With the onset of the B10 Winter schedule, Radio Netherlands made some changes to their weekly porgram preview. Broadcast days and frequencies have been deleted from the weekly guide.
To assist our blog readers, I have included below the current B10 English schedule, which was effective 31 October 2010.
Gayle Van Horn
*** The State We're In ***
"Talk to me"
Joe's world: Joe Powell has Asperger's Syndrome and has trouble understanding the social norms which govern friendships and relationships. As a teenager, he stopped talking almost completely. Yet he's able to articulate to Jonathan a clear portrait of what it's like to grow up with Asperger's. Joe's now writing a book called 'A Dead Pig in a Plastic Sack'.
Troubled diaries: When Eimear O'Callaghan found the diary she kept as a teenager, she was delighted. It had been nearly 40 years since she'd read it, so she was excited about opening it up and rediscovering her lost youth. What she found came as a shock -- but it shed a fascinating light on what it was like to grow up during the sectarian troubles in Northern Ireland.
Feast of strangers: Every year on his birthday, the philosopher Theodor Zeldin invites strangers to Hyde Park in London for an afternoon of conversation. Guests can choose their topics from a large "menu" of topics: love, loneliness, family. There's a catch, though: they have to talk to complete strangers.
Stealing air: Russian poet Katia Kapovich believes that poetry thrives on "stealing air", that it bucks convention and challenges social mores. She tells Jonathan about her brushes with Russian police... and why she likes to be photographed while smoking cigarettes.
*** Earth Beat ***
Marnie Chesterton and her team look at the footprint we're leaving on our planet
Are solar panels actually energy inefficient and is a beefburger greener than its veggie alternative? We separate fact from fiction when it comes to climate change, from leaving TVs on standby, to whether flying is worse for the planet than driving cars. Don't believe the greenwash - the truth is out there... on Earth Beat.
*** Africa in Progress ***
"Nursing across cultures"
In their work, nurses throughout the world need to cope with realities they were not trained to deal with. In this edition, a German nurse and anthropologist takes a cross-cultural look at nursing, following her fascinating work experience in an African hospital. During her stay, she asked many questions. How are nurses influenced by tradition? How are they perceived by their patients and society? How do they deal with the challenges of modern medicine?
Christine Böhmig is our guest on this week's show.
*** Network Europe Week ***
A collaboration by Europe's leading broadcasters
A pan-European team links up across the continent every day to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe.
This week:
· Premature judgment? The Hungarian midwife jailed for delivering babies at home.
· Greek Mythology - confidence in the economy returns, but is it just spin?
· Also on the programme: a Turkish video artist's homecoming - is Turkey facing its last taboos?
· And behind the Times - the famous old newspaper loses nearly most of its readers, find out why in our weekly Web Trends.
*** Network Europe Extra ***
Arts and Culture brought to you each Sunday from Europe's widest partnership of international broadcasters.
This week:
· Basquiat at 50: The artist is gone but his work goes on display in Paris...
· R2-D2 reading Shakespeare? Well, not exactly, but there is a new museum where a robot recites the classics
· He wears red and gives out presents to children. But it's not Santa who's coming to town....
· And... to mine or not to mine? That's the question in a new documentary about the coal industry in the Czech Republic.
***European Jazz Stage/World Music***
Music at the cutting edge of tradition and innovation.
Hosted by Dheera Sujan.
*** Live! at the Concertgebouw ***
Ivan Fischer is conducting the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, with music by Weber, Beethoven, and Brahms. Soloist is Richard Goode, piano. Hosted by Hans Haffmans and Cynthia Wilson.
*** Commonwealth Story ***
Praise Be, by Jena Woodhouse from Australia.
A marriage at the crossroads. Read by Federay Holmes.
For more information on tuning in via radio, satellite and the internet, visit http://www.rnw.nl/english/guide
(Radio Netherlands)
Radio Netherlands - English
Effective: 31 October 2010 - 27 March 2011
broadcast daily unless otherwise indicated
target areas: af (Africa) am (Americas) as (Asia) ca (Central America) eu (Europe) na (North America)pa (Pacific)
sa (South America) va (various areas)
All times UTC
1000-1057 9720as 12065as
1400-1500 12080as 15595va
1500-1557 15595as
1800-1857 6020af 11655af
1900-1957 7425af 9895af 11615af 11655af
2000-2057 5935af 7425af 11655af
(R Netherlands/Leo van der Wounde)