3V8, TUNISIA (IOTA Op!). Look for Francois, F8DVD, to be active as 3V8SM
from the facilities of the Scout Houm Souk ARC on Djerba Island (AF-083),
August 28-31st.
He intends to be active on both CW and SSB, on all bands, from 80-10 meters, propagation permitting. Francois will use a FT-767 w/100w into beam and dipoles. QSL this activity ONLY to F8DVD, either direct (SAE + IRC or 1 USD for Europe, and 2 USDs for Africa and elsewhere) or via the French REF-Union Bureau. Please nothing via 3V Bureau. F8DVD's address is: FRANCOIS BERGEZ, 6 RUE DE LA LIBERTE, F-71000 MACON (FRANCE).
(Source: Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin # 772)