9500, 1815, TWR with African-accented preacher thumping the bible for all it was worth. Not scheduled per EIBI and AOKI, but here at 1800 nonetheless. Good signal but beat up on by BBC on 9505.
9605, 1746, Voice of Meselna Delina heard in presumed Tigrinya (sounds a lot like Arabic to me) with east African music and long talks by a woman. Went to pop music at 1759 for about ten seconds and then left the air. Something left at the end of the tape, maybe.
About ten seconds after the transmitter left the air, the BBC came up in French. Excellent signals from Samara, Russia with no interference and someminor fading.
11760, 1616, Voice of Oromiyo Revolution with east African music and long-winded rants by a man. Good signals and no interference. From Wertachtal. Will also try Media Broadcast for a QSL. Maybe get a 2-for-1 deal out of this!
11730, 1730 UTC. Radio Pilipinas in Tagalog with male announcer reading news headlines. EIBI says this should be English and AOKI doesn't list it. Great. Powerhouse signal with no interference and minimal fading.
I'm off to Dubai in about six hours for a course and exam. I will be back in the dust of Kandahar on 27 November, Thanksgiving Day. Hope everyone has great DX until then!
(Al Muick, Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan)