This morning's Blog Log's, comprise a sample of this week's NASWA Flashsheet electronic newsletter. Best of DX to all the NASWA gang! Today begins with a log from Ecuador's Time/Frequency station, HD2IOA
3810 ECUADOR. HD2IOA, 0717, 05/12/2007, in Spanish. Time and SP anmts. Logged as a "goof"... 30th anniversary of my first hearing them, but was on 7600 kHz. Poor. (Mikell-IL)
4485.9 PERU. Radio Frecuencia VH (P), 0250-0305*, 5/12/07, Spanish. OM b/w musical selections. Abruptly gone at 0305. Poor/weak. (Barbour-NH)
4716.7 BOLIVIA. Radio Yura 0039-0049, 5/10/07, Spanish. YL b/w musical selections. Several IDs. Fair. Consistently the best Bolivian logged at my QTH. (Barbour-NH)
4796.4 BOLIVIA. Radio Mallku, 0012-0026, 5/10/07. Flute music at tune followed by a man announcer talking in Spanish. More rustic music/vocals with announcer talking between selections. ID in passing. Weak with heavy CODAR QRM. (D'Angelo-PA)
5005 EQUATORIAL GUINEA. Radio Nacional Bata, 2240-2259*, 5/6/07. Continuous vocals until a woman announcer gave station ID at 2254 followed by long orchestra National Anthem. Poor. (D'Angelo-PA)
5030 COSTA RICA. University Network. Gene Scott, 0645, 05/12/2007, in English. Dr Scott talking about different historical copies of the Bible. Noted in passing with Cuba QRM on the low side. Fair. (Mikell-IL)
6035 COLOMBIA. La Voz del Guaviare, 2320-0010, 5/9/07. Man announcer with news in Spanish. Various men announcers with talk segments with some from remote locations. 5+1 time pips at 2330, ad strings with a nice ID at 0002 prior to another ad string. Poor. (D'Angelo-PA)
6089.87 CHILE. Radio Esperanza, Temuco, 0805-0905, 5/12/07. Spanish religious sermon. Spanish religious music. Mentions of Esperanza. Good. Another station audible with Anguilla 6090 off the air. (Alexander, PA)
6089.87 CHILE. Radio Esperanza, Temuco (P), 0830, 5/12/07. Pretty good signal in SP; man preaching, alternately subdued and excited, and audio slightly overmodulated; religious vocalizing 0846, very low audio; more preaching 0850, various ments. of "Esperanza" but I think in connection with the preaching rather than any "ID"; sounded like ads 0905, tel. numbers, then back to religious format. No ID, but I have hrd them with this prgm pattern before. (Berg-MA)
6300 ALGERIA / W.SAHARA. RASD, 2335-0001*, 5/9/07, Spanish/Arabic. SP talks at t/in followed by AR music until 0000. OM w/ s/off annmt and presumed NA. Fair. (Barbour-NH)
6970.3 ISRAEL. Galei Zahal, 2306-0005, 5/11/07. Found here with dance music program hosted by lively DJ with Hebrew talk. Music fanfare, time pip and ID followed by news at 0000. Fair to good signal. (D'Angelo-PA)
7135 MOROCCO. RTV Marocaine (Briech), 2200 2205, 5/7/07, in Arabic and French. S/on (heard from adjacent R. Polonia via Nauen s/off), News, 2203 M. ann. over music, ID in FF and AA, M. ann. over Western classical music bed, 2205 M. talk. (Taylor-WI)
7140 GERMANY. Radio Polonia (Nauen), 2157 2200, 5/7/07, in Polish. W., bouncy song w/ short M. & W. ann. over music (inc. ID), 2200 off. (Taylor- WI)
7275 TUNISIA, RTV Tunisienne (Sfax), 0435. 05/11/07, in Arabic. YL with brief announcements with background music with a Greek flair. Good. (Wood, TN).
7300 SRI LANKA. Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corp. (P), 1153 1207, 5/12/07, in Tamil (listed). M., S. Asian music, W. (probably with ID) at ToH, to apparent news. Fair w/ ham QRM (33433). (Taylor, LFCP-WI)
7355 ALASKA. KNLS, 0835-0859*, 05/13/20075, in English. OM ancr. Music. Mention of a free book offer. "Dale Ward Speaking about Music". Today's "Creation Moment" ... Story of a parrot, thought to be extinct, but rediscovered in the 50's. Announcer gave schedule and frequencies for the "English Hour". Broadcast ended with "Enjoy the Silence" by Depeche Mode. [A band that I can't picture WYFR, for example, having in their library. The "Violator" album tho does have their hit tune "Personal Jesus" on it.] Professional "feel" to the broadcast. Lots of deep fades. Poor. (Mikell-IL)
7425 ALBANIA, Radio Tirana, 0230, 5/8/07. Fair-poor with English ID and into newscast (Ronda-OK)
7555 KUWAIT. VOA relay, 0018-0030*, 5/12/07, English. VOA Special English w/ "Focus on Business". Strong co-channel carrier comes on at 0029. If I heard correctly "To learn more visit dynet.com" was mentioned at 0030. URL takes you to an Austin,TX based company. Poor/fair. Per Eibi listing, VOA in Pashto via Sri Lanka takes over at 0030 with good signal. (Barbour-NH)
9290 LATVIA. R. Mi Amigo Intl (via Ulbroka), *1900, 5/9/07. Very weak, but pretty decent when checked again at 2020. They were playing Bob Dylan's "Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts." Time check for 9:29 pm UK time at 2029, gave fqy, ID for R. Mi Amigo Intl, more mx; Mi Amigo promo at 2033, instr. mx. Fairly good signal. Supposed to be on till 2100, but I didn't stay. (Berg-MA)
9815D ECUADOR. HCJB, 0343, 5/12/07. Jazz music program; strong signal, 24 dB S/N for 11.96 kbps means near perfect reception of this 4 kW transmission, impressive. (Brandi-NJ)
10320U HAWAII. AFRTS (Pearl Harbor), 0300-0330, 05/11/2007, in English. AP Network News, ESPN Game Day, military related PSAs, plus a segment of "Little Known Facts of Military History". Fair. (Mikell-IL)
1710 NORTH KOREA. DPRK Voice of Korea, 1342, 5/13/07. Classical mx pgm suffered significant splatter from
12000 PORTUGAL. Radio Portugal, 0813-0835, 5/12/07. Two men in conversation in Portuguese followed by a series of telephone interviews. ID and frequency announcements at 0830. Poor with awful het from 12001. //12020 was slightly better. (D'Angelo-PA)
12015 NORTH KOREA DPRK. Voice of Korea, 2158, 5/6/07. Fair-poor with IS @ 2158; Spanish ID. @ 2200 and off. (Ronda-OK)
15720 DRM NEW ZEALAND. Radio New Zealand International, 0405, 5/12/07. "Musical Chairs", The Brunettes recorded live in at the Kings Arms in Auckland, 16-19 dB S/N on 14.56 kbps transmission results in about 98% audio with some dropouts but still pretty listenable, at least until 0430 when conditions deteriorated to 15 dB S/N, about 90% audio. (Brandi-NJ)
15760 ISRAEL. Kol Israel, 1520, 5/7/07. Fair with man talking in Farsi (listed). (Ronda-OK)
17560 SAUDI ARABIA. BSKSA, 1705, 5/9/07. Fair with Koran chanting. (Ronda-OK)
17830 ASCENSION ISLAND. BBC relay, 1520, 5/7/07. Fair with listeners' letters in English. (Ronda-OK)
21470 ASCENSION ISLAND. BBC relay, 1625, 5/7/07. Fair-good with sports report in English. (Ronda-OK)
(Source: NASWA Electronic Flashsheet # 276 via Mark Taylor & Rich d'Angelo)