This is the 64th edition of World Radio TV Handbook and this great directory continues to offer the most comprehensive guide to broadcasting on the planet. With the help of our international network of contributors we again provide the most up-to-date information on medium wave, shortwave and FM broadcasts and broadcasters available in any publication. WRTH 2010 will have: articles on topics of great interest to professionals, listeners and dxers alike including a look at BBC World Service, Cold War Receivers, Samoan radio, and our regular Digital Update Reviews of the latest receivers and equipment Maps fully updated showing all global SW transmitter sites. (Contact/Dec 09/worlddxclub)
"World Radio TV Handbook consistently sets the radio hobby standards. It remains the best, most authorative and comprehensive radio reference book in the world; one that should be in every hobbyist listening post or radio room. Quite simply, it is the ultimate guide - one not to be missed" - Gayle Van Horn, Monitoring Times (also World DX Club member).