Ethiopian Current Affairs Discussion Forum Multimedia (Ye Ethiopia Adera Dimtse Radio)
FRANCE: YE ETHIOPIA ADERA DIMTSE RADIO via Issoudun, 13790. Full-data Media Broadcast antenna scenes e-QSL card from Michael Puetz at QSL-Shortwave@media-broadcast.com in 6 months. In response to my request for the name of the program, the QSL includes the name of the producing organization, Ethiopian Current Affairs Discussion Forum Multimedia, although Adera Dimtse Radio is not mentioned.
FRANCE: YE ETHIOPIA ADERA DIMTSE RADIO via Issoudun, 13790. Full-data Media Broadcast antenna scenes e-QSL card from Michael Puetz at QSL-Shortwave@media-broadcast.com in 6 months. In response to my request for the name of the program, the QSL includes the name of the producing organization, Ethiopian Current Affairs Discussion Forum Multimedia, although Adera Dimtse Radio is not mentioned.
The e-mail says ADM is the internal name for the German translation of the name of the organization. No response yet from recent reports sent directly to the program at ecadf@ecadforum.com and info@ecadforum.com . I was wrong when I reported this program as Abu Dhabi Media a few weeks ago after receiving a QSL from Issoudun. Several websites gave this as the broadcaster, but after I reported my QSL some said it was probably Adera Dimtse Radio. (Wendal Craighead-Kansas, USA)