It's catch-up time from Free Radio Weekly newsletters. The following logs are a sampling of what pirate radio chasers have logged in recent weeks.
All times UTC *sign-on / sign-off*
3910LSB, 2230-2248.* Playing disco era tunes, pauses every once in a while to let the hams talk, then starts up again. One ham said it was VE9ZL. At one point he broke in and said, "GBS, GBS" (Griffith B'casting System?) S9 signal. (Frodge-MI)
Hunk-a-Junk Radio
6925 USB, *2225-2248.* SIO 242/242. Apparently new station with odd program. Started out with children's hot dog music - sort of like Hot Dog Radio. Went into old time ads, including Chevrolet and Old Spice deodorant. Take Me Out to the Ball Game tune, into Abbott and Costello's Who's on First routine. A variety of standup comics made up the latter portion of the show. Gave numerous ID's with addresses, but it was hard to tell if it was Hunk a Junk Radio, or Hunk a Dunk Radio. Actual ID appears to be Hunk a Dunk Radio. Address is therefore hunkadunk6925@gmail.com. Male announcer appeared to realize that people were having trouble copying the ID, so he gave the ID numerous times. It was still hard to copy. (Zeller-OH) [Per QSL posted on the FRN, it's Junk, not Dunk.]
KARR Mobile Radio
6940USB, 2352-0105 Program of Heavy Rock Music from Iron Maiden /Death Metal Music to others. ID's as 'This is KARR..Mobile Radio" at 2358,0008,0013, 0033 and 0059 hours. Great audio and signal hit peaks of S4 to S6 at times. Posted logging on FRN as well. Would appreciate a QSL for this broadcast, which can be sent to: ekusalik@telusplanet.net Many thanks for this broadcast from 'KARR..Mobile Radio' (SIO 444/3 Kusalik-ALB)
Marine Corp Birthday Radio
6899.34/AM, 2249-2307.+ Sgt. Buster Balz with Sousa marches, Marine Hymn and excerpts from Full Metal Jacket. SIO=342.+ Cleanest in USB. Some interference after 2300 and may have been co-channel. (Frodge-MI)
All times UTC *sign-on / sign-off*
3910LSB, 2230-2248.* Playing disco era tunes, pauses every once in a while to let the hams talk, then starts up again. One ham said it was VE9ZL. At one point he broke in and said, "GBS, GBS" (Griffith B'casting System?) S9 signal. (Frodge-MI)
Hunk-a-Junk Radio
6925 USB, *2225-2248.* SIO 242/242. Apparently new station with odd program. Started out with children's hot dog music - sort of like Hot Dog Radio. Went into old time ads, including Chevrolet and Old Spice deodorant. Take Me Out to the Ball Game tune, into Abbott and Costello's Who's on First routine. A variety of standup comics made up the latter portion of the show. Gave numerous ID's with addresses, but it was hard to tell if it was Hunk a Junk Radio, or Hunk a Dunk Radio. Actual ID appears to be Hunk a Dunk Radio. Address is therefore hunkadunk6925@gmail.com. Male announcer appeared to realize that people were having trouble copying the ID, so he gave the ID numerous times. It was still hard to copy. (Zeller-OH) [Per QSL posted on the FRN, it's Junk, not Dunk.]
KARR Mobile Radio
6940USB, 2352-0105 Program of Heavy Rock Music from Iron Maiden /Death Metal Music to others. ID's as 'This is KARR..Mobile Radio" at 2358,0008,0013, 0033 and 0059 hours. Great audio and signal hit peaks of S4 to S6 at times. Posted logging on FRN as well. Would appreciate a QSL for this broadcast, which can be sent to: ekusalik@telusplanet.net Many thanks for this broadcast from 'KARR..Mobile Radio' (SIO 444/3 Kusalik-ALB)

6899.34/AM, 2249-2307.+ Sgt. Buster Balz with Sousa marches, Marine Hymn and excerpts from Full Metal Jacket. SIO=342.+ Cleanest in USB. Some interference after 2300 and may have been co-channel. (Frodge-MI)
Northwoods Radio
6925 USB, 2312. Noisy, Id as Jackpine Savage right now, sounds like a telephone skit following ID. SIO 232. (Fansome, PA) 9925 USB, 2300-2336.* S9. Big Bucks( Sir Mix Alot parody). Said you have to mail in a reception report no emails. Biggest Deer call in from Bucko. Music to 2336, signal fading, with another station in there. (Finn-PA)
Radio Junk
6799.73 AM, 2148-2201.+. Operatic music. Brief announcement at 2200. Too weak to copy and back into music. Weak with occasional male/females in Englich and CW. Sounds like two different CWs. ID per tip from Tim Tromp & FRN posts. Near impossible copy...junk. (Frodge-MI)
Radio Yellowknife
6932.45 AM, 2306-2314.+ Blues-gospel and hard rock. SIO 353. Cleanest in LSB, but announcements weak due to mushy audio. ID per FRN posts. (Frodge-MI)
Random Radio
6925USB, 0254-0256.* I stumbled onto with vocal music, sound like sorta 1940's showtune. Lyrics like Whooo Ja Hoodey, male announces Random Radio Halloween Special. Another Halloween shot to hell. Said was going to play two more tunes, then said that, no, "that is the end of the tape." Mentioned they would do another Halloween special next year, "Bye," and off at 0256. Signal very strong, SIO 454. Please QSL. I heard the broadcast on a battery powered portable, + long wire, while camping near Jerome Arizona. (Barton-AZ)
Thinking Man Radio
6925USB, 2315. Signal S7 max, S6 noise floor. Songs, Play That Funky Music and I'm a Believer from the Monkees. Email: thinkingmanradio@gmail.com . (Hassig-IL)
Turkey Breast Radio
6925 USB, 1732-1749. Music tune, Workin in a Coal Mine. ID, "you are tuned to Turkey Breast Radio." Music tune, Fallin in Love to "we hope you eat plenty of turkey." TBR 2010 broadcast. (Finn-PA)
(FRW 770/771/772)
6925 USB, 2312. Noisy, Id as Jackpine Savage right now, sounds like a telephone skit following ID. SIO 232. (Fansome, PA) 9925 USB, 2300-2336.* S9. Big Bucks( Sir Mix Alot parody). Said you have to mail in a reception report no emails. Biggest Deer call in from Bucko. Music to 2336, signal fading, with another station in there. (Finn-PA)
Radio Junk
6799.73 AM, 2148-2201.+. Operatic music. Brief announcement at 2200. Too weak to copy and back into music. Weak with occasional male/females in Englich and CW. Sounds like two different CWs. ID per tip from Tim Tromp & FRN posts. Near impossible copy...junk. (Frodge-MI)
Radio Yellowknife
6932.45 AM, 2306-2314.+ Blues-gospel and hard rock. SIO 353. Cleanest in LSB, but announcements weak due to mushy audio. ID per FRN posts. (Frodge-MI)
Random Radio
6925USB, 0254-0256.* I stumbled onto with vocal music, sound like sorta 1940's showtune. Lyrics like Whooo Ja Hoodey, male announces Random Radio Halloween Special. Another Halloween shot to hell. Said was going to play two more tunes, then said that, no, "that is the end of the tape." Mentioned they would do another Halloween special next year, "Bye," and off at 0256. Signal very strong, SIO 454. Please QSL. I heard the broadcast on a battery powered portable, + long wire, while camping near Jerome Arizona. (Barton-AZ)
Thinking Man Radio
6925USB, 2315. Signal S7 max, S6 noise floor. Songs, Play That Funky Music and I'm a Believer from the Monkees. Email: thinkingmanradio@gmail.com . (Hassig-IL)
Turkey Breast Radio
6925 USB, 1732-1749. Music tune, Workin in a Coal Mine. ID, "you are tuned to Turkey Breast Radio." Music tune, Fallin in Love to "we hope you eat plenty of turkey." TBR 2010 broadcast. (Finn-PA)
(FRW 770/771/772)