Sunday, November 28 2010: A Prairie Home Companion
Coming to you this week from the Music Hall in Cincinnati, Ohio, a live broadcast performance of "A Prairie Home Companion". With special guests, the youthful and prodigious cutting edge of Bluegrass, The Punch Brothers and veteran stand-up comedian and best friend forever to public radio, Paula Poundstone. Also on the show, the Royal Academy of Radio Actors; Tim Russell, Sue Scott, and Fred Newman, Rich Dworsky and The Guy's All-Star Shoe Band and the latest News from Lake Wobegon.
In Africa and Europe: 1100 UTC / 1200 CET / 1300 CAT
Saturday, November 27 and Sunday, November 28 2010: Asia Calling
Developed to reflect the lives and reality of citizens across the region, "Asia Calling" is a weekly radio programme from Indonesia’s Radio News Agency KBR68H.
This week on "Asia Calling"
Interview with Aung San Suu Kyi: On November 13, just one week after Burma’s military junta claimed a victory in a sham election, the Burmese government released democracy leader and Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi. The world-renowned politician and activist has been under house arrest since she won the last elections in 1990. Ever since her release she has kept a tireless schedule; meeting with diplomats, party members, and journalists, giving a speech to thousands in front of her political party’s headquarters. She has also just met with her youngest son Kim Aris -- the first time she has seen him in ten years. She met with journalist Danielle Bernstein in Rangoon to talk about what’s been on her mind since her release.
Indonesian military torturers go unpunished: As many of our listeners will recall a graphic video showing the torture of two Papuan farmer's by Indonesian soldiers, was released on the internet last month, just weeks before a visit to Indonesia by US President Barack Obama. Despite promises from Indonesia's President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono that the case would be thoroughly investigated and the soldiers responsible prosecuted, investigations into the incident have apparently stopped. As Katie Hamann reports, further testimony detailing the shocking abuse has also emerged in recent weeks. There's a warning that this report contains graphic descriptions of torture.
A Gentleman from Bekasi: A person who changes their sex will draw comment in any community anywhere in the world, especially when that person is a child. Yet when a teenager from the Indonesian city of Bekasi received surgery to become a boy, it was done with the full support of the community. Bekasi, on the island of Java, is a highly conservative Islamic society where religious conflicts are common. And where 14 year old Priya Jati met our reporter Mohammad Irham.
Asia’s biggest child killer preventable: Pneumonia is the biggest killer of children under five in the developing world, and most of those deaths occur in Asia. The highest numbers are in India followed by China, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indonesia. And yet all the deaths of these children are preventable, treatable and curable. Jasvinder Sehgal’s report begins in a Pediatric Hospital in the city of Jaipur in western India.
These stories and much more this week on "Asia Calling".
In North America: 2230 ET / 1930 PT
In Europe: 2100 UTC / 2200 CET
In Africa and Asia 1200 UTC / 1300 CET / 1400 CAT
Sunday, November 28 2010: Radio Australia
From dreaming to depression, addiction to artificial intelligence, consciousness to coma, psychoanalysis to psychopathy, free will to forgetting - "All in the Mind" explores the human condition through the mind's eye.
This week: Cultural chemistry (Part 2). Our caffeinated culture - how much is too much? 80% of the world consumes it, coffee bean aficionados relish it, but is caffeine the pick me up we think it is? Radio Australia wants your coffee stories! There's a newly launched Audioboo channel for your feedback & conversations. Think of it as social media meets radio talkback!
Tuesday, November 30 2010: Radio AustraliaThis week on "Rural Reporter": A community rallies to help a farmer in need; ABC reporters go searching for good bugs in a broccoli crop; and discover that hydroponic herbs and vegetables are the way to go when you live in a remote community. Up in Queensland the mango season is getting into full swing, while volunteers head bush in South Australia to help with an animal survey.
In North America: 1530 ET / 1230 PT
In Europe: 0830 UTC / 0930 CET
Sunday, November 28 2010: Radio Guangdong
Radio Guangdong, established in October 1949, is a leading radio group in south China. Radio Guangdong programmes cover political, economic, social and cultural issues; programmes about Guangdong, programmes about Guangdong people and programmes linking Guangdong with the world.
This week on “Asian Games Live”, Jeff Ruffolo will be talking with Mr. Ioannis Daras, the President of the European union of sport press, and Mr. Sandeep Nakai, a journalist from India, about the closing of the Guangzhou Asian Games and how they feel after two weeks of intense competitions.
In “News of the Week”: Friendship and Warmth at the Asian Games’ closing ceremony / Taiwan High-tech Park opens at Songshan Lake Development Zone / China Airshow concludes with big deals.
In North America: Sat 1200 ET / 0900 PT
Sun 2030 ET / 1730 PT
In Africa and the Middle East: Sat 0115 UTC / 0315 CAT
Sat 1700 UTC / 1900 CAT
Sat 2045 UTC / 2245 CAT
Sun 0900 UTC / 1100 CAT
In Asia and the Pacific: Sat 0115 UTC / 1215 AEDT
Sat 1700 UTC / 0400 (Sun) AEDT
Sat 2045 UTC / 0745 (Sun) AEDT
Sun 0900 UTC / 2000 AEDT
In Europe: Sat 2045 UTC / 2145 CET
Radio Netherlands - Sunday, November 28 2010: Radio NetherlandsIn "The State We're In", Jonathan Groubert and his team look at current events from an unexpected perspective.
Australian angel: For almost 50 years, Don Ritchie has lived across the street from Australia’s most notorious suicide spot, known locally as “The Gap”, near Sydney. From his bedroom window, Don can see people as they’re considering jumping. So he walks over to them, and gently asks them if they’d like a cup of tea back at his home. To date, Don has saved at least 160 lives.
The unkindness of strangers: Sarah Wali has divided her life between the US and Egypt. When she moved there permanently, her family back in the US warned her: the harassment of women is unbearable. But Sarah made it her mission to live in Cairo.
Harass map: Rebecca Chiao helps harassed women fight back - in a high tech way. Here’s how it works: a woman gets harassed on the streets of Cairo. She then sends a text message to Rebecca’s site,, describing where and how she was harassed. Her report then becomes a dot on the virtual map, allowing other women to avoid the troubled spots of the city.
Found and lost: Anik See once found a wallet lying in a snowbank in Calgary, Canada. She thought she’d do the right thing and return it to the nearest police station. But the police thought she’d stolen the wallet. Then they thought it was hers. It took her two days to sort the mess out.
No bull: Jonathan recently interviewed an ex-bullfighter, Alvaro Munera who now fights for animal rights. Listener Alexander Fiske-Harrison contacted RNW to make the case that bullfighting can be acceptable. He tells Jonathan what it was like getting into the ring with a bull and delivering the tiro de gracia himself.
Sunday, November 28 and Monday, November 29 2010: Radio Netherlands
In "Network Europe Extra" a pan-European team links up across the continent every day to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe.
Amongst this week's topics: Clarinets in Kinshasa: it's Congo's symphony orchestra / The Right Bank: Poland's symphony orchestra gets a new home on the Vistula river / And on the other Right Bank: move over Mona Lisa, the Louvre hosts soloists, too.
Friday, November 26 2010: Radio Netherlands
In "Earth Beat", Marnie Chesterton looks at the footprint we are leaving on our planet and runs stories from the people trying to make that footprint lighter.
Coping with the growth of megacities. As world leaders gather in Cancun for another climate change summit, EarthBeat looks at the most pressing issues facing the world’s biggest urban centres.
From air quality in Beijing, to traffic management in Delhi – examine what life is like for the people who live there. And what role do megacities play in the drive to cut carbon emissions?
Radio Netherlands broadcast times:
In North America: 0800 ET / 0500 PT
1800 ET / 0300 PT
0000 ET / 2100 PT
In Africa and the Middle East: 1000 UTC / 1200 CAT
2200 UTC / 0000 CAT
0400 UTC / 0600 CAT
In Asia and the Pacific: 1000 UTC / 2100 AEDT
2200 UTC / 0900 AEDT
0500 UTC / 1600 AEDT
In Europe: 1930 UTC / 2030 CET 1400 UTC / 1500 CET
0030 UTC / 0130 CET
Sunday, November 28 and Monday, November 29 2010: Radio New Zealand InternationalRNZI is New Zealand's only shortwave station, broadcasting to the Island nations of the Pacific. Its broadcasts range from Papua New Guinea in the west across to French Polynesia in the east, covering all South Pacific countries in between.
In North America: Mon - Fri 1200 ET / 0900 PT
Sun 1530 ET / 1230 PT
In Africa and the Middle East: Sun 0100 UTC / 0300 CAT
In Asia and the Pacific: Sun 0100 UTC / 1200 AEDT
In Europe: Sat 1500 UTC / 1600 CET
Sun 0530 UTC / 0630 CET
Sunday, November 28 and Monday, November 29 2010: Radio Romania International
“Inside Romania” looks at the biggest web technology event in East Europe hosted by Bucharest on November 3rd and 4th. And don’t miss “All that Jazz” and the regular lesson of Romanian language in “Romanian without Tears”.
Monday, November 29 and Tuesday, November 30 2010: Radio Romania International
"Pro Memoria" brings a feature on the assassinates perpetrated in Jilava. In November 1940, 2 months after the instatement of Antonescu’s legionnaire regime, a group of legionnaires killed 64 high-ranking officers and members of the Romanian inter-war political elite.
Radio Romania International broadcast times:
In North America: 0600 ET / 0300 PT
1000 ET / 0700 PT
1730 ET / 1430 PT
In Africa and the Middle East: 1230 UTC / 1430 CAT
0530 UTC / 0730 CAT
In Asia and the Pacific: 1230 UTC / 2330 AEDT
0530 UTC / 1630 AEDT
In Europe: Mon - Fri 0500 UTC / 0600 CET 2000 UTC / 2100 CET
Sunday, November 28 and Monday, November 29 2010: RTE Ireland
"Saturday View" puts the political world in context. Each week Rachael English picks the most important stories, sniffs the political winds and fills Studio 5 and often regional studios with newsmakers, their critics and opponents for lively debate.
While the main focus is on the Dáil and the home stories, the outside world is not forgotten and the big international stories are regularly discussed.
In North America: 1400 ET / 1100 PT
In Africa and the Middle East: 0330 UTC / 0530 CAT
1930 UTC / 2130 CAT
In Asia and the Pacific: 0330 UTC / 1430 AEDT
1930 UTC / Mon 0630 AEDT
In Europe: 1900 UTC / 2000 CET
Wednesday, December 3 2010: RTE Ireland
"This Week" gives you an in-depth look at events making the news in the past seven days. Tune in to hear Irish views and commentaries.
In North America: 2100 ET / 1800 PT
In Africa and the Middle East: 0330 UTC / 0530 CAT
In Asia and the Pacific: 0330 UTC / 1430 AEDT
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