Music Programs Lis
by Alan Roe
All times UTC
Start Stop Days Station Lang Program Title Principle Frequencies
0025-0100 daily All India radio -Vividh Bharati HI Mostly Indian variety 9870
0035-0050 mo Radio Bulgaria EN Folk Studio 5900 7400
0100-0200 mo Radio Romania Intl RO Zi-le D-Alead-Ale Noastre (Folk music) 5910 7345
0115-0125 su Voice of Vietnam EN Weekend Music 6175sac
0130-0200 su Voice of Russia WS EN Folk Box 7250 7290
0130-0200 mo Voice of Russia WS EN Songs from Russia 7250 7290
0200-0300 daily All India Radio-Vividh Bharati HI Mostly Indian variety music 9870
0200-0300 mo Blues Radio Intl EN Blues music (planned from 2 Jan) 9955 via WRMI
0230-0300 tu Radio Taiwan Intl EN Soundwaves 5950 9680
0235-0300 th Radio Taiwan Intl EN Jade Bells and Bamboo Pipes 5950 9680
0245-0255 su Radio Tirana EN Folk Traditional Music 7420 (or 7425)
0245-0255 su Voice of Vietnam EN Weekend Music 6175sac
0300-0400 daily All India Radio-Vividh Bharati HI Mostly Indian variety music 9870
0330-0400 su-mo Voice of Russia WS EN Jazz Show 12040
0330-0400 tu Radio Taiwan Intl EN Soundwaves 6875
0330-0400 tu-sa Voice of Russia WS EN Music and Musicians 12040
0335~0350 mo Radio Bulgaria EN Folk Studio 5900 7400
0335-0400 th Radio Taiwan Intl EN Jade Bells and Bamboo Pipes 6875
0345~0355 su Voice of Vietnam EN Weekend Music 6175sac
0400-0435 daily All India Radio-Vividh Bharati HI Mostly Indian variety music 9870
0425~0445 su Voice of Turkey EN Turkish Pop Music Past to Present 7240 9655
0425-0500 su-mo Voice of Russia WS EN Russian Hits 12040
0425-0435 mo Voice of Turkey EN Turkish Folk Music 7240 9655
0505-0530 sa NHK/Radio Japan EN Music Cafe (W/E Cruise) 5975wof 6110sac 9770iss
0530-0600 su Radio Rossii RU Music Hall 9840
0610-0630 su Radio Rossii RU World Cinema Music 9840
0630~0700 varies OE1 Austria GM Classical music excerpts 6155
0740-0755 mo Radio Bulgaria EN Folk Studio 7400 9400
0740-0755 tu Radio Bulgaria EN Folk Studio 7400 9400
0800-0900 su HCJB Global SP Musica del Ecuador 3995
0800-0900 su MV Baltic & others EN MVB & relays (rock/oldies) 9480
0800-0900 mo-fr HCJB Global EN Rock Solid 3995
0830-0900 sa HCJB Global EN All That Jazz 3995
0900-1000 su Mighty KBC EN Jukebox – Eric van Willegen 6095wer
0900-1000 su MV Baltic & others EN MVB & relays (rock/oldies) 94800900-1000 daily All India Radio- Vividh Bharati HI Mostly Indian variety music 9870
0900-1000 sa Mighty KBC EN Coast To Coast Country (Emperor Rosko) 6095wer
0902-1000 sa Radio Netherlands DU Cabaret 5955wer 9895vat
0912-0930 su Radio Rossi RU Balloon (Oldies music) 12075
1000-1100 su Mighty KBC EN Jukebox – Eric van Willegen 6095wer
1000-1100 su MV Baltic & others EN MVB & relays (rock/oldies) 9480
1000-1100 daily All India Radio-Vividh Bharati HI Mostly Indian variety music 9870
1000-1100 sa Mighty KBC EN Coast To Coast Country (Emperor Rosko) 6095wer
1002-1100 sa Radio Netherlands DU Canta America 5955wer 9895vat
1005- su Radio NZ Intl EN Old pop songs and dance band music 9765
1100-1200 su Mighty KBC EN The LA Connection (Emperor Rosko) 6095wer
1100-1200 daily All India Radio-Vividh Bharati HI Mostly Indian variety music 9870
1100-1200 sa Mighty KBC EN Radio But Not As We Know It (Dave Mason) 6095wer
1200-1300 su Mighty KBC EN The LA Connection (Emperor Rosko) 6095wer
1200-1300 sa Mighty KBC EN Paul Spindley 6095wer
1205-1230 sa NHK/Radio Japan EN Music Cafe (W/E Cruise) 6120sac 9695
1245-1300 daily All India Radio-Vividh Bharati HI Mostly Indian variety music 9870
1300-1400 su Mighty KBC EN The LA Connection (Emperor Rosko) 6095wer
1300-1400 su Voice of America EN Jazz America 7575
1300-1400 daily All India Radio-Vividh Bharati HI Mostly Indian variety music 9870
1300-1400 sa Mighty KBC EN Golden Age Of Rock n Roll (Dave Mason) 6095wer
1305-1330 sa NHK R Japan EN Music Cafe (W/E Cruise) 11730uzb
1355~1405 su Voice of Turkey EN Turkish Folk Music 12035
1355~1420 sa Voice of Turkey EN Turkish Pop Music Past to Present 12035
1400-1500 su Mighty KBC EN Swinging Radio England (Ron O’Quinn) 6095wer
1400-1500 daily AIR Vividh Bharati HI Mostly Indian variety music 9870
1400-1500 sa Mighty KBC EN Saturday Rock & Roll – Mike Marwick 6095wer
1405-1430 sa NHK/Radio Japan EN Music Cafe (W/E Cruise) 5955 11695uzb 21560iss
1435- su All India Radio Film music 11620
1435~ fr All India Radio EN Memories Linger On (Old film music) 11620
1435~ sa All India Radio EN Mixed bag (music & songs) 11620
1500-1600 su Mighty KBC EN Swinging Radio England – Ron O’Quinn 6095wer
1500-1600 daily All India Radio-Vividh Bharati HI Mostly Indian variety music 9870
1500-1600 sa Mighty KBC EN Saturday Rock & Roll – Mike Marwick 6095wer
1505-1530 su Voice of Nigeria EN Musical Heritage 15120
1505-1600 mo-fr Voice of America EN Border Crossings 12150ira 17715bot
1510-1600 mo-fr Radio France Intl FR Couleurs Tropicales 15300 17850 21690
1520- th,sa Pyongyang BS KO Traditional music with opera type singing 6250
1600-1700 daily All India Radio-Vividh Bharati HI Mostly Indian variety music 9870
1615-1625 sa Voice of Vietnam EN Weekend Music 7220 7280 9550 9730
1700-1740 daily All India Radio-Vividh Bharati HI Mostly Indian variety music 9870
1715-1730 mo-fr Radio PMR OO Varied music program 7290
1730-1800 mo Radio Taiwan Intl EN Soundwaves 15690
1730- mo-fr Voice of Croatia CR Croatian songs & music 3985
1735-1800 we Radio Taiwan Intl EN Jade Bells and Bamboo Pipes 156901745-1800 mo-fr R PMR OO Varied music program 7290
1755-1805 su Voice of Turkey EN Turkish Folk Music 11735
1755~1820 sa Voice of Turkey EN Turkish Pop Music Past to Present 11735
1815-1830 we Voice of Nigeria EN Evergreens 15120
1815~1825 sa Voice of Vietnam EN Weekend Music 5955moo
1830-1900 mo Radio Taiwan Intl EN Soundwaves 3965
1830-1900 fr Voice of Nigeria EN Nigerian Popular Music 15120
1835-1900 we Radio Taiwan Intl EN Jade Bells and Bamboo Pipes 3965
1845-1900 mo-fr Radio PMR OO Varied music program 7290
1900-2000 su HCJB Global SP Musica del Ecuador 3995
1900-2000 su Radio Romania Intl RO Zi-le D-Alead-Ale Noastre (Folk Music) 5990 7430
1900-2000 su Voice of America FR Soul USA 12080 15225
1900-2000 mo-fr HCJB Global EN Rock Solid 3995
1900-1930 sa Voice of America FR Du Blues au Jazz 12080 15225
1915-1930 mo-fr Radio PMR OO Varied music programme 7290
1920~ tu All India Radio-GOS EN Artist of the Day 7550
1930-2000 su Voice of Russia WS EN Jazz Show 7330
1930-2000 sa HCJB Global EN All That Jazz 3995
1930-2000 sa Voice of Russia WS EN Russian Hits 7330
1935-2000 sa Voice of America FR Reggae and Hip Hop 12080 15225
1945-2000 mo-fr Radio PMR OO Varied music program 7290
1955-2005 su Voice of Turkey EN Turkish Folk Music 6050
1955-2020 sa Voice of Turkey EN Turkish Pop Music Past to Present 6050
2000-2030 daily Voice of America FR Musique (with Matthew Lavoie) 9780 12080 15225
2000-2100 sa-su Voice of America EN Music Time in Africa 4940bot 15580bot
2000-2100 mo-fr Voice of America EN African Beat 4940bot(-2030) 15580bot
2005~ daily PBS Xizang China EN Oldies pop songs (under Turkey) 6050
2010-2100 mo-fr Radio France Intl FR Couleurs Tropicales 7205 9790
2012-2100 su Radio Rossii RU Exotica (varied music) 5905
2012-2100 tu Radio Rossii RU Doctor Blues 5905
2012-2100 we Radio Rossii RU Balloon (Oldies music) 5905
2012-2100 th Radio Rossii RU Going Beyond Three Seas (Folk) 5905
2012-2100 fr Radio Rossii RU Endless Approximation (Jazz music) 5905
2030-2100 su Voice of Russia WS EN Russia - 100 Years of Music 7330
2030-2100 su or mo Voice of Russia WS EN Musical Tales 7330
2045-2100 mo-fr Radio PMR OO Varied music program 7290
2100-2130 th WWCR-1 EN Into the Blue (Bluegrass) 7465
2100-2130 th WWCR-2 EN Blues music program 9350
2105-2200 mo Voice of America EN American Gold 6080 15580
2105-2200 tu Voice of America EN Roots and Branches 6080 15580
2105-2200 we Voice of America EN Classic Rock Show 6080 15580
2115-2130 mo-fr Radio PMR OO Varied music program 7290
2115-2125 sa Raido Tirana EN Folk Traditional Music 7530
2130-2200 tu Voice of Russia WS EN Musical Tales 73002130-2200 we V of Russia WS EN Jazz Show 7300
2130-2200 th Voice of Russia WS EN Russia - 100 Years of Music 7300
2130-2200 fr Voice of Russia WS EN Folk Box 7300
2130-2200 sa Voice of Russia WS EN Songs from Russia 7300
2145-2200 mo-fr Radio PMR OO Varied music program 7290
2150-2157 th Radio Romania Intl EN The Skylark 7310 7380 9435
2155~2205 su Voice of Turkey EN Turkish Folk Music 9610
2155~2220 sa Voice of Turkey EN Turkish Pop Music Past to Present 9610
2210-2230 su KBS World Radio EN Korean Pop Interactive 3955ske
2215-2230 we KBS World Radio EN Sounds of Korea 3955ske
2235-2250 su Radio Bulgaria EN Folk Studio 5900 7400
2245-2300 su-th Radio PMR OO Varied music program 7290
2305-2355 sa Radio Exterior de Espana SP Mundofonias (World music)6125 9535 9620 11680
2325~2335 su Voice of Turkey EN Turkish Folk Music 5960
2325~2345 sa Voice of Turkey EN Turkish Pop Music Past to Present 5960
OO=No announcements
With thanks for additions, corrections and updates to Rafael MartÃnez and Edwin Southwell
(World DX Club/Radio Topics-Contact Jan 2012)