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Thursday, May 10, 2012
Best of the Best - DX Programs
Looking for THE source for the best in DX, Media and Mailbag program ? Look no further - Shortwave Central brings you the Best of the Best in DX programs. Why settle for the rest ?
Gayle Van Horn
0005# RCI “Maple Leaf Mailbag”: 11700ku
0110v R Havana Cuba “DXers Unlimited”: 6000 6050
0210v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6000 6050
0310v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6000 6050
0410v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6000 6050
0510v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6010 6050 6060 6125
0610v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6010 6050 6060 6125
0730 R New Zealand Int “Mailbox” (alt wks): 11725
1030 All India R “Faithfully Yours”: 7270 13695 15020 15410 17510 17800 17895
1130 R New Zealand Int “Mailbox” (alt wks): 15720
1145 WWCR "Australian DX Report" (Bob Padula): 15825
1245 WWCR Nashville "Ask WWCR": 15825 (5th & 1st Monday)
1330 R New Zealand Int “Mailbox” (alt wks): 6170
1430 All India R “Faithfully Yours”: 9690 11620 13710
1630 R New Zealand Int “Mailbox” (alt wks): 6170(to 1650) 9615(from 1651)
1630 Amateur Radio Today (South Africa): 3230me
1830 All India R “Faithfully Yours”: 7400 7410 7550 9415 11580 11670 11935
2120 All India R “Faithfully Yours”: 7550 9445 9910 11620 11670 11715
2330 All India R “Faithfully Yours”: 6055 7305 9950 11670 13605
0330 R New Zealand Int “Mailbox” (alt wks): 15720
0405 Voice of Russia “Moscow Mailbag”: 1323ga 13775pk 15760tj
1832 BBC World Service “Click”: Online UK DABetc
1935v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 11760
2335v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 5040
0030 Voice of Russia “Moscow Mailbag”: 9665mv 9800kd
0135v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6000 6050
0235v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6000 6050
0332 BBC World Service “Click”: online, 198LW UK DAB etc
0335v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6000 6050
0435v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6000 6050
0535v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6010 6050 6060 6125
0635v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 6010 6050 6060 6125
1032 BBC World Service “Click”: online, UK DAB etc
1530 BBC R4 "The Media Show": 198LW MW FM DAB online
1845 RAE Buenos Aires “DX Special”: 15345v
1930 R Australia “Future Tense”(technology): 6080 7240 9500 9580 9710 11880
0245 RAE Buenos Aires "DX Special": 11710
0405 Voice of Russia “Moscow Mailbag”: 1323ga 13775pk 15760tj
1530 R Australia “Future Tense”(technology): 5995 6080 7240 9475 9710 11660
1930 R Australia “Future Tense”(technology): 6080 7240 9500 9580 9710 11880
1845v RAE Buenos Aires "DXers Supplement": 15345v
2035 R New Zealand Int "Mailbox": 11725
0030 Voice of Russia “Moscow Mailbag”: 9665mv 9800kd
0100 WRMI “Media Network Plus”: online, 9955
0245v RAE Buenos Aires “DXers Supplement”: 11710
0605 WWCR "Into Tomorrow": 4840
0810 KBS World R, Seoul “Worldwide Friendship”: 9570
1210 KBS World R “Worldwide Friendship”: 9650ca
1245 V of Turkey “DX Corner” (alt wks): 15450
1300 PCJ Media “Media Network Plus”: WRN-Eu (incl. Sky channel 0122)
1310 KBS World R, Seoul “Worldwide Friendship”: 9570
1400 PCJ Media “Media Network Plus”: WRN-AfAs (incl.WorldSpace Afristar West)
1610 KBS World R, Seoul “Worldwide Friendship”: 9515 9640
1615 WWCR Nashville “Ask WWCR”: 12160
1630 WWCR Nashville “Wavescan”: 12160
1645 V of Turkey “DX Corner” (alt wks): 15520
1810 KBS World R, Seoul “Worldwide Friendship”: 7275
1845 V of Turkey “DX Corner” (alt wks): 9785
2045 V of Turkey “DX Corner” (alt wks): 7205
2100 PCJ Media “Media Network Plus”: WRN-NAm (incl. Sirius/XM) 9955-wrmi
2110 KBS World R, Seoul “Worldwide Friendship”: 3955uk
2115v REE Madrid “Radio Waves” (irreg): 9650
2215 V of Turkey “DX Corner” (alt wks): 9830
0015v REE Madrid “Radio Waves”: 6055
0150 BBCWS “Over to You”: Online, 198LW, UK DAB etc
0210 KBS World R, Seoul “Worldwide Friendship”: 9580
0315 V of Turkey “DX Corner” (alt wks): 6165 9515
0400 WHRI “DXing With Cumbre”: 9825
0432 BBCWS “Click”: Online, online, UK DAB
0500 WWCR Nashville “Into Tomorrow”: 4840
0510 R Japan "Friends Around the World ": 5975wo 6110ca 11970fr
0600 WWCR Nashville "Into Tomorrow": 4840
0800 Amateur Radio Today (South Africa): 7205me 17570me
0945 WWCR Nashville "Ask WWCR": 4840
0950 BBCWS “Over to You”: Online, UK DAB
1010 R Japan "Friends Around the World": 9625 9695kr
1200 Adventist World R "Wavescan": 17535we
1210 R Japan "Friends Around the World": 6120ca 9695
1310 R Japan "Friends Around the World": 15735ta
1410 R Japan "Friends Around the World": 11705pw 15735ta
1500 DXing With Cumbre: WRN-Eu
1505# RCI “Maple Leaf Mailbag”: 11675ku 15125ur
1530 Adventist World R "Wavescan": 15255we
1600 Adventist World R "Wavescan": 11825gm 15360gm
1630 Adventist World R "Wavescan": 11740tr
1805# RCI “Maple Leaf Mailbag”: 9530ks 11765sk 17810sk
1810 R Japan "Friends Around the World": 15720md
1902 BBCR4 ”Feedback”: 198LW MW FM DAB online
1910v R Havana “DXers Unlimited”: 11760
2005# RCI “Maple Leaf Mailbag”: 15235ca 15330ca 17735ca
2130 WHRI: “DXing With Cumbre”: 17510
2132 BBCWS “Click”: Online, UK DAB
2230 Adventist World R "Wavescan": 9730tr
2310v R Havana Cuba “DXers Unlimited”: 5040
# Radio Canada International is closing all of its shortwave and satellite services from
26 June 2012. The final airing of “Maple Leaf Mailbag” is expected to be on 24-25 June.
v = variable frequency or time
(BDXC/May 2012)