All India Radio - all times UTC
4840 AIR Mumbai Nov 10 w/ subcontinental music at 0104 tune. Appeared to be one of the best of the long path Indian regionals on 60 mb.
4860 AIR Delhi Nov 10 w/ subcontinental mx 0106 UT, woman annmt 0106.5, another woman at 0107 - best of the Indian regionals here w/ S3+ sigs, but gone by 0128 retune.
4880 AIR Lucknow (tent.) Nov 10 w/ carrier but almost non-existent audio at 0110 tune - fading pattern similar to other Indian regionals.
(Kashmir) 4950 AIR Srinagar w/ subcontinental mx (female vocalist) at 0117 - strong carrier but weak audio at S2 and deep fades. Essentially gone by 0125 UT. First time this regional hrd at this QTH, although in Winter 2006 Jammu was hrd on 4830 kHz. Not quite good enough for a log, but will keep trying. Kashmir sites fade in later than other Indians here on long path but signals are generally weaker.
5010 AIR Thiru Nov 10 w/ woman ann at 0050 UT, short mx and man ann at 0053 fol by actuality from a man at 0054.5-0056. Sounded like a news pgm. Fading fast, typical of So. Asian long path reception here during local sunset. S2 and fading.
(Bruce W. Churchill-CA-USA, DXplorer Nov 10)
(Source: WWDXC Top News/BC-DX #834 via WB, Germany)
4840 AIR Mumbai Nov 10 w/ subcontinental music at 0104 tune. Appeared to be one of the best of the long path Indian regionals on 60 mb.
4860 AIR Delhi Nov 10 w/ subcontinental mx 0106 UT, woman annmt 0106.5, another woman at 0107 - best of the Indian regionals here w/ S3+ sigs, but gone by 0128 retune.
4880 AIR Lucknow (tent.) Nov 10 w/ carrier but almost non-existent audio at 0110 tune - fading pattern similar to other Indian regionals.
(Kashmir) 4950 AIR Srinagar w/ subcontinental mx (female vocalist) at 0117 - strong carrier but weak audio at S2 and deep fades. Essentially gone by 0125 UT. First time this regional hrd at this QTH, although in Winter 2006 Jammu was hrd on 4830 kHz. Not quite good enough for a log, but will keep trying. Kashmir sites fade in later than other Indians here on long path but signals are generally weaker.
5010 AIR Thiru Nov 10 w/ woman ann at 0050 UT, short mx and man ann at 0053 fol by actuality from a man at 0054.5-0056. Sounded like a news pgm. Fading fast, typical of So. Asian long path reception here during local sunset. S2 and fading.
(Bruce W. Churchill-CA-USA, DXplorer Nov 10)
(Source: WWDXC Top News/BC-DX #834 via WB, Germany)