Welcome to Teak Publishing's Shortwave Central blog. This blog covers shortwave frequency updates, loggings, free radio, international mediumwave, DX tips, clandestine radio, and late-breaking radio news. Visit my YouTube and Twitter links. Content on Shortwave Central is copyright © 2006-2026 by Teak Publishing, which is solely responsible for the content. All rights reserved. Redistribution of these pages in any format without permission is strictly prohibited.
Monday, October 29, 2018
Weekly Propagation Forecast Bulletins
Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
:Issued: 2018 Oct 29 0407 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact www.swpc.noaa.gov/weekly.html
# Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 22 - 28 October 2018
Solar activity was very low under a spotless solar disk. No Earth-directed coronal mass ejections (CMEs) were observed during the reporting period.
No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at normal levels throughout the period with a maximum flux of 67 pfu observed at 26/2110 UTC.
Geomagnetic field activity was mostly quiet with an isolated unsettled period observed early on 22 Oct. Solar wind was at nominal levels through the period ranging from approximately 300-430 km/s
with total field between 1 nT and 8 nT.
Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 29 October - 24 November 2018
Solar activity is expected to be at very low levels for the forecast period.
No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to reach high levels on 04-09 Nov and again on 12-16 Nov due to recurrent coronal hole high speed stream (CH HSS) influence.
Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at unsettled to active levels on 29-31 Oct, 03-07 Nov, and 09-11 Nov with G1 (Minor) geomagnetic storm levels likely on 03 Nov due to recurrent CH HSS
Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2018 Oct 29 0407 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact www.swpc.noaa.gov/wwire.html
# 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
# Issued 2018-10-29
# UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
# Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2018 Oct 29 69 8 3
2018 Oct 30 69 12 4
2018 Oct 31 69 10 4
2018 Nov 01 69 5 2
2018 Nov 02 69 5 2
2018 Nov 03 69 20 5
2018 Nov 04 69 15 4
2018 Nov 05 68 15 4
2018 Nov 06 70 15 4
2018 Nov 07 70 8 3
2018 Nov 08 70 5 2
2018 Nov 09 70 12 4
2018 Nov 10 70 8 3
2018 Nov 11 70 10 4
2018 Nov 12 70 5 2
2018 Nov 13 70 5 2
2018 Nov 14 70 5 2
2018 Nov 15 70 5 2
2018 Nov 16 70 5 2
2018 Nov 17 70 5 2
2018 Nov 18 69 5 2
2018 Nov 19 69 5 2
2018 Nov 20 68 5 2
2018 Nov 21 68 5 2
2018 Nov 22 68 5 2
2018 Nov 23 68 5 2
2018 Nov 24 68 5 2
Sunday, October 28, 2018
Radio Matters. Here's Why
The medium’s ability to adapt to change and new technologies will ensure its place for decades to come
Chuck Kelly, 22 Oct 2018
The author is regional sales manager Asia/Pacific for Nautel.
Ever since the inception of radio, nearly 100 years ago, pundits have been predicting its demise. Time and time again, the predictions fail because radio is one of the most adaptable technologies in the marketplace and continues to fill important niches for consumers.
For example, when television became a strong market force after World War II, radio was pushed out of its front and center living room position in the home. Radio responded by adapting to the mobile and portable environment. Today, the pundits are saying that streaming technologies are going to destroy radio, but radio is adapting around this challenge as well, offering streaming options as well as over-the-air programming.
And, so far, streaming has not overtaken radio as a primary engagement platform. According to United States Ratings giant Nielsen, more Americans still tune to AM/FM radio than any other platform, and 93 percent of U.S. adults listen to radio every week — “more than those watching television or using a smartphone, TV connected device, tablet or PC,” they say.
Additional story at Radio World: https://www.radioworld.com/columns-and-views/radio-matters-heres-why
The author is regional sales manager Asia/Pacific for Nautel.
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Radio Nord Revival to air Oct. 26-27
Radio Nord Revival will make a short return to the air on
Friday/Saturday October 26 - 27 from Waxholm Castle near Stockholm. The station
will run 500 Watts on either 5995 or 6035 both days. This is in connection with
other activities relating to the year 1962 taking place at the castle
those days.
You may consult
Or listen for contact information. The above sites may not be very
active anymore.
Best regards
Karl-Erik Stridh
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
DXers Unlimited, weekend edition Sunday 21 October
Arnie Coro, CO2KK
Radio Havana Cuba
Hola amigos... this is Dxers Unlimited's weekend edition...
I am your host Arnie Coro, Radio Amateur CO2KK, and here is item one.
# One - one of the amateur radio most important contests
will take place next week, and it is going to happen under somewhat better HF
bands propagation conditions.
Here are some of the stations that have already announced
their participation in the CQ World Wide SSB contest.
From the Caribbean SAINT BARTHELEMY, prefix FJ. Thierry,
F6CUK plans to be QRV as F6CUK/FJ from October 21 to November 1. Activity
will be holiday style on the HF bands using CW and SSB. This may also
include being an entry in the upcoming CQ World Wide DX SSB contest. QSL
to home call.
From an Atlantic Ocean island that belongs to Brazil that
goes by the name of FERNANDO DE NORONHA, using callsign PY0F. Members of
the Noronha Contest Group will be QRV as PY0F from October 23 to 29. Activity
will be on 160 to 10 meters using SSB and FT8. This includes being an
entry in the upcoming CQ World Wide DX SSB contest. QSL direct to PY7RP.
Another South American station is going to be active
during the upcoming CQ World Wide SSB Contest SURINAME, call prefix PZ. A
group of operators will be QRV as PZ5K from October 23 to 30. Activity is on
the HF bands using CW and RTTY. This includes being an entry in the
upcoming CQ World Wide DX SSB contest. QSL via G3NKC.
Si amigos, thousands of amateur radio stations from all
around the world are expected to be active during the CQ Worldwide SSB Contest,
including several well experienced teams of operators from Cuba, that will be
using the T4, tango four prefix, preserved here for special events stations.
Due to the expected bands conditions my forecast is that
activity will be concentrated on the 20, 40 and 80 meters bands, with less
contacts possible on 15 and 10 meters. For those stations capable of operating
on 160 meters from nice low radio ambient noise locations, where the large size
antennas required for that band can be installed.
The propagation conditions are expected to be better than
during last year's contest. Stations located inside the areas covered by TEP,
Trans Equatorial Propagation events will be able to add many points and
For example, Cuban contests stations will be scanning 10
meters to pick up signals from Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile. Contest
operators that use the 10 meters band have learned how to monitor the many
automatic beacons operating on the segment from 28 point two to 28 point three MHz.
This is Dxers Unlimited's weekend edition, coming to you
via shortwave transmitters, the Hispasat one D satellite, and our streaming
audio feed to the Internet, here is now our next radio hobby related topic.
The popular ASK ARNIE section of the show is now on the
air, and today, I will answer a question sent by listener Carol from the US
state of California. Carol owns a small portable shortwave receiver, and she
wants to know if adding an external antenna to the telescopic whip will improve
reception of our 6100 kHz transmissions beamed to the West Coast of the USA and
Amiga Carol, my advice is to try to buy a commercial
version of a magnetic loop antenna, that can be connected to your small
portable. The magnetic loop requires continuous tuning every time you change
frequencies, but it also provides a very useful additional filtering action
that removes unwanted noise from the input of the radio.
A one meter diameter magnetic loop built using coaxial
cable can be supported with a light weight PVC pipe assembly that can be
taken apart when not in use. Placing the magnetic loop near a window or with a
length of coaxial cable it can be deployed at a sun deck or a garden.
The typical low cost magnetic loop used as a receive only
antenna is tuned by hand, while higher cost ones are provided with a remote
control feature. As a matter of fact, you can build your own magnetic loop for
receiving, by running an Internet search using the words Magnetic Loop
Our next radio hobby related information. For those of us
that live north of the Equator, one of the most interesting effects of winter
propagation is a consequence of the contraction of the ionosphere, that
causes a decrease at night of the maximum usable frequency for any
given path after local sunset.
One can witness the maximum usable frequency nose diving
below even the seven MHz or 40 meters amateur band, and on some occasions the
ionograms will show that the lower layer of the ionosphere will not support
communications on frequencies above 6 MHz.
Yes, let me warn you that at times during solar minimum
years, during the winter season, the maximum usable frequency at night may drop
even below the six MHz band amigos !!!
And talking about shortwave radio propagation conditions,
let me tell you that I continue to enjoy very much the use of the very original
application that runs on practically any computer and makes possible to
see the results of the REVERSE BEACON NETWORK.
This is certainly an amazing achievement
accomplished by volunteer amateur radio operators from many countries around
the world. I would not attempt to describe here how the receiving stations that
are known as “skimmers,” that automatically
pick up amateur CW morse code radiotelegraphy signals that are calling CQ, and
then also by means of an automated computer program subrutine measure the
CW transmission speed and the signal to noise ratio.
If it sounds to you like science fiction, but it is
certainly not, and the now very reliable Reverse Beacon Network is adding yet
another tool to learn more about the extremely complex phenomena that make
possible ionospheric shortwave propagation.
Yes amigos, I continue to run my QRP very low power
amateur radio station within the power range of one to five watts, with my
favorite setting at the three watts level.
Again, I want to repeat this valuable information for
those of you interested in knowing more about short wave propagation. You may
want to visit the home page of the Reverse Beacon Network after calling CQ on
CW if you already are an amateur radio station operator, and just learn, for
example, what is happening when your friend Arnie Coro called CQ on the ham
bands the last time he was on the air.
Just type the following URL on your
Internet browser search line:
http://www.reversebeacon.net/srch.php Then when the site opens and asks for whom you are
looking for, type COKK, and you will see
the latest spots on each of the ham bands where I called CQ.
See you all at the middle of the week edition of Dxers
Unlimited, that will be on the air just after the half hour news service. Send
your signal reports and comments about this and other Radio Havana Cuba
programs to inforhc@enet.cu or postal
airmail at: Arnie Coro, Radio Havana Cuba, Havana Cuba.
(Arnie Coco/R Havana Cuba)
Blog Logs - Observations from Spain

Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain
Logs in Reinante
Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8 meters
All times UTC
4875.2, Radiodifusora Roraima, Boavista, 0318-0325, 19-10, Portuguese, comments. SINPO 25432.
4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, 0457-0515, 19-10, Brazilian songs, ID. “Radio Clube, Clube da Madrugada”. SINPO 35433.
4985, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0457-0510, 20-10, Brazilian songs. Very weak. Interference from teletype stations. SINPO 12311.
6080, Radio Marumby, Curitiba, 0648-0703, 20-10, Portuguese, religious comments and songs. Very weak, best on LSB. SINPO 14311.
6135.1, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 0645-0658- 20-10, Portuguese, religious program “Com a Mae Aparecida”. SINPO 25322.
10000, Time Signal Station Observatorio Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, 0809-0815, 21-10, time signals, female voice announcements: “Observatorio Nacional, 5 horas, 10 minutos, 10 segundos”. SINPO 23322.
15190, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 0845-0910, 19-10, Brazilian songs, Portuguese, comments, ID. “Rede Inconfidencia de Radio...”, “Trem Caipira”. SINPO 25322.
6115, Radio Congo, Brazaville, 1716-1725, 18-10, French, comments. SINPO 15321. Also 1735-1750, 20-10, African songs, French, id. “Radio Congo”, comments. SINPO 14221.
3975, Shortwave Radio, 1740-1753, 20-10, pop songs in English. 6160 out off air. According to its website www.shortwaveradio.de “6160 is currently off air for maintenance until further notice”. SINPO 25432.
6070, Sonnet Radio Europe, 2000-2030, 19-10, id. “Sonnet Radio Europe”, pop songs, English, comments. SINPO 34433.
6150, Radio Marabu, Dattlen, 0630-0645, 20-10, English, comments, male, pop songs, id. “Radio Marabu”. SINPO 25422.
4055, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0450-0458, 20-10, religious comments and songs, English. Best on LSB. SINPO 15321.
9650, Radio Guinea, Conakry, 0701-0740, 20-10, French, religious program “La Voix de ’Evangile”, “Un programme de l’eglise protestante de Guinée”, 0730 ID. “Radio Guinée”, African songs. SINPO 45444. Also *0731-0750, 21-10 opening with catholic religious program “Le Jour du Seigneur”. French. SINPO 44444.
4950, AIR, Kashmir, 1720-1728, 20-10, Hindi songs. SINPO 15321.
4970, AIR, Shillong, 1708-1717, 18-10, Hindi comments. Very weak, barely audible. SINPO 15321.
5010, AIR, Thiruvananthapuram, 1715-1723, 18-10, Hindi songs. SINPO 15422
5040, AIR, Jeypore, 1724-1727, 20-10, Hindi songs. SINPO 15321.
3325, RRI, Voice of Indonesia, Palangkaraya, 1702-1724, 18-10, carrier and some comments audibles on LSB. SINPO 15311.Also 1714-1737, 19-10, carrier and some comments in Spanish audibles on LSB. Very weak, barely audible. SINPO 15311.
6050, ELWA Radio, Monrovia, 0629-0637, 19-10, English, religious comments. SINPO 15321.
6185, Radio Educación, Ciudad de México, 0457-0517*, 19-10, music, id. at 0500, anthem, music, and at 0507 relaying Radio France International news in Spanish. SINPO 15321.
7255, Voice of Nigeria, Ikodoru, 0635-0655, 21-10, African songs, Hausa, comments. SINPO 25432.
9689.9, Voice of Nigeria, Ikodoru, *1757-1815, 19-10, tuning music, ID. “Voice of Nigeria en English”, news, comments. SINPO 32432.
7290, Radio City via IRRS, Saftica, *1759-1820, 19-10, tuning music, “This is IRRS short wave signing on”, “Radio City, the station of the cars”, “Radio Ciudad, la voz de los autos”, pop songs and comments in English. SINPO 35433.
Weekly Propagation Forecast Bulletins
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Propagation Globe |
:Issued: 2018 Oct 22 0041 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/weekly.html
# Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 15 - 21 October 2018
Solar activity was very low this period under a spotless solar disk. No Earth-directed CMEs were observed during the summary period.
No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit reached high levels on 16-20 Oct and was at moderate levels on 15 and 21 Oct.
Geomagnetic field activity reached unsettled levels on 15 Oct due to waning, negative polarity CH HSS influence. The geomagnetic field was quiet throughout the remainder of the period.
Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 22 October - 17 November 2018
Solar activity is expected to be very low throughout the outlook period.
No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to reach high levels on 22-25 Oct, 04-09 and 12-16 Nov with moderate flux levels expected throughout the remainder of the
Geomagnetic field activity is expected to reach G1 (Minor)
geomagnetic storm levels on 03-04 Nov with active levels expected on 29 Oct and 05-06 Nov due to the influence of recurrent CH HSSs.
Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2018 Oct 22 0041 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/wwire.html
# 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
# Issued 2018-10-22
# UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
# Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2018 Oct 22 70 6 2
2018 Oct 23 69 5 2
2018 Oct 24 69 12 3
2018 Oct 25 68 8 3
2018 Oct 26 68 8 3
2018 Oct 27 68 5 2
2018 Oct 28 68 8 3
2018 Oct 29 68 12 4
2018 Oct 30 68 5 2
2018 Oct 31 68 5 2
2018 Nov 01 68 5 2
2018 Nov 02 68 5 2
2018 Nov 03 68 22 5
2018 Nov 04 68 20 5
2018 Nov 05 68 15 4
2018 Nov 06 70 15 4
2018 Nov 07 70 8 3
2018 Nov 08 70 5 2
2018 Nov 09 70 12 3
2018 Nov 10 70 8 3
2018 Nov 11 70 10 3
2018 Nov 12 70 5 2
2018 Nov 13 70 5 2
2018 Nov 14 70 5 2
2018 Nov 15 70 5 2
2018 Nov 16 70 5 2
2018 Nov 17 70 5 2
Monday, October 22, 2018
Peace Party & SAQ Transmission on October 24
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Grimeton, Sweden |
Man’s quest for contacts and faster
relationships between each other is tireless. A proof of this are the many
attempts made to put a telegraph cable on the bottom of the Atlantic before the
seemingly impossible project was finally landed – the connection between Europe
and America was established, from Ireland to Newfoundland, and opened for
telegram traffic in August 1866 .
We celebrate this great event in
international relations by sending out a peace message to the world with the
long-wave transmitter SAQ and then a concert in the Irish folk spirit with the
Varberg band Green Hill.
Evening program:
18.00 The world heritage opens
18.30 (16.30 UTC) all visitors are greeted welcome and the long wave transmitter SAQ is started
19.00 (17.00 UTC) a peace message is sent out*
18.30 (16.30 UTC) all visitors are greeted welcome and the long wave transmitter SAQ is started
19.00 (17.00 UTC) a peace message is sent out*
19.15 (ca) concert with Green Hill
Free entrance. Arrive in time as
there are limited amount of seats.
The transmission is on 17,2 kHz
You can also watch a live video
stream of the transmission on www.alexander.n.se.
No QSL-cards will be given this time
and no List of Reports will be constructed but we accept shorter Listeners
Report to e-mail info@alexander.n.se.
*The world heritage site Grimeton is
a living cultural heritage. All transmissions with the long-wave transmitter
SAQ are therefore preliminary and may be cancelled with short
Saturday, October 20, 2018
China National Radio slated to test on 15580 11695 kHz
DRM shortwave digital broadcasting test broadcast information
According to the DRM short-wave digital broadcasting related work needs, the new DRM shortwave digital broadcasting test will be broadcast on October 23, 2018. The specific information is as follows:
1. North China
Frequency: 15580 kHz
Time: 09:00 to 17:00 (BTC), 01:00 to 09:00 (UTC)
Program: CNR1
Launch point: Hainan
Power: 30 kW
2. East South of China
Frequency: 11695 kHz
Time: 09:00 to 17:00 (BTC), 01:00 to 09:00 (UTC)
Program: CNR1
Launch point: Hainan
Power: 30 kW
From October 18th to 21st, the signal will be tested from 09:00 to 17:00 (0100-0700 UTC) every day.
At different times, depending on the transmission conditions, the above two frequencies may have signals in most parts of central and eastern China.
During the test broadcast, it is necessary to stop from time to time according to equipment debugging or testing. The keyword "downtime" can be sent in the public number to know the shutdown information in real time.
Enthusiasts are welcome to take the test and please record the feedback details.
The feedback information may include, but is not limited to, detailed technical parameters such as time, location, equipment, antenna, software settings, environment, and field strength. The feedback form can be text, pictures, videos, and so on.
Welcome to consult and exchange, and make suggestions on the trial broadcast work.
In order to save and organize related information, please send the test record to the feedback mailbox.
Thank you!
Feedback Email: drmrtprc@163.com
(A Gupta/Radio Activity)
Radio Exterior of Spain expands its broadcasts on Shortwave

Starting on Sunday, 28 October 2018
Increase of four hours in the transmission that was previously made from Monday to Friday
Radio Exterior de España, the international channel of RNE, will broadcast eight hours a day from Monday to Sunday at Onda Corta starting on October 28th . It supposes an increase of four hours in the transmission that was previously made from Monday to Friday.
With this increase, Radio Exterior of Spain begins a new stage that reinforces its programming with new spaces of its own production that will enhance the task of public service and promote and disseminate Spanish culture and language, in short, it contributes to place Spain in the global horizon of the time in which we live.
"En clave turismo", "A golpe de bit", "Without a doubt", "Said with music" and "Tiempo flamenco" are incorporated into a consolidated program with spaces such as "Españoles en la mar", "Marca España" , "Punto de enlace", "Mundo solidario", "Artesfera", "Open Europe", "America today", "Africa today" or "Asia today". Programs to which is added the emblematic "A language without borders" that, once recovered for programming, will continue with its mission to take Spanish to any corner of the world.
From a technical point of view, Radio Exterior de España will broadcast its programming from Monday to Friday, for West Africa and the South Atlantic, the Middle East, the Indian Ocean and Gran Sol, from 4 pm to 24 hours UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), say, from 17 to 01 official Spanish time.
The emission frequencies:
- West Africa and South Atlantic, 11,685 Khz., Band 25 meters .
- Middle East, Indian Ocean and Gran Sol, 12,030 Khz, 25 meter band .
Towards North and South America, Radio Exterior de España will broadcast short-wave, from Monday to Friday, from 19:00 to 03:00 UTC, that is, from 20:00 to 04:00, the official Spanish time.
The emission frequencies:
- South America, 11,940 Khz, band of 25 meters .
- North America and Greenland, 9,690 Khz, 31 meter band .
On Saturdays and Sundays, the RNE International Channel will transmit its signal from 15 to 23 hours UTC, that is, from 16 to 24 official Spanish hours. The emission frequencies and the coverage areas are the following:
- West Africa and South Atlantic, 11,685 Khz, band of 25 meters.
- South America, 11,940 Khz, band of 11,940 meters.
- North America and Greenland, 9,690 Khz, 31-meter band.
- Middle East, Indian Ocean and Gran Sol, 12,030 Khz, 25 meter band.
In addition to eight hours per day of shortwave transmission, Radio Exterior de España broadcasts its 24-hour uninterrupted programming through the Internet, DTT, mobile applications and satellite:
- Ses Astras 1M: frequency 11.626.5 MHz. Vertical polarization.
- Hispasat 1E: frequency 12,052 Mhz. Vertical polarization.
- Asiasat 5: frequency 3,700 Mhz. Vertical polarization.
- Eutelsat 5 West A: frequency 3,727 Mhz. Right circular polarization.
- Intelsat Galaxy-23: frequency 4,191.35 Mhz. Vertical polarization.
The changes in programming and frequencies are effective from October 28, 2018 to March 31, 2019.
(A Gupta/Radio Activity/http://www.rtve.es/radio/20181019/radio-exterior-espana-amplia-emisiones-onda-corta/1821780.shtml
From the Isle of Music & Uncle Bill's Melting Pot schedules, Oct. 21-27, 2018
From the Isle of Music, October 21-27:
Our special guest this week is Samuel Formell, leader of the legendary Los Van Van, whose new album Legado won a Special Prize in Cubadisco 2018..
The transmissions take place:
1. For Eastern Europe but audible well beyond the target area in most of the Eastern Hemisphere (including parts of East Asia and Oceania) with 100Kw, Sunday 1500-1600 UTC on SpaceLine, 9400 kHz, from Kostinbrod, Bulgaria (1800-1900 MSK)
2. For the Americas and parts of Europe, Tuesday 0000-0100 UTC on WBCQ, 7490 KHz from Monticello, ME, USA (Monday 8-9PM EST in the US). This has been audible in parts of NW, Central and Southern Europe with an excellent skip to Italy recently.
3-4. For Europe and sometimes beyond, Tuesday 1900-2000 UTC and Saturday 1200-1300 UTC on Channel 292, 6070 KHz from Rohrbach, Germany.
Also recommended:
Jetzt geht’s los! (Here We Go!), an excellent program of early German Jazz produced by Radio Ohne Nahmen, comes on right before FTIOM on Tuesdays from 1800-1900 UTC on Channel 292.
Uncle Bill’s Melting Pot, October 21 and 23
Instant replay: Episode 84 will feature some different types of recent music from the United States
The transmissions take place:
1. Sundays 2200-2230 UTC (6:00PM -6:30PM Eastern US) on
WBCQ The Planet 7490 kHz from the US to the Americas and parts of Europe
2. Tuesdays 2000-2030 UTC on Channel 292, 6070 KHz from Rohrbach, Germany for Europe. If current propagation conditions hold, the broadcast should reach from Iceland to Western Russia, Scandinavia down to North Africa and the Middle East, AND a long bounce to parts of New Zealand.
Also recommended:
Marion’s Attic, a unique program produced and hosted by Marion Webster featuring early 20th Century records, Edison cylinders etc played on the original equipment, comes on immediately before UBMP on Sundays from 2100-2200 UTC on WBCQ 7490 kHz.
William "Bill"
Tilford, Owner/Producer
Tilford Productions, LLC
Tilford Productions, LLC
Friday, October 19, 2018
Shortwave Radiogram, October 19-22
Videos of last weekend’s Shortwave Radiogram (program 69) are provided by Scott in Ontario (Friday 2030 UTC), 2010DFS in Japan and Ralf in Germany (both Saturday 1600 UTC). In addition, Ralf provided this unforgettable video of the story about the Sans Forgetica font being printed by Fldigi in the Sans Forgetica font.
weekend I missed all the shows. My wife and I were in Colorado visiting our son
the graduate student. So I’m glad you sent in your reports, either via email or
to the @SWRadiogram Twitter account. And thanks to Al in Florida @grovekid for
moderating @SWRadiogram while I was out of town.
Videos of last weekend’s Shortwave Radiogram (program 69) are provided by Scott in Ontario (Friday 2030 UTC), 2010DFS in Japan and Ralf in Germany (both Saturday 1600 UTC). In addition, Ralf provided this unforgettable video of the story about the Sans Forgetica font being printed by Fldigi in the Sans Forgetica font.
PE7B produced three videos of reception and decoding using an Android mobile
phone: MFSK128
text, MFSK128
image, and MFSK64 image. The audio archive is maintained by Mark in the UK.
Analysis of last weekend’s Shortwave Radiogram and other programs transmitting
text and images is prepared by Roger in Germany.
weekend we will transmit the usual combination of MFSK32, 128, and 64, with
nine MFSK images.
is the lineup for Shortwave Radiogram, program 70, 19-22 October 2018, in MFSK modes
as noted:
1:36 MFSK32: Program preview
2:47 Alexanderson Alternator transmission on 24 October*
7:13 MFSK 128: Cell phone use in North Korea involves bribes*
11:07 MFSK64: Plans for liquid hydrogen filling stations*
16:02 Images of the week*
27:34 MFSK32: Closing announcements
* with
send reception reports to radiogram@verizon.net
Shortwave Radiogram
Program 70
(12-15 October 2018)
Line, Bulgaria
Scan Radio transmits SSTV images and text
modes Wednesdays at 1830-1900 UTC on 6070 kHz via Channel 292 in Germany. The
website is http://www.slowscanradio.com. Reception reports to x@xdv.me.
Mighty KBC transmits to Europe Saturdays
at 1500-1600 UTC on 9400 kHz (via Bulgaria), with the minute of MFSK at about
1530 UTC (if you are outside of Europe, listen via websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/ ).
And to North America Sundays at 0000-0200 UTC (Saturday 8-10 pm EDT) on 5960
kHz, via Germany. The minute of MFSK is at about 0130 UTC. Reports to
Eric: themightykbc@gmail.com . See also http://www.kbcradio.eu/ and https://www.facebook.com/TheMightyKbc/.
Broadcasting Corporation (IBC) Five
minutes of MFSK32 is at the end of the 30-minute English-language “Shortwave
Panorama. For the complete IBC transmission schedule visit http://ibcradio.webs.com/
Spectrum Radio is transmitted by WRMI
Florida Mondays at 0700-0800 UTC on 5850 and 7730 kHz. MFSK32 is broadcast
during the second half hour of the show. Reports to broadspectrumradio@gmail.com.
Thanks for your
reception reports!
Kim Andrew
Elliott, KD9XB
Producer and
Shortwave Radiogram
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Radio in the Cloud: The Next Virtual Frontier ?
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Clark Novak, 16 Oct. 2018
The author is radio marketing specialist for Lawo AG
If you think about it, broadcasting and IT are nearly twins. They’re both about communication and information. And lately, they’ve been moving even closer.
In 2005, studios using switched Ethernet for audio transport were exotic; now AoIP is commonplace. PCs supply the lion’s share of most stations’ daily audio, editing is performed on laptops and workstations, and even mixing consoles can be “virtual.” It’s fair to say that today, most radio engineers’ daily routines involve as much IT activity as RF — maybe more. Now, broadcasters are buzzing about the possibilities of another IT technology: “The cloud.”
What is 'The Cloud'
To read more of the article, go to: https://www.radioworld.com/columns-and-views/radio-in-the-cloud-the-next-virtual-frontier
Work Flows in the Cloud: A Hevenly Solution for Broadcasters:
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
What's Next for AM Radio ?
On AM revitalization, Peter Tannenwald asks, Are we really “revitalizing” AM, or are we walking around in circles?
Peter Tannenwald, 12 Oct. 2018
The author is a lawyer with Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth. This commentary originally appeared at CommLawBlog. Radio World welcomes commentaries with a variety of viewpoints from numerous sources.
Late on Friday, October 5, the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) released a Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in a five-year ongoing effort to “revitalize” the AM radio broadcast service. The new proposals continue a trend toward allowing higher power operation by smaller stations, by reducing nighttime signal protection for some 60 Class A AM stations located in the continental United States and 16 stations in Alaska. The end result would be less wide area coverage and more local radio service to the public.
Additional story at Radio World: https://www.radioworld.com/columns-and-views/whats-next-for-am-radio
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
'This Is Electric' Broadcasts From the Cloud
The entirely virtual radio station broadcasts online and via DAB
Will Jackson, 12 Oct 2018
HULL, England — U.K.-based dance music radio station This Is Electric is an entirely virtual radio station broadcast on DAB digital radio and online, created using a dedicated “Radio In The Cloud” solution from Broadcast Radio.
The station uses the innovative system to broadcast a unique format of pure house music, without the need for a permanent studio base. Managing Director Quentin Nield, an experienced engineer and studio builder, said the station came about as he believed club music was being ignored by radio.
To learn more about The Setup and additional stoy, refer to: https://www.radioworld.com/news-and-business/this-is-electric-broadcasts-from-the-cloud
(graphic/Dirty Sunset Disco)
Monday, October 15, 2018
Royal Bengal Tiger Invades Indian Radio Station

Both stories, the Tezpur Tiger and the Itanagar Fire, transpired back in the year 2015. In our program today, we tell the Tiger Story, and on another occasion some time soon, we will tell the story of the fire at AIR Itanagar.
The North East area of India, beyond the narrow Siliguri Corridor, is home these days to more than 200 ethnic groups and considerably more languages and dialects. In ancient times, these peoples moved in from other areas of Asia and they settled permanently in those localities that have in the last two and three centuries become part of India.
In the colonial days under the British Raj, the North East India territories were organized somewhat into three major areas; the two princely states of Tripura and Manipur and the encompassing territory of Assam. During the years after gaining independence from the British in 1947, four more states were cut off from the territory of Assam, thus ultimately constituting a total of seven North Eastern states known affectionately as the Seven Sister States.
As a result of a popular referendum in nearby Sikkim, this somewhat independent Himalayan country that was already under a protectorate status with India, was assimilated into India in 1975 as the 22nd state of the union. Thus North East India, beyond the Siliguri Corridor, is made up these days of eight states, and a narrow section of the state of West Bengal.
The Siliguri Corridor joins North East India with mainland India, and at its narrowest, it is just 14 miles wide. The narrow gauge railway line that runs through the Siliguri Corridor is currently under conversion to an electrified double broad-gauge line.
The Indian state of Assam as it is now constituted is the second largest state in the North East with an area of a little over 30,000 square miles, a population of 31 million, and a multitude of spoken languages. The city of Tezpur with a population of more than 100,000 lies near the center of the state on the north side of the Bramaputra River.
Within the state of Assam there are four National Parks that have been created in an endeavor to preserve the Royal Bengal Tiger, as well as other indigenous and endangered animals, such as the One Horned Rhinoceros, the Eastern Swamp Deer, and the unique monkey known as the Golden Langur.
On Monday October 5, 2015, the Wildlife Trust of India in Tezpur received a phone call from the Divisional Forest Officer Narayan Mahanta informing them that a Royal Bengal Tiger had been observed on the transmitter campus of All India Radio at Tezpur. By late afternoon, a team of experienced wildlife personnel from the Wildlife Trust arrived on the radio station campus and they discovered the remains of a goat that had been killed by the tiger.
A camera trap was set up near the animal carcass. A replay of the video next day showed that a young male tiger had entered the scene for just a split second. That same day, a more elaborate camera trap, together with a cage and live bait, were set up nearby.
This cat and mouse scenario, or more accurately, tiger and bait scenario, took place over a period of six days. Occasionally the tiger was heard nearby with its loud roar, and also occasionally it was seen on the station property and nearby.
The last that was known of this tiger was on Saturday October 10, when fresh tiger tracks, known locally as pug marks, were observed near the Bramaputra River. This active young male tiger, a Royal Bengal Tiger, had moved away to maraud in another area.
The studios of All India Radio in Tezpur are located at suburban Gotlong Gaon, Village Gotlong, just off Highway 37, and quite near to the commercial operation of Chand Ford. All India Radio Tezpur is a relatively new mediumwave station, and a perusal of the WRTVHB shows that it was constructed and taken into service during the first few years of this current 21st century.
The transmitter facility is located at Morabhoroli, where the shadow of the single tall mediumwave mast can be seen on Google Earth. The shadow of the tower also shows the FM antenna attached to the mediumwave mast. This transmitter station was installed in the somewhat lengthy corner block, and the young Royal Bengal Tiger was seen on the cleared edge of the property near the stand of trees.
AIR Tezpur has always radiated 20 kW on the standard 9 kHz spaced frequency of 1125 kHz, and the FM channel carrying the same programming radiates at 102.4 MHz with 1 kW.
(AWR/Wavescan-NWS 503)
Dxers Unlimited, weekend edition, October 14 & 15
By Arnie Coro radio amateur CO2KK
Hola amigos radioaficionados... now enjoying somewhat better possibilities to communicate using the ionosphere as we continue to transit passing right through the equinox.
It is quite obvious... propagation conditions on the 15, 12 and 10 meters bands will take a turn for the better, as always happen during the fall season... the higher free electrons concentrations at the height of the F2 layer during the daytime and of the F layer during the evening hours will boost the DX conditions well into the winter season, even while extremely low sunspot numbers are happening.
That was the good news... now ready for the other side of the coin, the bad news: F2, and F layer propagation on those bands will decline thereafter, with only sporadic E events making possible to use the frequency range between 20 and 50 megaHertz during the summer months of 2018 .
The lower bands -- 160, 80, 60 and 40 meters -- should be good going during the rest of the autumn and winter seasons.
It is expected that the 20 and 17 meters bands will be the mainstays of daylight HF long distance propagation.
In a recent presentation at an international scientific conference, available data suggest that Cycle 24, the current solar cycle, will bottom out in an earlier than previously thought date. That translates into the following information: the year 2019 will see the worst HF propagation conditions since the year 1900.Be advised that radio amateurs may need to lower their expectations on the higher bands, 20, 17, 15, 12 and also 6 meters due to the expected periods of very low solar activity ahead of us.
My perception is that the only logical conclusion we can make with some confidence, is that we are headed for several very small solar cycles. It is quite clear from various evidence related to the Sun's polar fields, which appear to be decreasing in strength, A index trends, and cosmic ray data to support his assertion.
Another fact to take into consideration is that"there seems to be a good correlation between how long does a solar minimum lasts and the behavior of the next solar cycle," The longer time you spend at solar minimum, the smaller the next cycle is going to be is the logical conclusion."
Radio amateur operators that like yours truly were active since the 1950s and 1960s and have experienced short inter-cycles solar minimums of approximately two years, until the one between Solar Cycle 23 and Solar Cycle 24, lasted about four years producing terrible propagation conditions never before seen My daily observations of HF propagation conditions since 1957 confirm the above mentioned data.
K9LA Karl Luetzelschwab a well known expert, cited historical sunspot cycle data going back centuries...including the "Maunder Minimum" of zero and near-zero sunspots between the years 1645 and 1715 and a later, less-drastic "Dalton Minimum." He pointed out that over the last 11,000 years, 19 notable grand maximums...including Solar Cycle 19 and the cycles around it, and 27 notable grand minimums were recorded. "We're likely to have more of both grand maximums and grand minimums in the future," he predicted. The current system of numbering sunspot cycles begins with Solar Cycle 1 in the mid-18th century.
"We don't fully understand the process inside the Sun that makes solar cycles," Luetzelschwab said. "Thus, you should exercise caution with statements seen in the news."
I am sure that many of you Dxers Unlimited listeners have heard me many times advancing forecasts about a very small peak of solar activity to happen during cycle 25, while the 2014 cycle 24's maximum of 114 sunspots count will probably not be happening again in many years to come..
As a preliminary conclusion, we will need larger and more efficient antennas for the lower frequency bands and shift our present operating habits to include more highly sophisticated digital modes like JT65 and FT8, as well as getting better acquainted with amateur radio satellites.
Cuban radio amateurs have now passed the FIRST PART of the 2018 Tropical Hurricane Season. Hurricane Michael impacted the western part of the Cuban archipelago, when it was a tropical storm and later when its intensity increased to a Category ONE hurricane, just before it increased its speed and moved across the Gulf of Mexico where it developed fast into a huge Category 4 storm at landfall into the Florida Panhandle.
At the Cuban radio amateur federation website we could see from time to time advisories alerting to protect frequencies on several ham bands that were being used to handle emergency storm traffic in Central America and the Southern United States, areas that did received the impact of bad weather areas , including tropical storms , and in the case of the USA, one of them did reach the hurricane intensity level.
The high cost of commercially built amateur radio equipment with full capabilities places those sets well above what the average entry level ham operator is willing to pay. In the case of nations with low average national income, the development of ham radio is very slow, precisely because of the high cost of the typical HF that fortunately now is not the case with 2 meters band handie talkies that provide quite useful features at prices that are astonishing nowadays.
Attempts to reverse that trend making HF transceivers available at low cost are sprouting all over the world, with efforts coming mainly from radio clubs that count with the cooperation of the well experienced amateurs , capable of designing single band low power radios that enter into the low parts count category. Some of them are sold as kits, that is full set of parts with comprehensive stept by step assembly and final adjustments procedures in the instruction manuals. Happily, some of those kits have proven to be the road to local growth of activity, and at the same time they have helped to boost the local club's meetings .
Here in Cuba several radio clubs are involved in the design and construction of single band 40 meters transceivers, based on a well proven design that originate way back in 1982... As a matter of fact, the original Jaguey 82 double side band transceivers were so well built that several of the original prototypes are still on the air, something
I learned this past week when receiving a call from a low power station located more than six hundred miles away... He told me that his Jaguey 82 transceiver was now helped by a home brew 50 Watts linear amplifier, built using MOSFET devices that he recycled from computer UPS power supplies.
The original Jaguey 82 rig is simplicity at its maximum , using a direct conversion receiver and a two diodes balanced modulator to generate the double side band signal. The rig is powered using 12 volts DC, that may come from a home brew power supply or from a standard 12 volts car or computer back up battery, making it an ideal rig for handling emergency traffic.
Currently an upgraded version of the Jaguey 82 is in the works, adding more audio filtering with a simple two transistors circuit, and now using a MOSFET final amplifier stage, in order to make use of available parts. Homebrewing your own amateur radio HF bands transceiver is a real possibility that will not only save money but also make you the proud on the air operator of a set that was built with your own hands.
See you all at the middle of the week program next Tuesday and Wednesday UTC days, in the mean time enjoy the certainly better equinoctial propagation conditions now in progress, and expected to continue for at least the next two weeks. Send your signal reports and comments about our programs to inforhc@enet.cu or postal mail to: Arnie Coro, Radio Havana Cuba, Havana , Cuba
(Arnie Coro/R Habana Cuba)
Hola amigos radioaficionados... now enjoying somewhat better possibilities to communicate using the ionosphere as we continue to transit passing right through the equinox.
It is quite obvious... propagation conditions on the 15, 12 and 10 meters bands will take a turn for the better, as always happen during the fall season... the higher free electrons concentrations at the height of the F2 layer during the daytime and of the F layer during the evening hours will boost the DX conditions well into the winter season, even while extremely low sunspot numbers are happening.
That was the good news... now ready for the other side of the coin, the bad news: F2, and F layer propagation on those bands will decline thereafter, with only sporadic E events making possible to use the frequency range between 20 and 50 megaHertz during the summer months of 2018 .
The lower bands -- 160, 80, 60 and 40 meters -- should be good going during the rest of the autumn and winter seasons.
It is expected that the 20 and 17 meters bands will be the mainstays of daylight HF long distance propagation.
In a recent presentation at an international scientific conference, available data suggest that Cycle 24, the current solar cycle, will bottom out in an earlier than previously thought date. That translates into the following information: the year 2019 will see the worst HF propagation conditions since the year 1900.Be advised that radio amateurs may need to lower their expectations on the higher bands, 20, 17, 15, 12 and also 6 meters due to the expected periods of very low solar activity ahead of us.
My perception is that the only logical conclusion we can make with some confidence, is that we are headed for several very small solar cycles. It is quite clear from various evidence related to the Sun's polar fields, which appear to be decreasing in strength, A index trends, and cosmic ray data to support his assertion.
Another fact to take into consideration is that"there seems to be a good correlation between how long does a solar minimum lasts and the behavior of the next solar cycle," The longer time you spend at solar minimum, the smaller the next cycle is going to be is the logical conclusion."
Radio amateur operators that like yours truly were active since the 1950s and 1960s and have experienced short inter-cycles solar minimums of approximately two years, until the one between Solar Cycle 23 and Solar Cycle 24, lasted about four years producing terrible propagation conditions never before seen My daily observations of HF propagation conditions since 1957 confirm the above mentioned data.
K9LA Karl Luetzelschwab a well known expert, cited historical sunspot cycle data going back centuries...including the "Maunder Minimum" of zero and near-zero sunspots between the years 1645 and 1715 and a later, less-drastic "Dalton Minimum." He pointed out that over the last 11,000 years, 19 notable grand maximums...including Solar Cycle 19 and the cycles around it, and 27 notable grand minimums were recorded. "We're likely to have more of both grand maximums and grand minimums in the future," he predicted. The current system of numbering sunspot cycles begins with Solar Cycle 1 in the mid-18th century.
"We don't fully understand the process inside the Sun that makes solar cycles," Luetzelschwab said. "Thus, you should exercise caution with statements seen in the news."
I am sure that many of you Dxers Unlimited listeners have heard me many times advancing forecasts about a very small peak of solar activity to happen during cycle 25, while the 2014 cycle 24's maximum of 114 sunspots count will probably not be happening again in many years to come..
As a preliminary conclusion, we will need larger and more efficient antennas for the lower frequency bands and shift our present operating habits to include more highly sophisticated digital modes like JT65 and FT8, as well as getting better acquainted with amateur radio satellites.
Cuban radio amateurs have now passed the FIRST PART of the 2018 Tropical Hurricane Season. Hurricane Michael impacted the western part of the Cuban archipelago, when it was a tropical storm and later when its intensity increased to a Category ONE hurricane, just before it increased its speed and moved across the Gulf of Mexico where it developed fast into a huge Category 4 storm at landfall into the Florida Panhandle.
At the Cuban radio amateur federation website we could see from time to time advisories alerting to protect frequencies on several ham bands that were being used to handle emergency storm traffic in Central America and the Southern United States, areas that did received the impact of bad weather areas , including tropical storms , and in the case of the USA, one of them did reach the hurricane intensity level.
The high cost of commercially built amateur radio equipment with full capabilities places those sets well above what the average entry level ham operator is willing to pay. In the case of nations with low average national income, the development of ham radio is very slow, precisely because of the high cost of the typical HF that fortunately now is not the case with 2 meters band handie talkies that provide quite useful features at prices that are astonishing nowadays.
Attempts to reverse that trend making HF transceivers available at low cost are sprouting all over the world, with efforts coming mainly from radio clubs that count with the cooperation of the well experienced amateurs , capable of designing single band low power radios that enter into the low parts count category. Some of them are sold as kits, that is full set of parts with comprehensive stept by step assembly and final adjustments procedures in the instruction manuals. Happily, some of those kits have proven to be the road to local growth of activity, and at the same time they have helped to boost the local club's meetings .
Here in Cuba several radio clubs are involved in the design and construction of single band 40 meters transceivers, based on a well proven design that originate way back in 1982... As a matter of fact, the original Jaguey 82 double side band transceivers were so well built that several of the original prototypes are still on the air, something
I learned this past week when receiving a call from a low power station located more than six hundred miles away... He told me that his Jaguey 82 transceiver was now helped by a home brew 50 Watts linear amplifier, built using MOSFET devices that he recycled from computer UPS power supplies.
The original Jaguey 82 rig is simplicity at its maximum , using a direct conversion receiver and a two diodes balanced modulator to generate the double side band signal. The rig is powered using 12 volts DC, that may come from a home brew power supply or from a standard 12 volts car or computer back up battery, making it an ideal rig for handling emergency traffic.
Currently an upgraded version of the Jaguey 82 is in the works, adding more audio filtering with a simple two transistors circuit, and now using a MOSFET final amplifier stage, in order to make use of available parts. Homebrewing your own amateur radio HF bands transceiver is a real possibility that will not only save money but also make you the proud on the air operator of a set that was built with your own hands.
See you all at the middle of the week program next Tuesday and Wednesday UTC days, in the mean time enjoy the certainly better equinoctial propagation conditions now in progress, and expected to continue for at least the next two weeks. Send your signal reports and comments about our programs to inforhc@enet.cu or postal mail to: Arnie Coro, Radio Havana Cuba, Havana , Cuba
(Arnie Coro/R Habana Cuba)
Ancient DX Report -1915
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Sinking of the Lusitania |
On January 19, the German forces made their first zeppelin air raid against the east coast of England. Zeppelins L3 L4 and L6 set off from their base at Fuhlsbüttel near Hamburg, though L6 encountered technical problems on the way and returned to base. The other two zeppelins made their way across the North Sea with the intent of dropping their bombs on a military target. However, due to bad weather, instead they dropped their bombs on civilian locations near the coast in East Anglia, resulting in four deaths and damage to some residential housing and other structures.
A German submarine U28 sank the British passenger vessel RMS Falaba on March 28 at a location south of Ireland and 40 miles west of the coast of Wales, and among the many dead was an American citizen Leon Chester Thrasher. The submarine U48, the RMS Falaba, and another British ship trawler Eileen Emma, nearby were intercommunicating in morse code, with the submarine warning the trawler to remain clear.
Less than six weeks later, the British ship RMS Lusitania was sunk at almost the same location by another German submarine U20 with the death of 1,198 passengers and crew, and 764 survivors. Before the Cunard liner left New York Harbor six days earlier, the German Embassy in Washington DC, placed advertisements in 50 American newspapers warning intended passengers of the possible danger in traveling across the Atlantic on the Lusitania.
The attack against the Falaba on March 28 (known in the United States as the Thrasher Incident) and the sinking of the Lusitania just 40 days later in a somewhat similar circumstance near the same location, brought the United States close to the brink of war.
On April 22, German forces made the first major poison gas attack in the Great War against the Canadian sector in France. Five months later on September 15, the British took their turn at the usage of poison gas though with disastrous results; shifting winds caused 60,000 British casualties.
On April 25 ANZAC forces, the combined armies of Australia and New Zealand, landed on the Gallipoli Peninsula on the edge of the waterway between Europe and Asia and they took part in disastrous fighting against the Ottoman Empire. The fighting was so fierce that two bullets, one from each side, collided in mid air, one penetrating the other. ANZAC Day, April 25 every year in both Australia and New Zealand, commemorates their participation.
On the radio scene in 1915 set against that background, voice communication across the continental United States was first achieved on September 29 when AT&T president Theodore Vail spoke from the navy station NAA at Arlington Virginia and was heard by station NPG at Mare Island in California. This epic moment was also noted loud and clear at station UC in Pearl Harbor Hawaii.
Three weeks later the same station NAA was heard clearly at station FL on the Eiffel Tower in Paris when Engineer B. B. Webb spoke into the microphone. The NAA transmitter in use for this epic occasion, the first voice across the Atlantic, incorporated 300 valves (tubes) in its circuitry.
Earlier on July 9, the United States ordered the closure of the German Telefunken wireless station at Sayville on Long Island New York, due to the alleged transmission of belligerent messages. The United States navy took over the station and closed it, leaving a contingent of marines to guard it. Soon afterwards though, station WSL was reopened and placed under stricter control.
During 1915, the 11 year-old Charles Litton set up his own amateur radio station in Redwood City; and Hiram Percy Maxim published the first issue of the amateur radio magazine QST. The three letters QST is a morse code abbreviation meaning “calling all stations”. The Department of Commerce published the first issue of the Radio Service Bulletin in January.
Three important callsigns were issued during the year 1915: Charles Herrold in San Diego was allotted the callsign 6XF for his Special Land Station; Hiram Percy Maxim was accorded the callsign 1ZM for his Special Land Station; and General Electric was granted the callsign 2XI for their experimental shortwave station located on Van Slyck Island in New York state.
Four new experimental radio broadcasting stations were launched during this particular year, 1915.
These stations were:
* Lee de Forest with station 2XG at his radio laboratory at 1391 Sedgewick Avenue in the Highbridge section of the Bronx in New York City.
* According to available information, radio station KUT at the University of Texas in Austin began broadcasting weather information and crop reports, in morse code.
* Robert Stull is said to have established a radio broadcasting station at the University of California in Berkeley.
* A radio station was established at the Hotel Ansonia in New York, apparently by the members of the recently formed Radio Club of America.
In other parts of the world, the United States Navy reported that they had already constructed a series of high powered wireless stations at many different locations, and that they were ready for active service. These new wireless stations were located in the Panama Canal Zone, Pearl Harbor Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Cavite in the Philippines, Guam, and Samoa.
On September 16, a Marconi wireless station was opened for service at Mt Pearl in St. John’s, Newfoundland. This station with the callsign BZM was powered by generators attached to two six cylinder diesel Gardiner engines, and the transmitter emitted 30 kW under the Poulsen arc system.
(AWR Wavecran/NWS 502)
Widespread Drought in Australia: Kangaroos in Canberra - The Medium Wave Scene
Quite recently here in Wavescan, Jeff White WRMI and Jerry Plummer WWCR at the HFCC meetings in Slovakia were commenting on the fact that the water level in the Beautiful Blue Danube as it flows through the city of Bratislava was quite low, due to drought conditions in continental Europe.
Another country that is undergoing a widespread drought is Australia, and in particular, the state of New South Wales, together with neighboring areas in adjoining states.
So severe is the Australian drought, that some farmers are feeding their flocks and herds, cattle and sheep and pigs, with fruits and seeds in an endeavor to keep them alive. In addition, multiple truck loads of hay at up to $3,000 a load have been driven 2,000 miles across the continent from Western Australia to the drought stricken areas in the east.
Some historians are stating that the current drought in Australia is the worst since the beginning of European settlement. Some small towns, under enforced strict rationing, are now trucking in water for local usage.
There is a danger now that hydroelectric power in some areas will soon fail due to an insufficient flow of water. The water levels for the mighty Snowy River Hydroelectric Scheme are so low that electricity rationing is predicted for this coming (southern) summer.
A strange situation has developed in the city of Canberra, the national capital, which is located in the Australian Capital Territory, midway in the east between Sydney and Melbourne. Mobs of hungry and thirsty kangaroos have invaded the city and they are feeding on the grass they can forage in parks, home front lawns, roadway verges and sports grounds. Some sympathetic householders have even been offering food and water to the invading kangaroos that almost seem to feel at home in their new surroundings. Kangaroos in Canberra!
A map of the area shows that motorists can enter Canberra on any of half a dozen major highways. However, regardless of the direction of entry into Canberra, the most prominent tourist attraction is obviously Black Mountain Tower, or Telstra Tower as it is known these days. The Black Mountain Nature Park is home to a 100 different bird species, 500 different plant species, and 5,000 different insect species.
Telstra Tower was officially opened in 1980, and these days there are several TV and FM stations broadcasting from this elevated position. In fact, there is so much radio frequency energy in the nearby area from all of the FM, TV and communication transmitters, that a prominent sign warns motorists that they may have difficulty opening their cars and starting the engine with the usage of the wireless key fob.
An elderly man may sometimes be seen assisting stricken motorists. The car door can be opened by removing the manually operated key from inside the key fob. Then, a sheet of aluminium foil is placed on three of the car windows to restrict the flow of radio frequency energy, and voila, the car engine can then be started.
The first mediumwave station in Canberra was 2CA which began as a small 50 watt experimental operation on 1050 kHz back in 1930. This new radio broadcasting station was installed by Jack Ryan in the back room of his electrical and radio shop at 42 Giles Street in the suburb of Kingston.
As a commercial station, 2CA was then transferred three years later (1933) to Radio Hill in the southern corner of suburban Fyshwick. A few isolated remnants from this old 2CA installation are still in place in the small tree covered area, though they are almost hidden from view by sand, debris and vegetation.
Then later again, a few months before the beginning of World War II in 1939, a new 2 kW transmitter was installed for 2CA adjacent to the PMG-ABC radio station on Bellenden Street, between the suburbs of Mitchell and Kaleen. A new 2 kW transmitter was installed at this location, and it is stated that their famous Blaw-Knox aerial tower was the first in Australia.
Another medium wave commercial station on the air in Canberra is 2CC which was inaugurated in 1975, 45 years subsequent to the original 2CA. This second station 2CC was independent from the original 2CA station, with separate offices and staff personnel. However, the two stations have always operated from a combined transmitter facility adjacent to the ABC-PMG transmitter station at Gungahlin.
During the years in between the inauguration of the two commercial medium wave stations (1931 and 1975), two government operated medium wave stations were launched for coverage of Canberra city and the Australian Capital Territory. These were stations 2CY in 1938 with 10 kW on 850 kHz, and 2CN in 1953 with 2 kW on 1540 kHz.
Both of these ABC stations are still heard today on medium wave; 2CN with 5 kW on 666 kHz and 2CY with 10 kW on 846 kHz, though 2CY was granted a change of callsign to the generic 2RN in 1990. Interestingly, as last noted by an experienced radio tourist, both stations provide an excellent signal on their initial harmonics in the medium wave band, 1332 and 1692 kHz respectively .
In addition, to the two older medium wave stations, the ABC brought out a half century old medium wave from the proceedings of Federal Parliament and subsequently regularly updated bulletins of international, national and regional news were added.
Station 2PB in Canberra these days is heard only on FM. The only transmitter site for the three ABC medium wave stations in Canberra is on Bellenden Street Gungahlin between the suburbs of Mitchell and Kaleen.
In addition to the three ABC stations and two commercial stations, there have been more than half a dozen other medium wave broadcasting stations on the air in Canberra and its suburban areas during the past many years.
These additional medium wave stations have each served a smaller clientele with programming for varied interests, such as in various European and Asian languages, major sports games, and short term major events.
These days, there are currently four major medium wave stations on the air in Canberra (ABC 2CN & 2RN, commercial 2CA & 2CC), together with half a dozen other stations each with a specialized listenership. There is no word as to which station is preferred by the kangaroos!
(AWR/Wavescan-NWS 502)
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