Doreen Carvajal writes in the International Herald Tribune that “The efforts of Islamic countries to get their governments’ views out in a language accessible to audiences elsewhere appear halting compared with a headlong rush in the United States, Germany, France, Russia and Britain to start or expand Arabic programming in a variety of media.” She points out that “Syria’s Damascus Radio programming in English is not accessible on its Web site, although it transmits about two hours of information daily on a shortwave transmitter.”
(Source: R. Netherlands Media Network Weblog)
GVH: Well, actually Radio Damascus has three hours of English targeted to Europe, and not the easiest to hear in the afternoons, 12085kHz was audible from my receiver a few days ago. Their English service includes:
Times: UTC kHz al- alnernate frequency
2005-2100 Syria, Radio Damascus 9330eu 12085eu 13610al
2100-2200 Syria, Radio Damascus 9330eu 12085eu 13610al
2200-2210 Syria, Radio Damascus 9330eu 12085eu
(Source: Monitoring Times/G. Van Horn)