alexander - Grimeton Veteranradios Vaenner,
Radiostationen, Grimeton 72
Also read our web site: http://www.alexander.n.se/
Yours (Lars Kalland SM6NM (via Steve Whitt, MWC)

Radio Netherlands
WEDNESDAY 24 December
*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1400 South Asia 11520, 12080, 5825, 15595, 9345
1530 South Asia 11520, 12080, 5825, 15595, 9345
1800 Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 11655, 15535
1904 East Africa 12045, East/Central Africa 11655, West Africa 11805, Central/Southern Africa 7120
2000 West Africa 17810, 11655
Broadcast times on MW (UTC):
2300 South Asia 1548
Broadcast times on WRN UTC:
0400 Africa, Asia
0500 North America
2200 Asia
*** Radio Books ***
'The Little Impostor' - by Fouad Laroui
This season Radio Books highlights work from the diverse immigrant community of the Netherlands and Belgium. Fouad Laroui was born in Morocco, attended university in Paris and now teaches and writes in Amsterdam.
Identity is an important theme in Laroui's work and certainly in his Radio Books story. At a French Lyceum in Casablanca, all the boys are going home for Christmas holidays except Mehdi. What must he do to experience a French-style family Christmas?
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 East Asia 6040, Southeast Asia 12065, East Asia/China 9720
1430 South Asia 11520, 12080, 5825, 15595, 9345
1830 Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 11655, 15535
2030 West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425
Broadcast times on MW (UTC):
1630 Benelux 1296
2330 South Asia 1548
Broadcast times on WRN UTC:
1300 North America
1630 Europe
2230 Asia
Note that on Wednesday we also run:
Curious Orange:
1030 East Asia 6040, Southeast Asia 12065, East Asia/China 9720
1330 North America (WRN)
1530 South Asia 12080, 5825, 15595, 9345
1930 East Africa 12045, East/Central Africa 11655, West Africa 11805, Central/Southern Africa 7120
Network Europe live:
1600 Benelux (MW)
The State We're In - Midweek Edition:
0030 Europe (WRN)
0530 North America (WRN)
THURSDAY 25 December
*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1400 South Asia 11520, 12080, 5825, 15595, 9345
1530 South Asia 11520, 12080, 5825, 15595, 9345
1800 Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 11655, 15535
1904 East Africa 12045, East/Central Africa 11655, West Africa 11805, Central/Southern Africa 7120
2000 West Africa 17810, 11655
Broadcast times on MW (UTC):
2300 South Asia 1548
Broadcast times on WRN UTC:
0400 Africa, Asia
0500 North America
2200 Asia
*** Earthbeat ***
As the year draws to a close, Earthbeat takes a look back at some of the most memorable stories of the year. Listeners get a second chance to hear tales of pirates from Somalia, malaria in Burma and back here in the Netherlands, meet the people who are redesigning our vegetables. How on earth, where on earth and why on earth?
Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 East Asia 6040, Southeast Asia 12065, East Asia/China 9720
1430 South Asia 11520, 12080, 5825, 15595, 9345
1830 Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 11655, 15535
2030 West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425
Broadcast times on MW (UTC):
1630 Benelux 1296
2330 South Asia 1548
Broadcast times on WRN UTC:
1300 North America
1630 Europe
2230 Asia
Note that on Thursday we also run:
Network Europe Extra:
1030 East Asia 6040, Southeast Asia 12065, East Asia/China 9720
1330 North America (WRN)
1500 South Asia 12080, 5825, 15595, 9345
1930 East Africa 12045, East/Central Africa 11655, West Africa 11805, Central/Southern Africa 7120
Network Europe live:
1600 Benelux (MW)
Radio Books:
0030 Europe (WRN)
0530 North America (WRN)
(R Netherlands)
Pirate Radio Hall of Fame Christmas broadcast
Paul Rowley has sent transmission details of his one hour documentary about Radio Caroline North, The Other Radio Caroline A number of BBC local stations are planning to broadcast it over the Christmas and New Year period.
BBC Tees Wednesday December 24, 1700
BBC Radio Leicester Friday December 26, 1800
BBC Radio Cumbria Saturday December 27, 1400
BBC WM Sunday December 28, 1800
BBC Radio Stoke Wednesday Dec 31, 1700
BBC Tees Wednesday Dec 31, 1800 (rpt.)
BBC Radio Manchester Wednesday Dec 31, 2000 (plus other repeats)
BBC Radio Northampton Thursday January 1, 1100
BBC Radio Lancashire Thursday January 1, 1500
BBC Radio Merseyside Thursday January 1, 1700
BBC Radio Sheffield Thursday January 1, 1800
BBC Radio Norfolk Thursday January 1, 1800
BBC Radio Leicester Thursday January 1, 1800 (repeat)
BBC Radio Jersey Friday January 2, 1800
The programme will also run on the seven stations across BBC East on Sunday January 4 at 2300 as part of Pirate Radio Skues on BBC Radio Norfolk, BBC Radio Suffolk, BBC Three Counties Radio, BBC Radio Northampton, BBC Essex, BBC Radio Cambridgeshire, BBC Radio Lincolnshire.
Updates to the site include an expanded selection of audio clips on
Christmas in International Waters:
(Mike Barraclough/World DX)
BBC Tees Wednesday December 24, 1700
BBC Radio Leicester Friday December 26, 1800
BBC Radio Cumbria Saturday December 27, 1400
BBC WM Sunday December 28, 1800
BBC Radio Stoke Wednesday Dec 31, 1700
BBC Tees Wednesday Dec 31, 1800 (rpt.)
BBC Radio Manchester Wednesday Dec 31, 2000 (plus other repeats)
BBC Radio Northampton Thursday January 1, 1100
BBC Radio Lancashire Thursday January 1, 1500
BBC Radio Merseyside Thursday January 1, 1700
BBC Radio Sheffield Thursday January 1, 1800
BBC Radio Norfolk Thursday January 1, 1800
BBC Radio Leicester Thursday January 1, 1800 (repeat)
BBC Radio Jersey Friday January 2, 1800
The programme will also run on the seven stations across BBC East on Sunday January 4 at 2300 as part of Pirate Radio Skues on BBC Radio Norfolk, BBC Radio Suffolk, BBC Three Counties Radio, BBC Radio Northampton, BBC Essex, BBC Radio Cambridgeshire, BBC Radio Lincolnshire.
Updates to the site include an expanded selection of audio clips on
Christmas in International Waters:
(Mike Barraclough/World DX)
DSWCI Grand Christmas Tour with Cancer and Capricorn Contest

Anker Petersen informs that Danish Shortwave Club International has announced " DSWCI Grand Christmas Tour with Cancer and Capricorn Contest".
Details & contest form can be downloaded from :
Further details from :
Danish Shortwave Club International
Tavleager 31, DK-2670 Greve, Denmark
(Alokesh Gupta, India & Rachel Baughn, MT)
The Mighty KBC Radio set for special Christmas broadcast

shortwave transmitter in Lithuania to blast 1960s rock’n’roll all over Europe this Christmas.
“Let the kids listen to their I-Pods” Eric insists “We’re running a real radio station playing
real 60s Rock’n’Roll for those of us used to twiddling with the knobs, and if there’s a bit of
hiss and whistle included, well that’s all part of the experience!”
The Mighty KBC Radio will be heard on Christmas and Boxing Day (25 and 26 December) from 1000-1530 UTC on 9770 kHz , and again at 2130-2230 UTC on 6055 kHz with tapes of the legendary Wolfman Jack Show. The full details are on www.kbcradio.eu.
Related story on Wolfman Jack
(Tom Taylor/R Netherlands Weblog)
Christmas on the radio following the crash of 1929

It features the KHJ Radio performers singing Christmas songs. Radio Days provided this explanation:
"In 1929, Los Angeles radio station, KHJ, was owned and operated by Cadillac dealer, Don Lee. As a Christmas gift to his staff, he provided a specially-prepared Brunswick disc which featured various KHJ performers singing Christmas songs as a part of the disc. This file is a clip - a little over 4 minutes of that recording and provides some nice Christmas background reminiscent of the times."
to hear this historic radio audio
To learn more about the Radio Days website of nostalgic radio programs visit
Father Christmas gets his own radio station in France

The format is mainly music with a Christmas connection. There’s a lot of variety, though, with styles ranging from traditionals via gospels to jazz. Even 1980s dance music presented by a DJ is part of the line-up. From time to time commercials are heard. The station has webstreams in various formats on its website, as well as its own online player.
(R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)
Christmas programming from WRMI

Viva Miami – A series of short 7-minute Viva Miami segments with Christmas music from throughout the Caribbean and Latin America will air during the entire month of December, UTC Tuesday-Saturday, in English at 0107 and Spanish at 0152.
Radio Prague – Our relays of Radio Prague will include many features about Christmas in the Czech Republic in the days around December 25. The English relay is daily (7 days a week) at 1000-1030 and 1500-1530 UTC, plus UTC Tuesday-Saturday at 0300-0330 and 0700-0730.
Cuban Programs – WRMI airs many programs from Cuban exile organizations in Miami, which will include many special Christmas features around the holiday period. All of these are in Spanish, except for the Voice of the Center for Human Rights and Democracy Brigade 2506, which is in English, aired Sundays at 1600-1615 UTC. Check December 28 for Christmas specials.
Cuban Programs – WRMI airs many programs from Cuban exile organizations in Miami, which will include many special Christmas features around the holiday period. All of these are in Spanish, except for the Voice of the Center for Human Rights and Democracy Brigade 2506, which is in English, aired Sundays at 1600-1615 UTC. Check December 28 for Christmas specials.
Trova Libre – This is a musical program in Spanish (mostly Cuban music), which will have a special Christmas edition on UTC December 22 and 29 at 0000-0030.
Religious Programs – WRMI airs many religious programs in English and Spanish, which will air Christmas specials during the holiday period. Maravillosas Palabras de Vida, a Spanish program from the Salvation Army, will have Christmas music from the Salvation Army brass band, UTC Mondays at 0100-0115
(Jeff White, WRMI/Programming Matters, Dec. MT 2008)
(Jeff White, WRMI/Programming Matters, Dec. MT 2008)
Blog Logs - pirate radio

Gayle VH
All times UTC
Channel Z:
6925, 12/20, *1625-1645+ Nice midday signal with S7 peaks. On with B-52s “Channel Z.” A wide variety of Christmas music, including reggae, the Ramones, Patti Smith Group, etc. Faded out at very end. E-mail add & BRS add given for reports (Yoder,PA)
Northwoods Radio
6925USB, 12/20, *1526-1623 Great signal. Loon calls & IDs, into Christmas show. Missed most of it because I had to go, but I recorded it (Yoder,PA)
6210USB, 12/21, 1348-1408+ Great S7 signal. Parody Christmas music and lots of sound clips from movies, Rocky & Bullwinkle, etc. AC/DC parody “These are a few of My Fave Things,” “Santa Thing,” etc. (Yoder,PA)
6210USB, 12/21, 2101+ Repeat show with weak signal (Yoder,PA)
(Andrew Yoder/Cumbre DX)
Northwoods Radio
6925 USB, 1620-1626*, 12-20-08 comedy program about radio, according to a posting on the Free Radio Network it was called "Fessenden's Follies", ID and Loon calls at sign off. SIO: 232 [Lobdell-MA]
Channel Z
6925 AM, 1627-1710, 12-20-08 A rare one here, but heard withn nice AM signal, playing Christmas tunes such as "Mary's Boy Child" by Boney M., IDs, Blue Ridge Summit drop. SIO: 333 [Lobdell-MA]
Gospel For Antarctica,
6240 AM, 1519-1540+, 12-21-08, A new one for me. Rock music, IDs and the Stoneham, MA drop announced. SIO: 232 [Lobdell-MA]
6950 AM, 1845-1856, 12-21-08 Christmas music such as "Winter Wonderland", frequent singing NOEL IDs. SIO: 232 [Lobdell-MA]
6210 USB, 2150-2205, 12-21-08. Very funny show featuring a call in show with the only caller being Jay "Bozo" Smilkstein. An actual phone call between Jay & ?? Was used in the show. Jay was lamenting about his lack of money, run ins with the Mt. Kisco police and the need for a root canal. Well done Commander Bunny. SOIO: 343. [Lobdell-MA]
(Chris Lobdell, MA/SW-pirates)
4th Wellenforum Christmas Contest 2008

21 December 2008 - 04 January 2009
Here are the rules:
1. Contest period:
from 21. Dec 2008 to 4. Jan 2009.
2. Stations
During the contest you have to receive BC stations on long- and medium wave.
3. Participation Conditions
Participation is free and independent from a listener club membership. Newcomers can also participate as well as medium wave specialists. Like the last wellenforum contest, participation is via an online form. You can find the form on http://www.contest.wavetalk.org/ . Please follow the registration hints. Every station has to be heard at least for 10 minutes. Notes on the
programme heard have to be logged as detailed as possible to really identify the station (no empty phrases like “music”, “news” etc.).
4. Points
Every bc station log on long wave and medium wave is counting. Logs without a clear identification will count one third of the points that you can get for this station. Points for a log are depending on the CIRAF zone of the station. This is based on the publication ”EDXC RADIO Countries” that we will provide.
Scoring scheme:
Station logged from the CIRAF zone of the place of reception 10 points Station logged from a CIRAF zone bordering the zone were your place is 20 points. Station from the rest 30points
Your place is in Germany. Your CIRAF zone is 28. All stations from this zone are 10 points worth. Stations from CIRAF zones bordering zone 28 are 20 points worth (bordering zones are 18, 27, 29, 37, 38 and 39). The rest is 30 points worth.
5. Award:
Every participant will receive a participation certificate showing individual score and ranking prompt after the contest has finished.
73, Friedhelm Wittlieb
Contest Manager
QTH: Lünen / NRW (near Dortmund)
Grundig Satellit 700 with regenerative loop antenna member of the addx and medium wave circle uk
(Source: Alokesh Gupta, India)
1. Contest period:
from 21. Dec 2008 to 4. Jan 2009.
2. Stations
During the contest you have to receive BC stations on long- and medium wave.
3. Participation Conditions
Participation is free and independent from a listener club membership. Newcomers can also participate as well as medium wave specialists. Like the last wellenforum contest, participation is via an online form. You can find the form on http://www.contest.wavetalk.org/ . Please follow the registration hints. Every station has to be heard at least for 10 minutes. Notes on the
programme heard have to be logged as detailed as possible to really identify the station (no empty phrases like “music”, “news” etc.).
4. Points
Every bc station log on long wave and medium wave is counting. Logs without a clear identification will count one third of the points that you can get for this station. Points for a log are depending on the CIRAF zone of the station. This is based on the publication ”EDXC RADIO Countries” that we will provide.
Scoring scheme:
Station logged from the CIRAF zone of the place of reception 10 points Station logged from a CIRAF zone bordering the zone were your place is 20 points. Station from the rest 30points
Your place is in Germany. Your CIRAF zone is 28. All stations from this zone are 10 points worth. Stations from CIRAF zones bordering zone 28 are 20 points worth (bordering zones are 18, 27, 29, 37, 38 and 39). The rest is 30 points worth.
5. Award:
Every participant will receive a participation certificate showing individual score and ranking prompt after the contest has finished.
73, Friedhelm Wittlieb
Contest Manager
QTH: Lünen / NRW (near Dortmund)
Grundig Satellit 700 with regenerative loop antenna member of the addx and medium wave circle uk
(Source: Alokesh Gupta, India)
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